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Transgenderism in Pakistan

Thesis Statement
Several people believe that the “Hijra Culture” consists of people faking
their entity in hope of donations. Whereas some think that Hijras are born
with deformities which makes it strenuous for them to make a living.

Topic sentence 1
Transgenderism in Pakistan mainly involves the skeptical opinions of
people on the infamous “Hijra Culture”.

Supporting Detail 1
To start with, the fact that it gets frustrating dealing with Hijras whenever
you stop at a red light is totally acceptable.

Supporting Detail 2
I have had multiple encounters including ones where I got touched on my
shoulder without my consent for money.

Supporting Detail 3
In some cases, they go too far and attempt to steal and snatch wallets,
phones, cash, etc, whenever they get the chance to.

Topic Sentence 2
Furthermore, they don’t always have birth defects, some of them are not
comfortable with their biological gender and come out as transgender.

Supporting Detail 1
I also agree with the people that claim that most hijras get kicked out of
their homes because of their deformities with the cultural mindset of a
worthless child behind it.

Supporting Detail 2
Almost everyone in Pakistan, including me, thinks that the phenomenon of
“coming out as transgender” or changing your gender doesn’t always
apply to hijras. It more likely suits the liberal side of Pakistan where
gender is an acceptable choice. Therefore, hijras and transgenders aren’t
always the same thing.

Supporting Detail 3
For a group (Hijras) struggling to survive in our country, no one would
want to purposefully change their gender just to end up begging on the
streets. Hence, this proves the second voice of this topic as birth defects do
make life challenging.

Topic Sentence 3
Nonetheless, both perspectives towards the third sex are pretty much
appealing despite having debatable aspects. As the world is advancing,
there have been numerous movements towards the awareness of gender

Supporting Detail 1
I recently went to a NADRA center and saw a hijra or transgender working
at a position where only cisgenders are seen working.

Supporting Detail 2
Schools and institutes are opening for them, and some renowned ones are
welcoming and assisting them.

Supporting Detail 3
All these encounters show they are gradually being treated equally and
getting a better chance at flourishing in life.

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