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Bogor, July 25, 2015

Resources Manager
Wadezig! Headquarter
Jl. Sidomukti 22 Sukaluyu

With Respect,
Based on information I received from internet on July 25, 2015, Wadezig! job opening as
Shopkeeper. With this job application letter I volunteered to join fill the position Shopkeeper that is
currently required.
Here is my brief bio:
Nama : Ahmad Juaeni
Address :
Date of Birth : Bogor, July 27, 2004
Education : SMA PGRI 1 Kota Bogor, manjoring in Social Sciences.
Phone Number : 0895622136519

For completed some of the files needed for the consideration of Mr/Mrs I attach the following
administrative paperwork that I have:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Coppy of letter
3. Coppy of diploma and academic transcripts Senior High School which has been legalized
4. Coppy of Police Notes
5. Coppy of letter of work Experience
6. Pas photo 4x6

Similarly this job application letter, I hope to be accepted in your company. Thank you for your

Best Regards,
Ahmad Juaeni

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