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Equality is a

Requirement in Oral Communication in

Grade and Section:

11, St. Albert The Great (ABM)
Kailey Gwenyth L. Lalongisip
Learning Facilitator:
Ms. Maridel Montemayor
Equality is a Myth

Equality is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects many areas society,
including but not limited to race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status,
and ability. The concept of equality refers to the idea that all individuals should have
the same rights, opportunities, and resources, and not to be discriminated against
based on their identity or circumstances. It is important to understand that some
people argue that the idea of equality is a myth, and that equality cannot be reached
as it is an utopia. In this sense, they argue that because of the differences and
complexities of human beings, true equality cannot exist.

Equality is a myth suggests that true equality does not exist in society. This
can be argued in different perspectives, including social, economic, and political. For
example, some may argue that certain groups or individuals have more privilege and
access to resources and opportunities, while others face systemic discrimination and
barriers to success. Racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination continue to be
prevalent in many societies and often intersect with one another, making it even
more difficult for marginalized groups to achieve equality. Moreover, it is important ot
acknowledge that beliefs about equality are shaped by a person’s experiences,
background, and socialization that’s why people in marginalized groups may have
different perspectives on equality as they have historically faced discrimination and
have been excluded from opportunities and resources. However, it is also important
to realize that the belief “equality is a myth” does not mean that the efforts towards
equality should not be made, rather it highlights the complexities and ongoing work
needed to achieve true equality. It is important to note that true equality requires
effort and cannot be achieved through policy alone, as it requires a fundamental
change in social attitudes and beliefs. Efforts towards achieving equality include
policies and programs that aim to address and dismantle discriminatory systems, as
well as education and awareness-raising initiatives.

It can be considered a myth in the sense that it is an ideal that is often not
fully realized in practice. Certain groups may be discriminated against based on their
different perspective which can lead to disparities in opportunities and resources.
Societal norms and institutions may also foster inequality, as for example, specific
jobs may be considered ‘masculine” or “feminine” and can be difficult to break into
those who do not conform norms. People argue that denote that equality is a myth
because human beings are too complex and different to be treated equally. They
argue that because of the differences in abilities, talents, and interests, true equality
cannot exist and may perpetuate inequality over time.

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