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Understanding what it is, a Non Fungible Token
Beginnings of non-fungible tokens and their evolution
All about your standards
How to get started in the purchase of Non Fungible Tokens?
How to start selling non-fungible tokens?
Of its applications for the markets
Of your buying opportunities
Analysis and advice for future markets
On the market forecasts for Non Fungible Tokens
Types of Non Fungible Tokens and their storage
Mike Winkelmann, best-selling artist

Bringing a little of the market, which is being really known today, and is at its greatest moment, with a stipulation
of not wanting to stop anytime soon, the internet market or online market, which has allowed to advance widely in
the branches of entertainment, social interaction, technology and especially in the branch of buying and selling
products, ideas and digital goods. It is here, in this last branch, where the interest of the majority unfolds, due to the
presentation of many new technologies that improve the economic market, both digital and physical. And to little
surprise of some, many of these new markets, which have seen the light since then, have had a great acceptance
among the public, in which case, they are referred to for this information as the so, called cryptocurrencies,
cryptoassets and digital assets, just to mention some of these, but in itself, in a more technical point, but not
specialized, what is meant today, by these digital market technologies, Well, that is very simple, digital assets are all
those goods that remain online only, without necessarily having a physical entity in the market, but that are
safeguarded with encryption technologies, while cryptocurrencies, or any other cryptoassets, are means of digital
exchange of currencies, which likewise, maintain a really strong encryption for protection, which makes them
attractively safe to use, but not to obtain, besides popular among the markets and therefore, with a great projection
for the future.
On a side note, just to clarify the matter, all cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether are considered to be
cryptoassets, given their digital character, but in a downstream, while the elements, which are only digital assets
such as web pages, audios and videos, which are upstream, represent all other assets that do not become
cryptocurrencies, which are upstream, represent all the other assets that do not become cryptocurrencies, which
does not exclude the rest of the cryptoassets that do not become cryptocurrencies, such as Tokens and
Commodities, which remain in the chain as digital assets, like all the others mentioned.
Similarly, it is understood that to differentiate or classify each element within the digital chain, will depend only on
the use for which the digital asset is intended, taking as an example the Bitcoin, which is handled as a very well
encrypted digital currency, whose destination is to be used as currency itself in commercial exchanges, while the
Tokens, are handled more as a secure form of data exchange in encrypted form.
Finally at this point, the really interesting and the object of attention, it is understood that tokens are digital media
that secure transactions, create and verify them, thanks to its operation entirely based on the "Blockchain"
technology, also called "Blockchain". A technology, established in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, which proposes an
alternative to the common digital banking, (although also to the physical) controlled by companies, since its
objective is to establish a decentralized system, where the issuance of digital currencies is not manipulated by
private banks and their unnecessary bureaucratic processes, but rather, they work in a way that anyone can register
in them, with a simple download on the computer and quick data verification. Having overcome this part, and once
the download was completed, it is only a matter of starting to mine these digital currencies, to automatically become
part of the big block market (hence the name of Blockchain technology), and therefore an issuer of crypto-assets,
apparently independently.
Returning now, a little of what was previously discussed, not all cryptoassets have the purpose of becoming digital
currencies (cryptocurrencies), but, nevertheless, they do maintain a digital asset character that cannot be modified,
since they effectively have a value and therefore, they are easily bought and sold in the virtual world. It is for this
reason that there are some (commonly tokens) that become equally attractive for the use of companies and
individuals in the exchange of information in the market due to their encrypted nature.
That is why it is currently believed that these tokens have a significant growth due more than anything else to the
ease of use that these establish, its uniqueness and especially the simple method required to be programmed, ie, a
token within a company with legal character or in the hands of a natural person can become, They can be something
more than a digital asset, they can be a physical good, a share in a company, an amount of money, an image, a video
or a sound, which makes them so broad that they should be divided into two categories, utility tokens and security
tokens. The first being the one that caters to the buying and selling side of goods (even non-digital if they are given
a physical value) and the second, which caters to the values within the company that has acquired them.
Now, understanding that these Tokens, do not quite come to exist physically (unless they are assigned a value in the
physical market) , but are linked to blockchain technology ( Blockchain) and its protocols, in which, they have a
really secure registration principle, since, not only the existence of the token is registered, but also that of the person
who owns or creates it, in a process known as Blockchain Distributed Registration Technology, allowing not only
that the owner's information is updated on all computers in the world (which are connected to the blockchain
system), but making them automatically unalterable, as well as secure. It can be assured then, that this is where its
value comes from, that will be answered below,

Understanding what it is, a Non Fungible Token

Continuing with the statements regarding digital assets and their value, having already gone through the chain that
reaches the point of Tokens, as goods of great digital value, it is also known that there are two types of these
Tokens, those that are fungible, that is, those that have a very simple characteristic of interchangeability (and that
can be consumed), like any existing currency, which can be exchanged for any product, service or other currencies.
These tokens are constructed so that each part of them, is equivalent to the next, as well as the previous one, in a
united, identical and perfect chain, taking as an example, the Ether, which is completely fungible, which means that
one will have the same value as any other, and this will be a fixed value that will depend on the digital markets,
although they are equally interchangeable and divisible.
Whereas, the second group, the Tokens that are not fungible, are completely unique, presenting codes and
encryptions without copies. They simply cannot be divided or exchanged for exactly one other token, since there is
no other token with the same characteristics. This means that they have no concept of fungibility. So, properly
speaking and finally getting into the subject, an NFT, which is the abbreviation for "No Fungible Token", is a
digital version, token or unit created by legal companies or natural persons, which has a unique validity of use with
the company that generated it or can be used for the protection and sending of certain data, while, its concept of
non-consumable, addresses the unique character of something that can not be replaced, modified, exchanged or
converted in any way by another equal. Similarly, an NFT, is considered as a digital asset, based on the Blockchain
blockchain, which presents a code to the user, metadata encryption (grouping of data describing the content of a
resource) completely different from each other, which makes them unique and identifiable, but have the ability to
work with each other, giving even the point of merging with each other and create a new and different from the
It is also known, that this technology comes into operation since 2017, remarking since then, that, for a common
Token, to have completely the characteristic of a Non Fungible Token, it must be unique and indivisible, as well as,
completely transferable and with the option to prove its scarcity. It is because of this unique element of distinction
that it becomes as attractive and truly collectible as any work of art, autographed item or book, as well as traceable,
thanks to the encryption with metadata that allows to know the authenticity of the product for sale, who was its
creator and the places where it has been, which also broadens its uses for identification technology, which would
facilitate the scope of passports and licenses for any country, the development of video games, the advancement of
augmented reality, and a change in the authorship rights of content creators. In a nutshell, these NFT, can be
reasoned as a certificate of validity or ownership made of metadata, of an asset or good in the digital world, as they
allow to buy and sell digital items, keeping equally, a tracking of these with a blockchain.
On the other hand, from that very collectible aspect, is born its boom wave in the beginning that was in exponential
increase, even having a surprise sale (although expected by some) in March 2021, when a work of a digital artist
known as Beeple, was auctioned in London by Christie's Auctions & Private Sales, for a surprising amount of sixty-
nine million dollars, but not the most expensive within this world of digital art, since, shortly after, another artist
known as Pak, sold with a surprise amount of sixty-nine million dollars. Private Sales, for the surprising amount of
sixty-nine million dollars, but not the most expensive within this world of digital art, since, shortly after, another
artist known as Pak, sold with the help of the platform Nifty Gateway, one of his works, with the particularity that
this was divided into about 312.686 pieces, which were bought individually, to reach a surprising total amount of
ninety-one million dorals, paid in the common currency of this kind of platforms, the ETH. This brought the
technology to a peak of admiration as a form of modern art.
Now, it is well understood that the quality of an NFT cannot be exchanged, sold or spent, as cryptocurrencies
themselves can, for physical money or equivalent goods, so how did these images or gifs become so expensive yet
popular? The answer lies apparently in the future or the faith that the public gives to this new eccentricity, since
many originally considered it just a method for companies to generate profits from their promotional products and
images, just as the NBA and European soccer clubs do, using the fame of the artist who generated them, (as the first
NFTs sold for considerable amounts were marked with the digital autographs of the players), but now, with the
concept of reinventing money, communication, entertainment, and betting on virtual life in the near and not so
distant future, NFT technology represents a game changer.
Still, it must be stated for the few believers of NFTs, that this is a new technology with a lot of potential, which
makes an image or gif, not just an image or gif, but a metadata encryption code, with unique and transferable
characteristics, as well as unalterable, that not only make it the equivalent of a Rembrandt work of the digital age,
but an opening to financial independence. Just as Bitcoin was the answer to the new paradigms of digital currencies,
an NFT is seen as the answer to the paradigm shift with respect to art, digital collecting and data exchange markets
that has already been set in motion.

Beginnings of non-fungible tokens and their evolution

Although the technology of data encryption is not new, the NFT are, so, its beginnings are just established in the
year 2017, with the emergence of the first token that was not fungible, the CryptoPunks, which doing a little
memory, were just the face of a character made in a generated and pixelated set of 10.000 unique digital characters,
which of course worked under the Ethereum blockchain, with its ERC-721 standard, the company developed was
Larva Labs specifically by Matt Hall and John Watkinson, and from these, was born the second big step in this
path, and the one that probably gave it its original great fame, the CryptoKitties, which remembering, was a game,
similarly based on the Ethereum blockchain, which allowed users, to acquire kitties in NFT format, to then, breed
them, modify them, improve them and even sell them, this idea was developed by Axiom Zen, and had a very fast
viral influence, to a point of reaching sales close to thirteen million dollars.
When the incredible possibility of a unique art form or memes with monetary value was realized, platforms for
selling them, content creators, as well as the public interested in buying, quickly emerged. In this way, RareBits
arrived as a digital marketplace and exchange house for NFT, which was followed by many other marketplaces that
are now really well known, such as Opensea, Nifty Gateway and Rarible,
Also presented were the investments in the games, born and mostly used by Gamedex, which initially consisted
only of collectible cards, but from which the market for collectibles of all kinds was born, including one of the most
famous currently the Dapper Labs and NBA Top Shot, launched in 2020, where you can buy any item of a specific
basketball player, with extensive multimedia and encrypted data, which so far has reported profits of about two
hundred and fifty million dollars.
All of this eventually led to the world of video games and augmented virtual reality, which was first seen with
Decentraland, and its prototype for building land, characters and other assets, with its own currency, which has
generated around twenty-six million dollars in currency alone. Pushing to the peak today, which is the Metaverse,
planned by Meta's social media compendium.
Likewise, it extended to other sites, really innovative, such as the physical, taking, for example, the cases of Nike
that maintain a patent on certain products with NFT, or the musicians of Kings of Leon, who have a complete
album under this distribution format, and even Time magazine itself, which put up for auction one of its covers,
encrypted, so that it would be collectible and of a very high monetary value.

All about your standards

Understood in such a way, that the non-fungible tokens are not just images or very expensive gifs, for no apparent
reason, it is possible to advance in a deeper matter, but before diving completely into the market, it is necessary to
present information about their standards, which will allow any user, who is starting or who already has some
experience to manage much more broadly, within this world. Therefore, it is mentioned that the first standard that
came to market was the Ethereum ERC-721, making an abbreviation in acronyms to its name, which means
Ethereum Request Comments. Given was, this beginning that even today, many platforms work with this single
standard, and are built based on this, in fact, the blockchain platform itself, of Ethereum is still the most used in the
NFT market, but, that this is not mentioned as an exclusion of the others, because in recent months has seen a great
growth on the part of other platforms based on blockchain, which are advancing rapidly, as is the case, of Flow,
which was launched in 2020 by Dapper Labs, and is designed as a backup asset, mostly guided to developers,
validators and common users, who want to enter the Flow network and generate rewards there, so it becomes much
faster and with superior performance. The same happens with the Tezos blockchain, which manages an open
source, and self-upgradable, maintaining standards that will be mentioned later.
In addition, regardless of the platform, all transactions made for NTFs have an additional fee or cost, which is
known as "Gas". At the beginning, when Ethereum had its emergence, this "Gas", went hand in hand with the
established price of ETH, within the open markets, only that, having so little projection of success, that the platform
was going to have, no provision was made regarding the costs, so that, the prices of ETH, reached a point of being
so high, that costs on average around eighty to one hundred dollars, create a NFT, using the standard ERC-721
platform of Ethereum, a cost that could be little seeing the high selling costs of some NFT, also knowing its
benefits, being a unique Token, that can be quoted independently at a very good price, being a work of digital art
creation, that keeps in each of its parts, a collectible type target, with its unique singularities, and its properties,
according to how they were designed, make this standard still remain in the chasm, but, for how long?.
Considering that many people are starting in this market, an investment per work of eighty or one hundred dollars,
may not be entirely reasonable, that is why other standards were born and are becoming more and more popular, the
ERC-998 and ERC-1155. On the one hand, the first of them, the ERC-998 standard, shows a composition
characteristic, which denotes it as an asset within a token, which can be organized in very complex positions and
traded through a simple transfer of ownership. In the same way, it can even contain other tokens with different
standards (both ERC-721 and ERC-20), which gives it a wide value when traded. This closes the idea that the ERC-
988 standard is a simple way to hold unique sets of other digital assets, to the point of being seen as a purse or
pocket of assets for a complex variety of NFTs and so on.
While the second, the ERC-1155 standard, maintains as a striking feature, the ability to allow users to register or
create both Fungible Tokens, which have their ERC-20 standard, and Non-Fungible Tokens, of ERC-721 standard,
using for both the same contract and address. This is why this standard is the most famous within the NFT, created
with the intention of being used in the game, making the non-fungible elements represent a coin, a costume or any
other element within the game universe, representing a value and unique, but at the same time, accessible to any
This idea of measured or half fungibility that the ERC-1155 standard presents, is what makes it very attractive, not
only for the gaming area, because within it, it also works the other way around, allowing the most popular ERC-721
standard assets to be built from and using parts of the ERC-1155 standard assets, generating new assets that work in
both versions.
On the other hand, there are rumors of the growth of other types of standards, which will be called the ERC-1190,
which offer the option, both simple and complex, to create NFT within and with the operation of all the other
standards already mentioned, in a way never seen before, but these, so far, are still awaiting approval by the
government of Ethereum and its committee.
Finally we come to the point that is a little more technical, regarding the standards, where we see two more types,
which are little understood by the initiated in this market, since they are relatively new, the Flow-NFT standard and
the FA2 standard. The first of them, belongs to the aforementioned blockchain, and its greatest advantage is seen, in
the so-called smart contracts that can be updated, which represents, that being the NFT or any other asset, in Beta
state when launched, it can be modified by the author later, without the need to create a new unit, and therefore the
customer or the buyer can also be informed about the status of the asset, so that their investments are not affected,
given the case that the product is not as expected, or is delivered out of time. This platform was born, thanks to the
so-called Cryptokitties, which, when they became so popular, sent down the Ethereum platform, so Flow-NFT is
designed from scratch to address a market of games and other crypto collectibles, in a way that the platforms resist,
even if they are saturated to the fullest.
And in the end, once the Beta versions are fully completed or have completely satisfied the needs of all involved, it
is only a matter of irrevocably releasing the asset, so that it finally becomes immutable in the market.
The second, the FA2 standards, which are also referred to as TZIP-12, maintain a unique multi-contract interface
feature for any variety of tokens, whether they are fungible, non-fungible, transferable, non-transferable, or even
represent multiple characters. This is why it is recognized as providing the greatest flexibility for creators, who can
be given the task of solving a new token, with very complex interactions, which still maintain an API, in its
standard format, to work seamlessly with the applications for which it is intended and with any external wallet.
This standard was developed by Tezos, as previously mentioned, and was created under the regulation, that the
transaction fees of digital assets must be cheaper than required by Ethereum, to allow these to be adopted, acquired
or created by any user, so, not only is handled within the non-fungible assets, but also, they hold Tokens with fully
fungible standards. Leaving the only conclusion, that, despite the fact that Ethereum, and its ERC-721 standard, has
a large market, and a great validity in the future, it will not be the only one we will hear about later, which, in one
way or another, will end up expanding the market, improving the original assets, and allowing any user to enter this
trade with such a good future perspective.

How to get started in the purchase of Non Fungible Tokens?

With prices so striking and expensive that reach the NFTs, in addition to the possibility of such an advantageous
future, it is certain that one has now the need to know how to acquire a NFT', and make with it a great investment,
taking into account that they are not experts in the field and do not have the bases to create one of their own,
something that can be done, that on the blockchain platform with Ethereum. First of all, it is necessary to do your
own market research, in order to understand where the investments really are, since, there are quality NFTs that are
sold for thousands of dollars a piece, and others that remain in oblivion.
Secondly, the digital world itself offers a variety of sites to acquire NFTs, which are directly linked to the people or
companies that are selling them, that is, those that have NFTs with fame and trajectory in the market, but, in
general, it is necessary to have cryptocurrencies available, which can be easily acquired (without the need to learn
how to mine them) in the, the Ethereum website, the Ripple (XRP) website, with just a credit card,
debit card or bank transfer, or acquiring them through digital exchanges. The process is very simple, it is only
necessary to register a user account, then verify that account and with just that, you can acquire the cryptocurrencies
you want, remembering that the verification and the transfer of assets will be very rigorous. Once the
cryptocurrencies have been obtained, the next step will have to lead to an exchange with a platform that creates a
Smart Contract (which ensures that transactions are carried out correctly, securely and in full, complying with
everything established by the parties to the exchange and the agreements that had been agreed), of which there are
currently several, but only two maintain constant popularity, which are Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.
The first one, Ethereum, is an open source, decentralized platform that has the benefits of cryptocurrencies in a
more direct way and Blockchain technology, (something that differentiates it from other blockchains), fully
programmable by the user, capable of controlling digital assets, securely and predictably, once they have been
loaded to the application (dApps), they will be executed according to what is established in the programming. The
operation of this platform is largely linked to the Ethereum Virtual Machine, which efficiently mixes LISP,
assemblers and bitcoin script, through bytecode.
Also understanding that the most used currency in buying NFTs is Ethereum, this is in the sight of scammers, so, it
is recommended if you are just starting in this investment business, to use the safest asset exchange sites, which are, Coinbase, eToro and Gemini.
The second one, Binance Smart Chain, is relatively new and has been developed by Binance directly, but it offers
the same Blockchain technology to develop Smart Contracts, it also provides an environment to create dApps and
other DeFi products. It also has a three-second block time on inter-chain asset transfers, compatibility with the
Ethereum Virtual Machine with a dual architecture and a POS consensus protocol.
Having then obtained the cryptocurrencies, and the Smart Contract (which as we remember can also be obtained on
the Flow and Tezos platforms), these must be moved to a wallet or virtual wallet, of which there are also a great
variety that will be mentioned below, but only two of these are linked to the platforms mentioned above.
The first of them is called Binance Chain Wallet, and it is the cryptocurrency wallet created by Binance, which
allows access to Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum itself, and it allows secure storage of
cryptocurrencies and at the same time compatibility with various Blockchain projects. Similarly, it allows the user
to have this wallet as a browser extension, compatible with Firefox and Chrome, both for those seeking to exchange
BNB for other tokens, as those who intend to create, buy or sell NFT, with only a configuration according to the
browser, after executing the download from the Binance Chain page. It is necessary to register with Gmail, which
will be validated with several passwords (seed phrases and tKey), once this procedure is done you can use the
wallet without any problem.
The second of them is MetaMask, which is the open source wallet directly linked to Ethereum, which receives the
types of tokens with ERC-20 standard (which are fungible) or NFT, it also requires a download to the browser and
has an extension for Firefox, Chrome, and even on mobile devices with iOS and Android. The download must be
done directly from the page, where the fox mascot welcomes you, just click on "Get Started", to start
creating an account, or import a Seed Phrase, after that it will only be a matter of registering a username and
password, read the terms and conditions of use, and continue following the steps with the help of the wizard, until
the wallet is in compliance with its functions.
Once you have obtained the wallet and it is configured, with its cryptocurrencies inside, it is time to start working
with the famous NFT Marketplace, which is actually very simple, it is only a matter of going to the Marketplace
page, and connect with the button that is usually located at the top right of the screen, even so it is of vital
importance not to fall into scammers pages that pretend to sell NFT for extralimited costs that turn out to be false,
so, the safest thing is to use the following Marketplace that have a great accessibility, a large number of users and a
very strict security, which are:

Opensea: this is recognized as the best Marketplace for beginners and experts, due to its very
comfortable interface. Of course you must be registered and have your wallet connected to bid for the
NFTs in auction, remembering that this site works much better with MetaMask. If everything is done
correctly, just clicking on "Place Bid" will be enough to participate in the auctions. The categories are
so varied that they are filtered by specific artists as well as by collections, or just by searching for the
specific cryptoasset you wish to acquire, this search of course, is only in case you ignore the statistics
rankings area, with the total prices of the NFTs by collections, as well as the historical prices.
Rarible: this is considered as the one with the largest online art collection, so you can find all kinds of
artists and categories within it, in the same way, you need to be registered and with your wallet
connected to bid for such works, or just keep track of the most attractive artists for the user, until you
find what you are looking for.
Nifty Gateway: this is the most popular at the web artist level, and is divided into two ways of
searching, the "Discover", which allows you to find works by level of popularity, and the "Drops",
which leads to searching by artist. It is worth noting that since this site views NFTs as exchangeable
files, it is not only for buying but also excels at selling.
Mintable: also presents a very accessible sale of NFTs through auctions, which are divided by
categories where you will find all kinds of images, gifs, video games or music items, and in the same
way you can filter the prices, searching either through a specific amount or a limit amount of money
you want to spend. The catalogs themselves are available to be viewed by any public, but to buy you
will need to be registered and have your wallet connected.
Makersplace: this page allows the user to sell and create their own art, not only acquire it, to navigate
it is only necessary to filter by creators or collections, in the same way, the categories are divided into
the most popular, new or of a specific type, by asset or by amount.
Valuables: this page is characterized more than anything else, for buying and selling tweets, which
became famous after selling the first tweet in history for 2.5 million dollars. Although nowadays, if
you want to buy any of these, they must be offered with a specific amount, which is why it also has a
register of users, connected to wallets.
SuperRare: this page has an opposite feature to the previous ones, as it maintains a very strict format
of artists, which works by invitation, but that only affects sellers, to buy it is only necessary the usual
registration and bidding in the auction being held.
Foundation: at the level of artists it works as a club, it gives the option to invite as well as to be
invited, and presents quite considerable gains with respect to new artists, at the level of purchase, it
works in the same way auction, presenting an offer for the NFTs that you wish to acquire.

On the other hand, there are other pages for the purchase of NFTs, which are really very simple to use, allowing
users to purchase their tokens only with a credit card, debit card or PayPal, without major complications, because
the objective of these pages is only to maintain a very large profit margin for their products, which undoubtedly
become collectible, rather than artistic. The first and possibly the best known is NBA Top Shot, the official website
of the National Basketball Association of the United States, which has its own collection of NFTs of prominent
athletes, which can be purchased as "Packages" in different prices and formats, without the need for a wallet with
The second are the Axie, which have a method very similar to the NBA, only that the NFTs offered here are from
the universe inspired by the Axie Infinity game, which are also collectible, there are a great variety of them. They
can be acquired from the pets themselves, to the lands where they live, only that, as it was established at the end of
the year 2021, their purchase and sale at good prices is largely linked to the popularity of the game.
And the third is Sorare, the site for the sale of NFTs in the form of a digital card with licensed soccer players from
the most recognized leagues (about 120 clubs mostly from European leagues). In a web version of a sticker album
that maintains a high investment at the collection level.

How to start selling non-fungible tokens?

In the case of wishing to sell the NFTs, there are two ways to do it, the first one is the simplest, and the one that in
fact obtains the highest profit, and it is as simple as contacting an auction house, which professionally handles the
sales of the assets on the market. One of them over the years has been really well known, the previously named
Christie's Auctions & Private Sales, and another one that follows very close behind. Private Sales and another one
that follows very closely is Sotheby's auction house, only that, to be taken into account in a sales market of this
type, you must be a recognized NFT artist or own a work of art NFT that has wide interest in the market, such as
CryptosPunks, works of political type and those that are to raise funds, which always have much interest among the
public, depending on the cause.
The second way is a little more complicated, but it is much more open to beginners and content creators, and it is
the direct sale on Marketplace pages. To do this, you must start with creating an account within that Marketplace,
taking for example one of the most recognized and easy to use, that of, which has a large number of
users and an easy interface, so, we will see below the steps for this:
1) The page will initially ask the user to add a wallet or wallet wallet, compatible with the platform
(which are practically all of them), which are visible as soon as you access the page, which are:
MetaMaks, Bitski, Dapper, Kaikas, Torus, Authereum, Coinbase and Wallet Connect.
2) Once the Wallet wallet is linked, it is necessary to create the user with a password, which is secured with a
digital signature, which is quickly validated through a verification code.
3) Once the user has been created and validated, the NFTs can be created or uploaded. To do so, just click on
the "Create Collection" option and immediately another page will open to create the NFT collection, to
which you can add a name, a logo, or a profile picture, allowing you to upload the file. (make sure it is of
your own creation, otherwise you will have copyright problems).
4) Having loaded all the files, you will be asked to fill out a form, with the main properties of the NFT, which
are External Link (the link for users to know the work), Properties (the main characteristics and the type of
NFT), Levels and States (serves to customize the NFT by specifying its level) and finally the most
important, the Blockchain, where the user can select the blockchain where you want your NFT to adhere.
There are many of course, the most famous being that of Ethereum, which allows the sale with a "Gas" fee
investments a little high, but never disappointing, on the other hand, if you want a free publication, you
should resort to other types of Blockchain such as Polygod, Flow or Tezos, even so, whatever the case, the
Marketplace page will charge a commission, no more than 3%.
5) Once the NFT is created, it is only a matter of selling it, and for that, it is necessary to click on the "Sell"
option, which will allow access to a new window with the sale options. There you will enter the minimum
auction price (or the unique selling price), then the system will do the rest, quoting the sale at the current
price of ETH for the moment and the amount to be paid for the use of the page.
6) With the price fixed and the quotation made, the next step is to proceed to complete the list, in the button
with the same name, that will lead to a new window where you can sign the NFT, by the author.
Immediately giving it authenticity, and uploading it so that it can be purchased by any buyer.
7) On the other hand, the Opensea website offers a creation process for the royalties on the works that are sold,
just by clicking on the "Edit" option, before or after the sale has been opened to the public, there you can
select the type of token on which you want to quote the royalties and that will be all, from then on, every
time the NFT is sold or passes from one owner to another, the creator will continue earning money, and
keeping his name on the NFT, which can be very useful in future sales.

Of course, although all these steps are exclusive to the, maintain the same regime as the rest of the
Marketplace pages, which are handled practically the same, from Mintable, to Rarible, all maintain a current of the
same operation for the sale, the difference lies in the possibility of being a member of these pages as a seller,
because, in the cases of SuperRare and Foundation, you need an invitation to apply as a seller, and not only that, but
when applying as an applicant, the administration of the page, must accept it or not, which represents a limitation
for new artists.
On the other hand, in case you want to sell Tweets in NFT format, an issue that has gained popularity and much
value in the market in recent years, there are also steps for this, which are performed through the Valuables page.
(v., and are known to be as follows:
1) The essential is to have a Twitter account, with enough followers, so that you are popular and your Tweets
are recognized everywhere.
2) As with Opensea or other Marketplaces, you must start by linking a Wallet to the platform, in addition to
that, it is necessary to link the Twitter account, remembering that you must have the ownership or at least
the rights to use that account, since plagiarism leads to many conflicts and problems that end in
prohibition of sales on the pages.
3) Having already made the links, you only need to place the URL of the tweet you want to put on sale in the
place that indicates "Tweet Your Reply", once loaded, you only need to click on "Manage", so that the
selected URL is converted into a file type NFT, which may take some time and have an extra cost.
4) This will open a pop-up sale where you can place the amount either fixed or at auction for that Tweet,
which will be immediately quoted in dollars, as well as in ETH. Then to put it up for sale, one will click
on "Accurate it", which will allow an access to sign the NFT with the users Wallet and ready, the NFT is
published and ready for sale.
5) Additionally, an interesting feature of Valuables is that before selling, the owner has the option to reject or
accept the offer, instead of just accepting it first hand by default. This allows not only to reach a higher
offer, but also to contemplate the buyer's profile, which is very popular lately, since there are Twitter
buyers who are not looking to resell or popularize the work.

Of its applications for the markets

Although it is hard to believe, despite all the technology involved, most digital markets are handled in the same way
as the physical markets, which are well known. It starts with a product, but not just any product, but one that
someone wants to buy, that is of high quality and very attractive, and then put it up for sale in its respective field
and then negotiate for it until obtaining a corresponding or even higher profit. So, the only difference that should be
mentioned is that this whole process, free market, is done within a Marketplace page, of which, there is a wide
variety, for any taste or purpose, which are handled according to the NFT you want to sell, the quality of the artist
and of course his fame.
When addressing the point of the Marketplace and its final objectives, it is where it is mentioned, the usefulness of
the verifiable scarcity that makes the NFT so particular, as well as its possibility of being put to work in any
platform, from the artistic ones, to the online games, which allow these unique assets to be traded, within the
platform without the need of the intervention of the main developer. In this way, it is necessary to mention all the
markets in which NFTs can be applied without any problem and with the possibility of generating a good

Art: of course the main application market, and the most famous so far, is the art medium. Here, the
NFT, not only comprises the art itself, the creation that enamors the eyes, but goes further, and
provides an unequivocal proof of authorship, which eliminates the most feared by buyers and sellers
of digital art (and possibly every artist in general), which is, that the work is reproduced without
authorization, or illegally distributed, the original, as low-resolution copies will always be present.

Moreover, on closer analysis, the NFT art market may reach such heights that the art would become fully
accessible in the digital world to anyone, without the need to go to another country to see it, and still be
admired in a genuine and original way.
In fact, and although it sounds somewhat futuristic, there are already exclusive platforms for artists where
they can sell their work, without the need for a physical auction, such as Nifty Gateway (which sold so far
the most expensive NFT), SuperRare and Foundation. While, there are others completely open to the
public without distinction, without being amateurs or curious to try their luck, such as Rarible and

Games: of course NFTs are really useful within the gaming industry, due to the use they have for
character improvements, as well as scenarios and skins, not to mention the future they have with
respect to user data protection, however, what has more potential is the bet for creating decentralized
games, where no company exercises control over them, and the purchase and sale of original assets
within the games themselves, without the need for the developer's intervention.

In fact, such has been the rise of this type of games, that its major representatives have made significant
profits in the development of the last two years, allowing users a complete experience of playing, buying,
selling and monetizing NFTs, something that works for independent platforms, but very little for those
developed by companies, so that many of these have even banned NFTs within their platforms, as was the
case of Valve Corporation (famous for creating games like Half-Life, Dota and Left 4 Dead).

Virtual reality: today, the phrase virtual reality may be associated more with science fiction, but
thanks to investments by major companies like Meta, it will soon no longer be a fantasy. That's right,
it will be a reality, which is why NFTs will be vital to creating online communities and spaces that
are personalized and unique. As currently shown in Decentraland's platforms, which is a completely
decentralized virtual world based on Ethereum's Blockchain technology, where users can experience
virtual reality games in which they are the owner and creator of all the content generated there. With
its own currency known as MANA, and with it perform all paid activities within the game. And that
of, The Sandbox which is another Blockchain game based on Ethereum, which allows its users to
create complete and functional economies around their native NFT platforms, thanks to its SAND

Music: given that the piracy environment also affects this industry, this really makes NFTs a trend,
while respecting the protection of authorship, however, the issue is not only that, but also the
decentralized management of the market. Since, as many artists have pointed out, record labels keep a
large part of the profits from the music produced by them, but with direct sales at NFT auctions, it
will be a direct, musician-client deal.
Cinema: at this point, a similar utility to that of NFTs is handled in art, photography or music,
protecting authorship and limiting unauthorized copies, but also presents an advantage, to the point
that it addresses collectibles, because any material related to a film and that has an NFT format, will
be immediately unique and therefore collectible. Such was demonstrated by the Godziilla vs. Kong
movie collectible chain, which handled works in these formats and sold really well, as did director
Quentin Tarantino, who sold seven NFTs with scenes not included in the production of Pulp Fiction,
making these assets desirable to fans.
All other uses: admirable surprise in all applications, in which NFT are also included, starting with
the industry that depends entirely on the sale and purchase of original material made by an author,
ranging from books to clothing. From the well-known memes, which can be not only funny, but also
very lucrative as demonstrated by the sale of the Doge (the Shiba dog meme) which was put up for
auction and subsequently sold for the sum of four million dollars.

All this without mentioning the technology for the identification of passports, credit cards and IDs, which
based on a non-fungible format, would completely avoid identity fraud, so that the NFT are so limited to
their uses and markets, only by the imagination of users, since there have even been cases of use of NFT,
to give value to objects in the physical world, such as collectibles, which maintain an irrevocable digital
authorship, even though they exist physically.

Of your buying opportunities

Entering fully into investment matters, since NFTs will undoubtedly have a good chance to succeed in a future
market in any of its versions, either for its artistic appeal or for its considerations as the future in terms of virtual
reality model and online games, the opportunities with respect to NFTs are varied. This attractiveness, of course,
lies mainly in their exchange, their scarcity proof, and their option to transfer data in a secure, unmediated,
personalized and decentralized manner, which they possess as a unique digital asset. In such a way that, most of the
optimists with respect to this technology, consider that NFTs should not be seen properly as just some collectible
cards, tweets, images or very expensive gifs, but as a unique accounting entry, found online, which confirms that
possession over asset, that an artist has created, and therefore falls into the free market, with a value that will
depend on the supply and demand that exists for it, either in an auction or within a game. Whereas, the opportunity
to be part in boosting new artists who until now have not had the opportunity to take their digital works beyond
Instagram, let alone consider making a profit on them, has attracted some attraction from investors with a lot of
capital, so, it is now more than ever, the possibility of entering into a new design of modern art, leaving the idea
that, like any other investment market, you need to have some knowledge of supply and demand management, and
be fully prepared to either make a profit and reinvest it, or just lose the investment altogether. Despite this, the
essential to start with a buying opportunity, whatever it is, is the primary market, the beginning of sales, where you
get any material, which many times is bad, but many others have potential, and best of all, is that it is, with very low
investment, because most of them are new artists.
This is where the marketplaces come into play as sales bases for NFTs, with all kinds of artists and their works,
which must be analyzed with an eye to future interests to be able to accept their potential value. Whether in
Opensea, Rarible, Nifty Gateway or SuperRare, there are countless artists with potential, who want to sell at a good
price, which will represent an investment, which, of course has a great risk, but also a great gain. The same can be
said about the purchases in the well-known auction houses, they are purchases at high costs, but due to the
controversy they generate, they have a great opportunity to multiply their value.
On the other hand, if you want to be more cautious about the opportunities to buy NFT and have good capital to do
so, you should look at a much more specific historical market. Known works that have sold for large amounts
before, such as CryptoPunk works, none of which are currently on the market for less than two hundred and twenty
thousand dollars, will apparently maintain that same or higher valuation in the future, as with works by known
artists such as Beeple, in which case, the artist's authorship would be expressed more as an investment than the
work itself, which is also an opportunity to buy and then sell at a higher cost.
Finally, and in a nutshell, the greatest opportunity offered by NFTs as a means to profit lies in the new technologies
for their use, within three main areas of purchasing opportunity, given that they are still under development or have
not yet reached their full potential.
The first of them are cryptocurrencies, a matter that is handled when it is considered that acquiring an NFT as such
is somewhat difficult due to the study that must be done with respect to the predictions of the works. Then, it is seen
as the most advisable to invest in cryptocurrencies that are related to this sector, which maintain a relative stability,
for example, if you study the page of, in the section of coins related to the NFT, we find that
there are many and at very good prices, for example the Ethereum coin, which currently holds the number two
position, is trading around three thousand three hundred dollars, while the Binance coin, is trading around four
hundred dollars, in the same way the Decentraland coin, is trading around three dollars, the Tezos coin shows a
price close to four dollars, and finally the Flow coin has a value close to eight dollars.
The second is video games and online games, as we have mentioned many times before, this market is the one that
has the greatest future projection with respect to the NFT, the fact of acquiring a character, a land or coins, in any
game, work on it, improve it to such an extent that it is unique and extravagant, will undoubtedly generate a profit
in the future, and that is only in the most popular games, because as technology advances more and more in this
area, the opportunities will not cease to exist. From selling a virtual property for thousands of dollars, to creating a
Skin so desired that they pay a lot for it, everything always in a decentralized way, with person to person dealings,
free of fraud and without any intermediaries.
And finally, the Metaverse, which is the most modern idea, but at the same time with the greatest investment
opportunity, thanks to the contributions of giants like Facebook, eBay and Walmart, the so-called Metaverse in a
few years, will not only be a virtual reality game, but will be a way in which people will live their lives, they will be
able to travel, play, meet people, make investments in the stock market, purchase goods and objects, and even work
remotely, in a way that is presumed to be much more efficient. And NFT will be an important part of this great
change, from the design of offices, houses or exteriors, to the total reconstructions of historical events (in the case
of interactive learning), everything will have the possibility of being sold and bought, and if these resources become
unique, made by talented artists, they could cost millions, in an opportunity to buy today, at a lower price. Since it is
a project that is just starting, and therefore the investment opportunities are unique, whether with Blockchain or a
specific project, cryptocurrency-based systems will benefit enormously.

Analysis and advice for future markets

Although it has been mentioned before, it is repeated to make it more than clear, in such a delicate aspect as it is, to
invest money, being a new buyer and that is, that digital markets are handled as common markets that we all know,
it is only necessary to have a product that someone wants to buy, place it for sale and then negotiate until you get a
profit, and the only difference in the NFT markets, is that it is with all its process, made within the web, in a
Marketplace page, an auction house or a page of collectibles, of which we have already named several, but they are
not the only ones, there are a variety of them that are handled according to the NFT you want to sell, the quality of
the artist and of course his fame.
Therefore, and although it sounds a bit surprising for a new market, there are exclusive platforms for already
famous artists, such as SuperRare, Foundation and Nifty Gateway, while there are others completely open to the
public without distinction, such as Rarible and Mintable. Those that sell tweets in NFT format such as Valuables,
those that buy and sell objects in the virtual world such as Decentraland, those aimed at sports card collectors, such
as NBA Top Shop and of course the best known, but there are even more, such as Atomic HUB, a
marketplace aimed at buying and selling collectible game cards. Know Origin which is oriented to the purchase and
sale of digital art. MarbleCard which is designed for the purpose of creating and exchanging unique digital cards.
VIV3 as a site maintains a revolutionary character that supports the concept that Blockchain is the future that will
make physical marketplaces obsolete. Treasure Land which is the largest marketplace associated with Binance
Smart Chain, which allows the sale and purchase of various types of Tokens, has a very comprehensive NFT system
that includes NFT Casting, Crafting, Mining, Auction, Trading and more. ARkane Market which is the first
marketplace for NFT running on Polygon, and is mainly focused on buying and selling digital collectibles. Ghost
Market whose page is dedicated to the purchase and sale of the so-called Ghost Blockchain, which are a secure,
scalable and very fast blockchain, created based on NFT, being these only the most popular at the moment.
It is for this reason that the main advice for future marketplaces lies in the option of not limiting oneself only to a
specific field, artist or Marketplace, there are so many and with infinite possibilities in a way that some will end up
succeeding in a really striking way, making investors and content creators see that they have a lot of capital. In
addition, and due to the characteristics that identify the NFT (i.e. they are unique, rare, indivisible, specific and
interchangeable) it is considered that they will become very useful in the future, not only in the artistic field, but in
many others, which really will mark a potential for global economic acceptance with them.
From that estimation then is where the areas with the most potential with respect to NFTs are born, dated with the
analyses with respect to the investments that are being seen today, for tomorrow's earnings, so, the advice, which
may prove most useful to initiators in this area, as well as those looking to expand their earnings, is that, invest if
you have the option, and the confidence in the following branches:
1) Collectibles: as more and more companies decide to join the NFT fever, it is not illogical to believe that
there will be more and more objects with unique characteristics, linked to a movie, sports team, series,
artist or game, for which the public is obsessed, keeping its trend widely.
2) Games: although it is hard to believe, the NFT created for video games or online games, reach a total of
70% of the tokens made in history today, which represents a growing trend to have characters, lands or
exclusive Skins, which has no plans to stop, so it will become more and more frequent, leaving the card
open in new ideas and creations regarding the development of this branch of entertainment and all the
profits that will possess their investors.
3) Memes: it seems silly, but memes have a great market trend in the future, it is simply the means of
expression of this generation, so they will be increasingly used in all aspects, marking a milestone in
history in how the protest will be sold, so it is not presumed that soon they will cease to exist, or will cease
to be acquired exclusively in NFT format.
4) Art and Fashion: in this aspect, both digital artists and fashion designers, have the displeasure of
increasingly encountering fraud, plagiarism and unauthorized copies of their creations, so, it is considered
that the NFT will be a big trend for artists and designers increasingly in the future, which leaves not only
that problem of car rights behind, but also, marks a path for intellectual property, and not only in the
digital world, as brands like Nike, and Time magazine, already has for sale objects in the physical world
with its digital authorship based on NFT.
5) Books and Magazines: as with artists and designers, writers and publishers have maintained a constant
struggle against plagiarism and illegal copies, however, the same unique character of a work or book is
possessed by NFTs, which, in the future, will make it a trend to have complete books or fragments of
them, in originals of a specific author, equivalent to having an autograph in physical form.
6) Music: although piracy also affects this industry, what will really make NFTs a future trend in this world
will be the decentralized management of the market. As many artists have pointed out, record labels keep
a large part of the profits of the music to be produced by an artist, but with direct sales in NFT auctions,
this will no longer be a problem, it will be a direct deal, musician-client, which looks very good for the
future and many are already noticing it.
7) Photography: in 2020, Lindsey Lohan managed to sell a photo of herself for $5,000, which was later resold
for $47,500, which means that they will soon be a big trend in this medium. Acquiring exclusive images
of celebrities has never been a bad business, but if these photographs were to become completely unique
thanks to NFTs, the profit margins would be limitless.
8) Interchangeable objects: of course, physical markets will try to find ways to continue competing against the
rise of NFTs, so a very considerable future trend will be interchangeable objects, i.e., it will be possible to
acquire a card in NFT format, which can be exchanged for any object in the physical environment, from
sweatshirts, cars, to properties, can be acquired in the form of NFTs, keeping all the information about it
in well protected Wallets and be fully valid in the physical world, in a digital version of a title deed.
9) Metaverse: after Mark Zuckerberg's announcement regarding the change of the Facebook compendium to
Meta, in a future bet regarding virtual reality and first-person games that will no longer be just that, it is
impossible not to realize the potential and future trend that NFTs have, within this type of augmented
reality interactions, either with the creations of characters, clothes, properties or environments, no doubt a
large market will be generated from there, and there is no better time to make investments based on
market research than now.
10) Other uses: finally, as this is a relatively new technology, its true uses and potentials are yet to be
realized, therefore, the trends that will most revolutionize the NFT-based digital sales industry are yet to
be known, It may come to implement major changes in areas with respect to the identification or in the
field of legislation against plagiarism and fraud of pirated copies, which would make them a major trend
outside the artistic or even digital, so the biggest tip will be to always be aware of the progress of this
technology, in respect of all its areas.
On the market forecasts for Non Fungible Tokens
In spite of the enormous market that the NFTs have today and will have in the future, any investment, no matter
how safe it may seem, always has its risk, moreover, when the information about the sale of "Everydayd - The First
5000 Days" was for an amount of sixty-nine million dollars, and its progressive increase with the work "The
Merge" for ninety one million dollars, all the news and most of the people (who many times were investors), were
blinded, generating as much controversy in favor, as against, on the one hand, the reason that it was only a digital
image was mentioned, It was just a digital image, with a ridiculous monetary value, and on the other hand, mentions
about its future possibilities, as Mark Cuban said, "it is a change in this generation, which has decided to give value
to a digital asset, just as until now, they had been giving it to any physical value that is considered unique and
different", which brings to the discussion once again, that what is really valuable of a NFT is its unique character,
and that basically solves all the problems with authenticity, that until now web artists had not been able to handle.
Even so, the term "passing fever", highlighted by the relatively high economic values that have been given to the
NFTs, in fact, Charles Allsop, an auctioneer within Christie's Auctions & Private Sales (the auction house that sold
Beeple's work), told the English newspapers: "just the idea, of wanting to buy something, that you don't find there,
is just bizarre", in fact, by mid-2021 (after the rush to acquire NFT), there were so many new artists with their
works for sale, that there were reported drops in acquisitions so marked that they were as much as 70%, This shows
that despite the arguments from one side or the other, the NFT market works like any other, thanks to free trade and
the law of supply and demand. Remembering that, this same type of discussions (which really do not maintain any
professional character) have been carried out in previous times, in various new markets, as was the case of Bitcoin,
which were initially really silly for the public attention, for being only digital currencies, but now have an
impressive value.
Even so, the financial implications of this new way of selling art (and all the other uses it has) are directly linked to
the interest that the public wants to place on it. So, probably this work that, in March 2021, was sold for sixty-nine
million dollars, in a couple of years will be worth much more, or it will just be forgotten, and that will depend only
on the law of supply and demand.
On the other hand, when talking about new investors in this market or future content creators, there are also very
notable risks with respect to the value that is being given to this technology in such a short time, and is that, being
an asset that is not fungible, denying the opportunity to be consumed, and that in the physical world does not have a
structure that can have a basis, but only resides in the storage within a server, if this for totally hypothetical issues
were to disappear or stop working, what would happen then with those assets? They would simply cease to exist, as
would their value.
Despite this possible risk, which actually becomes more paranoid than real, there is no greater enemy to the value
given to an NFT than the public's own criticism. That people see it more and more as a temporary money attraction
bubble, which, as a window to the safe transfer of assets, will end their interest, since the only thing that really gives
value to a product is the public's taste for it. And that is a truth applicable to any form of market, whether physical
or digital.
On a side note, the controversy surrounding NFTs, as a relatively new form of investment with marked public
attention, generating million-dollar and often impulsive purchases, will mean that fraudsters, copycats and digital
thieves will soon seek ways to violate the best attributes that these assets possess, which will, in turn, highlight the
lack of legal regulation, and the problems with respect to legal certainty that they do not possess, leaving buyers and
sellers who suffer attacks in the first place, without any legal defense.
But these fears and forecasts, would only be taking into account the NFT as they are seen today, limited to the art
market (which would be another forecast to take because, limiting their potential to a single area, would end their
use), and since, their real potential is mostly attached to online games and virtual reality, (with which it is
recommended to have the same forecasts, given that an NFT asset in a game today could be worth a lot and
tomorrow worth nothing, given the interest of people in them and the acceptance of the game in the market, they
could lose a lot of investment and time, as in the case of Axie Infinity, which had a boom and a crash), as well as to
copyright proposals and collectibles,
Finally, the greatest foresight regarding the value of an NFT in its current or future markets lies in the
considerations of all possible risks and how to avoid them. Analyzing the stock exchanges, the influences of
companies or artists, within the public opinion and the stock market, helps in many aspects, and in the end, if there
is an opportunity to achieve profits in that market, it is best to invest the profit immediately in another market, to
have several options when generating profits and a stable economy.

Types of Non Fungible Tokens and their storage

Token storage is an important issue when you find yourself having acquired a wide variety of tokens. But long
before we get there, what types of NFTs are there, and how does a user get to store them in the same wallet? a valid
question to present, since remembering the above mentioned, this growing market is not only based on very
expensive images, but on potential growth in more than one field, for which, it is considered that the NFT can be
classified in groups that are as diverse as varied, which are: collectibles that, like any other physical item, refers to
those that maintain a distinctive feature one from the other, but belong to the same field. Event tickets, which are
presented by organizers to auction tickets with NFT technology, which allows for extensive verification of both the
validity of the ticket and the identity of the person to whom it was sold. Music and other media, since NFTs can
come in audio and video formats, artists are increasingly using them to maintain a premium exchange with their
fans, knowing that the authorship will remain intact. Games, which is probably the most active market, as game
developers (or users themselves) can create elements within a game and ensure that they remain unique and
registered, or simply allow other users to create their own NFT within the game, thus managing an in-game
attraction and having them stored without the developer's control, if any. Assets in the real world, of course not in a
physical form, but with virtual title deeds to real estate or luxury items. Data, as an option without much
exploitation in protecting one's own information or that of any business using the non-fungibility technology of
tokens, and of course memes, as part of the changes brought about by this generation.
Now, knowing the variety of NFTs that exist, and of course, having already acquired them, we continue in the
question of storage, where it should be mentioned that these are carried in the same way in which any other digital
asset is stored in the market regardless of its destination, that is, directly in the blockchain (Blockchain), since these,
maintain a character of encrypted and protected data, which are added to a chain in chronological order, maintaining
the interaction of a block with the previous one and the one that follows it, in a way in which they are protected
from individual attacks, since the information is backed not by a block, but by the entire chain itself. While, each of
these blocks in turn, is divided into several nodes, of which a complete copy is kept, so that Blockchain technology
validates and synchronizes the transactions of the nodes automatically, so that they are transparent and verifiable for
all users, maintaining an always decentralized character according to the contracts made with the chosen platforms.
In such a way it is established that a storage system such as Blockchain, prepares the NFT, for its safekeeping and
then distributes it with a decentralized structure, in a process with six very strict steps that go from the main block
to each of the individual data, which are: data fragmentation, encryption of each fragment of data, generation of a
Hash for each fragment, replication of each of the fragments, distribution of each replicated fragment and finally,
the registration of each transaction. Consequently, all this process generates that, what comes out to the users, is an
address, which allows the access to those Tokens within the block chain, for that, is that the so called Wallets are
needed, which must be in accordance with the Token standard.
Of course, it is understood that a Wallet is a virtual wallet or purse, which works as if it were physical, only that,
instead of just storing the NFT in all its varieties (because they are not really stored there, but in the Blockchain), it
also allows other types of movements, such as sending and receiving them at will and at any time. These, of course,
can be applications, online websites, services offered by an Exchange or just a device, the only thing that is really
necessary for the moment of use is the compatibility with the NFT standard, which it is worth remembering that the
main or most used is the ERC-721, but not the only one.
On the other hand, due to the current competitive market, most of these wallets or purses, offer three elements that
are attractive to the user, the first is that they are easy to use, without many shortcuts or complex, the second is that
they have a great compatibility between blockchains and their standards, even accepting hybrid tokens and finally
they are able to work on multiple devices both fixed and mobile, even at the same time. This is why there are five
main competitors that meet these three aspects in full and are constantly improving (MetaMask, Coinbase,
AlphaWallet, Enjin, Trust Wallet) which will be explained in detail below. So, having a storage of Tokens, in any
of these Wallets, will automatically allow you to acquire a quantity of NFT or FT, in any format and for any
purpose, with only the need to connect the Wallet to the Marketplace where you want to get the assets, and yes, the
evolution is such that you can have the same Wallet linked to several Marketplaces, to further facilitate the security
and speed of business of this type.
On a side note, these Wallets, likewise, are divided into two types, the so-called "Cold Storage Wallets", which
consist of small, encrypted, mobile devices, where assets are stored, outside the network, which keeps them in view,
but not so updated on the network, and the so-called "Hot Storage Portfolios", which present the opposite premise
since the assets are stored on online servers that depend directly on the network, which brings a certain risk of
hacking or loss, but are constantly updated. Even so, and in view of the possible attacks, in the last years, a great
variety of Wallets have spread in the network with first class security, which have stood out in being very reliable in
the field of storage, which were briefly mentioned, but which should be extended, and are the following:

MetaMaks: this is the official Ethereum wallet and therefore the most used, the most famous and the
most secure. It works both as a storage and as a means to use NFTs, to the point that it works as a
secure identity vault, providing the user with a simple administration interface on different sites or
devices, in the same way that it allows to sign Blockchain transfers. Of course its registration is free
(but not its use), and without advertising, and it works correctly with all standards, just as it is
allowed to work with Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Brave browsers. It should also be noted that all the
tokens issued by the Blockchain are stored in this wallet, so if access to it were to be lost, not only the
NFT but also all the tokens associated with it would be lost.
Coinbase: is a free wallet designed for multiple cryptocurrencies, as well as for NFT, and works with
ERC-721 and ERC-20 standards (so it also works with Fungible Tokens), as well as with all major
Blockchain Tokens. It is very simple to use as well as having the option to restore the wallet easily in
case of loss.
AlphaWallet: this is the wallet founded by Weiwu Zhang, with the idea of "Tokenizing" any asset in
the market, so that it can be safeguarded in its blockchain. And its main feature is that it works hand
in hand with the TokenScript system, which allows development and management in a simple way,
together with a flexible language, practically transforming dApss by improving their structure.
Enjin: is the most widely used by game developers, as it allows empowering the user base with true
ownership, in addition to facilitating fraud prevention and increasing revenue, on the other hand, it
explores the frontiers of Blockchain games, a market with great potential. Moreover, it is free, with
very simple interface, supports compatibility with ERC-20, ERC721 and ERC1155 standards. And it
also allows to easily recover the wallet in case of loss by simply recovering the user.
Trust Wallet: is the official Binance wallet, which allows integrating the Binance DEX and Kyber
Network protocols, resulting in instant exchange with the Exchange at the amount of the day being
handled. It has compatibility with most standards, as well as allows access to the Ethereum and BEP2
network, expanding the interaction with decentralized dApps from the application.

Mike Winkelmann, best-selling artist

When you are on the path of buying and selling Non Fungible Tokens, and the reason why they have been so
popular and at the same time so controversial, it is impossible not to come across the name of Michael Joseph
Winkelmann, who in the art world is well known as Beeple, the man who has sold the works with the NFT
technology format, with the highest cost in history. Michael, born in the United States, in a town in Wisconsin, in
1981, is a graphic designer graduated from Purdue University in 2003, with a major in Computer Science. Since
then he began to elaborate original pieces in digital format with a seal in his works, which maintains the use of
various means of creation, embroidering political irony, the phantasmagoric, dystopian futurism and satirical
comedy, a matter that is really popular today, as well as another of the genres in which he excels, which is the use
and application of pop culture.
It is known that his most expensive work, Everydays: The First 5000 Days: which was sold at auction, reached
69.The work itself presents a collage of 5,000 images that reflect the evolution of the artist throughout his career,
which began on May 1, 2007, and did not stop on any day, even when the occasion was hard, as in times of
economic deficit, or when he married and had children, which also constitutes one of the longest uninterrupted
artistic creation projects in history. This work, according to Winkelmann himself, is inspired by Tom Judd, another
outstanding artist, only that he made one drawing per day for a whole year.
Despite this inspiring breakthrough, Winkelmann, like any other artist, found it hard to get started in his career, so,
in 2012, he accepted jobs for Adobe Illustrator that were not to his liking, but well paid, as in 2015, when he joined
a project with Cinema 4D. Since then his works went to a more dystopian perception, with apocalypse-type futures
or dominated by technology and garbage, using, in addition, prominent figures of politics or current culture so that
they have more strength in their message. Finally, in 2019, his recognition as an individual artist was seen by none
other than the French fashion house Louis Vuitton, who incorporated some of the art created by Winkelmann in
their spring/summer collection that year.
It was in this way that he finally came to the NFT, in the year 2020, the first ones were put up for auction by the
ETHDenver, and reached modest sale prices, but his first great success came with his work Ocean Front which was
sold for the amount of 6 million dollars, and it features a sea platform at the top with all kinds of objects, and at the
bottom a large green tree right next to an extension of electric light, a mushroom and a windmill, whose money was
given to a foundation that struggles to implement the Paris Agreements regarding climate change. His second
success, in sales, was Crossroad, a means of criticism and protest against former President Donald Trump, where
his naked figure is shown with graffiti of insults all over his body, in the middle of a park full of people, flames. It
was sold for $6.66 million, by an anonymous buyer. It would later be known that its resale price would reach ten
times more than the original price.
And finally, in March 2021, who sold his work with the highest cost already mentioned above, through an auction,
finally consecrating him as the best-selling artist within the NFT field and therefore an example to consider if you
wish to establish yourself as a buyer or seller of this technology.

To close the broad tour of what are the Non Fungible Tokens, it would be a bit inadequate to see them only as a
very expensive modern art form, although there was that area what has made them famous, because, more than
anything the NFT are a form of digital asset with a broad future far away from the artistic, since it is based on a
cryptographic principle, which represents something unique and not reproducible, which can be applied in any
technological field that requires a very well elaborated data protection. And being that cryptographic principle so
particular, which allows them to be sold, bought and created, within a very broad market, being products of value,
with potential future growth, completely linked of course to the value that people decide to give it, but still, they
have the same potential to generate wealth of any other digital asset, can not simply be booked under a single light
of use, because that would be a loss of full potential.
Of course, being a relatively new technology, (but not with little use), many will talk about the risks of investing
wildly in them, since it may not turn out in the best way, however, like any investment you plan to make the first
thing that involves a market study, both now and in the future, and the main advice is that the rush to judge a new
technology, If today it has been possible to obtain profits with NFTs, it would be advisable to reinvest them in many
other markets, either with other NFTs or acquiring any other type of digital assets, so that the economic flow does
not stop and the rest of the public is interested in the real potential of these types of investments and above all, their
Similarly, it should be a matter of analysis, that the so-called fever for the NFT, has its roots mostly as a temporary
loop of popularity, a matter that has no question, but that does not take away the attractions of these works, such as
adding personal attributes, tracking and protecting the authorship of the creator, in addition to allowing royalties in
perpetuity, eliminating all intermediaries that often do not accelerate the process in a market just flourishing. This
represents a great change with respect to plagiarism, copyrights and the tracking of works of art, which until now
have been little addressed in digital art, only that, of course not everything is good with respect to this trend, the
risks in the market are real, falls, losses of interest and fraud, are possible, therefore, you can never play in the same
game, it is necessary to think ahead.
And so it is, that when you want to buy and sell there are many risks, (like those that exist in any other market), but
it is a fact that the non-fungible tokens are here to stay, even if in the future within the artistic field they get tired
and lose public interest, as many predict, their uses are much more varied and really go further than these simple
images with cryptographic signatures, which are now a trend. For example, in the two areas in which we have more
faith, in video games, which will allow users to create their own characters, their own environments and their own
Skins without the need to rely on the centralized system of the gaming platform, while the other is the big bet that
giants like "Meta" (the former conglomerate that was Facebook), has in the development of virtual reality, just
realize that a future in the style of science fiction movies is closer than ever, and one of the means to achieve such
ambitious projects will be the NFT, and its ability to be unique, which will make each character, as original as the
same human who owns it, and the properties or items within that world, as expensive as those found in the physical

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