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English 4

Learning evidence 3
Nombre: Gabriel García Garza
Matricula: 18139
Fecha: 20/11/2022

I. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

1. Why don't you phone Katie now? She… yet.

a. Can’t have left
b. Must have left
c. Might have left

2. Take some sun-block and wear a hat, as it… get very hot in the middle of the day.
a. Must
b. Can
c. Could have

3. There's no point waiting here any longer. We… go and have something to eat.
a. Can hardly
b. Are bound to
c. Might as well

4. Lucky you managed to hang on to that tree. You… down the cliff.
a. Could have fallen
b. Must have fallen
c. May have fallen

5.'What am I going to do about a present for Carol?' 'You… some flowers.'

a. Might have sent her
b. Must have sent her
c. Could always send her

6. I don't know what time I'll be home. I… be quite late, I'm afraid.
a. Must
b. Can
c. May

7. Don't worry about your driving test. You… pass.

a. May
b. Must
c. Are bound to

8. There's no sign of the dog anywhere. Someone… it out.

a. Is bound to have let
b. must have let
c. can let

9. Why don't you ask Nick about it? He… know the answer, I suppose.
a. Can
b. May as well
c. might

10. There must be some kind of technical problem. The film… by now.
a. should have started
b. must have started
c. might have started

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