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Read chapter 6 and fill in the table below on PREJUDICE.


Gretel never thought “about the
fact that Maria was a person
with feelings just like hers”
which shows us that Gretel only
thinks of Maria as a maid with
absolutely no thought or
“She never stopped to think
feelings. Along with this, when
about the fact that Maria was a
Gretel asks Maria not to take a
1 Gretel disrespected Maria person with feelings just like
long time to run the bath, she
says it “rudely” which shows us
“Said Gretel rudely”
that she probably thinks that
just because she's getting paid,
she can treat her in any way she
wants. Father possibly
influenced Gretel which lead
her to treat Maria this way.
When Bruno says that Maria is
part of the family, she says that
she's not completely sure
whether “father would agree or
not,” This shows us fathers'
prejudice towards Maria and
that he doesn’t think that she's
“I'm not sure whether your part of the family because she
father would agree with that,” has lower standards compared
2 Father is prejudiced towards
to them. In addition to this, the
“The overpaid maid” whole chapter is named “the
overpaid maid” which, from
looking at the previous
chapters, we figure that that’s
what father called Maria, this
indicates that father is
disrespectful towards Maria and
probably didn’t like her in the
first place.
3. Bruno realizes that Maria’s a “Never fully considered her to When Maria talks about her
person be a person with a life and a past life experiences, Bruno
history all of her own.” realizes that he “never fully
considered her to be a person
“Had never done anything other with a life and a history all of
than be his family’s maid” her own”. This shows us that
Bruno’s mindset was prejudiced
because he considered maria as
just a maid and not a human
being like him. Adding to this,
Bruno also thought that Maria
“had never done anything other
than to be his family’s maid”.
This indicates that perhaps he
thought that the whole purpose
of Maria’s life was to be a maid
and her life had no other
meaning to it.
Read Chapter 7 and fill in the table below with traits of Lt. Kotler and Pavel

Lt Kotler Pavel
Hes a well-dressed man.
Hes mean and vicious. Hes humane
Bruno feels uncomfortable around him. Hes quiet most of the time
Hes serious when it comes to his job.

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