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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

134 (3rd series)

M.S. Berger and M. Weller, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 23

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Departments of Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

Glioblastoma is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor in adults. Defining histopathologic
features are necrosis and endothelial proliferation, resulting in the assignment of grade IV, the highest
grade in the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of brain tumors. The classic clinical term
“secondary glioblastoma” refers to a minority of glioblastomas that evolve from previously diagnosed
WHO grade II or grade III gliomas. Specific point mutations of the genes encoding isocitrate dehydro-
genase (IDH) 1 or 2 appear to define molecularly these tumors that are associated with younger age and
more favorable outcome; the vast majority of glioblastomas are IDH wild-type. Typical molecular
changes in glioblastoma include mutations in genes regulating receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/rat sar-
coma (RAS)/phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), p53, and retinoblastoma protein (RB) signaling. Standard
treatment of glioblastoma includes surgery, radiotherapy, and alkylating chemotherapy. Promoter meth-
ylation of the gene encoding the DNA repair protein, O6-methylguanyl DNA methyltransferase (MGMT),
predicts benefit from alkylating chemotherapy with temozolomide and guides choice of first-line treat-
ment in elderly patients. Current developments focus on targeting the molecular characteristics that drive
the malignant phenotype, including altered signal transduction and angiogenesis, and more recently,
various approaches of immunotherapy.


PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Risk factors for the development of glioblastoma other
Glioblastoma is a disease that accounts for 45.6% of pri- than age are poorly defined (Weller et al., 2015a). Males
mary malignant brain tumors, yet the annual incidence are affected more often than females (1.6:1) and whites
of 3.1 per 100 000 is low compared to cancers arising more often than blacks (2:1) (Ostrom et al., 2014a).
from other organs such as breast (171.20 per 100 000) Causes of these asymmetric distributions are elusive.
or prostate (201.40 per 100 000: Ostrom et al., 2014a). A small subset of less than 1% of glioblastomas are asso-
The annual age-adjusted incidence of glioblastoma ciated with hereditary cancer syndromes, including neu-
increases with age from 0.15 per 100 000 in children to rofibromatosis types 1 and 2, Turcot syndrome and Li–
the peak of 15.03 per 100 000 in patients aged 75–84 years Fraumeni syndrome, usually secondary to the diagnosis
(Ostrom et al., 2014a). Survival is inversely associated of World Health Organization (WHO) grade II or III gli-
with age: 5% of all patients diagnosed with glioblastoma omas (Ohgaki et al., 2010). A population-based study
are alive after 5 years, and this measure decreases to 2% including 10 834 patients treated with low-dose radio-
among patients aged 65 years or older (Ostrom therapy of the scalp for tinea capitis of 1–6 Gy in the
et al., 2014a). 1950s confirmed a relative risk (RR) increase for

*Correspondence to: Hans-Georg Wirsching, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich, Frauenklinikstrasse 26,
CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland. Tel: +41-44-255-5500, Fax: +41-44-255-4507, E-mail:
gliomas of 2.6 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.8–8.6), divide into different, more differentiated cell types).
and the excess RR for malignant tumors followed linear Finally, the capability to form secondary tumors in serial
kinetics and was 1.98/Gy (95% CI, 0.73–4.69) (Ron et al., xenotransplantation assays that resemble the original
1988; Sadetzki et al., 2005). Among long-term survivors tumors is a defining criterion of glioma-initiating cells.
who underwent high-dose irradiation (30–44.9 Gy) for Various markers of glioma-initiating cells have been
primary brain tumors in childhood, the odds ratio was described, including CD133 (prominin) (Singh et al.,
21 for gliomas (n ¼ 40, including n ¼ 9 glioblastomas) 2004), CD15 (stage-specific embryonic antigen-1) (Son
and the excess RR/Gy was 0.33 (95% CI, 0.07–1.71) et al., 2009), CD44 (Pietras et al., 2014), and integrin
(Neglia et al., 2006). The radiation dose of diagnostic alpha 6 (Lathia et al., 2010) but the abundance of any
scans does not suffice as a risk factor (Brada et al., of these markers differs strongly between tumors
1992; Minniti et al., 2005). Mobile phone use has been (Yan et al., 2013). Most progeny of glioma-initiating cells
studied extensively with respect to gliomagenesis, but have features of astrocytes, but differentiation into
no definite association has been reported (Interphone functional endothelial cells and pericytes has been noted,
Study Group, 2010; Ostrom et al., 2014b). No association too (Ricci-Vitiani et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2010; Cheng
with smoking or other cancerogenic agents has been et al., 2013). Glioma-initiating cells have been attributed
reported. Expression of cytomegalovirus (CMV) genes a crucial role in growth, angiogenesis, invasion, and
and interaction of CMV gene products with some of resistance to radiotherapy (Bao et al., 2006) and chemo-
the core pathways that drive the malignant phenotype therapy (Beier et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2012), but, despite
of glioblastoma suggest an oncomodulatory role for promising preclinical data, no drugs specifically target-
CMV, but a firm role for CMV as a glioma-initiating ing glioma-initiating cells have entered clinical practice
agent remains to be confirmed (Dziurzynski et al., to date.
2012; Wick and Platten, 2014). In summary, ionizing irra-
diation of the brain is the only recognized exogenous risk
Tumor location
factor for the development of glioblastoma (Connelly
and Malkin, 2007; Bondy et al., 2008; Ostrom and There is no association of the location of glioblastoma at
Barnholtz-Sloan, 2011). diagnosis with the locations of NSPC, besides the con-
finement of most glioblastomas to the supratentorial
compartment. Reasons likely include excessive dissemi-
Cell of origin
nation of glioblastoma cells throughout the brain even at
The low frequency of glioblastoma and of primary brain early stages of the disease, but development of glioblas-
tumors in general compared to tumors arising from toma from non-NSPC cannot be excluded. Most gliomas
extraneural organs may reflect a high degree of protec- occur in the frontal (25.8%), temporal (19.7%), and pari-
tion of the brain from genotoxic stress. ATP-binding cas- etal (12.2%) lobes, whereas occipital-lobe (3.2%), cere-
sette (ABC) family transporter molecules of the blood– bellar (2.9%), brainstem (4.2%), or spinal cord (4.3%)
brain barrier restrict diffusion of chemical mutagens to gliomas are relatively rare (Ostrom et al., 2014a). Brain-
the brain (El Ali and Hermann, 2011). Furthermore, DNA stem gliomas are rare in adults, but account for the vast
is particularly sensitive to genotoxic stress during repli- majority of pediatric glioblastomas (Ostrom et al., 2015).
cation, but most brain cells have entered a definite post- Survival of patients with frontal-lobe glioblastomas was
mitotic state until adulthood. Experimental data suggest longer compared to patients with temporal- or parietal-
that adult glioblastoma may be derived from the small lobe glioblastoma (median overall survival (OS), 11.4
pool of adult neural stem and progenitor cells (NSPC), vs. 9.1 vs. 9.6 months, log rank p ¼ 0.01) in a cohort of
which are located in the subventricular zone (Sanai 645 adults who were treated within three consecutive tri-
et al., 2004), the subcortical white matter (Nunes et al., als of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) in
2003), and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus the pre-temozolomide era (Simpson et al., 1993). This is
(Eriksson et al., 1998). NSPC have retained the ability likely due to an association of frontal-lobe glioblastoma
to enter mitosis and play a major role for the plasticity with other favorable prognostic features, such as youn-
of the brain in learning and memory (Sanai et al., ger age, isocitrate dehydrogenase-1/2 (IDH-1/2) muta-
2005). A subpopulation of glioblastoma cells termed tions (Sturm et al., 2012; Ellingson et al., 2013), and
glioma-initiating (also called glioma stem-like cells) higher rates of gross total resection (Lacroix et al.,
share various features with NSPC, including the location 2001). Approximately half of all glioblastomas in adults
in perivascular and hypoxic niches (Gilbertson and Rich, infiltrate more than one lobe and approximately 5%
2007), self-renewal (i.e., the capability to divide into two grow multifocally (Djalilian et al., 1999). Leptomenin-
progeny, of which at least one resembles the initial cell) geal dissemination of glioblastoma cells is rare and
and multilineage differentiation (i.e., the capability to occurs in late stages of the disease (Herrlinger et al.,
2004), although a frequency of up to 14% has been in the particularly impaired elderly population (Roa
reported in one series comprising younger patients et al., 2004; Taphoorn et al., 2005; Keime-Guibert
(median age, 31 years) (Arita et al., 1994). In another et al., 2007; Gallego Perez-Larraya et al., 2011). Person-
series, 5 of 25 autopsied patients with glioblastoma ality changes and mood disorders commonly occur in
had spinal leptomeningeal metastases (Erlich and patients with frontal tumors, and these may be mistaken
Davis, 1978). Associations of leptomeningeal dissemina- for psychogenic disorders or part of the physiologic
tion with younger age, male gender, incomplete tumor aging process and thus delay diagnosis. Sensorimotor
removal, multiple resections, ventricular entry or prox- deficits are the presenting symptom in approximately
imity of the tumor to the ventricular system, and with 20% of all patients with glioblastoma, and approxi-
gains at the 1p36 chromosomal region, have been noted mately 5% of patients present with aphasia due to
(Awad et al., 1986; Grabb et al., 1992; Arita et al., 1994; tumors arising in the speech-dominant hemisphere
Lindsay et al., 2002; Korshunov et al., 2007). Distant (mostly left-sided) (Yuile et al., 2006).
organ metastases arising from glioblastoma have been Epilepsy may mimic aphasia or sensorimotor deficits
reported, predominantly to lung, pleura, lymph nodes, from tissue destruction postictally and occurs more fre-
bone, and liver (Schweitzer et al., 2001), but these cases quently in glioblastomas that affect the temporal lobe
are rare. The reasons for the strong brain tropism of glio- (Chaichana et al., 2009). Epilepsy is the presenting symp-
blastoma cells are not known, but likely include adapta- tom in 24–68% of glioblastomas and develops in 19–38%
tion to the metabolic and immunologic peculiarities of later during the course of the disease (Wick et al., 2005;
the brain microenvironment that precludes survival in Chaichana et al., 2009; van Breemen et al., 2009;
other organs (Fecci et al., 2014; Mashimo et al., 2014). Kerkhof et al., 2013). As a presenting symptom, epilepsy
Furthermore, spreading glioblastoma cells reactivate is associated with longer survival, probably due to an
developmental programs of neuroglial precursor cells association with younger age as well as cortical location
and may follow the same paths along which neuroglial and smaller tumor size, indicating good surgical resect-
precursor cells migrate during development, and extra- ability and possibly diagnosis earlier during the disease
neural migration of neuroglial precursor cells does not course (Yuile et al., 2006; Chaichana et al., 2009). Head-
occur. Due to the restriction of glioblastoma cell spread- aches are the presenting symptom in less than one-third
ing within the borders of the central nervous system, the of all patients with glioblastoma (Yuile et al., 2006), and
transplantation of organs from donors with glioblas- are mostly dull in nature and typically present at night or
toma is per se feasible (Watson et al., 2010; Warrens at awakening. Other signs of increased intracranial pres-
et al., 2012), but only few glioblastoma patients qualify sure, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, and
as organ donors. This is because the mode of death is neurocognitive slowing, occur increasingly during the
mostly a gradual decline in a home or hospice setting, disease course, but may be present at diagnosis. Rarely,
whereas organ donation requires brain death due to a leptomeningeal dissemination may mimic painful nerve
sudden intracranial event (e.g., hemorrhage), or gradual root compression, myelitis, and other spinal diseases.
death from compromised airway protection in a hospi- Only few patients retain stable disease and remain neu-
tal setting that includes intubation to enable nonheart- rologically largely asymptomatic for years, but the
beating donation (Collignon et al., 2004). majority of patients experience severe impact on quality
of life once first-line treatments have failed (Roa et al.,
2004; Taphoorn et al., 2005; Keime-Guibert et al., 2007;
Clinical course
Gallego Perez-Larraya et al., 2011). In summary, there is
The clinical course of glioblastoma is determined by no typical clinical presentation of glioblastoma. Differ-
tumor location and dynamics of spread within the brain. ences compared to other gliomas include the more rapid
Tissue destruction, edema, and epilepsy likewise con- dynamic and somewhat lower incidence of epilepsy (see
tribute to clinical symptoms, causing rapid deteriora- Chapter 2).
tion in some patients. The clinical term secondary
glioblastoma refers to glioblastomas that are preceded DIAGNOSIS AND MOLECULAR
by the histologic diagnosis of WHO grade II or III CLASSIFICATION
gliomas, but this term is increasingly dispensable with
molecular marker-based classifications of gliomas
(Weller et al., 2015a). New-onset seizures or development of neurologic defi-
Despite the invariably fatal prognosis of glioblas- cits are commonly followed by a neurologic workup that
toma, any of the standard treatment options discussed includes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Computed
further below may keep stable or even improve quality tomography (CT) with contrast enhancement is less sen-
of life and cognitive functioning for the time being, even sitive in detecting the typical features of glioblastoma.
Its use is restricted to acute situations, e.g., when hem- blood–brain barrier disruption, central hypointensity on
orrhage is suspected, or when MRI is not available or T2-weighted images as a correlate of necrosis, and perifo-
not possible, e.g., in patients with cardiac pacemakers cal hyperintensity on T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated
or other metallic implants. Prior to biopsies, amino acid inversion recovery (FLAIR) images as a correlate of
positron emission tomography (PET) is increasingly per- edema or noncontrast-enhancing tumor (Fig. 23.1). MR
formed to guide the site of biopsy to metabolic hotspots spectroscopy, T1 contrast subtraction maps, as well as
that may represent sites of higher tumor grade diffusion/perfusion- and susceptibility-weighted MRI
(la Fougere et al., 2011); yet, PET is not part of the stan- sequences have refined radiographic diagnostics and
dard workup of glioblastoma patients (see Chapter 3). enable more reliable discrimination of glioblastoma from
On MRI, glioblastomas appear as masses with con- other contrast-enhancing lesions, including abscesses, pri-
trast enhancement at their margin as a correlate of mary central nervous system lymphomas, and metastases

Fig. 23.1. Neuroimaging features of glioblastoma. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), T1-weighted (A), gadolinium-enhanced
(B), T2-weighted (C), fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR, D); (E): 18F-fluoro-ethyl-tyrosine (FET) positron emission
tomography (PET).
from nonprimary brain tumors (Kono et al., 2001; Development of gliosarcoma may occur secondary to
Law et al., 2003; Weber et al., 2006; Ellingson et al., glioblastoma and molecularly, mutations of the epithe-
2012; Kickingereder et al., 2014), as discussed in more lial growth factor receptor (EGFR) are infrequent com-
detail in Chapter 3. However, the appearance of glio- pared to glioblastoma. The prognosis may or may not be
blastoma on imaging scans can vary considerably, and worse than for glioblastoma, after adjustment for com-
therefore tissue-based diagnosis is indispensable (Weller mon prognostic factors (hazard ratio (HR), 1.17; 95%
et al., 2014). confidence interval (CI), 1.05–1.31) (Kozak et al., 2009).

The defining histopathologic features of glioblastoma
are necrosis and microvascular proliferation, and these Giant cell glioblastoma is characterized by multinu-
qualify glioblastoma for the highest grade in the WHO cleated cells with a diameter of more than 500 mm and
classification of primary brain tumors, grade IV lymphocytic infiltration. Giant cell glioblastomas com-
(Louis et al., 2007). Other signs of malignancy that are prise approximately 1% of all glioblastomas. The inci-
present in glioblastoma include anaplasia, high mitotic dence may be higher in young adults (median age at
rates, and invasiveness, but these features are also pre- diagnosis 51 years). The prognosis for patients with giant
sent in anaplastic gliomas, which are assigned WHO cell glioblastoma is better than for glioblastoma, after
grade III (Louis et al., 2007). In addition, immunohisto- adjustment for common prognostic factors (HR, 0.76;
chemical markers are commonly assessed to ascertain 95% CI, 0.59–0.97) (Kozak and Moody, 2009).
the diagnosis of glioblastoma, including glial fibrillary Other histopathologic variants have been suggested,
acidic protein expression to confirm astrocytic lineage including fibrillary glioblastoma, small cell astrocytoma,
differentiation and MIB-1/Ki-67 to aid quantification glioblastoma with oligodendroglial component, glioblas-
of proliferation. An antibody that specifically detects toma with primitive neuroectodermal tumor, and granu-
mutant IDH-1R132H (Capper et al., 2009) has been inte- lar cell astrocytoma (Karsy et al., 2012), but none of
grated into the standard diagnostic workup of suspected these have been accepted as designated variants within
glioblastoma, but it must be recognized that this anti- the current WHO classification of brain tumors because
body does not detect other IDH-1 or IDH-2 mutations. of a lack of distinct molecular and clinical features
A more detailed overview on histopathologic grading (Louis et al., 2007).
of gliomas is provided in Chapter 5. We emphasize
that the traditional histopathologic definition of glio- Molecular markers
blastoma (and other gliomas) is likely to be comple-
MGMT promoter methylation predicts benefit from
mented by molecular approaches with the next edition
temozolomide chemotherapy in newly diagnosed and
of the WHO classification of brain tumors, due to be
probably also recurrent glioblastoma (Hegi et al., 2005;
released in 2016.
Malmstrom et al., 2012; Wick et al., 2012; Weller et al.,
Glioblastoma variants 2015b). MGMT is a DNA repair protein that counteracts
DNA alkylation by chemotherapy; hypermethylation of
Two rare histopathologic variants of glioblastoma are the MGMT promoter results in gene silencing (Weller
defined in the WHO classification of primary brain et al., 2010). Since the discovery of its role in the resistance
tumors, gliosarcoma and giant cell glioblastoma (Louis of glioblastoma to alkylating chemotherapy, MGMT has
et al., 2007). remained the biomarker with the strongest impact on clin-
ical decision making, particularly in elderly glioblastoma
patients (Fig. 23.2) (Weller et al., 2014).
Gliosarcoma is characterized by a metaplastic mesenchy- IDH mutations occur in approximately 5–10% of all
mal component that stains for reticulin and may show glioblastomas, are associated with younger age and bet-
signs of fibroblastic, cartilaginous, osseous, smooth ter outcome (Parsons et al., 2008), and rarely occur in
and striated muscle, or adipose cell lineage, and these patients aged 65 years or older. Mutant IDH produces
features are present in addition to characteristics of glio- the oncometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate (Turcan et al.,
blastoma (Han et al., 2010). Gliosarcomas comprise 2012), which has been linked to a distinct epigenetic pat-
approximately 2% of all patients diagnosed with glio- tern designated glioma CpG island methylator pheno-
blastoma or gliosarcoma and clinical features include type (G-CIMP) (Noushmehr et al., 2010). In contrast,
predilection for location in the temporal lobe, a IDH wild-type glioblastoma is associated with older
meningioma-like macroscopic appearance at surgery, age and poor prognosis; TERT promoter mutation marks
and frequent reports of extracranial metastases. particularly poor outcome in these patients (Labussiere
Contrast enhancing, diffusely infiltrating mass

Gross total resection, if safely possible


Age < 65-70 years Age > 65-70 years

MGMT methylated MGMT unmethylated

TMZ/RT TMZ TMZ or TMZ/RT TMZ Hypofractionated RT

Repeat RT
Mostly stereotactic No firstline RT
1st RT >6 months Recurrent glioblastoma
Young age
Small tumors
Good KPS
Systemic therapies Surgery
contraindicated or Only if gross total resection is safely possible


TMZ Lomustine BEV

MGMT is prognostic MGMT is prognostic MGMT is prognostic
PD on TMZ dose-intensified Suitable for most patients Benefit may be higher in
TMZ-free interval standard dose Adequate hematologic elderly patients with poor KPS
Adequate function required Recent hemorrhage/thromboembolism
hematologic function required are contraindications
Availability is restricted in the EU

Fig. 23.2. Therapeutic approach to glioblastoma. MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MGMT, O6-methylguanyl DNA methyl-
transferase gene promoter; TMZ, temozolomide 150–200 mg/m2 on 5/28 days; TMZ/RT, 30  2 Gy ¼ 60 Gy with daily concom-
itant temozolomide at 75 mg/m2; hypofractionated RT, radiotherapy at 15  2.66 Gy ¼ 40 Gy; BEV, bevacizumab 10 mg/kg body
weight every 2 weeks; KPS, Karnofsky performance score; PD, progressive disease.

et al., 2014). Despite identical histopathologic appear- EGFR to drive cellular transformation and the glioma-
ance, IDH wild-type and mutant glioblastomas consti- initiating cell phenotype via signal transducer and activa-
tute two distinct molecular and prognostic entities that tor of transcription (STAT) 3 signaling (Fan et al., 2013),
are likely to be separated in future classifications of and the EGFRvIII deletion mutation may confer poor
brain tumors, as outlined in more detail in Chapter 5. prognosis compared to EGFR-amplified glioblastoma
About half of all glioblastomas with EGFR amplifi- without co-occurrence of EGFRvIII (Shinojima et al.,
cation (i.e., 20–25% of all IDH wild-type glioblastomas) 2003; Heimberger et al., 2005). Promising results with
harbor a deletion within the extracellular ligand-binding vaccination targeting EGFRvIII in phase II clinical trials
domain of EGFR (designated delta-EGFR or EGFRvIII) have been reported (Sampson et al., 2010; Hegi et al.,
that yields ligand-independent receptor activity (Aldape 2012; Reardon et al., 2015).
et al., 2004). EGFRvIII is commonly expressed only in
a subset of EGFR-amplified cells (Nishikawa et al.,
Molecular signatures
2004), but preclinical and clinical data support a role
for EGFRvIII-positive cells as drivers of disease pro- Integrated large-scale analyses of genetic, epigenetic,
gression. The EGFRvIII protein interacts with wild-type and expression data increasingly complement the
understanding of the biology and yield continuous proneural glioblastoma, whereas G34, K27, and RTK
refinement of the subclassification of glioblastoma I are associated with poor prognosis that is comparable
beyond histologic grading. In 2006 three gene expression to the two nonproneural subtypes (Sturm et al., 2012).
subtypes were defined by cluster analysis of 35 genes Meanwhile, the gene expression-based glioblastoma sub-
that were correlated the strongest with survival in types have also been detected on the single cell level
76 patients with newly diagnosed anaplastic astrocytoma within the same tumors, and an association of these gene
or glioblastoma and termed proneural, mesenchymal, expression profiles with stemness-related genes and
and proliferative (Phillips et al., 2006). The proneural glioma-initiating cells was suggested (Patel et al.,
subtype was associated with prolonged survival, youn- 2014). To date no therapeutic implications for clinical
ger age, and anaplastic histology and lacked alterations routine are based on these global characterizations of
of phosphatase and tensin homolog on chromosome the molecular background of individual tumors. The
10 (PTEN) or EGFR. The proliferative and mesenchymal molecular subclassification of glioblastoma is discussed
subtypes expressed genes that were associated with pro- in more detail in Chapter 6.
liferation or angiogenesis, respectively, and survival was
poor. These analyses were extended to larger datasets TREATMENT AND FOLLOW-UP
and complemented by mutation analyses in subsequent
years. In 2008, three altered key signaling pathways were
determined by The Cancer Genome Atlas project (2008), Tissue is required to establish the diagnosis of glioblas-
namely receptor RTK/RAS/PI3K (88%), p53 (87%), and toma, as outlined above. It can be obtained by stereotac-
retinoblastoma protein (78%), and in the same year, tic or open biopsy, or by microsurgical resection of the
IDH-1/2 mutations were discovered as a marker that tumor. Biopsies are mostly performed as stereotactic
is strongly associated with secondary glioblastoma, biopsies in patients with multifocal disease and in tumors
younger age, and better outcome (Parsons et al., 2008; deemed unresectable due to their location in so-called
Yan et al., 2009). In 2010, the initially suggested gene “eloquent” areas, i.e., areas that cannot be resected with-
expression-based subclassification of glioblastoma was out causing major disability. However, biopsies may not
further refined using 601 genes and sequence data yield enough tissue for molecular analyses and bear the
from 91 patients, yielding four subtypes designated pro- risk of sampling errors. The therapeutic value of micro-
neural, neural, classic, and mesenchymal, based on sim- surgical resection has been demonstrated best in a ran-
ilarities with known gene expression profiles (Verhaak domized trial exploring the use of the fluorescent
et al., 2010). label, 5-aminolevulinc acid, to facilitate gross total resec-
IDH-mutant glioblastomas constitute a subgroup of tion (Stummer et al., 2006). It is further supported by
proneural glioblastomas associated with G-CIMP numerous retrospective cohort studies, establishing
(Noushmehr et al., 2010). Of note, there is no association gross total resection as standard of care whenever
of gene expression-based subtypes of G-CIMP with deemed feasible (Fig. 23.2). (Sanai et al., 2011; Weller
MGMT promoter methylation (Bady et al., 2012). By et al., 2014) Feasibility of this concept has also been dem-
2012, epigenetic profiling yielded a classification of onstrated for elderly patients aged 65 years or older:
six subtypes, four of which clustered within the pro- Extent of resection was a prespecified, independent
neural gene expression subtype: two distinct histone prognostic factor in a survival model that controlled
H3 (H3F3A) mutations, G34 and K27, were detected for age, extent of resection, histology, MGMT status,
in a large proportion of pediatric glioblastomas and these and study treatment among 371 elderly patients with ana-
mutations as well as IDH mutations were mutually plastic astrocytoma (n ¼ 40) or glioblastoma (n ¼ 331)
exclusive. These three subtypes share an association with randomized to receive postoperative radiotherapy or
mutations of the tumor suppressor gene TP53. A fourth temozolomide chemotherapy within the NOA-08 trial
proneural subgroup, designated RTK I, was character- (Wick et al., 2012). Further, among 342 patients with
ized by upregulation of platelet-derived growth factor newly diagnosed glioblastoma aged 60 or older who
receptor alpha (PDGFRA) and frequent deletions of were randomized to two different radiotherapy regi-
the CDKN2A gene encoding cyclin-dependent kinase mens or temozolomide, biopsy was associated with infe-
inhibitor 2A (Sturm et al., 2012). The nonproneural sub- rior OS compared to surgical resection (HR, 1.50; 95%
types were designated RTK II/classic, which is charac- CI, 1.17–1.92) in multivariate analyses controlling for
terized by frequent EGFR amplifications and age, type of surgery, study treatment, and WHO perfor-
CDKN2A deletions, and the mesenchymal subtype. mance score (Malmstrom et al., 2012). The use of
These six subclasses were associated with distinct tumor 5-aminolevulinic acid (see above) (Stummer et al.,
locations, age distributions, and prognosis. Only IDH- 2006, 2008) or intraoperative imaging by ultrasound
mutant glioblastomas retain the good prognosis of or MRI may aid the surgeon to obtain the goal of an
optimal resection (Rygh et al., 2008; Kubben et al., 2011), radiotherapy was likely that standard radiotherapy was
while nuclear imaging with 18F-DOPA is currently in clin- not completed by a substantial fraction of patients
ical testing (NCT02020720). (Malmstrom et al., 2012).

Chemoradiotherapy Chemotherapy in elderly patients

Daily concomitant temozolomide at 75 mg/m2 as an Postoperative chemotherapy with temozolomide is a
adjunct to radiotherapy (30  2 Gy ¼ 60 Gy of the valid alternative to radiotherapy in elderly patients with
involved field) followed by up to six cycles of temozolo- glioblastomas with MGMT promoter hypermethylation,
mide at 150–200 mg/m2 on 5 of out 28 days prolonged but not in patients with tumors without MGMT promoter
median OS compared to radiotherapy alone (14.6 versus methylation (Fig. 23.2) (Weller et al., 2014). This was
12.1 months; HR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.52–0.75, p < 0.001) demonstrated in parallel by two phase III clinical trials
(Stupp et al., 2005), but benefit from temozolomide in elderly patients: (1) the Nordic trial, which randomized
was mainly restricted to patients with MGMT promoter patients aged 60 years or older to receive temozolomide
methylation (Hegi et al., 2005). Patients aged older than dosed at 150–200 mg/m2 on 5 of out 28 days or one of
70 years were not included in this trial, and the subgroup two radiotherapy regimens (discussed above) (Wick
of patients aged 66–70 years appeared not to benefit et al., 2012); and (2) the NOA-08 trial, which randomized
from combined chemoradiotherapy in post hoc analyses patients aged 65 years or older with glioblastoma (89%)
(HR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.50–1.25; p ¼ 0.29) (Laperriere et al., or anaplastic astrocytoma (11%) to receive standard
2013). The recently completed National Cancer Institute radiotherapy or temozolomide at a dose-dense schedule
of Canada CE6 phase III trial will define the efficacy of of 100 mg/m2 given on days 1–7 every other week
combined chemoradiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone (1 week on/1 week off) (Wick et al., 2012). In the Nordic
in elderly patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma trial, temozolomide (n ¼ 93) and hypofractionated radio-
and good clinical performance (NCT00482677), but to therapy (n ¼ 98) were similarly effective (HR, 0.82; 96%
date combined chemoradiotherapy is the standard of CI, 0.63–1.06), adjusted for age, type of surgery (biopsy
care only for fit elderly patients (Fig. 23.2) (Weller versus resection), and WHO performance score among
et al., 2014). the intention-to-treat population (Malmstrom et al.,
2012). Efficacy analyses of the NOA-08 trial included
Radiotherapy in elderly patients 373 patients who received at least one dose of treatment
among a total of 412 randomized and 584 screened
Postoperative radiotherapy has activity in elderly
patients. After adjustment for age, histologic diagnosis,
patients with glioblastoma, as demonstrated by a trial
extent of resection, and MGMT promoter methylation,
that randomized 81 patients with glioblastoma and 2
temozolomide was noninferior to radiotherapy (HR,
patients with anaplastic astrocytoma aged 70 years or
1.09; 95% CI, 0.84–1.42) (Wick et al., 2012). Benefit from
older to either radiotherapy with best supportive care,
temozolomide was predicted by MGMT promoter meth-
or best supportive care alone (median OS, 29.1 vs.
ylation in both trials and radiotherapy was favorable
16.9 weeks; p ¼ 0.002) (Keime-Guibert et al., 2007).
among patients with tumors without MGMT promoter
These results were underpinned by a population-based
methylation. Dose-intensified temozolomide regimens
retrospective review of almost 3000 patients with glio-
became largely obsolete, because of greater toxicity,
blastoma aged 71–98 years (median age 76.9 years) after
but similar activity was noted compared to standard
adjusting for tumor size, location, type of surgery, and
temozolomide dosing at 150–200 mg/m2 on 5 out of
demographics (HR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.38–0.49) (Scott et al.,
28 days in two phase III trials that directly compared
2011). Radiotherapy in elderly patients with glioblastoma
standard and dose-intensified temozolomide in patients
is commonly administered as a hypofractionated proto-
with newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma (Brada
col (Weller et al., 2014), based on a randomized trial in
et al., 2010; Gilbert et al., 2013).
95 patients aged 60 years or older that compared stan-
dard radiotherapy (30  2 Gy ¼ 60 Gy) versus hypofrac-
Antiangiogenic therapy
tionated radiotherapy (15  2.66 Gy ¼ 40 Gy), which
demonstrated comparable activity of both regimens Angiogenesis is a defining characteristic of glioblastoma
(HR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.60–1.35; p ¼ 0.61) (Roa et al., that is driven by vascular endothelial growth factor
2004). Among the intention-to-treat population of the (VEGF) (Batchelor et al., 2014) and other mediators,
randomized Nordic trial, standard radiotherapy was and the concept of targeting blood vessels to induce
even inferior to hypofractionated radiotherapy with “tumor starvation” has rendered VEGF an intensely
10  3.4 Gy ¼ 34 Gy (OS 7.0 vs. 5.2 months; p ¼ 0.02). studied therapeutic target in a plethora of tumors beyond
Notably, one reason for the inferiority of standard glioblastoma (Folkman, 1971; Ellis and Hicklin, 2008;
Grothey and Galanis, 2009). The anti-VEGF antibody age-stratified survival differences. Ongoing research is
bevacizumab is the antiangiogenic drug best studied in focusing on the identification of molecular markers
glioblastoma. It is commonly dosed at 10 mg/kg body predicting benefit from antiangiogenic therapies; to
weight intravenously every other week and is well toler- date, no such marker has been defined, but recently
ated by most patients. Arterial hypertension is the most association of the proneural subtype with benefit
common side-effect, and rare severe complications that from bevacizumab was reported in the AVAGlio trial
are associated with bevacizumab include hemorrhages, (Sandmann et al., 2015). In summary, the available evi-
thromboembolic events, complications of wound heal- dence currently does not support the administration of
ing, congestive heart failure, and gastrointestinal antiangiogenic therapy as a first-line postoperative
perforations. therapy in glioblastoma (Batchelor et al., 2014).
Two placebo-controlled phase III trials in patients
with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (RTOG 0825 and Response assessment
AVAGlio) noted prolonged progression-free survival
MRI is the method of choice to assess response to therapy
with the addition of bevacizumab to standard combined
in glioblastoma patients and is commonly performed
chemoradiotherapy (Chinot et al., 2014; Gilbert et al.,
every 2–3 months. Response is categorized as complete
2014). Less corticosteroid use, preserved general condi-
response, partial response, stable disease, and progressive
tion, and preserved quality of life were additional bene-
disease. Contrast enhancement on T1-weighted sequences
fits from bevacizumab reported in the AVAGlio trial
has been the standard measure to assess response in
(Chinot et al., 2014; Taphoorn et al., 2015), whereas the
glioblastoma for almost two decades (Macdonald et al.,
investigators of the RTOG 0825 trial noted stronger
1990), but was revisited due to increasing recognition
impairment of quality of life and neurocognitive decline
of “pseudoresponse” resulting from antiangiogenic
under bevacizumab (Gilbert et al., 2014). Reasons for
treatments, and of “pseudoprogression” resulting from
these conflicting data are speculative, but differences
radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy (Wen et al., 2010).
in the response assessment within both trials may be
Pseudoresponse refers to a rapid decrease of contrast--
explanatory. The AVAGlio trial included measures to
enhancing lesions that may occur within hours of antian-
detect “pseudoresponse,” i.e., a sustained reduction in
giogenic treatment as a result of blood–brain barrier
contrast enhancement due to normalization of the
normalization. Pseudoprogression refers to a subacute,
blood–brain barrier (see below and Chapter 3), whereas
transient increase in the size of contrast-enhancing lesions
in the RTOG 0825 trial, early tumor progression may
after radiotherapy and appears to occur more frequently
have been missed due to the definition of progressive
under more intense combined chemoradiotherapy
disease solely based on contrast enhancement
(Brandsma et al., 2008). Pseudoprogression was identi-
(Batchelor et al., 2014). To date, three phase III trials
fied on the first MRI scans after radiotherapy in 9–31%
have failed to demonstrate an OS benefit from antian-
of patients with glioblastoma and contrast-enhancing
giogenic therapies in newly diagnosed glioblastoma,
anaplastic gliomas (de Wit et al., 2004; Brandsma et al.,
including the AVAGlio and RTOG 0825 trials of bevaci-
2008), but the precise frequency of pseudoprogression
zumab and a trial of the integrin inhibitor cilengitide
is difficult to estimate, because chemotherapy is usually
(Chinot et al., 2014; Gilbert et al., 2014; Stupp et al.,
continued when pseudoprogression is suspected, thus
2014a) The diverging results of improved progression-
precluding a differentiation of pseudoprogression from
free survival versus a lack of OS benefit in the AVAGlio
delayed treatment responses. The pathophysiology of
and RTOG 0825 trials may be attributed to substantial
pseudoprogression has not been clarified, but likely
crossover from the placebo-controlled arm to receive
constitutes a pronounced inflammatory response to
bevacizumab at progression (AVAGlio: 31.3%, RTOG
treatment yielding edema and disruption of the blood–
0825: 48.3%), or due to misdiagnosis of pseudoresponse,
brain barrier, which present as an increase in contrast
but this remains speculative (Batchelor et al., 2014). Fur-
enhancement on MRI scans. In most patients, pseudopro-
thermore, early reports suggested that particularly
gression is oligosymptomatic and transient, but severe
elderly patients in poor general condition might benefit
cases that correspond to treatment-induced necrosis
from bevacizumab (Nghiemphu et al., 2009; Lai et al.,
may require further treatment, as discussed in more detail
2011), but these patients were underrepresented in the
in Chapters 3 and 13.
AVAGlio and RTOG 0825 trials, because good general
condition was an inclusion criterion (Chinot et al.,
Recurrent glioblastoma
2014; Gilbert et al., 2014). A tendency to improved OS
in the bevacizumab group of the AVAGlio trial has Escape from antitumor therapy is caused by adaptations
indeed been noted with increasing age (Chinot et al., of the molecular machinery of tumor cells, mostly due
2014), but the trial was not powered to identify to selection of resistant, genetically distinct clones.
Therefore, therapeutic options at progression depend on clinical trials have compared different radiotherapy
previously administered therapies, but tumor character- schedules in previously irradiated glioblastoma patients.
istics, availability, and local preferences are factors that Systemic treatments are the mainstay of therapy for
influence treatment choices, too. No standard of care for recurrent glioblastoma (Fig. 23.2) and include single-
the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma has been defined agent or combination treatments with nitrosoureas (in
and the efficacy of available treatment options at pro- particular, CCNU/lomustine), temozolomide, and beva-
gression is commonly limited (Weller et al., 2013). cizumab (Weller et al., 2013). All of these options are well
Repeat surgery may improve survival in some tolerated by most patients. Lomustine dosed at
patients, but this has not been validated in prospective 90–110 mg/m2 every 6 weeks is commonly utilized as a
controlled trials. Data supporting second surgery at pro- control in clinical trials for recurrent glioblastoma and
gression suggest that gross total resection, but not progression-free survival rates at 6 months are in the
incomplete resection, is beneficial (Fig. 23.2) (Bloch et al., range of 19–25% (Wick et al., 2010; Batchelor et al.,
2012; Suchorska et al., 2015). Other factors associated 2013). In patients who appeared to derive benefit from
with favorable outcome after repeat surgery apply to first-line temozolomide, rechallenge with temozolomide
approximately 1 in 4 patients with recurrent glioblastoma is a viable option after a temozolomide-free interval
and include age <70 years, Karnofsky performance (Weller et al., 2015b; Brada et al., 2010). MGMT pro-
score >80% and small tumor volume (<50 cm3), moter methylation is associated with prolonged survival
whereas involvement of functionally relevant at temozolomide rechallenge (Weller et al., 2015b). Dose-
(“eloquent”) brain structures is associated with poor intensified temozolomide regimens have been studied
postoperative survival (Park et al., 2010). The option extensively, but standard dosing at 150–200 mg/m2 on
of repeat surgery should thus only be considered if the 5/28 days may be preferred (Weller et al., 2014): more
risk for surgical complications is low, and if the general toxicity, but no survival benefit from dose intensifica-
condition of patients is estimated to remain good enough tion, was noted in two phase III trials directly comparing
postoperatively to allow for additional systemic therapy standard and dose-intensified temozolomide in glioblas-
(or repeat radiotherapy in selected cases, discussed toma (Brada et al., 2010; Gilbert et al., 2013).
below). Surgery should not replace systemic therapy, Accelerated approval by the US Food and Drug
because infiltrating cells beyond the site of resection fre- Administration (FDA) and in various other countries
quently cannot be captured by neuroimaging, and these was obtained for bevacizumab for the treatment of
cells can drive further tumor progression rapidly, even recurrent glioblastoma based on two uncontrolled phase
when gross total resection is confirmed radiographically. II trials based on durable response rate (Friedman et al.,
Hypofractionated radiotherapy is the treatment of 2009; Kreisl et al., 2009), but two trials of direct or indi-
choice in elderly patients with tumors with MGMT pro- rect small-molecule inhibitors of VEGF signaling,
moter methylation who received first-line postoperative cediranib and enzastaurin, in recurrent glioblastoma
treatment with temozolomide alone, but the role of failed to prolong survival (Wick et al., 2010; Batchelor
repeat radiotherapy is less clear for all other patients et al., 2013).
(Fig. 23.2). Some activity of repeat radiotherapy was In the randomized noncomparative phase II BELOB
deduced from uncontrolled trials and retrospective data trial, a combination of lomustine with bevacizumab at
analyses, but these included mostly patients with favor- first recurrence of glioblastoma was well tolerated and
able prognostic factors due to smaller tumor volumes, appeared to confer additive effects: median postrecur-
younger age, and better general condition (Dhermain rence survival was 8 months with lomustine alone,
et al., 2004; Butowski et al., 2006). Repeat radiotherapy 8 months with bevacizumab alone, and 12 months with
should only be considered when the recurrence has a combination of lomustine and bevacizumab (Taal
occurred after a relatively long interval from first radio- et al., 2014). A variety of other chemotherapy agents,
therapy (at least >6 months) and when chemotherapy is such as single-agent carboplatin, or procarbazine, have
contraindicated or has failed. Even in these settings, the also been used in the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma
unclear efficacy of repeat radiotherapy needs to be patients, but given the lack of randomized data, their
weighed against the risk for complications that increases benefit versus supportive care is unclear and at best
with increasing cumulative radiation exposure of normal modest. The application of “tumor-treating fields” via
brain, as discussed in more detail in Chapter 13. Recom- skin electrodes was equally active as physician’s best
mendations regarding dose or radiotherapy technique choice in a phase III trial in patients with recurrent glio-
vary based on the available evidence (Butowski et al., blastoma (Stupp et al., 2012) and was approved by the
2006). Most commonly, 30–36 Gy are applied as frac- FDA, the European Medicines Agency, and in various
tionated stereotactic radiotherapy with or without inten- other countries as a device based on these results
sity modulation (Combs et al., 2007), but no prospective (Stupp et al., 2014b).
In summary, therapeutic options at glioblastoma pro- cells (mostly dendritic cells) from peripheral blood, puls-
gression and effects on outcome are limited. Patients ing these cells in vitro, and returning them to the patient.
recruited to controlled trials of recurrent glioblastoma Dendritic cells will then activate T-cell clones and thereby
represent a subselection of patients with more favorable boost specific immune responses (Thomas et al., 2012).
prognosis, whereas best supportive care may be ade- The efficacy of a platform technology utilizing auto-
quate in a substantial fraction of patients who are heavily logous dendritic cells pulsed with the patient’s tumor
impaired already at first recurrence. Symptomatic treat- lysate (DCVax) is currently being evaluated in a double-
ment and psycho-oncologic interventions are therefore a blind phase III trial in patients with unresectable or
key aspect of the treatment of glioblastoma patients that recurrent glioblastoma (NCT00045968). In a phase II trial
is increasingly moving into the focus in individual in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma, auto-
patients with disease progression (Weller et al., 2014), logous dendritic cells pulsed with epitopes from six
as discussed in more detail in Chapters 18 and 19. glioblastoma- and glioma-initiating cell-associated pro-
teins (ICT-107) as an adjunct to standard chemoradiother-
apy prolonged progression-free survival by 2.4 months
(HR, 0.54; p ¼ 0.006) compared to controls who received
unpulsed dendritic cells (Wen et al., 2014a). The efficacy
Progress in the molecular characterization of glioblas- of this concept will be explored in a phase III trial in the
toma has led to the identification of a plethora of novel near future. However, immune escape is one of the
treatment targets. Consequently, the traditional hallmarks of glioblastoma, and cytotoxic therapies and
histology-based WHO classification is increasingly com- steroids are likely counterproductive in supporting
plemented by assessment of molecular markers, includ- immune-mediated antitumor responses (Weller et al.,
ing IDH and MGMT status. Taking the heterogeneity of 2015a). Utilizing humanized monoclonal antibodies tar-
glioblastoma into account, a more personalized geting the programmed death protein (PD)1 (nivolumab,
approach to the treatment of glioblastoma is warranted. pembrolizumab) or the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen
A major challenge of molecular marker diagnostics that (CTLA) 4 (ipilimumab) to counteract tumor cell-mediated
may need to be resolved is intratumoral and temporal suppression of the adaptive immune response has proven
heterogeneity of the molecular profile of glioblastoma successful in malignant melanoma (Hodi et al., 2010;
(Sottoriva et al., 2013; Ozawa et al., 2014; Patel Ribas et al., 2013; Wolchok et al., 2013) and nonsmall
et al., 2014). cell lung cancer (Brahmer et al., 2015; Rizvi et al.,
The concept of immunotherapy in treating glioblas- 2015). These agents are currently evaluated in various
toma has been explored for decades, with little or no suc- early trials and one phase III trial in recurrent glioblas-
cess (Wilson, 1979), but has moved back to the focus of toma (NCT02017717); the rationale for these treatments
attention with the identification of promising targets, is supported by the association of low expression of the
technologic progress, and success of early clinical trials. PD1 ligand on blood monocytes with improved survival
The term “tumor vaccination” refers to the activation of among patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma
the patient’s adaptive immune response against tumor- treated with an autologous heat shock protein peptide
specific antigens, in analogy to classic vaccination vaccine as an adjunct to standard chemoradiotherapy
against virus antigens (discussed in more detail in (Bloch et al., 2015).
Chapter 10). Other emerging targets for vaccination include the
One prominent example of a putative target for vac- tumor-specific epitope of mutant IDH, which evoked
cination is the EGFRvIII deletion mutant, which harbors an adaptive immune response in preclinical studies
a unique epitope that does not occur in normal cells (Schumacher et al., 2014), and the herpesvirus cytomeg-
(Humphrey et al., 1990). Vaccination against this epitope alovirus antigen pp65, which triggered dendritic cell-
with the 13-amino-acid peptide rindopepimut was dem- mediated immune response against glioblastoma cells
onstrated to be effective in triggering an immunologic in a preliminary study of 12 patients (Mitchell et al.,
response against EGFRvIII-positive cells in single-arm 2015). Of note, the immune response in this setting
phase II trials, in patients with newly diagnosed glioblas- was further triggered by tetanus/diphtheria toxoid,
toma who received rindopepimut in addition to standard which may thus be further evaluated as a booster of
chemoradiotherapy (Sampson et al., 2010; Schuster immune responses against glioblastoma cells (Mitchell
et al., 2015). Results from the double-blinded ACT IV et al., 2015).
phase III trial evaluating the efficacy of rindopepimut Other approaches include viruses used both as vectors
are currently awaited (NCT01480479). for somatic gene therapy by targeting molecular path-
Besides utilizing peptides, adaptive immune responses ways that mediate malignancy and as oncolytic viruses
can be evoked by isolating a patient’s antigen-presenting that provoke an inflammatory host response or kill
glioma cells directly by excessive replication, with uncer- As outlined above, glioma-initiating cells are thought
tain success in clinical trials (Kaufmann and Chiocca, to constitute a subpopulation that mediate recurrence
2014). These concepts are discussed in more detail in and resistance to standard chemoradiotherapy, but to
Chapter 11. date, attempts to target signaling cascades deemed spe-
Other means to target the molecular machinery that cific for glioma-initiating cells have been disappointing
drives malignancy in glioblastoma are small molecules in early clinical trials (Thomas et al., 2014). Other emerg-
that interfere with enzyme functions. IDH point muta- ing treatments include low-intensity, intermediate-
tions are biologically relevant, early glioma-initiating frequency electric fields applied to the head of patients
events that are present in approximately 10% of glioblas- with the use of an electrode device. Although the exact
tomas (Parsons et al., 2008) and thus considered a prime mechanism of action is under active investigation and
therapeutic target. A small-molecule inhibitor of mutant thought to be mediated via mitotic arrest, results of an
IDH function has shown promising preclinical results interim analysis of a phase III trial evaluating this
that require clinical exploration (Rohle et al., 2013). option as an adjunct to standard chemoradiotherapy in
Amplification of EGFR is another central glioma- newly diagnosed glioblastoma were promising (Stupp
associated molecular signature that is mutually exclusive et al., 2014b).
with IDH mutations and occurs in approximately half of In summary, the exponentially growing understand-
all IDH wild-type glioblastomas (Cancer Genome Atlas ing of the molecular mechanisms that drive glioblastoma
Research, 2008; Ozawa et al., 2014). To date, various has not yet translated into survival benefit. Thorough
small-molecule inhibitors targeting EGFR in glioblas- patient selection for clinical trials and probably combina-
toma yielded disappointing results as single-agent ther- tion treatments, oriented at the molecular profile of indi-
apies, but notably, none of these trials selected for vidual tumors, may ultimately improve outcome.
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