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Table of contents:
Introduction Page 003
History  Page 006
Story ideas Page 011
Characters & Creatures Page 013
Umbrella Page 014
S.T.A.R.S. Page 031
Tyrant Class Page 057
Hunter Genus Page 073
Human Experiments Page 082
Infected Animals Page 103
Insectile Species Page 124
Early Failures Page 140
 Weapons, Equipment and Attributes Page 151
Handguns Page 152
Magnums Page 156
Shotguns Page 158
 Automatics Page 161
Heavy Ordinance Page 164
Special Weapons Page 166
Special Ammo Types Page 169
Miscellaneous Page 176
Creature Attributes Page 179
Qualities, Skills and Drawbacks Page 184
The French Umbrella Facility  Page 186
Introduction & First Floor Page 186
Executive Suites Page 187
Roof Page 189
Basement Level Page 189
Sewage Plant Page 189
Dome Entrance Point Page 191
The Dome Page 193

Thanks Page 199



 Umbrella Inc., New York Headquarters.

The members of the press gathered in the conference room of Umbrella Inc., New York division, waited
impatiently for Derrick Mullens to put in an appearance on the stage. The murmurs and mutterings of the
gathered crowd died as he strolled onto the platform and stood in front of the podium, adjusting his pale
 blue tie and looking out across the crowd. The flash of numerous cameras constantly went off as he
spoke, and reporters feverishly took notes as he spoke.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I thank you all for attending our press conference.
"As you know, the terrible destruction of Raccoon City has dealt a significant blow to thousands of
 people. Umbrella has suffered a substantial loss, with our many medical and research facilities there
destroyed and knocking us back years of progress. However, this is not our reason for calling you here.
Though our loss was a major financial one, we will recover: The hundreds of thousands of people that
 perished in those explosions will never recover, nor will they be replaced. As a loving and caring
company, we nurtured Raccoon City from a small mountain community populated by a few hundred, to
the sprawling city it was. We looked upon Raccoon and its population as our children, and this act of
terrorism has left us empty: Like a mother who has had her child ripped from her teat while it suckled.”
Mullens allowed his words to linger in the minds of the reporters for a minute. He could have worded it
 better if he had been allowed to write the statement himself, but he was forced to read whatever the
 jackasses in Publicity wrote. If this was what the Board of Directors wanted him to read, then how could
he refuse? And the reporters seemed to be taking it in.
“And life, indeed, is what Umbrella is all about. Creating life, enhancing life, prolonging life. Our
revolutionary research and techniques as provided humanity with marvellous advances...”
 Jesus, is this a press conference or an advertisement? he thought. “And we will continue to do so, well
into the future. In remembrance of the thousands of workers and families who were lost in the city,
Umbrella are going to set up the Raccoon City Memorial Fund, to help the suffering families who have
experienced a loss. We intend to donate fifty million dollars, and we also urge our own investors to do the
same thing. While no price can be put on a human life, we hope that this will at least show the mourning
families that our hearts are with them in this time of need. We will also offer them counselling and
support, twenty-four hours a day.”
One of the reporters in the front of the room stood and raised a hand, not waiting for Mullens to
acknowledge her before launching into her question.



“Christine Walsh, Herald and Post. What does Umbrella have to say about the numerous accusations
that state Umbrella and its research are directly responsible for the tragic events in Raccoon City?”
Mullens had been expecting this, and barely glanced at his notes.
“Yes, these claims made by a small group of Eco-Terrorists. Activists who say they support human
rights, but would rather watch a small child die of a disease instead of letting us help. They feel we play at
 being God... But if playing God is giving an unfortunate babe a second chance at life, shouldn’t we be
allowed to do that?
“This is, of course, the same group that was reported to be seen fleeing the city by local police officers
only hours before the bombs went off. Bombs we believe them to have planted themselves.”
Mullens could feel the sweat coming now. The writers had really screwed the pooch on this one, almost
turning it into a one-sided debate about the rights and wrongs of genetic engineering. As soon as this was
over, he was going to go see his manager and put in for some vacation time. “These matters or terrorist
activity, though, are best left to the man in charge of the investigation. May I introduce Captain Wesker?”
Mullens nodded, then stepped back from the podium. A large man, six foot and dressed in dark blue
fatigues, strolled onto the stage. His shock of white-blond hair was sculpted immaculately, and he wore a
 pair of mirrored sunglasses. He took his position behind the podium, clasped either side of it with his
gloved hands, then glared out into the crowd of press agents.
“Hello, my name is Captain Albert Wesker, and I am the S.T.A.R.S. operative in charge of this
investigation. I am pleased to announce that we are making steady progress on this investigation, and
several suspects have already been apprehended and detained for further questioning.”
“If these terrorists are caught, what will become of them?”
Wesker turned to face the reporter, the cold glare of his sunglasses transfixing him. “These people are
responsible for the death of over two hundred thousand men, women and children. I think that the death
 penalty is not entirely out the question. Naturally, their organisation and any alias we have for them has
 been placed at the top of the FBI’s most wanted list.”
“Eric Briggs,” announced a second journalist, standing and raising his hand holding his notepad. “There
are more rumours circulating that these terrorist are in fact a breakaway faction faction of S.T.A.R.S. Do
you have any comments on this?”
“Mr Briggs, I know your work, you write for the Chronicle. A Pulitzer prize winner. I thought a man of
your calibre would do better than listen to gossipmongers and rumours.”
“Are you going to answer my question?”
“No,” stormed Wesker, gripping the podium and digging his fingers into the wooden surface. It began to
crumble in his hands. “They are not S.T.A.R.S., and I can quite assure you that a counter-terrorist
organisation would not...”
“But I have names,” protested Briggs, leafing through his notepad. “Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, to
name two...”
“ Redfield,” stormed Wesker, quickly trying to regain his composure. “Redfield and Valentine were
S.T.A.R.S. operatives stationed in Raccoon. They were actually in the police station when the bombs
went off... I know because I was talking to them on the phone when he explosions began.”
Wesker shuddered, as if shaking off the memory, the addressed the crowd once more.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a job to do. Please.”
"Captain Wesker, just one more..."
Mullens sprang back to the microphone, announcing the end of the end of the conference. "You heard
the captain, he has a job, as do we all. Thank you for your time, ladies and gentlemen."
Leaving the stage, Mullens went behind the stage to see Wesker bending over a table, fists clenched and
supporting his weight. “Sir, are you okay?”
Wesker was on him in less than a second, springing from the table to his position and gripping him by
the neck, lifting the portly press officer off the floor. He no longer wore his glasses, exposing golden
lizard-like eyes which seemed to bore into him.



“Briggs, where the fuck did he get those names from? Who the fuck is his informant?”
Mullens barely managed a choking rasp, before Wesker threw him across the room. Unsheathing the
combat knife that dangled from his belt, he pounced on him, pressing the blade against his neck. “You find
out some information for me. I want to know where that son of bitch lives. He knows too much.”
A smile spread across Wesker’s face, an eerie and toothy grin.
“I need to talk to him in private...”
He released Mullens, then made his way towards the door leading to the car park. “Find out where he
lives, or I come and visit you!”



HISTORY operating staff was called in to man the

labs. Amongst this fresh batch of
THE HOUSE OF THE UNDEAD scientists, there was a prominent young
scientist named Albert Wesker. He worked
 At the foot of the Arkley Mountains a on experiments with the Ebola virus, and
little north of Raccoon City, hidden from  branched into Bio-Organic Weapons,
sight by towering stone walls adorned  where he was introduced to the very first
 with moss and covered by shrubbery and test subject of the Arkley Facility, namely
trees, there once stood a fine mansion. the daughter of George Trevor, Lisa, who
Built in 1962, and taking five years to had been the primary test subject for every
 build, it was made to order by Lord Ozwell disease-based experiment since her
E. Spenser, where he worked in close infection back in 1967.
conjunction with the architect George In 1981, the second breakthrough
Trevor. Only Trevor could visualise and regarding the T-virus saw the production
create the many unique secret rooms and of the first B.O.W., named the Zombie.
hidden passages that the eccentric  Although imprecise, and the infection
millionaire craved: Enthralled with spy ratio wasn’t perfect, it was a step in the
movies and cloak-and-dagger novels, it right direction for Umbrella and it’s legion
 was Spenser’s dream to live in a of killing machines.
mysterious mansion, and the money he Research and experimentation continued
offered the architect gave him sufficient for seven years after that moment,
motivation to make even the most bizarre  working off the basic template that the
and deadly trap work. Zombie provided, trying to build on the
Upon completion of the mansion, only genetic code and create a superior soldier:
two men knew the building inside out, The Tyrant. It was quickly discovered that
knew the location of each secret and the  very few test subjects could survive with
trick to each trap. The Lord, and the the T-Virus inside them, and this only
 Architect. Spenser’s paranoia gets the best created more Zombies. Only 10 people in
of him, and luring the architect and his to the United States had the correct DNA to
the new home, he entombed George Trevor accept the virus and develop into a Tyrant.
in one the secret rooms, and experimented  At this same time, Umbrella France had
on his wife and child with early genetic  begun the Nemesis Project, and were
experiments. It was through these early experiencing much higher success ratios
experiments, Ozwell Spenser and his than the Tyrant Program, using a parasite
 business associate Alexander Ashford, instead of a virus. A sample of the Nemesis
two of the founding members of Umbrella Parasite was dispatched to Arkley Labs,
Pharmaceuticals Inc., completed the first and Albert introduced it into the resident
known strain of the T-Virus. test subject, Lisa Trevor. The results were
Research on the viral strain continued in surprising, to say the least, as she ate the
this facility, in the labs deep beneath the parasite and survived.
multitude of mining tunnels beneath the Intrigued by this process, Albert put his
property. It was only in the end of the research on hold and concentrated on this
seventies that these old abandoned mines mutant freak that years of testing had
 were discovered, but they were quickly created. At the same time, Albert’s main
overtaken by the expanding complex, rival William Birkin headed up the
turning the three-floored mansion into a research on a new strain of T-Virus,
multilayered complex, hiding more than named the G-Virus, hoping to increase the
 just secret rooms, but entire secret success ratio of the Tyrant experiments,
laboratories and holding cells.  which worked by continuously mutating
Not long after the discovery of the tissue and creating a creature that could
tunnels, and the massive expansion of the resurrect itself from the dead.
research station, a greater number of  Angered by the success that would surely



come from Birkin’s experiments, Albert thing, continued with their own
 Wesker increased the experiments on Lisa investigation, and claimed to have several
Trevor, until one day an injection of a bad eyewitness reports of seeing strange “dog
serum turned the experiment into a like” creatures running through the
 violent killing machine, ripping the faces forest's surrounding the old Spenser
from scientists and wearing them on her Mansion. They offered a handsome reward
deformed back. Albert sentenced the for photos of these beasts, and a
experiment to death, and left the Arkley substantial bounty for the capture of an
Facility all together, moving into a new actual beast, living or dead.
undercover operation.  Always looking for a quick buck, several
Between 1989 and 1997, Umbrella Inc. local hunters rushed into the woods in
pumped a lot of money into the search for these creatures, but none ever
surrounding community of Raccoon, came back. The occasional search party
 buying people of power such as Mayor did find remains, though never enough to
Michael Warren, and the Chief of Police identify someone. Blocking off all routes
Brian Irons. The township grew into a into the wilderness, the Raccoon Police
thriving city, with a massive population, Department called in help from the local
and more of Umbrella’s facilities started to  branch of the Special Tactics And Rescue
spring up around the town - hospitals, Squad (S.T.A.R.S.) to help in their
factories, and public utility works, all of investigations.
 which acted as fronts for more of On the evening on July 23rd, after two
Umbrella’s secret work and experiments. months of terror and mystery
In 1998, with decades of research behind surrounding the Arkley Mountains,
them, the Arkley Laboratories had a S.T.A.R.S. Alpha and Bravo teams met up
 wealth of experiments, some successful, to make an initial sweep of the low-lying
others not so. All was going well for the forested areas. The captain of Alpha Team,
scientists, until the 11th May, where the  Albert Wesker (working incognito), sent
labs suffered a leak of the T-Virus. A Bravo in first, purely as recon.
curfew was set up on the facility, and all That was when the trouble began.
contact with the outside world was cut off.
During the following days, all Hell broke RUNAWAY TRAIN
loose in and around the Spenser Estate,
including the escape of several of the Doomed from the beginning, the
guard dogs, the T-Virus infecting a small S.T.A.R.S. Bravo mission took a bad turn
collection of plants, and the lower levels of  when an overturned military vehicle was
the lab’s Aqua Ring being flooded by an found knocked over, the two soldiers
angry researcher. inside killed, and their prisoner absent.
The facts that there had been a recent
THE BEGINNING OF THE END spate of gruesome murders and that there
 was now a convicted killer of 23 unarmed
On May 20th, 1998, the first of the civilians wandering around the forest did
 bodies was found. A female hitchhiker, not sit well with Bravo, and they quickly
about twenty years old, was found on the split up to deal with the situation.
 banks of the Marble River. She was Rebecca Chambers, the rookie of the
heavily mutilated by what the coroner squad, found the Ecleptic Express
later recorded as “Animal Lacerations”. passenger train lying dead on the
The Raccoon Times ran the story, and the railways, and explored the vehicle.
police calmed the city by saying it was a Though tainted with death and filled with
 bear attack, and that they had called a mutants and zombies, this express train to
local search of the area, but nothing Hell actually saved Rebecca’s life, keeping
unusual had been found. her safe from a wild pack of Cerebra and
The press, sensing they were onto a good taking her and Billy Coen, the court-



martialled soldier, on a journey the could unearthed the truth about the building
never begin to imagine, nor try to forget. and it’s surrounding area. The truth
Scores of zombies faced them at every  behind Umbrella Inc. and its illegitimate
turn, packs of rabid mutants, swarms of research, including human experiments,
killer leeches, and diabolical traps crossed the testing programs for would-be super
the paths of their journey through soldiers, and the horrifying reality of the
training facilities on the outskirts of origin of the hordes of cannibal creatures
Raccoon, sewer tunnels and refineries, living in the mansion.
even secret subterranean tunnels deep  After meeting up with Rebecca, the sole
 beneath Raccoon City until a showdown survivor of Bravo, those lucky enough to
 with one of the men responsible for still be alive eventually managed to flee
Umbrella and their viral research ended the facility, losing the Captain of Alpha,
 with a bang.  Albert Wesker, to the claws of the Tyrant:
For Coen, the nightmare was over, but for Umbrella’s most promising, but
Rebecca as she drew closer to an old uncontrollable, biological experiment.
mansion near the Arkley Mountains, it  With the self-destruct mechanisms set
 was just the beginning. and primed as they escaped, the entire
 Arkley facility, along with the mansion
HALLS OF THE DAMNED and all its secrets, were wiped out in one
all-consuming explosion.
Searching for their lost team members, Though the threat of Umbrella and its
 Alpha landed near the crash site of Bravo genetic godless creations had been wiped
only to find the remains of Kevin Dooley, out, so too had all evidence to back up
the pilot, strapped in to the helicopter. A S.T.A.R.S. reports.
quick search of the area revealed a pack of
dos feeding on some unidentifiable A CITY ON FIRE
remains, and they quickly turned on them
in search of fresh meat. Joseph Frost was Knowing the truth behind Umbrella’s
the first of Alpha to fall, though his death research proved to be a very dangerous
gave the rest of his squad time to flee to a thing. People didn’t believe the survivors
nearby mansion surrounded by mountains tales of zombies and mutants, and were
on one side and trees on all others. laughed out the forces. Shortly after this,
The Spenser Mansion, now rife with  when the stories of the murders were out
mutant strains and flesh-hungering the limelight, death threats were sent to
ghouls, served as the final resting place all parties concerned, and several assassin
for many of Bravo, as well as some of squads to carry out the promise. All failed,
 Alpha squad. though it made the ex-S.T.A.R.S. re-
Kenneth Sullivan, decapitated and evaluate their situation.
feasted on by a small group of zombies, To show the world Umbrella’s true
 was the first find, and others of his squad colours, they would need evidence, the
 were found soon after. Forest Speyer, his likes of which could only be gathered from
flesh torn and twisted by the talons of actual Umbrella facilities. With the help of
infected ravens: Richard Aiken, infected a few loyal S.T.A.R.S., the group divided
 with a crippling dose of snake venom, into three main factions: Chris Redfield
though able to give his live in order to and Barry Burton flew out to Europe to see
save Chris from Neptune: Enrico Marini, if they could find the rumoured
 wounded in the mining tunnels beneath headquarters in France, Rebecca
the estate and executed by an unknown Chambers joined with David Trapp to take
assassin. The fate of Edward Dewey was part in a few preliminary raids to gather
never known. notes and information, and Jill Valentine
 As they progressed through the building, elected to law low in Raccoon City, keeping
 Alpha’s remaining team members slowly an eye on the city and its corrupt officials;



the same officials that belittled their hoping to find a cure to the disease before
reports and swept them under the carpet it was too late.
 with one hand, and accepting an Umbrella
paycheque with the other. THE FIRE STILL BURNS
The days following the splitting of the
group were uneventful in Raccoon, and  While Jill fought for her life against the
 just as Jill decided she should follow her  viral infection, two new players entered
friends to Europe, all Hell broke loose. Raccoon city, one to start his new job as a
From another of Umbrella’s secret police officer, the other to find her brother,
facilities, this one buried deep beneath the Chris Redfield.
streets, a second viral plague broke out: A Thrown together amongst a zombie
more advanced version of the T Virus, the maelstrom, Claire Redfield and Leon S.
G Virus was spread by its creator, William Kennedy sought refuge in the police
Birkin, after he infected himself in a bid to station, only to face a multitude of zombies
save his own life after an armed raid on and different mutations and variants of
his labs. infected creatures.
The virus mutated his cells, creating a Meeting few survivors along the way,
new strain of creature, and in a fit of rage they encountered Annette Birkin, wife of
released the virus samples into the sewer  William, Sherry Birkin, their daughter, an
systems, where rodents carried both T and undercover operative known as Ada Wong,
G samples around the city like the bubonic and a reporter, along with the corrupt
plague. They spread the disease to the Chief Irons. All but one of these met a
populace of Raccoon, and within a matter grisly end at the hands of one of
of days, ninety eight percent of the town Umbrella’s creations, and Sherry quickly
 was infected. Still receiving payments took a shine to Claire, regarding her as a
from Umbrella, Chief Irons and Mayor  big sister.
 Warren decide to set up road blocks to Their biggest problem with their
contain the apparent sickness spreading encounters was Birkin himself, mutated
like wildfire. through the works of the G Virus into an
On September 29th, 1998, the citizens of almost unstoppable creature, who could
Raccoon were either dead, dying, or only die in an explosion that decimated
undead, and Jill Valentine couldn’t help the laboratories beneath the city. Claire,
anyone but herself. Starting on her Leon and Sherry barely escaped intact,
 journey, she quickly encountered and were picked up on the outskirts of
Umbrella’s newest plaything, the Nemesis, Raccoon by Rebecca and David, who were
 which was bent on wiping all traces of oblivious everything that had happened
S.T.A.R.S. from the face of the Earth, along since their leaving.
 with anything that got in its way. This explosion beneath the streets in the
This included the mercenary Carlos labs of Umbrella was only the beginning of
Oliveira, one of Umbrella’s Biohazard the Fireworks for Raccoon, though.
Countermeasure Squad, who had been Pulling through her infection, Jill and
inserted into the town by Umbrella to test Carlos discovered that they needed to get
the true combat skills of the creatures out of Raccoon before a salvo of tactical
running amok, and not to save any missiles, fired by Umbrella, reached the
survivors as their press release stated. city and wiped it and everything in it off
Both he and Jill teamed up to work to try the map. The struggle against the rapidly
and summon an evacuation helicopter, but mutating Nemesis and the hordes of
the Nemesis but an end to that, and mutants still living in the city had now
infected Jill with the T Virus before  become a race against time.
retreating from the fight. Finding one of Umbrella’s’ specimen
 With Jill down, it was up to Carlos to dumping grounds, they eventually
scour the streets of Uptown Raccoon, managed to find a helicopter and leave the



city only minutes before the missiles unpredictable creature, turning on Reston
struck home. in a feeding-frenzy before the facility was
On October 1st, 1998, Raccoon City was closed down permanently. Their end of the
 wiped out, and all traces of Umbrella’s  bargain upheld, the group were taken to
illicit research and proof against them Europe.
Though Raccoon was destroyed, A ROCK AND A COLD PLACE
Umbrella was far from finished
The continual destruction of Umbrella
THE DEATH OF A PLANET facilities was setting back research by
decades, and Umbrella decided it was time
The destruction of Raccoon City, unlike to up the ante, targeting Chris Redfield as
many of Umbrella’s lesser mistakes, could the leader and setting a trap for him, using
not be concealed from the public with a his beloved sister as bait.
false smile, a bribe to someone in power,  Allowing the documents regarding the
and a false story of something gone capture of supposed ‘terrorist’ Chris
 wrong. The blame had to be pinned onto Redfield to fall into the hands of Claire
someone, and who better than the  was a risky gambit, but one that
renegade faction of S.T.A.R.S., who were ultimately paid off for the pharmaceutical
currently branded by Umbrella as company: Despite massive casualties and
terrorists and anarchists. damage, a single female attempting
Suddenly at the top of the Fed’s most infiltration and rescue was quickly caught
 wanted list for being linked to the and dispatched to Rockford Prison,
destruction of a midwestern city, the link providing Alfred Ashford, the deranged
to the S.T.A.R.S. was tenuous at best, but commander of that position with another
anyone questioning motives or reasons test subject, and Umbrella with a
 behind it often vanished courtesy of  bargaining chip.
Umbrella. This prison island was targeted for
 With Chris and Barry already in Europe, attack days after Claire was incarcerated,
and Jill and Carlos on their way over and the resultant bombing run left the
thanks to some special help from an penal colony in a state of ruins: buildings
insider, the small group of rookies were shattered, radio links severed, and the
left alone and on the run in America. Their eventual escape of the experiments being
only hope of escaping to Europe and kept on the island. Thrown into a frenzy of
 joining up with their friends was panic, and attacked from all angles by
presented to them by a mysterious man mutants and undead alike, the armed
named Trent, a man who had dealing with guards on the island quickly fell in the
all stages of the Raccoon City debacle. ensuing carnage.
They would be given safe passage to This attack provided an opportunity for
Europe, if in return they agreed to assault Claire to escape her cell, and with the help
one of Umbrella’s newer underground of another prisoner named Steve
facility, The Planet. Burnside, get a message to Chris and
 A reluctant agreement later, and the escape the island before Ashford decided to
assault had begun, though Reston, the destroy the island in a fit of hysterical
Umbrella Operative under command had rage.
advanced the program further than Climbing aboard a cargo plane was their
anyone had thought, introducing several only option, though an option that proved
new strains to the intruders, protecting fatal as the plane automatically guided
his career, his post, and Umbrella’s unique them to the chilled research station at the
creature- The Fossil.  Antarctic. It was here that Claire and
 As with most Tyrant-type creatures, the Steve encountered the rest of the Ashford
Fossil was a highly unstable and family in the forms of the mutated



Nosferatu, and the tyrannical Alexia STORY IDEAS:

 Ashford, who carried with her the secret
of the T-Veronica virus. Get In The Game:
Chris Redfield wasn’t far behind once he
In this scenario, the players are
received the message, and made his way to
encouraged to be the standard characters
Rockford Prison, though he arrived too
from the game, and the Zombie Master can
late and found the smoking ruins of the
recreate the environments and events of
Umbrella facility. Learning of his sister’s
the computer games. This scenario is ideal
escape, he followed suite to the frozen
for the ZM who is very familiar with the
tundra of the Antarctic, where in a
Resident Evil games, and even better with
desperate rescue mission saved his sister,
players who know very little or nothing at
and came face to face with the T-Veronica
all of the stories and games. If there is
 virus and it’s carrier, Alexia Ashford. Both
anyone who hasn’t played it yet.
she and the facility were destroyed by the
It’s up to the ZM to decide which scenario
self-destruct mechanism.
the group can start off with. Will they be
part of Alpha Team, exploring the Spenser
THE FUTURE OF UMBRELLA Mansion and searching for the doomed
Bravos, or will they be a small group of
Numerous spills and incidents have survivors trekking through the abandoned
occurred since these chain of events, all police station to find a way past the
the dastardly handiwork of Umbrella, and roadblocks? Regardless of which game you
all attempted to be covered up: other start with (with the exception of
island facilities and a luxury cruise liner  Veronica/ Veronica X, which picks up after  
are but two of the examples of such all characters involved have had some
accidents. Which goes to show, a spill can experience with Umbrella), each scenario
happen anywhere, at any time, and put can branch off into a whole campaign.
thousands of people in danger. Bear in mind, though: these pre-made
It’s for this reason that the remaining scenarios, although extensive, are by no
rogue S.T.A.R.S. members and their means definitive. You can always allow
companions have taken it upon entrance into rooms that were previously
themselves to put an end to their inaccessible, or doors to open that
experiments and evil ways. Months of previously had locks broken. Throw
lying low and gentle probing and monsters and mutants into the equation
questioning has revealed that Umbrella  where none existed before. And of course,
Inc. Paris is the home of a major new those that do survive the threats of the
research and B.O.W. facility, located deep scenario can go on to fight Umbrella in
 beneath the city.  various other environments. This could be
Though little detail is known about the the beginning of the end of Umbrella…
facility, they do know that it is much
larger than the Planet, offering a complete Outbreak Is For Monkeys:
ecosystem and providing a natural In a similar vein to the new game just
environment for each specimen Umbrella released, there’s always the option to look
has ever produced, including some of the at the spread from viewpoints of a Norm,
rarer species that have only been going about their ordinary business just
encountered by one or two previously. hours before the massive spread.
Needless to say, the security is expected to The players can make different, everyday
 be tough, with whispered rumours that characters such as a banker, a waitress, a
Captain Albert Wesker, thought by many postman, and maybe one experienced
to have perished in Raccoon city, is in person like a police officer. Have them
charge of the armed forces there. starting off the morning in a diner
grabbing breakfast before a hard day at
 work, going about their business. Nothing



unusual, they barely acknowledge each holds numerous Umbrella experiments in

other. Until the chef stumbles into the their “natural” environment. It has been
room, followed by an unknown assailant. said that The Planet was a prototype for
This scenario can also be run easily with this Dome, which is far more advanced
the Coffee break Of The Living Dead add- than any testing facilities created so far.
on pack, substituting the zombies in there
for Resident Evil zombies, and also adding For more information on the French
a few mutants to keep the unsuspecting facility and ‘The Dome’, see the section
players on their toes. Maybe a group of titled “The French umbrella Facility” later
Umbrella employees are on their way to on in the book.
have a quick cigarette when the foyer of
the building erupts into a frenzied zombie

Umbrella Saves!
 A third option is to have the characters
playing part of the Umbrella Biohazard
Countermeasure Squads, dropping into an
infected area to cleanse and keep the
peace, or guarding a top secret research
facility from any marauding S.T.A.R.S.
members. This may be a good time for
players to explore their dark side as they
take on the roles of the bad guys. Some
may find themselves instinctively drawn
to the good, trying to save colleagues,
 while others abandon all morals and try
to survive by taking care of number one.
The characters may ultimately stumble
upon the truth of the nature of their
employees, and be faced with the
conundrum of whether to turn face and
side with the rogue S.T.A.R.S. agents, or
stick by the company that signs their

It’s Full Of S.T.A.R.S...

The final option to play is to take it to the
 big company itself, by taking the fight to
the European headquarters of the
company in a bid to end their tyranny and
diabolical experiments, and in the process
clear the names of any S.T.A.R.S. agents
that have been wrongly accused of various
crimes and incidents, in particular the
destruction of Raccoon City.
 Word has reached the rogue S.T.A.R.S.
agents that there is a massive
underground facility in Paris, in the heart
of the city, over a mile beneath the streets.
Only accessible through the sewer system
 beneath a modest, 2-story building, it is
rumoured to be a massive habitat which

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