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There are 8 things you should never do on an empty stomach. Firsth,don’t drink tea or coffee in the
morning because that might result in heartburn and acid reflux,drinking some water is the beat way
you have to do it every morning. Second, don’t eat any citrus fruit an empty stomach that also can
make your stomach acid rise. Third,don’t consume any alchohol that will be verry dangerous for
health the example: your arteries will get bigger and that will lower your blood pleasure,you also will
lose control over your action. Fourth,if you take painkillers on an empty stomach that can cause
gastric bleeding and also reduce the effectiveness of the medication. Fifith,eat something before
workout even if it’s just bread because your body needs energy. Sixth, exercise is better done after
you have breakfast because some expert say exercising after breakfast will make muscles work
faster and burn fat faster than exercising on an empty stomach because your body also needs
sufficient energy intake to exercise in the morning. Seventh,if you work on an empty stomach you
will lose energy and it will make your focus distraced, that’s why breakfast is so important before
you start the day.and the last one is when you are going to go grocery shopping make sure you have
to go with a full stomach,otherwise not only your stomach will feel hungry but your eyes also get
hungry and that will cause you to buy high calories food. And those are some things that you should
nevet do on an empty stomach, and now that you know it make sure you relize that food is also very
important for our body but food must be also healthy food so that it not only provides energy but
can also make our body healthy

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