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Chapter 3 - The Development of Industrial America

Section One Reading Questions (pp.64-72)

Explain who these people are:

➢ Thomas Alva Edison -

■ Thomas Edison was one of the most prolific inventors. He invented the
light bulb for affordable lighting for homes. He also had a factory in New
Jersey where he and his team used to invent new products and improve
older products.

➢ Andrew Carnegie -
■ Andrew Carnegie was a steel tycoon, and in 1901 he sold his steel
business to United States Steel Corporation. He gave away 80% of
wealth of $350 million.

➢ John D. Rockefeller -
■ He was a oil tycoon and he created Trust, he was the richest man in

1.) Define the following terms-

➢ Trust -
■ Trust is when companies assign their stock to a board of trustees who
combine the stocks into a new organization. The trustees then runs the
organization, pay the shareholder dividends on profits.
➢ Social Darwinism -
■ Survival of the fittest applied to American capitalism that supported
laissez-faire or “hand-off” policy
■ Wrong to use public funds to assist the poor
■ Others used it to spread discrimination
➢ Gospel of Wealth -
■ those who accumulated wealth to share their riches for the betterment
of society
➢ Monopoly -
■ the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a specific
area of business. When single corporations take control of the entire
➢ Knights of Labor -
■ It’s founder was Uriah Smith Stephens. It was the first labour union
open to all workers
➢ AFL -
■ American Federation of Labor (AFL) – founded by Samuel Gompers for
skilled workers - focused on issues of workers and was known as bread
and butter unionism ( 8 hr. day, higher wages, improved working
➢ Anarchist -
■ a political philosophy and movement that is sceptical of authority. They
oppose all government ideas.

Provide your answers in complete sentences.

2.) What is the connection between Industrialization and mass consumerism?

a.) The connection between Industrialization and mass consumerism is
Industrialization caused a rise in people’s stand of living, and the improvements
in transportation and communication caused the rise of mass consumerism.
Americans started buying ready-made clothes.

3.) What was the purpose of the Sherman Antitrust Act?

a.) The Sherman Antitrust Act was enacted in 1890 to curtail combinations of
power that interfere with trade and reduce economic competition.

4.) Why was Andrew Carnegie called a robber baron? Provide a quote from the text that
supports your answer…
a.) A robber baron is someone who puts small businesses out of competition.
“They stole their fortunes by paying their workers low wage” They swindled
the poor of their own benefit.

5.) What was the Haymarket Riot and where did it take place?
a.) Haymarket Riot was a riot that took place in Chicago on May 4, 1886 its
purpose was for labourers protesting their rights. However, it became violent
after a bomb was thrown. It caused people and companies to be skeptical of
unions. Strikers and anarchists gathered in Chicago.

6.) How did technology impact the growth of the United States?
a.) Technology impact the growth of the United States as many new inventions
came out such as Electricity, Communicatio, a telephone was invented, and
new steel making leading to the “age of steel” It also caused Food industry to
expand as foods were now shipped at greater distance, railroads continued
growth, and Increased immigration as there was a need for labor.
7.) Are there any similarities between what happened at the turn of the 20th century and
currently? Explain...
a.) There are many similarities between what happened at the turn of the 20th
century and currently as of now the world is still coming up with new
inventions and promoting growth to the economy of their countries.
Immigration for example, which Canada pushes for is helping its economy.

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