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Interview Guide for the students of SBK and UOB

Section 1: Background information

May I know something about you?

1. Your age
2. Your ethnicity
3. Your level of education
4. Your native language
5. How many languages can you speak
6. How many languages do you understand
7. Which language are you comfortable in and why?
8. What is the mode of language in your class?

Section 2: Probing Questions

Content Management

1. How many students are there in your class?

2. Do you face challenges learning in huge class strength? Can you explain some?
3. How do you cover the content of your course while learning in a huge class? What are
the difficulties in this regard?
4. What are the impacts of being ELF learner on your studies?

Stress Management

1. How does it feel being an ElF learner in a huge class? Do you feel satisfied?
2. Do you feel stressful regarding your grades?
3. How do you take the pressure of completion in the class among students?
4. Does it feel hard to focus on the lecturers and towards your instructors?
5. Being influent in English Language ever made you feel embraced in the class?

Environmental Aspects

1. How do you observe your class environment is? Is it under control and disciplined?
2. Do you find enough space and seating in your class?
3. Your classroom is sophisticated or there is proper air ventilation?
4. Class environment is noisy and distracting? or clam?
5. How do you feel being in a huge class rooms? Enjoyable or mismanaged

Social Aspects
1. How much you are socially enacted with your instructors and fellows?
2. How do you communicate to you instructor?
3. How often do you take part in class participation?
4. Are your class fellows helpful to each other?
5. Do you feel relax and happy during lectures? Or do you feel tired and burdened?
6. Is it possible for you instructors to appreciate your work?

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