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The potential for economic growth in North Korea- A Pyongyang spring in the making

North Korea is embracing the internet. Certainly, in calculated steps, the North Korean leadership is going about its own version of perestroika and glasnost. Perhaps the planned leadership succession with Kim Jong Un, perceived as progressive, succeeding his father is a blessing for the North Koreans.and the world. Washingtons current attitude towards North Korea is hostile. Perhaps this is not the wisest strategy. India, famous for being a leader in the field of IT apparently assists in training North Korean IT programmers. Perhaps the US should learn from the worlds largest democracys more amenable approach to the a country perceived as more of the most isolationist communist regimes. Washington (and the western world) needs medicate its paranoia about Pyongyangs military or nuclear ambitions. The horse has already bolted and its no point crying over spilt milk. The North Koreans already have nuclear weapons, despite Washingtons best efforts to prevent it. Lets get over it and move on.

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Watch I Need Romance Episode 15 (Korean Drama) Free Online Stream Watch Hooray for Love Episode Six (Korean Drama) Free Online Streaming Beijing is Pyongyangs main trading partner. Is that an optimal state of affairs ? Cant other countries with trade imbalances..I can think of quite a fewbe significant trading partners too. Isnt it clear that if the US and Pyongyang have strong trade ties, Nuclear weapons , past present and future are not likely to be targeted at the US. Japan was a wartime enemy of the US. Today, they are more or less allies. Would it not be possible to envisage a world where the US and North Korea become allies ? China is an example of a communist state prospering economically. North Korea is capable of such greatness and the world stands to benefit. A change in regime is only optional and should be the sole business of the North Koreans. Regardless, economic prosperity will improve the lives of people in North Korea, just like in China. The world is in a mess economically. North Korea is a land free of terrorists. It has the capacity to be a global producer and a global consumer. The negatives about North Korea are well known. Lets consider its positives and potentials : North Korea shares borders with China and Russia. A North Korea friendly with the US may have geopolitical advantages for America. Industries in North Korea include military products (of course), but mining and metallurgy as well-as luck would have it, North Korea has significant reserves of the all important Rare earth metals-a resource that in years to come can only have greater strategic and political importance. In a world starved of energy resources, it is not unhelpful that North Korea has significant coal reserves.a lot more than South Korea. I suspect that if these coal reserves were very significant and if they had vast crude oil reserves, they would never have been labelled as part of an axis of evil or as outposts of tyranny. Many of its other industries, including tourism, mobile phone, telecoms and internet services, have tremendous potential for development-yet more areas that the developed world can assist in developing. North Koreans enjoy a very high literacy rate.a fundamental quality for the development of a nation.

Finally, a unified Korea can in the long run only be a good thing, the world should try to facilitate this..benevolently. BRIC is a well known acronym that describes Brazil, Russia, India and China, in reference to the emerging economies. The addition of Korea, makes that BRICK- happily , a building block, a very good omen indeed. May the Pyongyang spring be the peaceful blossoming of a people who have been disadvantaged for so long.

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