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Process paper

How did we choose our topic:

We chose this topic since we all wanted a topic surrounding mental health,
hearing about nellie bly's experience in the mental asylum relates to it since it's
directed towards mental health and how people were mistreated for it. Mental
health has always been a misunderstood topic throughout the course of centuries,
with many facing backlash for struggling and not receiving the help they
desperately need. Not only was Nellie Bly a brave individual for facing such harsh
realities, but she dared to do what no one else would.

2: How did we conduct research:

Through searching for primary sources which linked to many of Nellie Bly’s
writing, such as “Ten days in the madhouse”, we were able to sufficiently provide
enough information throughout the course of the website while condensing it.
Secondary sources were much easier to find which allowed us to see from outsider
perspectives, rather than just from Nellie Bly’s point of view.

3. how you selected your presentation category and created your project

We had the most experience with websites rather than exhibit boards and
essays, since we were a group of three we found it much easier to type everything
up in a document that is shared amongst ourselves and have one of us paste it into
the website itself. Not only can websites be extremely helpful, informational and
well organized, but it also allows us to work on our project without the need to
meet up in person.
4. How does your project relate to the NHD theme?

This project relates to frontiers in history because despite all the countless
amounts of abuse faced in the mental asylum, without Nellie Bly’s writing and
experience, people would have never uncovered what would've happened in the
mental asylum and would have never had mental health come to light. Nellie Bly
made huge advancements which led to mental health being recognized as a medical
condition, being taken more seriously, and having more accessibility to resources
than before.

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