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Personal Development
a) My main goal is to become the best version of my holistic self. Becoming my best means getting
better in all aspects- physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and the rest.
b) As someone who’s in the middle of discovering myself, the lesson of personal development gives
me a concrete, realistic plan on improving myself in every aspect, not leaving a single one. I
genuinely wish that I have a ‘glow-up’ that would help me become the person I want to me
instead of just a person that dreams and never does anything, and learning Personal Development
is one of the first steps on getting there.
2. Human Development
a) There are three main factors that affect human development, namely heredity, environment, and
maturing. It makes sense that these three would affect the way that I would change and grow into
the person I believe is my best and true self.
b) There are things that I can’t control in my life, and once in a blue moon I would wish that I was
born with a different set of circumstances just to feel what it’s like being another person. I don’t
wish for that anymore, because without the things I’ve experienced I wouldn’t meet the people I
love today. The obstacles I have to face are no different from the people around me, and I’m
comforted by that fact.
3. Self-Identity
a) The concept I have of myself of who I am and who I am supposed to be comes from a set of beliefs
placed upon myself influenced by pretty much the same factors on human development. This
could be my gender, the society’s expectations on me, or the responsibilities I believe I’m obligated
to do.
b) I’m quite proud of the person I am today. I still do have my faults, but when I think about my
younger self, it’s honestly surprising how far I’ve gone. I believe that self-awareness is an
important skill to have early in life, because reflecting on oneself is one of the things I need to do in
order to develop myself as a person. This goes without saying, but reflecting should always be
paired with action.
4. Stress
a) It is a response to a stressors, my human nature. There are different sources of stress, as well as
different types of dealing with them. However, not all forms of coping mechanisms are healthy,
and are born from a lack of guidance or role model.
b) This is one of the things I wish I knew how to deal with. As a kid, I didn’t know how to manage
my own emotions and would bottle them up- only to explode at a later point in life. It did happen,
and it was not pretty. Nevertheless, now that I know how to manage my stress the healthy way, I
can prevent myself from having any more mental shutdowns.
5. Attachment styles
a) People are born into different situations, and as children they are affected by the way their parents
raise them. Secure is the most ideal attachment style, meanwhile the other attachment styles come
from a place of trauma, abuse, or neglect.
b) I don’t have a secure attachment style, I can’t change that unfortunately. It’s affected my
relationships between friends and even family members- a fear of abandonment that I can never
shake off. The only thing I can change from here is how I deal with this information, and how I can
help myself to form committed relationships built from trust.
6. Theories of Attraction
a) These are different theories on forming attraction or relationships between people. These very
same reasons could be the explanation why attraction is hard to build in the first place- perhaps
because of distance, or trait differences.
b) These theories make sense because ironically, I’ve experienced them firsthand. I’ve never had luck
with crushes in real life, and that’s why I turn to the internet. There, I have a clean slate- with no
prior reputation holding me back. However, due to lack of proximity, most of the people I do end
up liking don’t reciprocate because ‘attraction’ does not transfer well in text. Now I know the
importance of distance and communication in relationships.
7. Basic components of Love
a) Loving a person requires intimacy, passion, and commitment. These are components that cannot
be separated from one another, or else the bond between partners are not complete, secure, nor
could be called ‘love’ at all.
b) The first example we see of love is our parents. It’s our main basis for love, our standard before we
build our very own. It’s important to set an example for children, but it’s also important to
maintain the relationships formed beforehand. I realize that many marriages fail because of this,
and sometimes I wish I could’ve done something myself. Alas, it is not my relationship to fix.
Perhaps in the future, with a partner of my own maybe, I can apply these basic components.
8. Social Relationship
a) Relationships with other people have different dynamics in different settings. There are those that
form within the workplace, with the boss or employee. There also those that form between casual
or friendly companionship. Others include ethnicity, cultures, or even power and influence.
b) Power and fear play a big factor in social relationships, especially within the workplace. Power
over coworkers, power over citizens, or even power over a friend. It isn’t all bad though, I believe
that it’s necessary to have some kind of control over a relationship because we are still basically
animals. Power is needed for control and respect, and sometimes people don’t easily conform to
these without power.
9. Conflict Management
a) There are different reasons conflict happens, as well as different responses to these disagreements.
Conflict can be managed through solving the causes- which are miscommunication, strong
emotions, stereotyping, and repetitive negative behavior.
b) As a person who loathes conflict, I do everything I can in order to avoid it. It’s honestly
unnecessary to fight over something that can easily be solved by proper communication and
understanding. This isn’t always the case though- like in politics, conflict is unavoidable when it is
for the good of the country and we are fighting for resources for survival. But maybe, if politicians
were to talk and understand each other, we would have a much more peaceful world.
10. Family
a) Family is built upon trust and responsibilities, goals and commitment to each other. Blood ties can
define a biological relationship, but this cannot beat the bond that is built upon work and
unconditional love.
b) Have you ever seen a movie where the protagonist starts off by themselves, and by journeying the
world they meet their friends they would die for? Found families. I love those kinds of
relationships. It means that, even if they were random strangers at one point, they meet and trust
each other that they don’t need blood to define who they are to each other. Those are the kinds of
friends I wish to make, and the family I strive for.

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