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What I Know Activity 1: Complete me

1. D 1.An Outline is a tool used

2. D in improving and
3. B organizing written ideas
4. D about a topic into a
5. D logical order.
composed of many parts.
6. B Thesis statements
2. A thesis statement is a
7. C Major topics Subtopics one sentence statement
8. C Supporting details that expresses the main
9. B idea of an essay.
10. C 3. Major Topics
11. C 4. Subtopics refer to the
12. D minor phrases/ sentences
13. C which are formed from the
14. A major topics.
15. D 5 Supporting details

Know your source Assessment

1. P 1. COVID-19
2. P Infections
3. P - Yes, it is a first
4. S hand information
5. S - Primary source
6. P 2. COVID- 19
7. S records
8. S - No
9. P - Primary source

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