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Sure Elementary | Communication & Exam Listening

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MODULE 2 – Focus on fluency with Core phrases

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Deadline:  2022-08-21, 11:59 pm


12 / 12 points (100%)


2 / 2 exercises (100%)


Exercise 1
2022-08-18, 10:05 am
6 / 6 points (100%)


Millie Hi! My name is Millie and I'm doing a survey about students in our city.
Can I ask you some questions, please?

Monique Of course, no problem!

Millie Great! What's your name and where are you from?

Monique Monique and I'm from Paris in France.

Millie OK Monique, so, what time do you get up?

Monique Oh, I get up very late. Sorry, I mean very early. I have breakfast at seven o'clock!

Millie And do you live in an apartment?

Monique No, I live in a big house with some other students, you know,

a student residence.

Millie Do you eat together?

Monique Not every day. We have um lunch together on Saturday

I think. No hang on! It's on Sunday.

Millie And what do you like doing in your free time?

Monique I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Millie What do you do in your free time? What are your hobbies?

Monique Ah, OK. Well, I like dancing, and going to the gym.

Millie Great! That's fantastic Monique. Thanks very much! Bye.

Monique Bye, Millie.

Exercise 2
2022-08-18, 10:14 am
6 / 6 points (100%)


Sam Hi Amy! How's your new flat?

Amy Oh Sam, it's great! I love it and I love my bedroom. I've got my own TV!

Sam So where is it?

Amy It's on my bedside table!

Sam And where's the bedside table?

Amy It's next to the bed, of course.

Sam Great! Have you got a desk?

Amy Yes, I have. It's between my bed and my bookcase.

Sam And have you got an armchair?

Amy Yes, I have. It's big and red and it's near the door.

Sam And is your old green bag behind the door?

Amy Ha! Ha! Ha! Yes, it is!

Sam Your bag is always there. What's that noise? Is it Missy, your cat?

Amy Yes, she's under the bed. It's her favourite place.

Sam Ha ha! So, see you on Saturday, Amy.

Amy Bye, Sam.

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