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Name: Rizal Rifkiyanto (19381031189)

Class: TBI-D

“ My Sibling “
Hi… My name is Rizal Rifkiyanto, here I will tell you about my sibling with my brother Moh.
Mukti Andiyanto. We were born in the city of Pamekasan from the same father and mother, my
brother is now 24 years old while I am still 21 years old. When I was little my brother and I liked
to ride bikes together, but when we grow up like now we have never played together again and
are busy with our respective careers. I am still a student at IAIN Madura University, while my
brother graduated from the Bachelor of Laws at Trunojoyo Madura University and currently
works as a cigarette salesperson at PT HM SAMPOERNA Tbk. My brother and I have different
characters and hobbies, my brother has high emotionality and my brother likes playing football
or futsal, while I am more quiet and I like to play volleyball. I think that's just my sibling with
my brother, more or less I'm sorry. Thank you!

1. My brother and I were born in the city of Pamekasan from the same father and mother
“similar” My brother is 24 years old and I am 21 years old. (Compared)
2. "both" I am still studying at IAIN Madura University, while my brother graduated from
the Bachelor of Laws at Trunojoyo University Madura and now works as a cigarette
salesperson. (Contrasted)
3. My brother has a high emotional nature "the other hand" I have a quiet nature.
4. My brother likes to play soccer or futsal "while" I like to play volleyball. (Contrasted)

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