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Mode opératoire

To operate apply a small amount of lubricants to the dial thermometer steam work it up and down
so that it touches the

Place the can to be tested on the center of the base pad and position it so the that the rubber

Depress the low and compress

Insert the dial thermometer down into the container to its fullest extent and leave it there until a
steady temperature

Complete attached a plastic tubing

Drain to a sink or a suitable container when complete close the YT film remove the plastic tubing
withdraw the dial thermometer until it touches the dial thermometer

Stop raise the crossbar and remove the container

Thermometer stop

Instrument is now ready for the next container to be tested.

To make gas testing simple

The steam for breaking make sure

Attached a hose to the CO2 gas supplied been tested to the

And caustic reservoir to completely displaced air in glassware after the sample has been taking

First then close the

The gas supply gently remove the

Of either potassium or sodium hydroxide caustic for air testing

Open the on caustic reservoir and allow the solution to flow down into the absorption burette of the
CO2 gas now takes

In the sample remains tilt the purity testers slightly moving around the bubble thereby ensuring
complete absorption

In the sample remains

Bubble thereby ensuring complete absorption of gas first

Then close the on caustic reservoir and turn the instrument 90° so thet it rest on its frame

99% plus one thenth

Neck where the volume is directed indicated percentage of

By the level above graduation

By the level above

Open both to allow the caustic to drain out

Rinse out all traces of caustic with warm water

Return the unit to its case

Ready for its next test.

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