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Some people say that working and studying is one of the most difficult things, but for

others it can be a great opportunity to learn many things, however this will depend on

the characteristics of each person and job, and this can be better and or worse in some


One of the best pros of working and studying at the same time is that you could

become more responsible because of the need, you also learn to organize your time,

tasks, money and everything related, you also earn an extra income and at the same

time work experience increasing your contacts. But on the other hand, doing this also

has its cons which can be one of the most stressful things people could do, such as

having less energy when studying because of work, having less free time, also being

careless or lack of interest in the study and therefore decrease in the level.

In my opinion, working and studying has its benefits, but also consequences, so it

should not be one of the options to do that, but if that someone does not have the

resources to study, then they need to be supported in certain ways.

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