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Sure Elementary | Communication & Exam Listening

Results for
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MODULE 6 – Communication Forum with Core

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Deadline:  2022-10-07, 10:00 pm


8 / 8 points (100%)


1 / 1 exercises (100%)


Exercise 1
2022-08-18, 10:47 am
8 / 8 points (100%)


Keren Hi, guys. Are you free on Saturday afternoon?

Owen Yeah!

Sam Sure!

Keren Would you like to come to my party?

Owen Thanks, I'd love to.

Sam Me, too.

Emma I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I can't. I'm working at the restaurant. I start at four o'clock and finish at nine.

Keren Oh, that's too bad! Well, why don't we have the party on Sunday? Can you come then, Emma?

Emma Yes, I can.

Keren Great! Is Sunday OK for you two?

Owen You bet!

Emma And I can bring pizzas from the restaurant!

Owen How about making some salads? My potato salad is delicious!

Keren Thanks, Owen. I'll make salads, too.

Sam Why don't we go to the supermarket and get the things we need?

Emma Good idea. And what about drinks?

Keren It's not a problem, Emma. We'll get the drinks at the supermarket.

Owen So, how about going to the supermarket on Saturday morning to buy everything?

Emma Perfect. I can come, too.

Keren OK. So we'll meet on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Don't be late!!

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