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Day I0

Title: The richman and Lazarus:

Time and Date: II/I7/2022
This parable is both a jab at the religious leaders and hope for those oppressed. The meaning of the rich man and Lazarus is a warning to
those that aren’t paying any attention to the needs of others. That attitude has no place in God's kingdom. Until they repent and change
their ways, they live in a place of self-torment.

Day II

Title:: The Faithful and Unfaithful Servant

Time and Date: II/I8/2022
Jesus is instructing his followers that our deeds show what we truly believe. While individuals who defy God will suffer the consequences,
their actions will reveal them to be disloyal and hypocrites.

Day I2

Title: The Parable of the Talents

Time and Date: II/I9/2022
The Parable of the Talents has much to teach us about our relationship with God and our obligation to use the talents and resources He
has given us. This parable demonstrates to us the generosity of our God in entrusting His treasures to us. He desires that we serve and love
others by using the gifts He has given us. He is pleased and will bless us with much more when we are faithful with what He has given to us.

Day I3

Title: The Good Samaritan

Time and Date: II/20/2022
Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment of all, and his response was, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind and with all your power." The moral of the Good Samaritan story is pretty straightforward: "Love your
neighbor as yourself."

Day I4

Title: The price of a pearl

Time and Date: II/2I/2022
We are the pearl, and Jesus is the merchant. Jesus gave everything he had, even his life, to save us from sin, just as the merchant spent
everything he had to buy the pearl of great price. The curious thing is that the merchant stopped searching for additional lovely pearls
after he discovered the one.
God pursues us in a similar way, with an unending love. He is just interested in saving us from the debt of sin. He does that even though he
knows it will cost him everything because, in his eyes, we are worth everything.

Day I5
Title: The Parable of Fisherman
Time and Date: II/22/2022
The fishing net allegory refers to Christ's Judgment Seat at the end of time. The harvest of both good and bad fish is compared in this
parable to the time at the end of the age when all people will come together. The disciples of Satan will be expelled, while the Righteous will
be brought to God.

Day I6
Title: The Parable of the Goat and the Sheep
Time and Date: II/23/2022
The judgment day is the subject of this story. The goats are symbolic of people who choose not to follow Jesus, whilst the sheep are
representative of those who do.

Day I7
Title: Matthew I6:I8
Time and Date:II/24/2022
Roman Catholics cite this passage by Jesus as proof that Peter was the first person to occupy a particular office in the earthly church. They
hold that Peter was the first pope and that Jesus granted him dominion over the other disciples as well as all other believers at this time.
Day I8
Title: I am African child
Time and Date:II/25/2022
The poem was written to foster a positive image of an I am African child in order to help the children of Africa to a positive image of
African heritage and their identity.

Day I9
Title:Kafka on the Shore
Time and Date:II/26/2022
Crow is a boy who Haruki Murakami utilized as a more rational and experienced Kafka in his book Kafka on the Shore. He provided
direction and support for Kafka's trip. Crow supported Kafka as he developed, and without Crow, Kafka would not have been able to
achieve his destiny.

Day 20
Title: The Tale of Woodcutter and The Tiger 
Time and Date:II/28/2022

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