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Background of the Study

Sex is a common behaviour (Terrault, 2002); it encompasses every person who will engage in

sexual activities as a normal thing to do for everyone. As we view sex as a norm, it shows that 6

out of 10 people have already initiated in sexual life (Einstein, 2018). Sexual Activities have

various types that differ in the performance needed but all of them correlate to achieve the desire

pleasure of a person.

The attitude of different sexuality including homosexuals to sexual activities varies from time to

time. Past research studies show that male have higher tendencies to engage in sexual activities

more than females (Hopkins, 1977). Males are also actively engaged in sexual intercourse at a

younger age (Pryce et, al). On the other hand, research studies identified that the primary reason

of women engaging in sexual activity is associated with emotional factors; Women with

depressive symptoms reported greater desire for sexual activity alone (masturbation) than the

non-depressed women. Women engage in sexual activities in order to cope with their dilemmas

and emotional distress. (Carvalheira, A & Leal, I. 2012). It was also found out that the male

perception is more conservative than Female for the reason that Male do not find it necessary to

open information in comparison to females (Bocar, Anna C et. al). In the aspect of homosexual

people, Homosexual women are more interested to nude female sexual activities than to nude

male sexual activities (Chivers, M.L., et al). Unkowingly, Most Female bisexuals and lesbians

shows that they would also have sexual intercourse with a man but tend to like it more than a

woman. (Bailey, J., et al). For the same-sex male couples, the primary sexual phenomenon that

happens is the anal sex. It also shows that most of same-sex male couples engaged in condom

less anal sex in the reason that it can deliver more pleasure (Mitchell, J., Wu, Y., & Gamarel, K.

Causes of sexual activity engagement are very prominent to all genders. One of which is the

absence of sex education. Lacking sex orientation for students causes them to have limited

knowledge about sexual awareness. Moreover, without proper education, knowledge about the

risk factors of engaging to sexual activity, contraception and reproduction weakens (Cernada G.,

et al). Correlation to absence of sex education, without proper guidance, young people seek

knowledge through fallacious sex examples, such as, unlicensed erotic video films (WHO,

n.d).In addition, enormous peer pressure to engage in sex is one of the primary sources of

pressure for premarital sex and engagement to sexual activities. (WHO, n.d)

Risk factors of sexual activities that grave consequences are more prominent to the person who is

actively engaging and has multiple sex partners. The primary issue is about the sexual health c

from sexual activty such as; force sexual intercourse, sex intercourse in exchange for money,

having several sexual partners simultaneously, self-masturbation, heteromasturbation, vaginal

sex, oral sex, and group sex (Einstein, 2018). Sexually active adolescents are faced with

pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease problems because they are usually unprotected. Issue

such as teenage pregnancy, and abortion tend to become a major concern that early sexual

intercourse could render among higher secondary school (Adhikari N, Adhikari S. 2017).

Further, Sexually transmitted diseases and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is not the

only health problems that we can render from unsafe sex. It shows that Hepatitis C virus (HCV)

could also be transmitted to sexual contact. Similar to HIV, having multiple sexual partners are

more prone to HCV (Terrault , et al) Also, The heart rate and uptake of oxygen needed during

sexual activities are rapidly increasing above resting baseline of cardiac and metabolic variables

which can cause sudden heart attacks or any inconvenient fatigue of the body (Bohlen JG., et al).

The risk factors of active engagement on sexual activities are not only limited to physical
problems, rather it also includes unhealthy behaviour and factors of psycho-social well-being

such as; smoking, drinking of alcohol, marijuana taking, physical fighting, and bullying others.

(Kuzman M., et al). Also, premarital sex could result to unwanted pregnancies where in teenage

pregnancies triggers abortion. Premarital sex in the Philippines context from year 1193-2003 in

comparison from kenya shows that premarital sex in the Philippines among 15-24 years old is

rapidly increasing (Chiao C. 2010).

Current Researchers believe that despite of numerous study about premarital sex all over the

world, there is still the gap of setting agendas in order to create applications regarding this issue.

Also, In the Philippine context, premarital sex and Sex education is still a very sensitive issue

despite of increasing cases of teenage pregnancy, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and

population growth. The current researchers aims to successfully create movements to solve

premarital sex issue through careful orientation and sex education which are the main objective

of the present study.

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