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Whenever, Rashis are mentioned, KalaPurusha becomes very important.

Whenever, Bhavas are mentioned, Lagna becomes very important.
Whenever, Grahas are mentioned, Karakas become very important.

Margi planet follows the Sun or Duty
Vakri planet follows its own agenda
Sthambi planet stops all its functions

Destiny and Choice – Rasi and Bhava

Everything available or unavailable to us is seen in the Rasi chart and yet personal
choices are seen from the Bhava chart

Guna Grahas and Aspects of Life

Satwa Guna Grahas – Guru, Ravi, Chandra are most important grahas giving Dhi and the
two legs of the tripod of life.
Rahas Guna Grahas – Budha, Shukra are the most important grahas in material life giving
wealth and pleasure.
Tamas Guna Grahas – Shani and Mangal give longevity, sorrow and property, aggression

Sthana – Kala – Patra

KN RAO The Fruition of Transits in Drekkana

Thus, this can be listed as:

- Sun, Mars: 1st Drekkana (0-10 degrees of a sign)

- Jupiter, Venus: 2nd Drekkana (10-20 degrees of a sign)

- Moon, Saturn: 3rd Drekkana (20-30 degrees of a sign)

- Mercury and Rahu (Ketu): any portion of sign.

Jyotish Kalpadruma - 1 Of Shri Maharaja Shambhu Singh
Translated By A. K. Singh, India

These rules can be found in nadi grantha. Author perhaps believes that mixing nadi rules
with Parasara produces more accuracy in prediction.
1. Sun is the significator of father hence 10th house from sun should be considered as the
house of father.
2. In the same way 4th house from Moon is the house of mother.
3. 3rd house from Mars is for coborns
4. 5th from Jupiter is considered for children.
5. 7th from Venus is considered for spouse.
6. Mercury is the karaka for maternal uncle so 6th house from mercury is considered for
maternal uncle.
7. Death should be seen from the 8th house from Saturn as it is the karaka for death.

Note: In the same way we can add for checking one’s career we should check the 10th house
from Saturn. I have observed many times people getting job in the dasa of the planet placed
in the 10th house from Saturn or lord of 10th house from Saturn. Double transit of Jupiter
and Saturn when activates the 10th house from Saturn the person gets a new job.
Here we should remember that Parasara has stated that Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn
are the karaka for the 10th house. In some nadi methods Saturn is said to be karma karaka
and in experience it is found to be true.

Maturity Age For Different Planets

Different planets get matured at different ages. Their effects can be experienced at that
particular age.

1. Sun gives its result in 22nd year.

fpu` fpu` gyd; taJ
2. Moon gives its result in 24th year.
#hpah 22
3. The result of Mars is felt in 28th year.
re;jpuh 24
4. Mercury gives its result in 26th or 32nd year.
kq;fs; 28
5. Jupiter’s effect is realised in 16th or 32nd year.
6. The result of Venus comes in 26th year. Gj 26 or 32
7. 36th year is the year of Saturn. FU 16 or 32
8. Rahu and ketu gives their effect in 42nd year. Rf;uh 26
\dp 36
uhF-NfJ 42

Ketu it always indicates happiness that must come from within

what you get from the Lagna is Fate – not necessarily your choice; and what you get
from the Lagna Lord is your desire, your free-will

Ketu was given 7 years dasha as it is linked to the 7 Rishis (the Saptarishis). When Saturn is in trine
to Ketu, it therefore connects the person’s karma with a Rishi.

Rahu for his worth has been attributed 18 years dasha due to its link with the 18 siddha purushas.
With Saturn in trine to Rahu, the person’s karma is linked to a Siddha Purusha.
During Dasa period of the benefic placed in 12th lead to (Aishwarya Bhanga) hurdle to prosperity. If a
natural malefic is placed that Dasa yield to extraordinary Wealth (Bhagya).
First Drekkana of movable sign is known as Pasa

Middle Drekkana of Fixed sign is known as Bhujanga

Last Drekkana of Dual sign is known as Nigala

A planet placed in the middle of the Rasi gives results in the middle, a planet placed in own sign gives
results in the beginning. A planet under retrogradation will not give results

For the natives born during night times, Sani and Kuja placed in 7th lead to Bhadhaka to Father,
Guru and Sani placed in 7th to Chandra lead to Bhadhaka1 to Mother.

To Lagna, to Saptama and to any Bhava or Bhavadhipati a benefic is placed in 7th, the Bhava and
Bhavadhipati gains.

It is told that from Lagna or from Lagnadhipati2 12 Bhavas were fixed. Based on the planets etc
predictions are to be forecasted

2nd Lord, 7th Lord combined with Sukra and placed in Kendra, Trikona, aspecting Kutumba Sthana
(2nd) Saptama Sthana (7th) Or placed in 2nd or in 7th, the native will have only one marriage3

xIf 4th Lord and Lagnadhipati are placed in 4th the native will make Gruha Pradesa (House warming)
very early . If Guru is placed in fourth house building will be delayed. If Kuja happened to be 4th lord
house building will be easy. If 4th Lord, Guru are combined with malefics and placed in 6, 8, 12 the
house may caught to fire

1New concept & application of Badhaka, readers should explore this further, test it aggressively. - SA
2 Read foot note 21 and then read this verse keeping in mind ‘from lagnadhipathi – from lagna lord’ - SA
3 Modern astrologers refuse to believe that the 2H has anything to do with marriage, one is requested to see

this verse & also study Chandra Kala Nadi translated by R Santhanam deeply. - SA

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