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Video 1

Pathogens can be viruses, bacteria, fungi or protozoa, these when entering a human body, cause diseases.

When diseases are spread very easily from person to person, it is classified as an infectious disease.

Bacterial diseases can kill us, because that once inside the human body bacteria reproduce very rapidly under ideal

Bacteria can divide every 20 minutes bacteria can then release harmful chemicals called toxins.

Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves, so when the host enters, it invades a cell, then uses it as a factory to create
more copies of it, causing more viruses.

Video 2

An infectious disease an infectious disease is a disease caused by an infectious agent like viruses bacteria parasites or
fungi infectious diseases.

When an organism enters the body some people fight it off with their immune system while others can go on to develop
disease people are likely to develop disease if they have weakened immune system

The Inmune system can be weakened for the drugs age or other disease they're also more likely to develop the disease
if they're not immune to it.

An emerging infectious disease is a disease that has appeared in the population for the first time or one that may have
existed previously but is rapidly increasing an incidence or geographical range

Infections diseases can come from a specific geographic sector, such as tropical ones, or they can be transmitted by a
vector, such as malaria.

Video 3

This system is a vast network of cells, tissues, and organs that coordinate your body’s defenses against any threats to your

Without the immune system, you’d be exposed to billions of bacteria, viruses, and toxins that could make something as minor
as a paper cut or a seasonal cold fatal.

The immune system is made up of millions of defensive white blood cells, also known as leukocytes, that originate in our
bone marrow.

Our bodies are full of leukocytes: there are between 4,000 and 11,000 in each microliter of blood.

This system relies primarily on signals called antigens. These molecular traces on the surface of pathogens and other
foreign substances, betray the presence of invaders.

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