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Traumatic situations frequently involve a threat to one's life or safety, but any
circumstance that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and alienated can result in
trauma, even if no physical damage is involved. The subjective emotional
experience of the event, rather than the objective conditions, determines
whether an incident is traumatic. The more terrified and helpless you feel, the
more probable it is that you will be traumatized.

I experienced a lot of struggles while growing up. Some of these are just baby
problems/struggles that are simple and easy to fix. But there's this one time
that i met a very serious accident that changed my life. At a very young age, I
was exposed to different types of accidents. One of that is when I got hit by a
van which led me to a 3 weeks in coma. In that 3 weeks, I only hear voices
murmuring around me without knowing who they were. When I woke up in
that coma, I can only see blur faces and I can't really remember what
happened to me it is because I have an amnesia due to the impact of the
accident . I can't remember every single person that comes to me even my
own family. But they didn't stop and even took me to a good doctor. It was a
very challenging yet hard moment for me. Plenty of medications were given to
me for my bruises and most especially for my brain because my head has a
really bad injury. It is very hard to overcome a trauma from a traumatic
accident. It really frightens me whenever I hear noises of vehicles coming
from the street or just by simply crossing it.But thanks to my family because
they've given me all the love support that I needed and helped me to
overcome my trauma from the accident little by little.

Coping with the trauma of a natural or man-made disaster can be difficult,

even if you were not personally involved in the event. In fact, while none of us
will ever be direct victims of rape, a car accident, plane catastrophe, or any
stressful event can overload your nervous system and cause severe stress.
So this time, having faced this nightmare, all I can say is that I have
completely overcome my trauma.

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