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Unit2: South Africa it’s Possible

Unity in Diversity:
Second part:
Listening activity:
Audio file: main Cities in South Africa
The document we studied is an audio file, where we picked out/
extracted cultural and historical information about South Africa.
According/ referring to the statement delivered/ provided by the speaker,
we understand that many South African cities are well known and have
a rich historical legacy/ heritage.
Pretoria: is the capital of South Africa however, however, it is not the
largest city.
Johannesburg: The financial Centre and it is also the biggest city.
Soweto: It is a big city, the most inhabited/ populated city in South Africa,
it is the known to be the back district where the resistance movement
was launched in the 1960s.
Cape Town: Well known of its beaches and it is considered by its locals/
inhabitants as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Robben Island: it is an iconic landmark and it is a must do in South
Africa, it was used as a jail/ a prison for political opposition and
Kruger National Park: a homeland for a variety of animal species, it is
also a famous place where many Safari trips are organised.
Apartheid system: (in South Africa) a policy/ system/regime of
segregation /discrimination between black and white people in South
Africa. ( black ethnicities were persecuted/oppressed)

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