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Things I know at age 45 that I wish I knew at 22: >>> 1. You need to start This is your only life. It's too short to keep putting off doing what you want to do. Live your life for you, not anyone else. 2. Your environment is crucial Regardless of how disciplined or motivated you are. If you're in the wrong environment you'll never get anything done. 3. Be ready to pivot Things change, plans fall through and life happens. Be ready and willing to pivot when chasing your goals according to the feedback you're getting. 4. Books are mental masturbation | love reading, | love learning. But too much reading and not enough doing is just like binge-watching Youtube. Read, apply, repeat. 5. You need to be selfish You can't pour from an empty cup. So be selfish, fill your cup first and then you can be selfless and pour into others. 6. The gym is preparation In the gym, your mind is telling you to quit the whole time. By not quitting, you're building your mental fortitude and resilience in preparation for life. 7. You can't stop learning The moment you stop learning, you stop progressing. Acquire new knowledge, learn new skills, apply, progress, repeat. 8. Not everyone wants you to win Learn to recognise those that truly want the best for you and those that don't. Cut the latter out. 9. Risk is a part of life Whether you're taking a new job, starting your own business or moving to a new country. Anything that has the potential to improve your life involves risk. Embrace it. 10. Challenge your beliefs Why do you believe something? Because your parents told you? Because the news told you? Challenge what you believe, be willing to listen to opposing opinions and always be ready to learn. 11. Money can buy happiness Money can buy you time freedom, location freedom and most importantly, the opportunity to do what actually makes you happy. 12. You need discomfort Whether it's physical discomfort in the gym or mental discomfort when chasing your goals. Embracing discomfort is the key to long- term fulfilment. 13. Failure isn't final Failure is nothing but a sign telling you which direction not to go. Stop treating it like a never-ending red light. 14. Consistency always wins Talented but not consistent? You'll fail. Hard-working but not consistent? You'll fail. So long as you have consistency - You'll win (eventually) s Double Tap If This Post Was Helpful

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