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If I need to choose my favourite film I would select Jurassic Park, because has a special mix
between really special effects and a good story.

In this film a paleontological scientist try to clone the plenty of species of dinosaurs using the
mosquito’s blood. After that, he wants to inaugurate a dinosaur park that can be visit it by rich
people. However, dinosaurs break the jails and scape to the totally open island.

The film is very realistic because the scientist base is correct in accordance with the last
paleontological researches. Futher, the reconstruction of the body of dinosaurs and pterosaurs
had been created using the found fossils.

In the other hand, this films needs a highly special effects for do it more interesting with
frightened and stressed scenes. All the saga, is based in the same, science and special effects.

Tacking everything into consideration, this kind of films needs to put a lot of special effects
scenes, and people can learn about the history of dinosaurs, so every cloud has a silver lining!

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