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Submitted to fulfillment for assignment of Seminar on Current Issues


Afah Farhatunnazilah






This chapter consists of the background of the study, the problems of

the study, the significance of the study, and the scope and limitation of
the study.

1.1 Background of the Study

The use of profanity in signs has currently grown popular worldwide
and is one of the current trends in informal language usage. Teenagers
are more likely than adults to use harsh language or terms in talks
with other teenagers. Of course, the use of offensive language in sign
age is not a problem that only occurs in public. Even yet, a lot of action
or communication-focused genre movies as well as others feature
conversational dialogue that uses profane or offensive phrases. The
Gentlemen is the movie with evidence of abusive language.
The ninth-highest-grossing movie of 2020 is the 2019 action movie The
Gentlemen. Guy Ritchie himself did the writing, directing, and
producing. On December 3, 2019, it received its Indonesian release
after its Curzon Mayfair Cinema premiere. The Gentlemen, which to be
released in February 2020, is a movie about a marijuana (cannabis)
businessman with up to $1 billion in assets who lives in the UK.
Mickey Pearson is ready to retire and spend time with his wife,
Rosalind, because he is sick of running a business.
He had plans to sell Matthew Berger all of his assets, which included
12 hidden marijuana gardens, growing and distribution systems, and a
buyer's list, for $400 million. The two parties nevertheless fell victim to
deception, which led to a dispute.
Typically, feature films are made for profit, while non-story films are
those that document actual events rather than making up stories
about them (Sumarno M., 1996). One of them is an action movie, a
type of movie that serves as a platform for everyone who enjoys
watching action movies and is usually packed in an exciting and tense
way. As a result, it is discovered that many youths are impacted by the
informal communication of abusive language indicators.
The languages that are portrayed in the movie The Gentlemen do
employ harsh language signs, which are also accompanied by signs in
a number of action situations. The main device of the movie, which is
language signs, is reality. Language signs are used to channel the
message sender or recipient and indicate the communicator's
preferences, attitudes, and tendencies. Events take on symbolic forms
to make them easier to reach, and the communicator's selection of a
set of symbols will have an impact on the recipient's interpretation of
the event. Every symbol has a corresponding ideology, therefore
selecting a set of symbols—whether consciously or unconsciously—
conveys an ideology.
According to Becker, in order for an event to be comprehended and
given a symbolic representation, the communicator must select coded
symbols. The decision will have an impact on how the recipient
interprets the event. Every language has a symbol that corresponds
with ideology, so choosing a collection of symbols is ideological whether
it is done intentionally or not (Budiman, 2003).
In light of Roland Barthes' semiotic theory, denotation (actual
meaning), connotation (meaning of pictures or writings), and myths,
the aim of this study is to disclose language signs as a way of
communication. There are numerous earlier studies, including earlier
research, such as:
Sources for the first study are from a thesis titled "An Analysis of
Semiotic Signs Found in Pirates of the Caribbean Movie Posters by
Rizky M. (2018)." The analysis of semiotic signs and how linguistic
signs are expressed in movie posters is the main subject of this thesis.
Qualitative descriptive research techniques were employed.
Additionally, researchers examined semiotic signs on posters using
Charles Sanders Peirce's theory of triadic semiosis. In order to discover
semiotic signs, the author also draws on the advertising concept
developed by Gillian Dyer and the idea of color meaning developed by
Anna Wierzbicka. The elements of triadic semiosis, namely
representamen, object, and interpretant, are used by the researcher to
identify the semiotic sign that can materialize.
The title of the second study is "Semiotic Analysis of L'Oreal Paris
Poster by Syahdini (2019)". The three L'Oreal Paris films from 2013,
2014, and 2018 that are the subject of this study's connotative
meaning analysis are examined. The qualitative descriptive method
used in this study is based on Roland Barthes' theory. According to the
study's findings, Parisian women's natural beauty and social influences
both influence how others perceive attractiveness. Furthermore,
French women spend money on high-end, pricey cosmetics but are
more drawn to opulent, natural products.
"Semiotic Signs in Selected Walt Disney's Movie Posters In 2018 by
Rahma Niatu (2019)" is the title of the third study. In this study, the
semiotic signs on the 2018 Walt Disney posters are analyzed using
three semiotic theories: those of Dyer Gillian, Roland Barthes, and
Charles Sander Pierce. A descriptive qualitative methodology was used
in this investigation. The study's conclusion is the identification of a
connection between the poster's visual cues.
The fourth study, "Semiotic Analysis of Fastfood Restaurant
Advertisements by Sofiyah (2019)," was published in 2019. conducted
this study to explore the underlying significance of these adverts in
more detail. The semiotics of Roland Barthes was employed in this
study to examine the meaning of denotation, connotation, and mitosis
through a qualitative descriptive methodology. The results of this study
show that there are 48 verbal and 47 nonverbal cues in each fast food
restaurant's advertisement.
The most recent study was a thesis titled "Denotative and Connotative
Meanings in Mustika D.'s 2017 Masha and the Bear Cartoon Movie."
Using Roland Barthes' theory, the researcher in this study examined
the denotative and connotative meanings and functions in the cartoon
Masha and the Bear. Additionally, the researcher employed a
qualitative descriptive approach, and the findings indicated that the
connotative meaning of the analyzed cartoons predominated.
This study makes the assumption that "Avatar" contains semiotic
signs. The author thinks that through the denotations, connotations,
and myths meanings used by Roland Barthes in the film Avatar,
people—especially those who read this research—will have a deeper
comprehension and a broader awareness of each semiotic sign used in
the film and how they might affect meaning.
Based on the aforementioned investigations, the first researcher
investigates semiotic signs and how the meaning of linguistic signs is
expressed in Caribbean movie posters using Charles Sanders Peirce's
theory and Gillian Dyer's auxiliary theory with the idea of color
meaning. With reference to Roland Barthes' theory, the second study
examined the connotative meaning of beauty in three L'Oreal Paris
videos from the years 2013, 2014, and 2018.
Three semiotic theories—those of Dyer Gillian, Roland Barthes, and
Charles Sander Pierce—were used in the third study to examine
semiotic signs on the Walt Disney 2018 poster. In the fourth study,
Roland Barthes' theory is applied to examine the denotation,
connotation, and myth meanings in fast food restaurant ads. The
triadic theory developed by Charles Sanders Peirce was used in the
previous study to interpret the signs and meanings of the icons,
indices, and symbols used in the John Wick 1 movie.
This study analyzes the denotation, connotation, and myth in the
movie Avatar poster using Roland Barthes' theory. The varied ideas and
data sources used in this study set it apart from earlier studies. The
prior study included movies with various hypotheses, so this study is
distinct from earlier studies. In this study, the researcher analyzes the
meaning sign on the poster as the core data and the picture marks as
supporting data, which sets it apart from prior studies.

1.2 Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the identification of problem can be

formulated as:

1. What are the verbal and non-verbal signs in Avatar movie posters?
2. What are the meanings of verbal and non-verbal signs in Avatar
movie posters?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on formulation of the problem stated above, the objective of the

study are:

1. To know the verbal and non-verbal signs in Avatar movie posters.

2. To know the meaning of verbal and non-verbal signs in Avatar
movie posters.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study can help deepen our grasp of semiotics, particularly when it
comes to the significance of the Avatar movie poster's signs. From this
study, we can comprehend the significance of verbal and non-verbal
cues in movie posters, especially those for fantasy movies. The semiotic
analysis is crucial for both producing high-quality posters and
comprehending the significance of the sign in the finished product.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The subject matter of this study, which is linguistic sign, is the study
of language. Since language is a linguistic sign, it is the subject of this
study. So the research aims to understand the meaning and structure
of sign-specific language. This study's focus is on how signs are
understood, both verbal and nonverbal, as well as how the myth
depicted in the Avatar movie posters.

2.1 Semiotics

The study of signs is known as semiotics. A science or analytical

approach to studying signs is called semiotics. Signs are tools that
enable meaning to be shared between people. Saussure defined
semiotics as the study of signs in culture. He also explained the
linguistic dichotomy, a theory. Between the signifier and the signified is
one such duality (signifier and sign). De Saussure thus separates the
sign into the signifier (or sound picture) and the signified (or notion),
saying that the link between the two is arbitrary. The foundation of
semiology is the idea that, as long as human acts and behaviors have
meaning or serve as signs, they must be concealed behind the set of
distinctions and norms that enable that meaning to exist. A system
exists where there is a symbol (Saussure, 1988).

It was also known as "signature" by Peirce, and "significant" and

"signified" by Saussure. Pierce thought that semiology served as the
foundation for logic, which he defined as "the necessary study of the
general principles of signs." He spends a lot of time categorizing signs
based on the connections between signifiers, signs, and objects. Signs
can be classified as verbal and nonverbal in linguistics, particularly
semiotics (Peirce, 1914).

While semiotics studies numerous items, occasions, and all

civilizations as signs, according to Roland Barthes (Barthes,
Mythologies, 1993). Roland Barthes still vigorously maintains de
Saussure's theory of signifiers, despite his distinctions, which include
his use of myth, the level of semiotic meaning, and the level of
denotation and connotation.

Charles Morris, however, claims that the fundamental concept of

semiotics is that language is a system of signs characterized by signals
and symbols. However, semiotics is connected to both linguistic and
non-linguistic signs used in human communication (Parera, 2004). An
indication serves as a stand-in for other items. Consequently, singing
calls for interpretation. For instance, the presence of a red tomato
indicates that it is ripe, and church bells and mosque drums will begin
to ring. These are all indicators that need to be read in light of the
surrounding circumstances. Charles Morris, the word "sign" has a
broad definition. As the study of signs, semiotics can be referred to as
such. The three types of semiotics that Charles Morris distinguishes
are syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

Semantics was the main subject of this research. In particular,

semantics has two connections to the sign. Semantics first deals with
the sign and what the sign is meant to allude to. It fits the term
purpose of language use, for instance, and is utilized more precisely.
The second concept, semantics, is then connected to the thing that is
being referenced by this sign. Morris's semantic field of words with
mode. There is a specific model for each goal of language use.

2.2 Sign

A sign is something tangible (any sound picture) that can be seen and
heard, usually referring to an item or part of the reality you want to
convey. The thing is made known by employing a sign to convey
information about it, and other persons will interpret the sign. To
facilitate communication, it is necessary for communicators and
communicants to speak the same language or understand the sign
language. Additionally, Saussure (Daniel 2015) asserts that a sign
system is a language and that a signature unites a sign (signifier) with
an idea or a sign (signified). A symbol is a significant image or sound.

A sign or representation, in Peirce's opinion, stands in for another

object to a certain person. As the first sign refers to a specific item,
Peirce refers to an interpretant as the first sign's interpretant. So a sign
or representamen has a direct "triadic" relationship with its
interpretant and object, in Peirce's view (Wibowo, 2011).

Language is a system of signs. It is possible to classify linguistics

(linguistics) as a subfield of semiotics because language is a sign
system. Both verbally and in writing, communication involves either
utilizing language signals to express thoughts and feelings to the other
person or attempting to decipher the language signs used by the other
person. In order to effectively communicate, it is important to organize
and comprehend language signs. Words, phrases, clauses, sentences,
and even text can all be considered linguistic signs. The graphemes, or
letters, and punctuation marks used in writing are used to express
language signs, which take the shape of language sounds.
According to Pierce, signs can be grouped into icons, indexes, and
symbols based on the relationship between signs and the objects they

2.2.1 Index

The index is a linguistic symbol that illustrates how closely related a

sign and the thing it denotes are. Icons include, among other things,
pictures and onomatopoeic words. The index is also a sign that
demonstrates a causal connection between the thing the sign denotes
and the sign itself. An index sign might be something like a smoke or
cloud cloud.

2.2.2 Symbol

A symbol is a connection between a sign and an unrelated object. In

addition, you were only made possible by the traditions of the people
who use the sign. words, specific symbols, or lexemes. Symbols include
things like a nation's flag or an organization's logo, for instance. Icons
and symbols both exist in various linguistic signs. Language signs are
frequently symbols. The explanation of language signs is divided into
three parts. The first point relates to the element of the sign's internal
meaning. The grammatical structure of linguistic signs is the second
point. The language sign's spoken context follows. Lexical meaning is
defined as the meaning created from the parts of the independent
meaning of the language sign itself.

Grammatical meaning is the interpretation created when language

signs go through a grammatical process. Pragmatic meaning is defined
as meaning that is created as a result of the connection between a
language sign in the form of speech and the situational context of the
speech. Grammatical and linguistic meanings are the subject of
semantic studies, whereas pragmatic meanings are the subject of
pragmatic studies. As well as smell, taste, and shape, not all audible
cues can also be signs, according to (Arthur, 2011). However, certain
indicators contain a visual component, thus different visual
characteristics of the signs must be taken into consideration when
analyzing them. Here are some examples of the many visual tones:

2.2.3 Roland Barthes

According to Western culture, various colors elicit various feelings. Red

conjures us images of desire, danger, heat, and other related feelings. A
cold, serene, and delicate atmosphere is suggested by the color blue.
The monarchy and the color violet are considered to be auspicious.
There are various questions and arguments that can be offered as
justifications for the use of color as a sign. Why, for instance, does red
at traffic signals and on signs mean "stop"? Failure to heed the warning
could lead to an accident that leaves people hurt and bleeding.

Barthes distinguishes two categories of signs in the analysis of an

image: Both vocal and nonverbal signs include them (Cobley, 1999).
The text is, of course, the spoken component. It could be the name of a
thing or someone, a sentence, details about something, a strong
argument, or something else in the text. The appearance is meant to
help the verbal component in becoming an attractive package,
according to nonverbal cues. There are many different types of media
that can be used. The reader can get a message from them even though
they just take the shape of supporting sentences because of their depth
of meaning. One of the key techniques for conveying a message is color.
Each of the standard colors has an impact on how people perceive the
world. (Luzar, 2011).


Black is thought to represent intelligence. Black also symbolizes

strength, stability, authority, and power. Black has the impact of
boosting strength and self-confidence in psychological therapy. It is
a depressing hue that is occasionally connected to evil.


The color white is associated with achievement, perfection, and

purity. Additionally, purity and brilliance are connected to it. This
color represents marriage luck in several cultures. White is often
connected with sadness in eastern cultures. White has a creative


The color gray symbolizes knowledge, tradition, and harmony. It is

utilized in some products to affect emotional fortitude, the harmony
of black and white, and the supporting color. Most people feel
nothing when there is too much gray, but a little gray will give your
goods a more substantial sensation. Some gray areas have to do with
aging, passing away, paying taxes, despair, or being lost.

It is frequently used to attract attention to areas that the eye first
notices. He has ties to both blood and fire. The vivacious color red
conveys revolution, passion, strength, and zeal. A product is
impacted by the primary color, activity, and appetite. People typically
report feeling a little out of breath and having their hearts beat a
little faster when they are around red. Relationships are viewed in
the local culture as representations of luck, happiness, masculinity,
and marriage.


The color yellow is related to sunlight. The positives include

knowledge, insight, optimism, light, joy, and idealism. Jealousy,
cowardice, dishonesty, and wariness are the opposites of this color.
This color, which is paler than white and represents speed and
metabolism as well as having the ability to sharpen concentration,
has the most alluring influence on the product. In the local culture,
relationships serve as a sign of prosperity, courage, and spring


The color blue is related to the sky and the ocean. The advantages
are intelligence, knowledge, calmness, masculinity, loyalty, and
justice. While the drawbacks of sadness and sluggishness, the blue
hue on a product is rarely utilized because it is thought to harm
appetite. However, the hue blue can also induce a state of tranquility
and tranquillity in the body. Blue rooms are said to boost
productivity, and wearing blue while wearing a uniform might show
loyalty. Furthermore, have faith. Nearly everywhere in the globe,
relationships presuppose that the company's corporate color, which
is blue, is male.


Green is often linked to vegetation, the natural world, and the

environment. Green typically denotes wellbeing, youth,
environmental consciousness, and tranquility. These have
advantages such as procreation, wealth, expansion, success, nature,
harmony, integrity, and youth. Being avaricious, jealous, and
inexperienced might be disadvantages. The result of a product is a
color that is eye-pleasing, peaceful, and calm; occasionally utilized
by hospitals to provide patients with a vibration of comfort and the
appearance of order; it promotes healing. This color represents
willpower in contrast to the local culture's associations with heaven,
fertility, and strength.


The colors of luxury, intelligence, creativity, magic, and inspiration

are all purple. Feminism has an impact on the final result and can
also be romantic. This hue stimulates the part of the brain
responsible for problem-solving. This hue can exude a sense of
respect, wisdom, and mystique. Almost any hue of purple will likely
be a little girl's favorite.


The color orange is associated with energy, creativity, sociability,

health, and activity. This color has a reputation for being the color of
crowds and insanity, so use caution while utilizing it. It might be
said that this color has an appetite-stimulating influence on
products that can be viewed. A room painted orange can convey joy,
camaraderie, and boost awareness (hence often used for uniforms).
Orange is a color often associated with spring. It is connected to
family and education in the community.

2.2.4 Denotation, Connotation, and Myth

De Saussure's significant-signification theory is still visibly

demonstrated by Roland Barthes' theory in Rahmawati (2017). Barthes
still refers to the significance between the content and the symbols
through Hjemslev by the word expression (expression). In this instance,
his theory is based on the relationship (R) between the content (C) and
the expression (E), hence he suggests the E-R-C model. A basic sign
system may be a component of a bigger sign system.

Semiotic meaning is the main indicator in this situation. New phrases

also occur in the first-order sign system's continuation. These are the
indicators in the metalinguistic situation when the denotation serves
as the primary system and metalanguage serves as the secondary
system (metalanguage). In the second-level sign system, connotation
uses the primary sign as its expression, whereas meta-language uses it
as content.

“Secondry Sign” “Metalanguage”

Expression Content

R1 “Primary Sign” Expression Content


Expression Content

“Secondary Sign” “Connotation”


The level of signification known as the connotation explains why there is a

false meaning present between the signifier and the sign. He refers to this
second interpretation as a "myth," which might be produced by the
connotation. In this jam, Barthes uses the connotation to clarify one of the
three ways the sign functions in the second sign level. The exchanges that
occur when a sign interacts with a user's emotions and cultural values are
described by Barthes' concept of "connotation." The marker at the first
level is a crucial component in connotation. Barthes investigates meaning
in terms of connotation.
1. Denotation

Denotation is the signification level that clarifies the connection

between a marker and a sign, or a sign and its reference to reality,
producing an explicit, direct, and specific meaning. A sign with a
high degree of convention or agreement is a denotation, according to
the dictionary. The most obvious interpretation of a sign, according
to Barthes, is its denotation. As a result, the analysis of the movie's
visual and aural elements forms the initial level of debate in this

2. Connotation

Compared to linguistics, Roland Barthes' semiotic theory of

denotation and connotation plays a key role. Denotation is
straightforward and can be referred to as a marker description,
claims Barthes (Arthur 2011). Therefore, if you pay close attention to
an object, such a doll, the meaning of denotation is contained in
(this is a long doll with a size and was first created several years
ago). While this is going on, the connotation's meaning will be
slightly different because it will be connected to the culture that is
represented by the wrapping, which refers to the cultural
relationship between the country and culture in which the doll was
made, the image that will be conveyed, and any consequences that
may follow. Lastly, the connotation of some signs takes on the form
of a myth or a suggestion of a myth in terms of their meaning (which
emphasizes the meanings). Connotation becomes, in many respects,
the physical manifestation of a powerful narrative.

3. Myth

Myth: According to Roland Barthes in his book Mythologies, a myth

is a message that is communicated through a system of myths. A
myth is a way of being, of signifying. According to Barthes, anything
may turn into a myth. Any thing that conveys a message will
eventually turn into a myth. Another property of myth, according to
Barthes, is that the message being given, not the content,
determines it. There are myths in movies, pictures, sculptures,
photographs, ads, comic books, and other visual media since myths
are not always spoken. Semiology, the study of signs and forms,
includes mythology. Semiology and mythology deal with values that
are unsatisfied by merely factual information. Facts are symbols that
are utilized to study and define other things. According to Barthes,
there are three-dimensional patterns of markers, signs, and
messages in myth. But myth is a unique system built from pre-
existing semiological chains.

Barthes (Arthur 2011) argues that it is advantageous to use a

distinct term to distinguish between the myth system and the
essence of language. Barthes also identified signifiers and markers
in myth as shapes and concepts, respectively. A designation is
created by the two terms together.

Language Myth

Signifier Form
In actuality, linguistic signs and markers combine to generate one
sign, and this sign serves as both a marker and a derivative of the
original sign. According to mythology, the marker—a sign in the
original language—is referred to as a form, and the sign—a idea of a
sign formed by the feelings it produces—is referred to as a sign. If I
want to understand the myth, I must be able to recognize the
concept, argues Roland Barthes in (Arthur 2011).

Signifier Signified

Denotative Sign (First System)

Connotative Signifier Signified

Connotative Sign (Second System)


This chapter clearly explains the procedures for performing this

research. This chapter consists of research design, data collection,
instruments, techniques of data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this study was carried out.
Citing Cibangu (2012), he said that qualitative research employed a
variety of techniques, including logic, ethnography, discourse analysis,
case studies, participant observation, comparative methods,
introspection, linguistics, focus groups, literary criticism, etc. This
study offers a written account of the research techniques that result in
descriptive information in the form of signs (symbols) and facial
expressions in the conversation seen in the movie. This approach's
merit is that it offers a written account of people's experiences relevant
to the study problem (Mohajan, 2018).
This study's approach of evaluation is qualitative. 2007 (Sugiyono). In
qualitative reporting, events are interpreted based on what is observed.
The scene writer openly discusses reports on various activities and
exchanges. The researchers describe their observations of symbols
(signs) from the movie Avatar poster in their analysis of symbols
(signs). The study's data also includes both primary and secondary
sources. Avatar serves as the main source of data. A number of
Semantic books, perspective theory, movie scripts, the internet, and
other relevant materials are secondary data sources for this study.
The author of the thesis infers from the description of the research
methodology that the descriptive approach is appropriate for this
particular study because the subject of the analysis is a movie poster.
Descriptive research differs from experimental research in that there is
no treatment control. This study aims to explain how language
interactions can be analyzed using symbols (signs). Usually, descriptive
research does not aim to test a hypothesis. Descriptive research
studies are simply the accumulation of primary data; they have
nothing to do with discovering or explaining correlations, testing
hypotheses, making predictions, or discovering implications.
Descriptive research studies are intended to describe situations and
events in a certain sense.
The goal of current study is to recognize, categorize, and analyze
language interactions between surviving families that use symbols
(signs) as a form of communication. This descriptive approach is
thought to be suitable because it aims to depict the situation at the
time the study was conducted. A qualitative design is seen to be useful
for this aim. It is meant to evaluate linguistic interactions as a
qualitative research. The Avatar poster is the study's subject. The
investigator will examine the symbols (signs).

3.2 Data Collection

This part explains the research data, instruments, data collection

techniques, and data analysis.

3.2.1 Research Data

The semiotics theory of Roland Barthes was used to examine the verbal
and nonverbal data for this study, which includes both verbal and
nonverbal signs. Non-verbal information included the images on the
Avatar movie posters, while verbal information comprised all the words,
phrases, and sentences. The information was derived from movie
posters for the Avatar franchise. the information from movie posters
acquired from various websites. This is a list of websites:

No Title Website
1 Avatar 2009
2 Avatar The 2022
Way of Water way-of-water-rilis-poster-4dx-

3.2.2 Instrument

The instrument, according to Arikunto (2006, p. 126), is the

researcher's tool for gathering data. The writer served as the major
instrument in this study because they gathered, described, and
evaluated the data and expounded on the results. For this
investigation, the authors also used a dictionary, reference books, and
official websites.
3.2.3 Data Collection
According to Creswell (2013, p. 146), it is a process that involves a
series of
overlapping activities that gather information in order to respond to the
research problem. The research data was taken from components in
the Avatar film poster containing texts and pictures. There are some
steps that the writer
applied to collect the data:
1. The writer looked for Avatar film posters.
2. The writer downloaded all the film posters containing 3 posters; 2
poster's Avatar, and 1 poster's Avatar 'The way of water'.
3. The writer identified verbal and non-verbal signs.

3.2.4 Data Analysis

In data analysis, the researcher determines several steps to investigate
the data. First, the researcher used the notes collected in the observer's
notes to analyze data in conversation transcripts or pictures of
characters in the film. Then the researcher determines several
conversations or images that contain linguistic signs. (A data
processing procedure is carried out after the transcripts of the
conversations or images are collected. Based on the semiotic theory of
Barthes (1993), each statement will classify and identify the basis for
the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth.
Only utterances that show sign language interactions with linguistic
signals and visuals are used by researchers. The researcher
determined the number with the most semiotic content after gathering
the data. Finally, researchers talk on their results and deductions
based on theory and evidence.

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