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October 25, 2021

Doc Remwil Tornalejo

College President
Mountain View College, College Heights
Valencia City, 8709

Dear Doc Tornalejo,

We, the Advent Philomels, have been serving the Lord for already 44 years and would still be
serving Him through the singing ministry because we believe that our opportunity to reach more souls has
increased especially with our use of online platforms during this pandemic. As stewards of Christ, we do
our job in inspiring people and devoting ourselves to the ministry with the use of our messages in songs
and make use of the talent which God has blessed us with. We stand to bring more people closer to God
and share the light which our school have given upon us.

In line with this, we would like to request your permission to hold a Dedication Ceremony on
October 29, 2022, at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Oliverio Hall. May we cordially invite you to be
the speaker on the said event. We hope you would be able to fit this event in your busy schedule and we
constantly pray for your prompt approval regarding to this matter.Thank you for your kind consideration.
Looking for a positive response from you.In this regard,


JB Lloren
AP President


Ronnel Aldin D. Fernando

AP Conductor

Approved by:

Doc Remwil Tornalejo

College President

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