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What is

your favorite
occupation ?
• What is it about? The law is a set of
principles and norms generally
inspired by ideas of justice and
order, which regulate human
relations in every society and
whose observance is coercively
imposed by a public power.

• Why do you like it ? I have always

felt great empathy for wanting to
help people and knowing that with
this profession I can help those
people who do not know their
rights and who do not have a
voice. to have it makes me very

• What is it about? Accounting or

accounting is the measurement,
processing and communication of
financial and non-financial information
about economic entities such as
companies and corporations
• Why do you like it ? I like this
occupation because I have always liked
dealing with numbers and of the many
related occupations it was the one
that most caught my attention.
• What is it about? When we refer to
international business, we speak of all those
commercial transactions, whether on the
part of the government or private, that
Internacional Business involve sales, investments and the transport
of materials, which occurs between two or
more cities or states that are under the
political limits.
Software engineer
• What is it? The Software Engineer's job is to analyze, design, program, test,
and maintain computer and software systems for the purpose of solving
problems for users. ... Apply software technology to meet a specific need or
solve a particular problem.
• Why do you like? It opens many doors for you, especially in the labor field,
since technology is the future, currently everything revolves around
technology and evolves day by day, all companies need and will continue to
need someone who is an expert in software to create programs
we are the future of the
country bigger and
stronger than you think!
Reyna Valdez, Karen
Reynoso, Adrian Anibal,
Ariel de Jesus.

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