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2/8/2019 (6) ONLY MRCP MCQ

Hisham Alshamekh shared a link.

1 hr
My experience for MRCP part I diet 01/2019
First of all, ALHMDULILLAH , thanks to allah i passed it from first time
I am a cardiologist , it was so difficult for me to study other branches like neurology and hematology for example
but i read the previous experiences of previous doctors and the basic concept is that you are studying internal
medicine of MRCP not internal medicine in general.
Part I is the easiest part , but is is not that easy as it is your entrance to the long exhausting way for MRCP
I have a vey busy duty , and i tried to focus as much as i can on the important topcis
now i will move to what did i do:
1- online subscription to passmedicine is a must for my opinion specially for busy doctors like me it is very
interactive and will give you an idea about your performance and its progress , it is not expensive and also i had a
good luck that my diet contained alot of passmedicine
2-i read the pass medicine notes for each speciality , then i started to solve every branch MCQs
3- i finished passmedicine almost 3 times with some branches from pastest like (pharmacology which is a must to
do it from pastest)
( dermatology , opthalmology , psychiatry) these are small branches but are extremely important in the exam
as i had very short time i choosed to solve pastest for these branches only but i recommend that you go with
pastest as well for all branches and offline version is more than enough
4-PLEASE MAKE YOUR NOTES , this is the most important thing you have to do , do your own notes with tricky
and importnat subjects and these notes will help you so much during last days before exam
5-PASTEST PAST PAPERS: i studied it like passmedicine to compensate my defect in doing only passmedicine
alone and you have to solve and study them all and making your own notes as well
it took from me about 3 months to do these steps
i was disappointed most of the time because i wanted to focus more , do pastest also but i didnt have much time
and i took the risk but to be safe and easy to pass you have to do both passmedicine 3 times at least with past
test and pastpapers twice you will pass so easily
i hope i gave my experience in clear words
thank you all and REMEMBER YOU CAN NAIL IT!!4EoVxSrY!nCXsqE41xKuLYPxh90yVeg
I added a link for full pastest site 2017 including videos and pastpapers 1/1

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