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as Maxwell's electric displacement in free aether---is

of the Galatae in Asia. Lenoir, the keeper of the museum of

stranger of another pack gradually diminished, and as intercourse

son is ready to steal his father's ashes to sell them for

rectorship of the High School on the retirement of Mr Matheson,

it is regarded as one special manifestation, and its place in

(2 Sam. ii. 12).i In the general engagement which followed,

consists of two parts of different styles and date. The older

the wars of Philip, of Nectanebus and of the education of

in society, by his unassuming manners, his extreme caution

paid in advance are lost, and the shipowner is liable for their

aristocracy. The more extensive Zang (Zenj) empire, of which.

cathedral. His widow was created Baroness Abercromby of

in 1867 to a series of black, red and green shales and

Mediterranean on the S.E. of the gulf to which it gives a

extent. In 1864, 70,000 reapers and mowers were manufactured,

Aetolians was conspicuously displayed in 279, when they broke the

Day when the dust rises behind the plough; for seed-ploughing

storming petty towns began again. Then the Hyphasis (Beas)

(1432). In the 18th century, in common with most of Anatolia,

1743 he was elected heir to the throne of Sweden by the ``Hat''

later tradition asserts that he died in prison after severe

1896). L. J. Morie's Histoire de l'Ethiopie: Tome ii,

aniline and aniline hydrochloride for some hours to 210-240 deg.

York, received the submission of the Welsh at Hereford, fixing

among some of the component species, and as many as four

first published at Copenhagen, 1579 (the first of the Libellus

mouse, ten such centres may be distinguished, arranged

commentaries on the Topics and the first six books of the

freedom of thought. All their hymns, epics and histories were

chain, the elevated rim of the continent is almost wanting.

settled in and around its towns and villages, is estimated at

up commercial relations with the Niger countries resulted in

God,'' and the name on the margin is ``Master Haiward of Wool

Wittenberg from Zwickau, Thomas Munzer, Nicolas Storch and Mark

supposition. The light of Algol remains constant during close

spinner to produce satisfactory yarns with comparative ease.

palaeolithic type have been discovered, notably at Tlemcen and


much, if he was not in some sense disloyal to their Law?

iodide. This compound was discovered in 1812 by Bernard

the Lat. qiie, have throughout their whole history been

The owner in fee and life tenant, the occupier, whether of

be elliminated for two colours, and if this be impossible,

Athenian armament in the Peloponnesian War (q.v.). The

p. 113; Zool. Anz. xv., 1892, 195; J. Kaiser, Bibl.

some 70,000, but in 1131 it was reduced by King Roger of

way has followed French initiative. He also has been a

architectural art The external porch, between two circular

friendship for his host Almamun of Toledo, caballero aunique

find allusions to the ``tree of life'' (Prov. iii. 18, xi.

therefore, surprising to find that there has been undoubtedly

by a multitude of tribes and peoples living under various

lead until the Achaean conquest. All the ancient dynasties

refused. In 1255 an interview between the English and Scottish

1899 26,341,380 30.2 796,177,713 24.9 198,167,975

and the methylation or ``denaturizing'' was carried out in

that Etana is induced by an eagle to mount up to heaven,

longitude was made the southern boundary of the German sphere of

yards. From a grotto in this glacier bursts tumultuously

basic phosphate, while the gem-stone turquoise (q.v.)

coast but in the south of Sweden, in Bornholm and other

Apart from all these, whether minor or major poets, stands

underground work which upholds them is perhaps more remarkable

and soldiers, both officers and men, ended generally in

America, Mexico and Peru (q.q.v.) selected and arranged by

are ``hooked off'' by the curved blade. (See TOOLS.)

Bay, to procure water, and here Almeida was killed (on the

manures, and sometimes chalking or liming for the leguminous

obscurity and contradiction. This compilation, bearing

can be traced, with those described above. The cloister and

compelled to leave twice, namely, from 1162 until the 23rd of

court-martial. His duties are described in detail by the king's

Verstanklahorn . . . . . . . . 10,831 Patteriol. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,037

claims in his autobiography that the country is rich in

The story of the destruction of the library by the Arabs is

grown out farthest from the dorsal edge of the mesentery, is

so doing they escaped from the high altitudes in which Plato

COH. Coheres, Conors.

acid and letting it stand for twenty-four hours, after

picture-galleries, a library and a collection of antiquities;

having now freed the British government from the obligation

the Mithridatic war by Sulla, from whom (or from Cornelius

office of governor-general re-established with increased

1871--1872, of the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva which

builded by God, or Directions for Governors of Families (1653).

occur. These are short segments of filaments consisting of a

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