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5to computer science

Josué David Cruz Peréz
He was a victim of bullying, for fat?
Born on May 2, 1972 in his childhood he became somewhat overweight so at
school he was a victim of bullying. He knows what it's like to be depressed to
feel humiliated so if you're chubby don't worry with perseverance you can
become someone stocky like rice.
Dwayne Johnson's "The Rock" dream was to
make a living as a football player
The illusion ended when a technician told him "you are
not good enough", he had just turned 23 and had nowhere
to fall dead he slept on a mattress that had been found on
the street.
He had to turn to his parents to take him back home
Desperate Dwayne after being rejected by the professional league, during the
journey Dwayne opened his wallet and 7 dollars were all his savings, later "The
Rock" founded his own production company 7 dollars productions in honor of those
miserable 7 dollars that encouraged him to change his life.
That's why I admire Dwayne
Johnson, because in spite of
everything he was able to get ahead.
The end

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