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A Short Speech on Love


At the sound of this one word, some hearts flutter, some others skip a
beat. There is rush of adrenaline for some, others blush.
Love, surprisingly, has been equated with emotions. But is it all that is
there to it? Emotions keep changing; don’t they? Today, you feel madly
in love with someone; when the sun rises the next day you wonder
where all the “love” you felt yesterday has gone; don’t you?
So, love does not properly belong to the realm of emotions, though
emotions do color our love with all kinds of splashes. Then what is
It is basically a decision to hold the other person in the highest esteem,
value him or her above all else, and cherish that person like no other
and hold him or her so close and dear to one’s heart.
Love is not about getting; it is about giving.
Love is not about selfishness; it is about sacrifice.
Love is not about being on top of the charts; it is about humility, the
willingness to serve.
Love is not about bragging; it is about doing things for the other without
Love is not about covering up evil; it is about being transparent and
living in the light.
Love is not about falsehood; it is about speaking the truth.

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