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C1 Hungry plants Specials

M 1 Look at this diagram of a ‘leaf factory’. It shows

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how a plant uses sunlight, water and carbon
dioxide to make its own food called glucose.
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Use these words to label the diagram.

water carbon dioxid

e oxygen

sunlight glucose light energy

2 Use this word equation to help you complete the sentences.

energy from sunlight
carbon dioxide + water glucose (food) + oxygen
photosynthesis in leaves

a Plants make their own . They do this in their

b The food plants make is called .
c They make gas at the same time as they
make their food.
d To make food, plants use and .
The energy to make this happen comes from .
e The process of plants making their own food is called
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2004 Catalyst 3
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM. Sheet 1 of 1

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