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Araceli GB MWF 9:00 to 11:00 | 57V1-QPQD

Jetstream Upper-intermediate | Cyber Homework

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Unit 1 Lesson 2

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Deadline:  2022-12-06, 11:00 pm


45 / 46 points (97%)


6 / 6 exercises (100%)


Reading – The mystery of the forest boy (1)

2022-09-21, 08:37 pm
7 / 7 points (100%)

A young man left his home in the Netherlands.
A young man went into a police station in Berlin.
Police began investigating his identity.
Police began to distrust the young man's story.
A member of the public recognised van Helsum's photo.
The mystery was solved.
Van Helsum was charged with fraud.

Reading – The mystery of the forest boy (2)

2022-09-21, 03:36 pm
5 / 6 points (83%)

In paragraph 1, the word 'amnesia' is most likely to mean an inability to remember anything.
What didn't make sense about the man's belongings? They were almost new, but he said he had been living in a tent for five

How would you describe the forest boy's attitude towards the police? He made their work difficult.
How was the mystery solved? Someone recognised the boy's photograph.

What was Robin van Helsum's reason for running away? He wanted some excitement.
What happened to Robin van Helsum? He was charged with fraud and sent to prison. (He was charged with fraud and had to do
community service.)
Grammar – Time and tense review: past (1)
2022-09-21, 08:40 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)

The robbers had already left by the time the police arrived. 
I have never been to Mexico, but I'd like to. 
You weren't in class yesterday. Why not? 
We've been coming to Spain on holiday for the last 15 years. 
When I was 20, I studied in Paris for a year. 
Jim has been painting the bedroom all morning and he still hasn't finished.

Grammar – Time and tense review: past (2)

2022-09-21, 08:38 pm
9 / 9 points (100%)

Wilson has been studying Spanish for two years now. He's pretty good! (study) 
We had just found our seats when the pilot said the flight was delayed. (find) 
I have made a lot of new friends at uni. (make) 
I have spent three hours looking for my keys this morning. (spend) 
I had just fallen asleep when my mobile rang. (fall) 
We thought we knew Zara. But it seems she lied to us. (know, lie)

Vocabulary – keep (1)

2022-09-21, 08:39 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)


I'd like to get to know Sasha better, but she keeps people at arm's length. doesn't want to become good friends with 
Keep your shirt on! I'll pay you back before the end of the week, I promise. stay calm/don't panic 
Have you met the new sales executive? He seems to be keeping a low profile. not drawing attention to himself 
I wish you had kept your mouth shut. Now everyone knows my secret! not said anything 
Keep calm! We've got plenty of time to get to the airport. don't panic/stay calm 
We will keep passengers informed of any further delays. let (someone) know about

Vocabulary – keep (2)

2022-09-21, 08:42 pm
12 / 12 points (100%)

I couldn't stop thinking about my little boy's operation. It kept me awake all night. N 
You kept me waiting for 45 minutes! Why didn't you phone to let me know you were late? N 
Gina likes to keep busy. She's a very hard-working member of the team. P 
Rhona is such a gossip. She's just can't keep her mouth shut. N 
Keep your shirt on, I'm sure we can get a refund! There's no need to shout. N 
Rob is my best friend. I can trust him with anything and he always keeps a secret. P

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