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In this 21 st century, due to the constant modernization people are more likely to rely on

technology than in previous decades. Thus, it is wishful opinion to learn the basics of technology as a
subject in school. Even though teenagers know the vast advantages of learning Science, they ignore
learning it. In order to persuade young learners to learn science, there is few ways to achieve this

Firstly, advertising is the most important factor in persuading young generation to study
Science. As, nowadays majority of people are tending to watch television, listen to radio and other social
medias. Thus, advertising of renowned successful scientists on social media would be a great way to talk
young generation into taking up science as an essential subject. On the other hand, this process would
take a considerable time.

Secondly, switching school learning system to a much more interesting system would be
one of ways to persuade teenagers to study science. It is truth that, todays learning system only gives
theory to the learners. Yet, not the practical use of it. Hence, it is no wonder students do not learn
science anymore. Thus, adding some practical experiments would definitely draw students` attention to
Science instantly. Moreover, holding scientific programs with the help of successful scientists would also
make youngers to study science enthusiastically, under the impression of taking the scientist as a role

However, though it is hard to choose which one is worthy, given the immense benefits of
holding school programs it is wise to consider holding school programs over advertising.

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