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Scattering and Gathering time

Year Event

1840 The great Disappointed

1844 time of deep bible study

published with title "A

Word to the Little Flock"

1845-1848 Scattering Time

the five pillars of

1845-1848 sabbatarian Adventists'
doctrine were settled

Ellen Harmon first met

Joseph Bates, both were
dubious about each
other's teachings. The
1846 First encounter Ellen
Harmon did not feel the
importance to keep the
fourth commandment
In August Ellen Harmon
and James White were
Joseph Bates publish his
"first full tract", The
Seventh-day Sabbath, a
Perpetual Sign.

1846 Ellen White recalled:"In

the autumn of 1846 we
began to observe the
Bible Sabbath, and to
teach, and defend it"

Bates travel to western

new york, and met
Crosier, Hahn and Edson.

Adventis belivers began

to form around the
united doctrines of the
two-phase ministry of
Christ in the heavenly
sanctuary and the
binding nature of the
seventh-day Sabbath

connection between
commandments in the
Sanctuary and Sabbath as
1846-1847 one of the
according to Revelation
14:11, 12
Joseph Bates publish a
series of small book.

1846-1849 Seventh Day Sabbath, a

Perpetual Sign first
published in 1846 and
revised in 1847

1847 first Publication of "A

Word tothe Little Flock"

Ellen White vision " I saw the

ark, the temple of the Lord, the
commandments.The 4th
commandment was the
brightest at all"

According to Roy E. Graham,

was one of three main lines of
study among the future
Sabbatarian Adventists:
1. Sabbath
2. Another was related to
ministry of Christ in the
heavenly Sanctuary.
3. The teaching related to the
acceptance of the gifts of the
Holy Spirit, especially the gift of
prophecy manifested in the
person of Ellen G. White

The teaching were:

1. The second coming of Jesus
2. The two phase ministry of
there were five main Christ in the heavenly sanctuary
teachings that the 3. The conditional immortal of
leaders of the future the soul
Sabbatarian Adventism 4. The Sabbath
1848 became the "pillar" 5. The validity of prophecy
doctrines of the manifested in the church
Sabbatarian Adventists through the vision of Ellen g.
and some years later of White
Seventh-day Adventist
1st attemp to lay down
the foundation of a new
movement among the
scattered ex-millerites

the organization started


22 meetings in new
england and new york in
which the main
expositors were Joseph
Bates, James White and
Ellen G. White

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