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Part A: Internet of Things in General 

1. Question n°1 : What is the English for ?  

‐ un moteur ? : Engine, Motor, Drive

‐ un capteur ? : Sencor, cell

‐ une prise de courant ? : Plug, Outlet, ( Socket )

‐ à distance ? : From distance, Remotely

‐ une télécommande ? : Remote ( control )

‐ recharger le téléphone portable ? : Reload/ Recharge

‐ charge électrique ? : Electrical load/ Electrical charge

- Surconsommation : Overconsumption

- éteindre : furn off

2. Life Simplified with Connected Devices: 

 Write things you understood in the video your can do with connected objects :  

 Give the diagnostics of the vehicule

Tires = pneus

oil = huile
Gas = Petrol -> The tank is low in gras ( le reservoir est faible

en carburant ) = The gas is running out ( la voiture est a court de

pétrole )

 It can turn on or off the lights

 It can lock doors = Fermer a clé










 What does QR Code mean?   Quick response code -> It's a two-

dimensional barcode which countains information about the item to

which it is attached
 What positive aspects do you find about connected objects?  

- Connected objects can help people in their daily life

- it's quick and convenient to use

- it's give strong security

 What negative aspects do you find about connected objects?

- it night consume a lot of energy

- it may not stock the solar panel energy

- it may be hacked ( _ privacy aspect

_ it all can be blocked if there's a black-out

 What’s your opinion and feelings about it?

- it's cool - it's not cool - it's practical but mostly ( surtout ) for

handicaped people but there can be some privacy and technical


 Do you think this video reflects the future of all modern homes?
yes for for some things that ever already exists but some aspects see,


3. Question n°2 : What is a connected object used for ? Can you give

us a synonym for “connected objects” ? 




4. CyberSmartLearn - Keep control of your connected objects:  

 What type of video is it?

it's an ad ( adversiting/ advertisement)

 What is CyberSmartLearn for? It's an AI that can detect potential

anomalies with the connected objects at home

VOC = breakdown : panne / defaillance


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