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Paix-Travail-Patrie Peace-Work-Fatherland
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Examen National Du Brevet De Technicien Supérieur – Session De Juin 2022

Durée : 3 Heures
Spécialité/Option : tronc commun
Épreuve : Techniques d’Expression Anglaise
Crédit : 1

GRAMMAR (10 marks)

A) Complete these sentences with your own words (5 marks)
1- She’s gone to her office, …………………………. ?
2- Look that woman over there, she is ………………………the same dress as you.
3- He is the man with ………………………………. I visited the zoo.
4- It is high time you ………………………….disturbances in class.
5- Students will write their exam …………………. July.
B) Complete these sentences with appropriate words or expressions. (5 marks)
a) Ten months ago, my brother................................... (to bring) me a new pair of shoe.
b) The meeting…………………………….(to be) presided over by the president of the
youths association tomorrow.
c) The thieves………………………………. (to break) the door two days ago.
d) When the Europeans came to Africa, they………………………………( to be)
surprised by the way Africans lived.
e) While……………………. (to wait) for the bus, i saw a wonderful car

VOCABULARY (5 marks)
Write the answer as requested in the brackets referring yourself to the
underlined words. (2.5 marks)

1) The director of the company was sacked…………………….. Yesterday because

of mismanagement. (synonym)
2) This top model comes from a poor……………………… family. (antonym)
3) Among the players, Bassogog is the( talented)……………………….(superlative)
4) The team plays very good ……………………… (adverb)
5) Life is all about wise ………………………….. (noun)
Match column A and column B then write the correct answer on the provided space.
(2.5 marks)
Column A Column B Answer
Bank lord .........................................
Whole tools ..........................................
Ware accounts ..........................................
land saler ...........................................
working house ...........................................

READING COMPREHENSION Read attentively the text and answer the

questions that follow.

Africa may not go through the first industrial revolution or the nuclear revolution but
the silicon chip revolution is already helping managers to save time and cut production costs.
The nature of computers explains why they are so widely used in offices and factories where,
although they raise new problems, they contribute to a faster process of economic

The first computer the American Vannevar Bush built in 1930, like the mini-
computers and the microcomputers sold today, was an electronic machine capable of storing
and analyzing information in order to produce results or decisions. In an office the most
visible part of a computer are the machinery or equipment also known as the hardware, the
keyboard, the electric cords and the screen for displaying instructions or results. The software
or programme is invisible because it consists of instructions to help the machine solve
problems fast and accurately. The user must supply data or information in a language, say
CO.B.O.L., which is the same in which the manufacturer wrote the programme. The memory
or chip is found in the hardware, where the programme and data are kept. Numerous and
complex electronic circuits operate switches, magnetizing or demagnetizing them so that we
can tell the computer what to do and how to do it.

This superficial description of a computer shows that it is useful for repetitive and dull
tasks such as factory control industry, warehouse management in business or calculations in
research and business. Computers can receive more information than man but they need man
to operate them! While suppressing jobs, they therefore create new ones. Service industries
are less affected because the manual skills of a factory worker are easier to computerize than
the mental skills of a teacher or a lawyer. The control of robots, precision and safety in
medical instruments and air/sea navigation systems are profitable aspects of computer
science. Computers make invoicing and travel bookings easy. They help us in predicting, in
counting votes, in making payrolls and water, electricity or telephone bills, in designing, in
teaching and even in cooking.

African managers and researchers will buy and use more and more computers on
condition that they become more and more inexpensive and maintenance costs are reduced.
Computers will not worsen the existing unemployment level but instead make it possible to
invest the wages saved by employers. Fewer industrial injuries, higher factory output as well
as increased leisure will speed up development. Easier access, through computers, to data
bases supplying updated information will improve the cultural level of the Africans.
Computers cannot think by themselves and we know that development comes from new ideas,
money, hard work, technical training, and efficient management of resources. Economic
development may not come with the production of the purchase of computers in Africa.


1- Give a suitable title to the following text.


2- Describe a computer in few words.


3- In which fields of activity can computers be used?


4- What are the advantages of working using computers?


5- Why is it difficult to easily find a job nowadays when one is computer illiterate?

A- Translate in French (2.5 marks)
1) The Senior Divisional Officer for Menoua took part to the national football
championship opening match.
2) The Head of State delivered a speech on the on-going works on the National
3) I have done some money withdrawal through my phone last week.

4) Do you think we can eradicate corruption in Cameroon?

5) I have deposit my application for the job offer you told me.
B- Translate in English (2.5 MARKS)

a) Je n’oublierai jamais ce jour où je me suis rendu pour la première fois dans un

b) Le développement de l’Afrique concerne d’abord les africains qui doivent
cesser de justifier leur paresse.
c) Au cours de cette année académique, j’ai fait d’importants efforts en Anglais.
d) Prévenir vaut mieux que guérir.
e) Avec mon diplôme, je pourrai trouver du travail.


In an essay of about 250 to 300 words, you should treat one topic chosen from the following.
TOPIC 1 : The Director of human resources at Cameroon Airline has launched a massive
recruitment at the enterprise which is under his duty. Write an application for a job vacancy
which ties with your domain of study. Your address is FOFIE JEAN, P.O Box 1254
TOPIC 2 : Describe the job you will like to do after your training; in the trade you study
You may identify what job it is, in what sector of activity it is found, what are the
requirements it takes and what are the advantages and the dangers of such a job?
TOPIC 3 : During the youth week celebration in your school, as the General Delegate, you
have to deliver a speech to your classmates on the mastery of computer as a key to
professional success in the 21st century. Write your speech.

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