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Popular Article Vol-1 Issue-3 Das and Bhartia (2020)

Genetically Modified Foods (GMF)

“A new concept to the Food World”
Sagarika Das1 and Sourabh Bhartia2
Department of Food Engineering & Technology, Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar,
783370, Assam, India.
Department of Food Processing & Technology, University Teaching Department - Atal Bihari
Vajpayee University, Bilaspur, 495001, Chhattisgarh, India.

Corresponding Author
Sagarika Das


Allergy, Biotechnology, Genetically modified organisms (GMO), Genetically modified foods (GM-
food), Genetic manipulation, Disease resistance
How to cite this article:

Das, S. and Bhartia, S. 2020. Genetically Modified Foods (GMF) “A new concept to the Food World”.
Vigyan Varta 1(3): 41-44.

Food availability has been affected by growing global population and agricultural yields have
been poor due to unfavourable environmental conditions (climate change) and pests. Genetic
engineering has presented a promising solution for increased food production through the
invention of modified seeds (crops) that are resistant to drought and pests. The cultivation of
genetically modified (GM) crops on millions of hectares of lands and their injection into our
food chain is a huge global genetic experiment involving all living beings. Considering the fast
pace of new advances in production of genetically modified crops, consumers, farmers, and
policymakers worldwide are challenged to reach a consensus on a clear vision for the future of
world food supply. Although genetically modified food crops have been portrayed as a saviour
from starvation by a population, some individuals are of the opinion that genetically modified
foods are not to be trusted. Several harmful attributes have been tagged on genetically
modified foods and they include, tendency to boost antibiotics resistance, alterations of the
natural quality of food, toxic tendency, and allergenic tendency.

INTRODUCTION foreign genes inserted into their genetic codes.

GMOs have had specific changes introduced

enetically modified foods (GM Foods/ into their DNA by genetic engineering
Biotech Foods) are foods derived from techniques. Genes everyday by natural
genetically modified organisms mutation and recombination, creating new
(GMO), Specifically, Genetically Modified biological variations. Humans have been
Crops. Genetically Modified foods have had exploiting this for centuries, shuffling genes in

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Popular Article Vol-1 Issue-3 Das and Bhartia (2020)

increasingly systematic ways and using Health Organization and the Food and
extensive crossing and artificial selection to Agriculture Organization. Codex provides the
create many combinations they would never principles and guidelines used in assessing the
otherwise have occurred. safety of food derived from recombinant DNA
plants and permits governments and food
Potential benefits of Genetically Engineered
regulators the privilege to use these guidelines
Food include: -
in developing their regulatory mechanisms. The
attributes of Codex towards genetically
1. More nutritious food
modified foods have been perceived by Ethical
2. Tastier Food
consumers as heavily influenced by highly
3. Disease and drought-resistant plants
placed industries in the food, agricultural and
require fewer environmental resources
pharmaceutical sectors.
(water, fertilizer, etc.)
4. Decrease use of pesticides
5. Increase supply of food with reduced cost
and longer shelf-life
6. Faster growing plants and animals
7. Food with more desirable traits such as
potatoes that absorb less fat when fried
8. Medicinal foods that could be used as
vaccines or other medications.

Regulations for GM foods

The regulation of genetic engineering concerns

the approaches taken by governments to access
and manage the risk associated with the use of
genetic engineering technology and the
development and release of genetically
modified organisms (GMO). There are
differences in the regulation of GMOs between
countries. Regulation varies in each country
depending on the intended use of the products
of genetic engineering. For example, A crop not
intended for food use is generally not reviewed
by authorities responsible for food safety, wild
GM crops intended for use in human or animal
food are reviewed by such authorities.
Additionally, reviews governed the importation Canadian Food Inspection Agency: The
of GM commodities, as well as food needs guidelines were drawn from a consensus made
using GM commodities. from 3 consultations, since 1993:

Opinions of food regulators 1. Genetically engineered food will require

mandatory labelling if there is a health or
Codex stands on genetically modified foods: safety concern, I.e. from an allergen or a
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is an significant nutrient composition change, to
International organization responsible for the inform consumers of the
control of global food trade. They are made of allergens/changes.
other organizations which includes: The World

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Popular Article Vol-1 Issue-3 Das and Bhartia (2020)

2. Producers should ensure labelling is in general, and about the consolidation of

understandable, truthful, and not control of the food supply in companies that
misleading. make and sell GMOs especially in the
3. Voluntary positive/negative labelling will developing world. Some are concerned that GM
be permitted on the condition that the Technology tampers too deeply with nature.
claim is not misleading or deceptive and
the claim itself is factual. Opinion concerning food genetic
Common GM food available in the market
1.Arguments against food genetic
Some estimates as many as 30,000 different modification: GM-food products have been
products on grocery store self are “modified.” feared for several reasons. Some of which
That is largely because many processed foods include, tendency to cause an antibiotic
contain soy. resistance, alteration of natural food nutrient,
tendency to cause foot toxicity and tendency to
Some of them are, cause allergic reactions.

Rapeseeds, Honey, Cotton, Rice, Soybean, 2. Antibiotic resistance: Marker genes enable
Sugarcane, Tomatoes, Corn, Sweetcorn, genetic engineers know when genetic materials
Potatoes, Papaya, Cottonseed oil, Tobacco, have been successfully transferred to a host
Meat, Peas, Vegetable oil, Sugar beets, Dairy plant or animal. The use of antibiotics resistant
products, Vitamins, etc. markers has been criticized for their ability to
transfer resistant traits to discuss causing
Controversy bacteria making them more virulent. It is feared
that resistant traits can be transferred to the
The key areas of controversy related two
bacteria in the human gut and this might boost
genetically modified (GM) food related to GM
their ability to withstand antibiotics treatment.
Foods are risk of harm from GM Foods,
whether GM Food should be labelled, the role 3. Tendency to cause food toxicity: Claims
of government regulators, the effect of GM have been made by some studies that
crops on the environment, the impact of GM genetically modified foods may have hepatic,
crops for farmers, including farmers in pancreatic, renal and reproductive effects on
developing countries, the role of GM crops in humans although these claims have been
feeding the growing world population, and GM labelled as scientifically meaningless by
crops as part of the industrial agriculture industries and food regulators.
4. Tendency to cause food toxicity: Allergens
Advocacy group such as Greenpeace & World can easily be transferred from one food material
Wild-life Fund have concerns that risks of GM to another through gene modification. These are
Food has not been adequately identified and also possibilities of creating new allergens that
managed and have questioned the objectivity of can cause new allergic reactions if genes and
regulatory authorities. Opponents of food traits are forcefully combined.
derived from GMOs are concerned about the
safety of the food itself and wish it banned, or Arguments supporting food genetic
at least labelled. They have concerns about the modification
objectivity of regulators and rigor of the
regulatory process, about contamination of the Some individuals have been supportive of food
non-GM Food supply, about effects of GMOs genetic engineering for several reasons.
on the environment, about industrial agriculture According to them, genetic engineering has

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Popular Article Vol-1 Issue-3 Das and Bhartia (2020)

been able to achieve the following: increased CONCLUSION

food availability, improved self-life of food
improved nutritional quality of food and Genetically modified foods have not been
biological defence against diseases and pests in scientifically proven to cause health
plants. complications in humans. Even though several
literatures have stated scientific reasons why
1. Increased food availability: One of the genetically modified foods may be harmful,
reasons for the failure of agriculture and there is either few or no known documented
shortage in food supply in many parts of the cases of harmful effects of genetically modified
foods to humans. The strength of genetic
world is pest control. The cultivation of
manipulation should not be underestimated,
resistant crops will help the problems that
cause the long-term effects of genetically
results to low yield and consequently amount to modified foods on humans will be an
increased availability of food. interesting area of research focus.
2. Improved shelf-life: Fruits and vegetables REFERENCE
can be manipulated by genetic engineering to
last longer. The application of genetic Girija, K and Radha, R.2013. Awareness of
engineering has helped to avert massive food Health Impacts of Genetically Modified
wastage and expand trade opportunities. Foods in India. Advanced Biotech
12(07): 27.
3. Improved nutritional quality: The
problems of malnutrition in developing
countries have been dealt with through the help codexalimentarius/sh-
of genetically modified Foods. Vitamin A proxy/en/?lnk=1&url=https%253A%25
deficiency is a common disease in developing
countries. A brand for genetically modified rice %252Fcodex%252FMeetings%252FCX
known as “Golden Rice” have been developed -701-
to provide the required amount of vitamin A to 40%252FINF%2Bpapers%252Fif40_12
the body, which provides 50 percent of the e_FAO_GM.pdf
world's plant derived energy to our body.
4. Biological defence: Farmers have benefited
from seeds modified to withstand genetically-engineered-food/4-food-
environmental factors that limit crop safety-labelling.htm
productivity. Genetic engineers have created
crops that can withstand droughts, resist genetic-engineering/
pesticides and herbicides.

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