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Milena: La naturaleza de Risto Mejide. (The nature of Risto Mejide.)

In this headline we can observe a biplanar character since there is
signification when we relate a present experience to an absent one.
They are two planes, meaning that, as long as we do not have the
relationship between the signifiers (which are risto's comment and
the mentions of Ana Obregon and Cristina Pedroche's lives) we do
not assimilate the terms.
In this news we can see the clear intention of the journalist against
risto calling for sensationalism.
In the headline, there ir a person reference is used when referring to
Risto's nature. With this he tries to attract the attention of the
possible readers, he makes them interested in what is Risto's
nature, is it good or bad?
We can also find a clear violation of the maxim of relationship since
the journalist is expressing his own opinion on the subject.
The text is full of verbs with expressive intention as they show the
journalist's emotions and also declarative, with which he exposes
what is said by those affected.

Risto Mejide ¿Es soberbio o es tonto? (Risto Mejide, is he

arrogant or is he stupid?

Mejide en mitad de la polémica con Ana Obregon. (Mejide in

the middle of the controversy with Ana Obregon.) CLICHE

Miki Nadal asesta el mayor palo de su vida a Risto Mejide: “Eso

es un dato objetivo”. (Miki Nadal delivers the biggest blow of his
life to Risto Mejide: "That's an objective fact".) METAPHOR,

Ana Obregón carga contra Risto Mejide tras su desafortunado

comentario en las campanadas “No todo vale” (Ana Obregón
charges against Risto Mejide after his unfortunate comment on
the chimes "Not everything goes".) ALLITERATION

Milena: Exigen el despido fulminante de Risto Mejide. (They are

demanding the immediate dismissal of Risto Mejide.) CLICHE
In this headline we can observe an interpreting character,
where to take into account the meaning of the headline, we
must take into account what happened and from there it leads
us to reason and deduce the possible arguments.
The journalist uses a directive speech act "demand", where he
simply states in a generic way a proposed action, without
putting his opinion, which makes this headline have a direct
style, where he interprets other people's statements.
We can also observe conventional meaning where we can see
how the journalist expresses a message without expressing it
explicitly. The conventional meaning we see are: Maxim of
quality, he does not say anything that can be considered false;
maxim of mode, he uses a clear and brief headline..

Milena: Risto Mejide se burló de la muerte de un familiar en OT

(Risto Mejide mocked the death of a family member in OT)

This headline has a psychic character, in which the readers

themselves are the ones who have to find the meaning of the
We can also find deictics that guide the reader to think what
the journalist wants. The deictic of person "a relative" is used
in which, by not mentioning who he is talking about, he uses it
to arouse the reader's intrigue.
The journalist uses an expressive speech act "he mocked"
where he is conveying his point of view on the subject and
makes the headline have a direct style, since by adding that,
he is manipulating the reader's perception.
Therefore, we can see a violation of the conventional meaning
of relation and mode as he makes an irrelevant and
ambiguous comment.

Risto vs ana y cristina

Risto: A media personality of television that sometimes with his

comments does not think about what may be provoking, staying
in the character he created several years ago, even so, he
defends his actions, he did not do it to bad or to criticize these
people, his intention was "innocent", more an attack on those
media companies that take advantage of the misfortunes of
others to sell.

Ana Obregón and Cristina Pedroche: They are public figures

whose comments, like Risto's, end up having a lot of
repercussion in the media world. It was believed that Pedroche
was going to announce her pregnancy during the chimes and
Obregón had just experienced close deaths, two topics that were
going to provoke a lot of audience. So Risto's comment was a
hint towards these girls criticizing television and these two for
wanting to give audience in this way, although it was not their
real intention. However, it was an unfortunate comment that
managed to give the opposite effect: more audience than there
was going to be in the beginning. Risto is often criticized for
making cold comments without thinking about how it might
affect the other person.

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