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Name: Crestyl Faye R.

Cagatan Course & Section: BSN 2, WTh 4:30-6:00

Subject: Ethics Date: December 9, 2022

Moral framework

I choose Thomas More to discuss about his moral framework. Thomas was a gregarious
person who enjoyed entertaining friends and acquaintances and discussing those things that
were changing the world of the sixteenth century. He was an excellent lawyer who was always
honest, an exception in his profession in his era. He was knowledgeable in the important topics
of his day. He was a friend of Erasmus.

For me, he is not a person who takes a stand and sacrifices himself for a cause. He is a
man who gives up his life because he cannot sacrifice his own commitment to his conscience.
He does not turn his back on what he believes is right.

Because he is very firm on what is right, he has unwavering faith in the legal process, a
faith that eventually causes his downfall. The movie centers on Thomas More’s conscience, his
attempts to save his life by remaining silent, and his eventual surrender to death rather than act
again his conscience.

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