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Gleycelyn L.

Delos Santos
BEEd 4



What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in the
following conditions:

1. Bulletin Board Display

 In setting up bulletin board display, I will consider the topic to be display, create a
canvas of the bulletin, select/pick engaging and eyes catch images, create a title, and
gather academic information to put on bulletin board.
2. Small Group Discussion
 I would suggest to my mentor to divide the class into small groups. Small groups
activities will enrich students social and cognitive skills and helps them improve
good communication to others.
3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. google meet or zoom)
 In checking class attendance, there are many different apps/ platforms to get the
attendance of the students like Google Form. Google Form is one of the easiest ways
to track the student’s attendance during virtual class. You can send the link of the
form and gather the names of students who answer the form and it will serve as
their attendance.

Learning Environment 1:

 What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or
theme does it convey? I noticed that the display in the class bulletin boards are very
attractive, the colors and designs are appropriate to the topic and the color of wall.
It contains information like mathematical equations, grammar, vision, mission, and
values of school that may help the learners. Those bulletin boards serve to inform
students who are the cleaners, classroom officers, list of total students and many
 What makes it attractive to the learners? To make it attractive to the learners, the
colors and designs must be appropriate to the topic. It contains pictures that will
catch the attention of the learners.
 Does it help in the learning process? Yes How? It will help them to be more
creative in doing the given task. They will be more aware to what they should do
and don’t.

Learning Environment 2:

 If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is
most likely the learning space of the students? The learners are using different
platforms like Google Meet or Zoom. They most likely in their homes connected to
the internet while the other are in the place were there are connectivity and facing
to their gadgets like phones, computers and laptops.

 Can you describe? Learning at home is good, exciting, and children can learn new
skills and knowledge with the help of their parents/ guardians. However, home can
be a conducive learning environment if they have a space which serve as there own
room, comfortable and clean. It must be quiet to ensure that the learners cannot be
distracted and focus on learning and listening to the class.

 How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
As a teacher, while having a virtual meeting I will remind my students about how to
make a conducive learning environment. I will not get tired on reminding them and
provide them a leaning that they need.

The examples above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows that learners are
in the same room or space while in the second, the learners maybe in different learning spaces like
homes, study hubs or in extreme cases parks or under the trees.
As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2.
Explain your choice: Why?

 I prefer to have face-to-face learning environment because I can easily convey the lesson to
the learners even though it is time consuming. In face-to-face, learners have a chance to ask
questions anytime. It allows the learners to have a group activity, spend time to talk to their
classmates. Learners can experience various activities that will help them grow.
Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that
a. Learning environment affects the students and teachers.
b. Face-to-face learning environment is great because it allows the learners to become hands-
on with their activities while interacting with others.
c. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to provide conducive learning environment for the


What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?

 According to the two situations of the learning environment, I think the probable problem
would be how sure the teacher that his/her learners learn effectively.

What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?

 Providing different teaching strategies and techniques.

How should I do it?

 Make activities that will make them reflect and think critically .


1. Learning environment is only confined to a specific place called schools. This statement is
A. True
B. False
C. Doubtful
D. Cannot be determined

2. What kind of learning happens anytime, anyplace and anywhere?

A. Traditional Learning
B. On-line Learning
C. Hybrid Learning
D. Face-to-Face Learning
3. In which situation can learners learn with more physical presence and intervention of the
A. Face-to-Face
B. Virtual
C. On-line
D. All of the above

4. Which of the two kinds of learning environment encourages independence and self-
management of the learners? Why?
A. Face-to-Face, because there is always the presence of the teacher who will give
guidance to the learner.
B. Virtual/Online, because the learners are given time to learn on their own and
progress at their own rate.
C. Both, because they can always shift from one modality to another.
D. Face-to-face, because there is always the need of a teacher in a classroom all the

5. If on-line or virtual learning environment is not applicable, the traditional face-to-face or in

school will continue. How will you improve the physical learning environment?
A. Use tables with chairs to allow cooperative learning
B. Provide learning spaces or corners for independent study
C. Give credits to success than failures
D. A, B, and C
By: Gleycelyn L. Delos Santos

Classroom is a room field with learners willing to learn and grow. Classroom is threated as
second home of the teachers and learners. They clean and wrap all things that in mess.
As a future teacher, in order to provide my learners a conducive learning environment I
need to emphasize the following qualities: First, flexibility, I will provide tables and chairs for them
to be comfortable and motivated to learn. I will make activities that allows them to participate with
their classmates.
The second quality is openness. I will provide spaces/ reading corner for them to have a
freedom to read in their comfort. I will decorate walls with different materials that are informative
and useful for the learning of the students.
Third, access to resources, providing power point presentations, videos, books, files and
many more to easily get the information they need. It will help them to learn and develop their own
Physical classroom is the fourth quality. As a future teacher, I will make sure that the
learning environment I given to my students is clean and safe while they are learning. From the
arrangement of their chairs and tables, workspaces and designs of the rooms.
And last quality is psychological atmosphere, were the learners feel that they are all
welcome and free. Free to talk and express what they feel and thoughts about something.
Learning should be planned into creating an effective classroom environment. Encouraging
students to interact and to value each other’s ideas.

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