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A search for IceCube events in the direction of ANITA neutrino candidates

M. G. A ARTSEN , M. ACKERMANN , 55 J. A DAMS , 16 J. A. AGUILAR , 12 M. A HLERS , 20 M. A HRENS , 46 C. A LISPACH , 26 K. A NDEEN , 37


X. BAI , 43 A. BALAGOPAL V., 29 A. BARBANO , 26 S. W. BARWICK , 28 B. BASTIAN , 55 V. BAUM , 36 S. BAUR , 12 R. BAY , 8 J. J. B EATTY , 18, 19
K.-H. B ECKER , 54 J. B ECKER T JUS , 11 S. B EN Z VI , 45 D. B ERLEY , 17 E. B ERNARDINI , 55 D. Z. B ESSON , 30 G. B INDER , 8, 9 D. B INDIG , 54
E. B LAUFUSS , 17 S. B LOT , 55 C. B OHM , 46 S. B ÖSER , 36 O. B OTNER , 53 J. B ÖTTCHER , 1 E. B OURBEAU , 20 J. B OURBEAU , 35
F. B RADASCIO , 55 J. B RAUN , 35 S. B RON , 26 J. B ROSTEAN -K AISER , 55 A. B URGMAN , 53 J. B USCHER , 1 R. S. B USSE , 38 T. C ARVER , 26
C. C HEN , 6 E. C HEUNG , 17 D. C HIRKIN , 35 S. C HOI , 48 K. C LARK , 31 L. C LASSEN , 38 A. C OLEMAN , 39 G. H. C OLLIN , 14 J. M. C ONRAD , 14
arXiv:2001.01737v2 [astro-ph.HE] 2 Apr 2020

P. C OPPIN , 13 P. C ORREA , 13 D. F. C OWEN , 51, 52 R. C ROSS , 45 P. DAVE , 6 C. D E C LERCQ , 13 J. J. D E L AUNAY , 52 H. D EMBINSKI , 39

K. D EOSKAR , 46 S. D E R IDDER , 27 P. D ESIATI , 35 K. D. DE V RIES , 13 G. DE WASSEIGE , 13 M. DE W ITH , 10 T. D E YOUNG , 22 A. D IAZ , 14
J. C. D ÍAZ -V ÉLEZ , 35 H. D UJMOVIC , 29 M. D UNKMAN , 52 E. DVORAK , 43 B. E BERHARDT , 35 T. E HRHARDT , 36 P. E LLER , 52 R. E NGEL , 29
P. A. E VENSON , 39 S. FAHEY , 35 A. R. FAZELY , 7 J. F ELDE , 17 K. F ILIMONOV , 8 C. F INLEY , 46 D. F OX , 51 A. F RANCKOWIAK , 55
E. F RIEDMAN , 17 A. F RITZ , 36 T. K. G AISSER , 39 J. G ALLAGHER , 34 E. G ANSTER , 1 S. G ARRAPPA , 55 L. G ERHARDT , 9 K. G HORBANI , 35
M. G ÜNDER , 1 M. G ÜNDÜZ , 11 C. H AACK , 1 A. H ALLGREN , 53 R. H ALLIDAY , 22 L. H ALVE , 1 F. H ALZEN , 35 K. H ANSON , 35 A. H AUNGS , 29
D. H EBECKER , 10 D. H EEREMAN , 12 P. H EIX , 1 K. H ELBING , 54 R. H ELLAUER , 17 F. H ENNINGSEN , 25 S. H ICKFORD , 54 J. H IGNIGHT , 23
G. C. H ILL , 2 K. D. H OFFMAN , 17 R. H OFFMANN , 54 T. H OINKA , 21 B. H OKANSON -FASIG , 35 K. H OSHINA , 35 F. H UANG , 52 M. H UBER , 25
T. H UBER , 29, 55 K. H ULTQVIST , 46 M. H ÜNNEFELD , 21 R. H USSAIN , 35 S. I N , 48 N. I OVINE , 12 A. I SHIHARA , 15 G. S. JAPARIDZE , 5
M. J EONG , 48 K. J ERO , 35 B. J. P. J ONES , 4 F. J ONSKE , 1 R. J OPPE , 1 D. K ANG , 29 W. K ANG , 48 A. K APPES , 38 D. K APPESSER , 36 T. K ARG , 55
M. K ARL , 25 A. K ARLE , 35 U. K ATZ , 24 M. K AUER , 35 J. L. K ELLEY , 35 A. K HEIRANDISH , 35 J. K IM , 48 T. K INTSCHER , 55 J. K IRYLUK , 47
T. K ITTLER , 24 S. R. K LEIN , 8, 9 R. KOIRALA , 39 H. KOLANOSKI , 10 L. K ÖPKE , 36 C. KOPPER , 22 S. KOPPER , 50 D. J. KOSKINEN , 20
M. KOWALSKI , 10, 55 K. K RINGS , 25 G. K RÜCKL , 36 N. K ULACZ , 23 N. K URAHASHI , 42 A. K YRIACOU , 2 J. L. L ANFRANCHI , 52
M. J. L ARSON , 17 F. L AUBER , 54 J. P. L AZAR , 35 K. L EONARD , 35 A. L ESZCZY ŃSKA , 29 M. L EUERMANN , 1 Q. R. L IU , 35 E. L OHFINK , 36
C. J. L OZANO M ARISCAL , 38 L. L U , 15 F. L UCARELLI , 26 J. L ÜNEMANN , 13 W. L USZCZAK , 35 Y. LYU , 8, 9 W. Y. M A , 55 J. M ADSEN , 44
G. M AGGI , 13 K. B. M. M AHN , 22 Y. M AKINO , 15 P. M ALLIK , 1 K. M ALLOT , 35 S. M ANCINA , 35 I. C. M ARI Ş , 12 R. M ARUYAMA , 40
K. M ASE , 15 R. M AUNU , 17 F. M C NALLY , 33 K. M EAGHER , 35 M. M EDICI , 20 A. M EDINA , 19 M. M EIER , 21 S. M EIGHEN -B ERGER , 25
G. M ERINO , 35 T. M EURES , 12 J. M ICALLEF , 22 D. M OCKLER , 12 G. M OMENTÉ , 36 T. M ONTARULI , 26 R. W. M OORE , 23 R. M ORSE , 35
M. M OULAI , 14 P. M UTH , 1 R. NAGAI , 15 U. NAUMANN , 54 G. N EER , 22 H. N IEDERHAUSEN , 25 M. U. N ISA , 22 S. C. N OWICKI , 22
D. P IELOTH , 21 E. P INAT , 12 A. P IZZUTO , 35 M. P LUM , 37 A. P ORCELLI , 27 P. B. P RICE , 8 G. T. P RZYBYLSKI , 9 C. R AAB , 12 A. R AISSI , 16
M. R AMEEZ , 20 L. R AUCH , 55 K. R AWLINS , 3 I. C. R EA , 25 R. R EIMANN , 1 B. R ELETHFORD , 42 M. R ENSCHLER , 29 G. R ENZI , 12
E. R ESCONI , 25 W. R HODE , 21 M. R ICHMAN , 42 S. ROBERTSON , 9 M. RONGEN , 1 C. ROTT , 48 T. RUHE , 21 D. RYCKBOSCH , 27
D. RYSEWYK , 22 I. S AFA , 35 S. E. S ANCHEZ H ERRERA , 22 A. S ANDROCK , 21 J. S ANDROOS , 36 M. S ANTANDER , 50 S. S ARKAR , 41
J. S CHNEIDER , 24 F. G. S CHRÖDER , 29, 39 L. S CHUMACHER , 1 S. S CLAFANI , 42 S. S EUNARINE , 44 S. S HEFALI , 1 M. S ILVA , 35 R. S NIHUR , 35
T. S TANEV , 39 R. S TEIN , 55 J. S TETTNER , 1 A. S TEUER , 36 T. S TEZELBERGER , 9 R. G. S TOKSTAD , 9 A. S TÖSSL , 15 N. L. S TROTJOHANN , 55
T. S TÜRWALD , 1 T. S TUTTARD , 20 G. W. S ULLIVAN , 17 I. TABOADA , 6 F. T ENHOLT , 11 S. T ER -A NTONYAN , 7 A. T ERLIUK , 55 S. T ILAV , 39
K. T OLLEFSON , 22 L. T OMANKOVA , 11 C. T ÖNNIS , 49 S. T OSCANO , 12 D. T OSI , 35 A. T RETTIN , 55 M. T SELENGIDOU , 24 C. F. T UNG , 6
A. T URCATI , 25 R. T URCOTTE , 29 C. F. T URLEY , 52 B. T Y , 35 E. U NGER , 53 M. A. U NLAND E LORRIETA , 38 M. U SNER , 55
M. V RAEGHE , 27 C. WALCK , 46 A. WALLACE , 2 M. WALLRAFF , 1 N. WANDKOWSKY , 35 T. B. WATSON , 4 C. W EAVER , 23 A. W EINDL , 29
M. J. W EISS , 52 J. W ELDERT , 36 C. W ENDT , 35 J. W ERTHEBACH , 35 B. J. W HELAN , 2 N. W HITEHORN , 32 K. W IEBE , 36 C. H. W IEBUSCH , 1
L. W ILLE , 35 D. R. W ILLIAMS , 50 L. W ILLS , 42 M. W OLF , 25 J. W OOD , 35 T. R. W OOD , 23 K. W OSCHNAGG , 8 G. W REDE , 24 D. L. X U , 35
X. W. X U , 7 Y. X U , 47 J. P. YANEZ , 23 G. YODH , 28 S. YOSHIDA , 15 T. Y UAN , 35 AND M. Z ÖCKLEIN 1
1 III.Physikalisches Institut, RWTH Aachen University, D-52056 Aachen, Germany
2 Department
of Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 5005, Australia
3 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alaska Anchorage, 3211 Providence Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508, USA
4 Dept. of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, 502 Yates St., Science Hall Rm 108, Box 19059, Arlington, TX 76019, USA
5 CTSPS, Clark-Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA 30314, USA
6 School of Physics and Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
7 Dept. of Physics, Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA 70813, USA

8 Dept. of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

9 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
10 Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
11 Fakultät für Physik & Astronomie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany
12 Université Libre de Bruxelles, Science Faculty CP230, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
13 Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Dienst ELEM, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
14 Dept. of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
15 Dept. of Physics and Institute for Global Prominent Research, Chiba University, Chiba 263-8522, Japan
16 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand
17 Dept. of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
18 Dept. of Astronomy, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
19 Dept. of Physics and Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
20 Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
21 Dept. of Physics, TU Dortmund University, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany
22 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
23 Dept. of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E1
24 Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany
25 Physik-department, Technische Universität München, D-85748 Garching, Germany
26 Département de physique nucléaire et corpusculaire, Université de Genève, CH-1211 Genève, Switzerland
27 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Gent, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
28 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA
29 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institut für Kernphysik, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
30 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA
31 SNOLAB, 1039 Regional Road 24, Creighton Mine 9, Lively, ON, Canada P3Y 1N2
32 Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
33 Department of Physics, Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207-0001, USA
34 Dept. of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA
35 Dept. of Physics and Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA
36 Institute of Physics, University of Mainz, Staudinger Weg 7, D-55099 Mainz, Germany
37 Department of Physics, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, 53201, USA
38 Institut für Kernphysik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, D-48149 Münster, Germany
39 Bartol Research Institute and Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA
40 Dept. of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA
41 Dept. of Physics, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK
42 Dept. of Physics, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
43 Physics Department, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD 57701, USA
44 Dept. of Physics, University of Wisconsin, River Falls, WI 54022, USA
45 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA
46 Oskar Klein Centre and Dept. of Physics, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
47 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800, USA
48 Dept. of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, Korea
49 Institute of Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, Korea
50 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA
51 Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
52 Dept. of Physics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
53 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, S-75120 Uppsala, Sweden
54 Dept. of Physics, University of Wuppertal, D-42119 Wuppertal, Germany
55 DESY, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany

(Dated: April 3, 2020)

During the first three flights of the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment, the collabo-
ration detected several neutrino candidates. Two of these candidate events were consistent with an ultra-high-
energy upgoing air shower and compatible with a tau neutrino interpretation. A third neutrino candidate event
was detected in a search for Askaryan radiation in the Antarctic ice, although it is also consistent with the back-

ground expectation. The inferred emergence angle of the first two events is in tension with IceCube and ANITA
limits on isotropic cosmogenic neutrino fluxes. Here, we test the hypothesis that these events are astrophysical
in origin, possibly caused by a point source in the reconstructed direction. Given that any ultra-high-energy
tau neutrino flux traversing Earth should be accompanied by a secondary flux in the TeV–PeV range, we search
for these secondary counterparts in seven years of IceCube data using three complementary approaches. In
the absence of any significant detection, we set upper limits on the neutrino flux from potential point sources.
We compare these limits to ANITA’s sensitivity in the same direction and show that an astrophysical explana-
tion of these anomalous events under Standard Model assumptions is severely constrained regardless of source
1. INTRODUCTION ANITA also reported two additional events, each consistent
Ever since the detection of high-energy neutrinos of cos- with an astrophysical ντ emerging from Earth (Gorham et al.
mic origin by IceCube in 2013 (Aartsen et al. 2013a), exper- 2016, 2018b). In this scenario, a ντ undergoes a charged-
iments and theoreticians alike have continued to probe the current interaction (CC) with a nucleus in Earth. The τ -
nonthermal processes in the Universe to understand their ori- lepton produced in this interaction subsequently decays in
gins. The bulk of these astrophysical neutrinos are believed the atmosphere, producing an extensive air shower (EAS).
to be created in hadronic interactions between cosmic rays The polarity of the radio signal makes it possible to identify
and ambient matter or radiation fields in the vicinity of cos- and reject downward moving cosmic-ray–induced EAS, as
mic accelerators (Gaisser et al. 1995), and their detections the radio signals of these EAS acquire a phase reversal (op-
can be used to point back to the acceleration sites. Although posite polarity) from reflection off the Antarctic ice, while an
the first evidence of a neutrino point source, the blazar TXS upgoing τ -induced EAS does not acquire this phase reversal.
0506+056, was reported in 2018 (Aartsen et al. 2018d,c), For a complete list of details of these events, see Table 1.
the overwhelming majority of the measured neutrino flux re- The interpretation of these events as extremely high en-
mains unexplained. ergy upgoing neutrinos poses many challenges under Stan-
Additionally, another population of neutrinos could exist dard Model assumptions. First, from the observation an-
at extremely high energies. Cosmogenic neutrinos are be- gles and reconstructed energies of the ANITA events, neutri-
lieved to be the result of interactions between ultra-high- nos are extremely unlikely to traverse the long chord lengths
energy (UHE) cosmic rays with the cosmic microwave back- (Gorham et al. 2016), even after accounting for the probabil-
ground (CMB) (Greisen 1966; Zatsepin & Kuzmin 1966). ity increase due to ντ regeneration. Second, if these events
This population is expected to manifest as an isotropic flux are of cosmogenic origin, they would imply fluxes that are in
at Earth, as cosmic ray primaries can travel outside the vicin- severe tension with limits set by multiple experiments (Aab
ity of their accelerators before interacting with the CMB. et al. 2015; Zas 2018; Aartsen et al. 2016a, 2018b) as well as
The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) a self-inconsistency from ANITA data alone. For an isotropic
project is a balloon experiment, designed with the primary flux of cosmogenic neutrinos, ANITA should have detected
purpose of detecting the UHE cosmogenic neutrino flux many more events at other elevation angles than those of the
(Gorham et al. 2009; Hoover et al. 2010; Gorham et al. anomalous ANITA events (AAE) as the detector differen-
2018a). Although this is the project’s primary scientific goal, tial acceptance changes with the observation angle (Romero-
the experiment is sensitive to a wide array of impulsive radio Wolf et al. 2019).
signals, and ANITA’s first three flights have resulted in a few On the other hand, if the origin of the AAE is consid-
interesting detections. In this work, we focus on three events ered to be from individual cosmic accelerators, there is no
observed by ANITA in its searches, all of which have poten- inconsistency with diffuse extremely high energy flux lim-
tial neutrino interpretations. Throughout this work, we refer its. This is especially true for accelerators with short char-
to and explore these events as “neutrino candidates.” In the acteristic timescales of emission, as many current limits on
third flight, one Askaryan neutrino candidate (AAC) event neutrino point sources are for integrated emission over var-
was simultaneously identified in one analysis searching for ious experiments’ live times (Aartsen et al. 2019a) and also
Askaryan emission (Askar’yan 1962) and was found to be as the acceptance of ANITA to a specific location in the sky
subthreshold in another. This Earth-skimming event has a changes throughout the detector’s flight. If we assume that
signal shape consistent with impulsive broadband emission ANITA detected single events of 1 EeV from a cosmic ac-
characteristic of a neutrino origin, and it also came from a lo- celerator with an E −γ emission power-law spectrum, then
cation on the continent consistent with simulated distribution one should expect also a larger flux of neutrinos at TeV–PeV
of neutrinos of all flavors (Gorham et al. 2018a). How- energies, where IceCube will be sensitive. Significant cor-
ever, the detection of one candidate event is consistent with relation between IceCube and ANITA data would not only
the background level estimates of 0.7+0.5 for these analyses. provide evidence for a neutrino point source, it would also
Table 1. Properties of the neutrino candidate events from the first three flights of ANITA, from (Gorham et al. 2018a,
2016, 2018b). The two anomalous ANITA events (AAE) are those consistent with a steeply upgoing ντ interpretation.

AAE-061228 AAE-141220 AAC-150108

Event, Flight 3985267, ANITA-I 15717147, ANITA-III 83139414, ANITA-III
Detection Channel Geomagnetic Geomagnetic Askaryan
Date, Time (UTC) 2006-12-28, 00:33:20 2014-12-20, 08:33:22.5 2015-01-08, 19:04:24.237
RA, Dec (J2000) 282◦ .14, +20◦ .33 50◦ .78, +38◦ .65 171◦ .45, +16◦ .30
Localization Uncertainty 1◦ .5 × 1◦ .5, 0◦ .0 1◦ .5 × 1◦ .5, 0◦ .0 5 .0 × 1◦ .0, +73◦ .7

Reconstructed Energy (EeV) 0.6 ± 0.4 0.56−0.20 ≥ 10
Earth Chord Length (km) 5740 ± 60 7210 ± 55 -
Sky coordinates are projections from event arrival angles at ANITA
Expressed as major and minor axis standard deviations, position angle. This angle describes the rotation of the major axis relative to
the north celestial pole turning positive into right ascension.

eliminate nonastrophysical explanations of the AAE, such ern sky. Here, Earth attenuates the majority of the atmo-
as background and systematics, or nonastrophysical models, spheric muon signal, and the background at final selection
which invoke physics beyond the Standard Model. level in the northern sky is dominated by atmospheric muon
The focus of this work is to use IceCube to investigate the neutrinos from cosmic-ray air showers (Haack & Wiebusch
hypothesis that the ANITA events were from neutrino point 2018). Poorly reconstructed atmospheric muons from the
sources, considering several neutrino emission time profiles. southern sky as well as neutrino-induced cascades are also
In section 2, we discuss the IceCube Neutrino Observatory non-negligible backgrounds in this region of the sky and are
and the event samples used for these analyses. In section 3, removed using a multivariate boosted decision tree trained
we describe the analysis techniques, and we summarize the to distinguish between neutrino-induced muon tracks, atmo-
results in section 4. In sections 5 and 6, we investigate neu- spheric muons, and cascades, which is described in (Carver
trino propagation through large Earth chord lengths to dis- 2019; Aartsen et al. 2019b).
cuss the implications of our results. For the analyses presented here, we focus on the full de-
tector configuration of 86 strings, spanning a time window
2. DATA SAMPLE from 2011 to 2018. Approximately 900,000 events from
IceCube is a cubic-kilometer neutrino detector with 5160 2532 days are analyzed.
digital optical modules (DOMs) instrumented on 86 cable
strings in the clear glacial ice at the geographic South Pole, at 3. LIKELIHOOD ANALYSES
depths between 1450 m and 2450 m (Achterberg et al. 2006; Many previous IceCube analyses searching for neutrino
Aartsen et al. 2017b). Neutrinos are detected through the point sources relied on significant spatial clustering of Ice-
Cherenkov radiation emitted by secondary particles produced Cube data alone or of significant association with known
by neutrino interactions in the surrounding ice or bedrock. populations of astrophysical objects (Aartsen et al. 2019a,
Each DOM consists of a 10-inch photomultiplier tube, on- 2016b, 2017a, 2013c; Abbasi et al. 2011; Aartsen et al.
board readout electronics, and a high-voltage board, all con- 2014b). Here, we adopt the procedure described in (Schu-
tained in a pressurized spherical glass container (Abbasi et al. macher 2019) to search for counterparts to ANITA events.
2009, 2010). Parameterization of the scattering and absorp- Namely, we perform three separate analyses to test different
tion of the glacial ice allows accurate energy and directional temporal hypotheses in the neutrino emission. Each of these
reconstruction of neutrino events (Aartsen et al. 2013b). analyses incorporates the information from the localization
The improved reconstruction techniques adopted to create of the ANITA events through a joint likelihood. The sky is
the event selection (Carver 2019; Aartsen et al. 2019b) in- divided into grid positions, xs , and at each point we maxi-
clude updates in the direction reconstruction (Ahrens et al. mize the likelihood, L, with respect to the expected number
2004; Aartsen et al. 2014a) to use information on the de- of signal events, ns , and other signal parameters contained in
posited event energy in the detector. The median angular the variable α depending on the different signal hypotheses
resolution benefits from a 10% improvement above 10 TeV tested as described in sections 3.2 and 3.3. This likelihood is
(where it is smaller than 0.60◦ ) compared to previous selec- given by
tions (Aartsen et al. 2017a).
While in the southern sky the trigger rate is dominated
by atmospheric muons from cosmic-ray air showers, all of N  
Y ns nb
the ANITA candidates have best-fit directions in the north- L=λ S(xi , xs , α) + B(xi , xs ) PA (xs ), (1)
ns + nb ns + nb

where nb is the expected number of observed background maximum likelihood and that of the null hypothesis results
events and N is the total number of observed events in the in our test statistic (TS), defined as
time window. The vector xi contains the event observables N    
such as its reconstructed energy, direction, and reconstruction X nˆs S(xi , xs ) PA (xs )
TS = −2nˆs + 2 log 1 + + 2 log , (4)
uncertainty. PA is the spatial probability distribution function nb B(xi ) PA (x0 )
(PDF) of ANITA events, which are included in Table 1. B
describes the energy and declination PDF of our background, where x0 is the reported best-fit location of the ANITA event
which is parameterized from data and is the same among all and n̂s is the value of ns that maximizes the likelihood. TS
analyses. Temporal terms in B are described in sections 3.1 is calculated for all xs , and the maximum value is reported.
and 3.2. While the signal PDF S describes the signal hypoth- For this analysis, PA is a two-dimensional Gaussian assum-
esis, the parameter λ modifies the likelihood formalism in ing the localization uncertainties reported in Table 1. As
order to take into account low-statistics problems in some of we are not motivated by a specific astrophysical class of ob-
the analyses. In general, the signal PDF, S, is defined as jects with characteristic timescales of emission, we consider
constant emission over various time windows for each of the
S = Sspace (xi , xs , σi ) · Senergy (Ei , δi , γ) · Stime . (2) ANITA events. This technique is similar to previous IceCube
searches for gamma-ray bursts and fast radio bursts (Aart-
These three terms reflect the spatial, energy, and time PDFs, sen et al. 2018a, 2015a). AAE-061228 is excluded from this
respectively, of our signal hypothesis. The spatial term, analysis because it occurred before IceCube had attained a
Sspace , expresses the probability for an event with best-fit re- full detector configuration. For AAC-150109 we consider
constructed direction xi to originate from a source at the di- three separate time windows: 10 s, 103 s, and 105 s. Dur-
rection xs , according to a two-dimensional Gaussian func- ing the event time of AAE-141220, IceCube was temporarily
tion with angular resolution σi . The energy PDF, Senergy , not collecting data, due to a run transition that had begun
describes the probability of obtaining an event with recon- approximately 0.5 seconds before the event and lasting for
structed energy Ei given a declination δi under the hypothesis about one minute. Because of this, we only investigate hy-
of an E −γ power-law energy spectrum, which helps differ- potheses of constant emission over two time windows (103 s
entiate signal from the known atmospheric backgrounds in and 105 s), where the period of time from the run transition
our event selection. The time term, Stime , describes the time is not an appreciable portion of our on-time window.
PDF of events observed from the source. While the spatial
term is shared between all analyses, the energy and temporal 3.2. Rolling
terms are unique to each individual analysis. This joint likeli- The second analysis also searches for temporal and spatial
hood procedure is carried out in three complementary search clustering of IceCube events but does not require the tempo-
strategies: prompt, rolling, and steady. ral coincidence between IceCube and ANITA events. In this
3.1. Prompt untriggered analysis (Braun et al. 2010; Aartsen et al. 2015b),
we assume a Gaussian time dependence to parameterize a
The first analysis searches for IceCube events in spatial limited duration increase in the emission of the source:
coincidence with the ANITA events in short time windows,
(t −t )
∆t, centered on each ANITA event. We call this period the 1 − 0 i
Stime = √ e 2σt2 , (5)
on-time window. This is equivalent to setting Stime equal to a 2πσ
uniform PDF in this on-time window and to zero for all times
where t0 and σt are the Gaussian mean time and Gaussian
outside this window. To help distinguish potential signals for
width of the flare, respectively. In the limit of large N, we are
time windows in which the expected number of background
free to set λ to 1, and the increase in statistics allows us to fit
events is small, we set
for γ in the range 1 ≤ γ ≤ 4 in addition to ns , as is done
(ns + nb )N −(ns +nb ) in many previous IceCube analyses (Aartsen et al. 2016b,
λ= ·e (3)
N! 2017a, 2013c; Abbasi et al. 2011; Aartsen et al. 2014b). Ad-
ditionally, we set ns + nb to be equal to the number of events,
as in (Aartsen et al. 2018a, 2015a). Due to the small statis-
N. The TS for this analysis is then
tics for short time windows, the likelihood is only maximized
with respect to ns , and the energy dependence in Senergy is L(ns = 0)
fixed to an E −2 spectrum. To account for the temperature de- TS = −2 log √ × , (6)
2π σ̂t L(nˆs , γ̂, σ̂t , tˆ0 )
pendence of atmospheric muon rates (Aartsen et al. 2013d),
we determine nb by calculating the rate of events from the where nˆs , γ̂, σ̂t , tˆ0 are the best-fit values from the likelihood
surrounding five days of data on either side of our on-time maximization and T is the total live time of the data-taking
window. Taking the logarithmic likelihood ratio between the period. The multiplicative factor in front of the likelihood

Figure 1. Sky maps (top) and TS distributions (bottom) for AAE-141220 for the prompt (left), rolling (middle), and steady (right) analyses.
Observed TS values (shown in red) are compared to distributions from time-scrambled data realizations to quantify the significance. In all sky
maps, solid (dotted) lines represent 50% (99%) containment of the reconstructed direction of the events. In the prompt analysis sky map, the
best-fit location of each IceCube event is represented with an x, and the size of the circle represents the uncertainty (50% containment) on the
event’s reconstruction, with color representing the IceCube event arrival time relative to the ANITA event. Both the sky map and TS distribution
for this analysis are for the 105 s time window. In the rolling and steady analysis sky maps, color reflects the TS values defined in sections 3.2
and 3.3 respectively.

ratio in Eq. 6 is a marginalization term to avoid undesired with best-fit values n̂s and γ̂. The PDF of ANITA events in
biases toward finding short flares, as explained in (Braun this analysis is taken to be the same as in the prompt analysis,
et al. 2010). The TS is calculated at the positions of a coarse namely, a two-dimensional Gaussian.
sky grid (1◦ × 1◦ bin widths), built at the central coordinates
of the ANITA events and covering 99.9% of the their two- 4. RESULTS
dimensional spatial PDFs, but sets PA to be a uniform distri-
bution covering this extended region. As the PDF is taken to No significant correlation is found in any of the analyses
be uniform in this analysis, there is no term in the TS that above the expectation from background. In order to calculate
is dependent on PA . The location of the maximum TS from p-values, results are compared against pseudo-experiments
the coarse search is then used as a seed to perform a further from time-scrambled data (Aartsen et al. 2015b). The most
likelihood maximization, where the direction of the source, significant observation results from the steady search for
xs , is also reconstructed. AAE-141220, with a p-value of 0.08 before trials correction.
Figure 1 displays the sky maps for the prompt, rolling,
3.3. Steady and steady analyses from left to right in the top panels for
The third and final analysis tests for spatial clustering over AAE-141220. Bottom panels of Figure 1 show the com-
seven years of IceCube data, assuming constant emission in parison of the observed TS values for each analysis, at the
the signal hypothesis, by setting Stime to be a uniform PDF position of the red lines, to their respective TS distributions
over the entire data collection period. As in the rolling anal- from pseudo-experiments using time-scrambled data. Simi-
ysis, we take λ to be 1 and fit for γ in the likelihood max- lar plots for AAE-061228 and AAC-150108 are displayed in
imization process. At all xs we calculate the redefined TS Figure 6.
In the absence of a significant signal, upper limits (90%
confidence level) for the time-integrated νµ + ν̄µ flux are set
L (xs , n̂s , γ̂)
PA (xs )
TS = 2 · log + 2 log , (7) for each ANITA event where possible using the prompt and
L (xs , ns = 0) PA (x0 )

E −2 Upper Limits (90% C.L.) All of the limits we calculate are provided in Table 2. In
the case that an upper limit fluctuates below the sensitivity,
we conservatively set the upper limit to the sensitivity value.
E 2F @ 1 TeV (GeV cm−2)

Prompt limits are placed at the specified time windows for

emission centered on the ANITA event times, whereas limits
10−1 from the steady analysis are for emission over the live time of
our data sample. This hard spectrum was chosen conserva-
tively because with the observation of EeV events by ANITA,
if the underlying spectrum is softer, then the expected num-
Prompt Sensitivity AAE-061228
10−2 Prompt Discovery Potential (3σ, 90% C.L.) AAE-141220 ber of observable neutrinos for IceCube would increase. As
Steady Upper Limit AAC-150108 the time-integrated flux sensitivity for the triggered analysis
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 begins to worsen past 105 s, upper limits for ∆t > 105 s are
∆t (seconds) only set using the time-integrated approach.

Figure 2. Sensitivity (dotted) and upper limits (arrows) (90% confi-
dence level) on the time-integrated νµ + ν̄µ flux normalization for an For many astrophysical sources, power-law spectra in pho-
E −2 source spectrum as a function of ∆t from the prompt analysis, tons are common over finite energy ranges. Additionally, dif-
compared to the upper limits (solid) from the steady analysis. The fusive shock acceleration models suggest that the neutrino
central 90% intervals of the expected neutrino energies for these spectrum, as well as gamma rays from pion decay, should
spectra are 1 TeV-1 PeV. For the prompt analysis, we also include follow a power-law spectrum, justifying the choice of test-
the discovery potential, which is the flux that results in a 3σ result,
ing power laws for corresponding neutrino spectra. However,
pre-trials, in 90% of pseudo-experiments.
for the AAE, interpolating a power law between the energy
range at which IceCube is sensitive to the best-fit ANITA
steady analyses (Figure 2). To calculate upper limits, loca-
event energies could pose a problem. For soft spectra, events
tions are sampled according to the per-event PDFs reported
detected by ANITA would suggest that many events would
by ANITA, injecting the same level of flux at each sampled
be detectable at IceCube. For hard spectra, extrapolating be-
location, and running each iteration through the full analysis
tween IceCube and ANITA would imply dramatic bolometric
procedure, which maximizes the joint likelihood at all loca-
neutrino luminosities for any point source.
tions in the sky. This allows us to place upper limits on point
However even in the case of non-power-law neutrino emis-
sources whose locations are distributed according to the per-
sion, the limits we can set on muon neutrinos in the TeV–PeV
event PDF reported by ANITA. We set these limits for an
energy range can constrain generic fluxes of incident tau neu-
assumed spectrum given by
trinos with EeV energies. As has been shown in (Safa et al.
2020), any incident flux with an EeV ντ component that tra-
dNνµ +ν̄µ  E −2
Φ(E,t) = = Φ0 , (8) verses large Earth chord lengths will result in a secondary
dE dA dt E0 flux of lower energy neutrinos, to which IceCube would be
sensitive. We use the same prescription here to analyze how
where Φ0 is a normalization constant on a point-source flux,
constraining our limits are on a generic point source flux that
which carries units of GeV−1 cm−2 s−1 . We constrain the time-
includes EeV neutrinos.
integrated muon neutrino flux, E 2 F, where
For any incident flux of neutrinos from the northern sky,
Z Φ(Eν ,t), the number of expected detected tau-neutrino–
E 2F = E 2 Φ(E,t) dt . (9) induced muon events at IceCube is given by

µ dNτ (Eτ ) Γτ →µ dNµ
dEµ dEτ dEν Φ (Eν ,t) Pτsurv (Eν ) Eτ , Eµ Aµe f f Eµ ∆T
hNIceCube i= (10)
dEτ Γtotal dEµ
 dNν 0  p 0  dNτ  Γτ →µ dNµ
+ dEµ dEτ dEν0 dEν Φ (Eν ,t) Pν Eν , Eν0 Eν0 ; Eτ Eτ ; Eµ Aµe f f Eµ ∆T ,
Eν N Eν
dEν dEτ Γtotal dEµ

where the first contribution is from emerging tau-leptons that tion. The second contribution is from the remaining ντ flux,
would decay to muons and then pass an IceCube event selec-

Table 2. Analysis results and upper limits. Upper limits (90% C.L) are on the time-integrated νµ + ν̄µ power law flux (E −2 ) from a point source
following the spatial probability distribution provided by ANITA. Limits are set assuming constant emission over a fixed time window. As the
temporal profile of emission is fit in the rolling analysis, no upper limits are placed from that analysis. Time windows for the steady and rolling
analyses are listed as the IceCube seasons analyzed, where IC86-I contains 2.88×107 s of data and IC86-II–IC86-VII contain 1.90×108 s. All
p-values are not trial-corrected for the number of searches considered.
Event Analysis Time Window p-value Upper limit (GeV · cm−2 )
Steady IC86-I - IC86-VII 0.606 0.195
AAE-061228 IC86-I 0.562 -
IC86-II - IC86-VII 0.208 -
10 s - -
Prompt 103 s 1.0 0.053
AAE-141220 105 s 1.0 0.051
Steady IC86-I - IC86-VII 0.081 0.401
IC86-I 0.342 -
IC86-II - IC86-VII 0.224 -
10 s 1.0 0.040
Prompt 103 s 1.0 0.041
AAC-150108 105 s 1.0 0.032
Steady IC86-I - IC86-VII 0.210 0.278
IC86-I 0.636 -
IC86-II - IC86-VII 0.512 -

106 Similarly, for ANITA, the number of expected events from

upgoing τ -leptons is given by

dN Eν0

Aµef f (m2)

τ 0
hNANITA i = dEν dEν Φ (Eν ,t)
dEν0 (11)


× ξacc Eν ∆T ,
where ξacc represents ANITA’s acceptance to τ -lepton air
showers, taken from (Romero-Wolf et al. 2019). Values for
105 the acceptance at angles that would require an incident neu-
2 3 4 5 6 7 trino to traverse a large column depth are set to the accep-

log ( GeV ) tance near the horizon. We take the value at an angle corre-
sponding to the maximum acceptance before absorption ef-
Figure 3. Effective area of the IceCube event selection to muons fects dominate. This removes absorption effects in the re-
from the northern sky, incident on a volume 1.5 km away from the ported acceptance, which is accounted for separately with
edge of the detector. Eµ is the muon energy incident on this volume. the code used to propagate these fluxes, TauRunner, de-
scribed in (Safa et al. 2020, 2019). We focus our analysis
the majority of which has cascaded down in energy. N p (Eν ) on the nonobservation of coincident events in IceCube at
is the number of targets effectively seen by an incident neu- ∆T = 103 s. A similar procedure can be applied to longer
trino with energy Eν . The effective area of this event selec- time windows. Qualitatively, it would result in similar lim-
tion to muons incident on the detector is displayed in Fig- its up to the lifetime of the ANITA flight. For longer emis-
ure 3. Pτsurv (Eν ) and Pν (Eν ) represent the survival probabil- sion timescales, limits from IceCube become even more con-
ity of a τ -lepton and ντ, given an incident neutrino energy, straining as the implied normalization on the ANITA flux
respectively, and Γτ →µ Γtotal represents the branching ratio would have to increase to compensate for the fraction of time
for the tau-decay to muon channel, which is approximately during which ANITA was not taking data.
18%. To make as conservative a statement as possible, we in-
ject fluxes described by delta functions in energy, Φ(Eν ,t) =
Φ0 δ(Eν − E0 ), where now the normalization carries units of
cm−2 s−1 . After propagating these mono-energetic fluxes, we

10−5 these two normalizations by approximately one more order

of magnitude than for the 103 s followup shown in Figure 5.
10−6 It is worth noting that the logic for scaling time-integrated
limits also applies to AAE-061228, even though we cannot
constrain the shorter timescales for this event. However, the
P (Eτ > E)

109 GeV
emergence angle of this event at ANITA was shallower than
1010 GeV that of AAE-141220, which increases the probability of ob-
10−8 serving such an event at ANITA by approximately one order
1011 GeV
1012 GeV of magnitude (Fox et al. 2018) for the same assumed initial
10−9 1013 GeV flux, and thus the limit on assumed long timescale emission
AAE-141220 would be about one order of magnitude less constraining than
10−10 the case of AAE-141220.
6 8 10 12 If the intrinsic spectrum were to contain contributions from
log(Eτ /GeV)
energies below 1 EeV, such as the power-law spectra tested
Figure 4. Normalized cumulative distributions for Earth-emerging in the analyses presented in Section 3, this would introduce
tau-leptons. Colors correspond to the incoming tau-neutrino energy, a component to which IceCube might be sensitive but which
and the gray band is the 95% containment on the error of the recon- could not produce events at ANITA consistent with the AAE,
structed shower energy of AAE-141220. and thus this additional component would strengthen the con-
straints displayed in Figure 5. Additionally, if the spectrum
record what fraction of the incident flux results in a de- consisted of neutrinos of energy greater than 1 EeV, the sec-
tectable signal at ANITA. We repeat this procedure for a ondary ντ spectrum would have a similar shape to that shown
variety of injected initial neutrino energies so that we can in Figure 5, as discussed in (Safa et al. 2020), and therefore
find the energy that yields the maximum probability of a τ - the limits on the flux normalization would be constant for
lepton arriving at ANITA with an energy within the quoted fluxes of higher energy, while the energy required to produce
reconstructed energy bounds. We find that the optimal flux such a flux would scale with the injected energy. For that rea-
for ANITA corresponds to an injected ντ flux with E0 = 1 son, these limits are conservative, and severely constrain any
EeV. Normalized cumulative distributions from secondary τ - incident spectrum which could produce an observable event
leptons are shown in Figure 4 for injected neutrinos at angles at ANITA consistent with the AAE.
corresponding to the best-fit reconstructed direction of AAE-
141220. 6. CONCLUSION
We next inject a flux of EeV tau neutrinos and find the
Recent detections of the AAE are considered anomalous
spectral shape of the secondary ντ flux that would be inci-
due to the small survival probability of EeV tau neutrinos
dent on IceCube. As we observed zero coincident events in
through long chord lengths. The events are known to be in-
the time window of 103 s around AAE-141220 in the prompt
consistent with a cosmogenic interpretation but could have
analysis, we calculate the maximum allowed flux normaliza-
been produced by cosmic accelerators, specifically those
tion (at 90% confidence level) on the primary flux that would
with short characteristic timescales. We show here that for
evade this nonobservation. The results are displayed in Fig-
timescales as small as 103 s, assuming AAE-141220 as orig-
ure 5.
inating from a neutrino source, limits set using IceCube data
Although IceCube’s sensitivity peaks many orders of mag-
are in tension with the point source flux required to detect
nitude below the reconstructed energies of the ANITA events,
one event at ANITA by more than four orders of magnitude.
the limits set on any potential neutrino source that created
These limits are constraining for a variety of flux models,
AAE-141220 are more constraining by several orders of
from simple power laws to any generic model that includes
magnitude than the implied flux by the ANITA observations.
a component at or above EeV energies. In addition to the
If one considers constant emission over the entire live time
anomalous events, we also find no evidence for a neutrino
of the IceCube event selection, then the time-integrated flux
source in the direction of the neutrino candidate event from a
limit set by the IceCube nonobservation of AAE-141220 be-
search for Askaryan emission during ANITA-III. As searches
comes around one order of magnitude less constraining, as
for Askaryan emission with ANITA have targeted a diffuse
is apparent in the steady limits in Figure 2. However, for
UHE cosmic neutrino flux (Gorham et al. 2018a) and not lo-
the implied normalization placed by ANITA observations,
calized point source fluxes, studies that quantify the accep-
this value would increase by approximately two orders of
tance of the ANITA detector (Cremonesi et al. 2019) focus
magnitude, due to the limited live time of the ANITA flight.
on diffuse acceptances and not effective areas for neutrino
This has the overall effect of increasing the tension between
fluxes from fixed locations in the sky. For this reason, we do

1010 Secondary ντ flux

Eν Φ0∆T : IceCube 90% UL (ντ )
Eν Φ0∆T : ANITA Event (ντ )

Eν2Φν ∆T (GeV cm−2)

106 Prompt Followup 90% UL (νµ)





103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010

Eν (GeV)

Figure 5. Upper limits (90% C.L.) placed by calculating the secondary neutrino flux (purple histogram) from an incident flux of EeV neutrinos
assuming constant emission over 103 s and comparing to the nonobservation of IceCube events in the prompt analysis described
R in Sect. 3.1
for AAE-141220. The flux implied by the ANITA observations (black), represented in this figure as Eν Φ0 ∆T = Eν ∆T Φ(Eν ,t) dEν , using
information about ANITA’s acceptance (Romero-Wolf et al. 2019) overshoots this upper limit (purple arrow) by many orders of magnitude. For
comparison, upper limits on the time-integrated muon-neutrino flux from the prompt analysis are shown in blue. All fluxes are per flavor ν + ν̄.

not provide a comparison between the limits we set here and ter scenarios that are tuned to prevent signatures in IceCube
potential implications for point source fluxes based on the ob- (Hooper et al. 2019), can be constrained by this nonobserva-
servation of the AAC. With knowledge of the effective area tion at IceCube. Dedicated tests to quantify these constraints
of ANITA in the direction of the AAC, and assuming that any are beyond the scope of this work and may be the focus of
astrophysical flux was roughly equal in flavor upon reaching a future study. In addition to explanations that point to new
Earth, the same secondary ντ analysis could be performed physics, it has recently been suggested that the AAE could
for the AAC. However, constraints from such a search would be explained by downgoing CR-induced EAS that reflected
be considerably weaker than those for the AAE, as the AAC off of subsurface features in the Antarctic ice (Shoemaker
was Earth-skimming, and thus a greater fraction of any high- et al. 2019). Another possible explanation could be coher-
energy incident flux would be able to reach the ANITA de- ent transition radiation from the geomagnetically induced air
tector prior to interacting deep within Earth. Therefore, this shower current, which could mimic an upgoing air shower
method of using secondary ντ fluxes from UHE neutrinos in (de Vries & Prohira 2019; Motloch et al. 2017). Explaining
IceCube could be beneficial for future correlation searches these anomalous events with systematic effects or confirming
with radio detectors and future Cherenkov detectors such as the need for new physics requires a deeper understanding of
POEMMA (Venters et al. 2019). ANITA’s detection volume. Efforts such as the HiCal radio
These new limits, in conjunction with the inconsistency of frequency pulser, which has flown alongside ANITA in the
isotropic flux interpretations, leave no room for an astrophys- last two flights (Prohira et al. 2018), are already underway to
ical interpretation of the AAE in the context of the Standard try to characterize the various properties of the Antarctic ice
Model for time windows as short as 103 s. However, it has surface.
been shown that these events can be explained using physics
beyond the Standard Model, as many models suggest that
the AAE lend support for axionic dark matter, sterile neutri- The IceCube Collaboration acknowledges the significant
nos, supersymmetry, or heavy dark matter (Cherry & Shoe- contributions to this manuscript from Anastasia Barbano,
maker 2019; Anchordoqui et al. 2018; Huang 2018; Dudas Alex Pizzuto, and Ibrahim Safa. The authors gratefully ac-
et al. 2018; Connolly et al. 2018; Fox et al. 2018; Collins knowledge the support from the following agencies and insti-
et al. 2019; Esteban et al. 2019; Heurtier et al. 2019b,a; Ab- tutions: USA – U.S. National Science Foundation-Office of
dullah et al. 2019; Anchordoqui & Antoniadis 2019; Borah Polar Programs, U.S. National Science Foundation-Physics
et al. 2019; Chipman et al. 2019; Cline et al. 2019; Esmaili & Division, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, Center
Farzan 2019; Hooper et al. 2019; Chauhan & Mohanty 2019). for High Throughput Computing (CHTC) at the Univer-
Many of these models, excluding the axionic dark matter sity of Wisconsin–Madison, Open Science Grid (OSG),
explanation (Esteban et al. 2019) or those heavy dark mat- Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment
(XSEDE), U.S. Department of Energy-National Energy Re-

search Scientific Computing Center, the particle astrophysics Secretariat, Swedish National Infrastructure for Comput-
research computing center at the University of Maryland, ing (SNIC), and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation;
Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research at Michigan State Uni- Australia – Australian Research Council; Canada – Natu-
versity, and the astroparticle physics computational facility ral Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada,
at Marquette University; Belgium – Funds for Scientific Calcul Québec, Compute Ontario, Canada Foundation for
Research (FRS-FNRS and FWO), FWO Odysseus and Big Innovation, WestGrid, and Compute Canada; Denmark – Vil-
Science programmes, and Belgian Federal Science Policy lum Fonden, Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF),
Office (Belspo); Germany – Bundesministerium für Bildung Carlsberg Foundation; New Zealand – Marsden Fund; Japan
und Forschung (BMBF), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Insti-
(DFG), Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics (HAP), tute for Global Prominent Research (IGPR) of Chiba Univer-
Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Associa- sity; Korea – National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF);
tion, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), and High Switzerland – Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF);
Performance Computing cluster of the RWTH Aachen; Swe- United Kingdom – Department of Physics, University of
den – Swedish Research Council, Swedish Polar Research Oxford.

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Figure 6. (Top two rows) Skymaps and TS distributions from all three analyses for AAC-150108. For AAE-061228, IceCube was not in a
full detector configuration at the time of the event, and thus only the steady and rolling analyses were used to search for neutrino emission.
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