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Thank You Lord for everything!

Thank you for giving us good health and strength.

Our life is in You Lord.

We know that we cannot control the things You’ve already planned for us.

You’ve said in Your Word that, “For He who began a good work in You will carry it into completion until
the day of Jesus Christ.

“For You know the plans You have for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give you a
hope and a future.”

And we are temporary in this world so we should not focus on the things in this world but rather on the
things above that are eternal.

For You know everything in our lives so we should not be worried about anything but in everything with
prayer and petition. We should be still and know that You are God.

We should glorify You in everything that we do.

Lord, I put my whole trust in You. Without You, we am nothing. You are the reason why we are living.

Thank You God! And that’s what I want to declare, In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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