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WilJean O.

Grade11-Humility ABM Ms. Mayen Batitis

Plan on How to Make the Family Members Firm

Posted Mar 7 Performance Task 30 pts/

Activity: Directions: Make an activity plan using the letters of your name -ACRONYM
(First name, Nick name, or Last name) that can keep and make your family relationship gentler and

Wil Jean O. Marfil

To Bring my Willingness Parents and Everyday Happy and Everyone in
Family to listen and siblings everyone is the family
Closer and understand. valued. should feel
Build a Firm empowered
Foundation Good to share good
such as: relationships news as well
as bad and
Be a good receive a
listener. loving
Show your Join Other Neighbors, During Everyone is No one lives in
appreciation Families Churchmates, with appreciated a bubble. It’s
School mates special good to
events or celebrate with
occasions. one another
Have fun Outdoor God, Parents, During Everyone is It helps
Sports and siblings Weekends appreciated solidify what
is important to
Good the family.
Support each Mission Parents, Every Read it, refer To remind
other in good Statement Siblings week to it, and talk everyone
times and in about it about family’s
bad often.  core values or
Everyone is what you love
valued. most about
each other. 
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother," which is the first
commandment with promise: "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." And you, fathers,
do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
 Ephesians 6:1-4
WilJean O. Marfil
Grade11-Humility ABM Ms. Mayen Batitis

Answer the Processing Questions

1.        What have you observed from the activity?

Answers: Its more about Plan on how to build a strong family relationship.

2.        What did you feel while doing the activity?

Answers: I feel happy and sad, happy because I understand and appreciated my value as a
human as a person and individual, also the worth of my family when I needed them from
worst or bad times and specially when I am grateful. Sad because sometimes I ignore them,
I didn’t feel and think that I am so lucky to have them all.

3.        How could this activity help build a firm relationship with your family?

Answers: Families look differently for everyone- some families have a mom, dad, and one child.
While other families may include stepsiblings, half-siblings, grandparents, aunts or uncles, or
close family friends. These activities can help strengthen bonds with those who you live with and
call family!

There are a lot of activities to strengthen family bonds such as:

 Family awards- Scheduling a weekly family awards night can help build a positive,
trusting and encouraging environment. For the awards, choose something the kids enjoy such as
stickers or favorite candy bars. On awards night, recognize each family member for three
positive accomplishments such as being kind to a sibling, taking out the garbage or acing a test.
After receiving an award, have the family speak about his accomplishments and say something
positive about other family members.

 Everyday Activities-The quality and quantity of time family members spend together is
essential to building and maintaining strong communication, according to a publication by North
Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, "Strengthening Family Relationships." Working
together at household chores or yard work opens up the lines of communication and may help
create fun, laughter and fond memories. This might not happen right away, but if you lead your
family towards more togetherness and increased communication, the children will likely adapt
and learn to enjoy the time. Additional family activities can include, but certainly aren't limited
to, going to church together, family game night and creating family traditions around birthdays
and holidays.

 Family Dates-Try planning family "dates." Enter an official family date on the calendar
where everyone can see it. The date can be anything from going to see a movie together to
spending an afternoon at the park. Explain to all the family members that everyone must keep the
"date" unless an emergency arises. Family dates help strengthen relationships within the family
not only because they give family members a chance to share activities,

but also, because they give all family members something to which they can look
forward too. If dates for the entire family are difficult to schedule, you can arrange dates
WilJean O. Marfil
Grade11-Humility ABM Ms. Mayen Batitis

on a smaller scale -- such as a date with one parent and one child, or a date with an older
and younger sibling.

 Family "Celebrities"-For this activity, the adults or older siblings in the family
can dress up as newspaper reporters, complete with a hat, badge and overcoat if available
-- and learn as much as possible about the younger children in the family who are can act
as the "celebrities." Some ideas for questions might include asking their favorite colors,
favorite foods, fears, what makes them sad or happy and how they would spend a day off
from school if they could do anything they wanted. Take notes -- and the younger
children will gain a feeling of importance from the undivided attention.

More important than the activity you chose to do with your family, is to have family night
consistently! Let your children know that it is mandatory to participate in the lesson or activity.
Let them offer feedback or ideas on what would make family night more engaging for them
depending on the age of your child. Talk openly about family values, expectations, and how
important a strong family is!

Posted Mar 7 Written Works 20 pts.

WilJean O. Marfil
Grade11-Humility ABM Ms. Mayen Batitis

Activity: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Use a separate sheet for your
-        Give the acronym of PLANS for firmer relationship.
-        Complete the Statement

Posted Mar 7 Performance Task 20 pts.

Creating a Mind Map

a mind map showing how to have a firmer and gentler relationship in your
family. To help you in creating this mind map, you may refer to the rubrics.

Firmer and Gentler Relationship

1. Respect Individuality
1.1. Give higher regard by appreciating the uniqueness of every member Respect can
be earned without comparing one with another
2. Model the behavior
2.1. setting yourself as an example that is worth following to other members
3. Give love and forgiveness
3.1. give love and accept love it is the core of relationships to make it stronger and
4. Explain expectations and consequences
4.1. Let every family member understand their responsibility consequences must be
clarified, so they will also know their accountability.
5. Learn good communication
5.1. promotes knowledge and understanding of the situation in the family. expressing
one's concerns and feelings, not blaming and condemning others.
6. Remember God
6.1. Acknowledge God as the Source, great provider, and the center of the
relationship. pleasing both to God and others.
7. Listen attentively
WilJean O. Marfil
Grade11-Humility ABM Ms. Mayen Batitis

7.1. Give your attention to the one who has concerns enables you to understand the
motives, feelings, and ideas of others deeper the understanding between each family
member, the stronger the family is.
8. Nurture trust
8.1. promotes dignity and integrity in the relationship. it challenges the person to do
better because others
9. Take time together
9.1. Spending time together helps to know each other better promote authentic and
stronger relationships
10. Pray always
10.1. Seek strength and help from God in all circumstances A family that prays
together stays stronger.
11. Accept failures
11.1. Nobody is perfect; everyone makes mistakes. gives room for learning and
improvement in your relationship.
12. Nourish each other
12.1. Nourish the family with kindness and gentleness. Stop being rude or harsh
toward each other.
Get Started. It'
WilJean O. Marfil
Grade11-Humility ABM Ms. Mayen Batitis

I love to look at the mind maps other people make. The many examples that can be found online
are amazing, boring, interesting, fun, educational and sometimes inspirational. Above all, they
are maps that can teach us to become better mind mappers and visual thinkers.
How can I strengthen my family?


Let’s Do A Mind Map Comparison There are many different maps that we had a look at. Some
are very colorful. Other only use words. There are some maps that were done in less than a
minute. Others took probably many hours to create. I believe that there is not a perfect mind
map. A map can be good right now, and useless tomorrow.

Strong families have good communication. Strong families have open lines of communication --

where all family members feel heard and respected. One of the best ways to strengthen your

family is to increase your listening skills and those of other family members. Until we can hear

“Collaboration is the real strength of MindMeister. Unlimited numbers of people can work simultaneously on
each other, w

one mind map, which results in a noticeable increase of quality in the ideas that are generated.”

What is ItFamily RelationshipsFamily relationships are meaningful relationships in life and

society. It is thebasic relationship people have in life since birth, especially of children
born in abiological family. They play a vital role in shaping and developing an individual’s well-
being throughout his/her life. Let us identify the types of family relationships and their
respective roles in the family.Types of Family Relationships1.Couple relationship–is an
intimate connection between partners as husbandand wife or tw o people living
together through the bond of marriage or by cohabitation (live-in partner).2.Parent-
child relationship- the connection between parents to the child/childreneither biological or
adopted.3.Sibling relationship- the connection between or among the brothers or sisters inthe
family.4.Extended family relationship– refers to the connection between the
nuclearfamily with other members of the family like aunts, uncles,
grandparents, cousins, and other relatives.Family Members and Their RolesIn the chart are the
different members and their respective roles in the family.Family MembersRolesCoupleTo provide
the needs of each other physically, emotionally,financially, etc.ParentsThe provider of the basic
WilJean O. Marfil
Grade11-Humility ABM Ms. Mayen Batitis

needs of the family such as food,clothes, shelter, education, safety needs, love, acceptance,
andcareChildrenMust honor and obey their parents, respect each other, help thehousehold chores,
study, etc.SiblingsOlder siblings assist in taking care of the needs of the siblings,while younger
siblings should listen and learn from themExtended membersMay extend support to the unmet
needs of the family likethe grandparents taking care of grandchildren, giving adviceto the
members of the family if necessary.What are your roles to be played in your family? As a
member of the family,how could you promote firmer/stronger and gentler relationships in
your family?

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