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The Topaz Championship, Fourth Edition

An Adventure for the Legend of the Five

Rings Role-playing Game
Inspired by Andrew Heckt & Edward Bolme
Updated by Shawn Carman

Additional Material from the L5R Third

Edition Playtest Teams, including Jim
Harris, Christopher LaHaise, Charles
Etheridge-Nunn, Jason Shafer, and others.

The Topaz Championship is a long-

standing tradition in Rokugan, and first
appeared in the adventure Ceremony of the Samurai, in the first edition of the role-
playing game. Written by Andrew Heckt and Edward Bolme, Ceremony of the
Samurai did an outstanding job of introducing new players to the world of Rokugan,
and is still among the most popular published adventures in the game’s eight year
history. This updated version of the adventure takes into account all the system
changes that have taken place over two editions, and updates the setting

The characters are young samurai who are about to be tested before undergoing
their gempukku ceremony, after which they will be awarded their daisho, signifying
their status as adult samurai. The characters may already be familiar with one
another before the adventure begins, or they may meet during the competition.
Game Masters that desire a group already familiar with one another may want to use
one of the following options:

• The characters may all be from a large city, like Ryoko Owari or Toshi Ranbo,
where they are students in the same dojo or a network of dojo.
• The characters’ parents served together as magistrates in the past, or they have
some similar past link that causes their children to associate with one another.
• The characters may all be sponsored by the same lord or daimyo, who hope to
have a samurai from his court become the next Topaz Champion.

Upon arriving in Tsuma, the characters will have a day or so to prepare for the
competition and explore the city. During their preparations, they encounter several
interesting individuals, including a ronin who claims to be a former Topaz Champion.
As the contest begins, the characters will witness a number of strange accidents that
seem to indicate that the contest is cursed, or that the Crane hosting the event are
incompetent. As the accidents become more severe, the characters become
embroiled in an effort to discover what is truly plaguing the competition before
someone is killed or dishonored during it.
Arrival in Tsuma
Although there are those who would
dispute such a claim, the vast majority
of samurai regard the Topaz
Championship as the most prestigious
gempukku ceremony in the Empire.
The ceremony is open to any who wish
to attend, but the Great Clans tend to
be very selective in determining who
represents them at the Championship.
To permit just anyone to enter the
contest would risk embarrassment, and
no Great Clan would risk such a thing
in front of their Crane hosts. Minor Clan
samurai and ronin candidates require a
Great Clan sponsor to be admitted to
the competition. The Topaz
Championship has been held in the
Kakita town of Tsuma for centuries, at
one of the largest dojo for the Kakita
Dueling Academy.

Competitors typically arrive in Tsuma

by land. There is a river that passes
through the city, and it does connect to the coast eventually, but it is a relatively
narrow river that is quite difficult to navigate. In previous years, the Imperial Barge
would make the trek, but the river is rarely used by anyone other than the Crane.
Two major roads cross the city, one heading from east to west, leading toward the
Dragon and Seppun holdings, and the other southwest to northeast, leading to Lion
lands and Phoenix lands. Both roads are heavily patrolled by Doji magistrates, and
anyone arriving for the contest will likely have met several patrols during their travels.

Although Tsuma has grown much larger than most descriptions of it in literature and
folklore, it is still a relatively small city, little more than a large village. There are no
formal embassies maintained by other clans, since most only have business within
the city once per year, so the characters will likely be staying in an inn. The inn, like
the city, is extremely crowded during this time of year.

Some contestants will have little interest in the city beyond the contest. Others,
however, may wish to explore. The following are some locations within the city that
may be of interest to player characters, and are used in the Optional Encounters
located later in this adventure.

The House of the Laughing Carp: A notable tea house and inn, the House of the
Laughing Carp would be an ideal lodging for the characters during their stay at
Tsuma. The house is typically busy in the evenings, particularly so during the
Championship, and sees a wide range in the type of patrons they serve. According to
popular gossip, the House of the Laughing Carp was purchased and renamed by a
Yasuki merchant within the past five years, and has undergone significant
improvements in that time. The House even has a small amount of Friendly Traveler
sake available, the finest in the Empire, although the price is quite steep and likely
unavailable to the characters.

Poisoned Water Sake House: This somewhat tastelessly named business is a small
brewery and sake house, and goes unnoticed by most in the city during the normal
course of the year. The house was once owned by the Scorpion, but was
abandoned during the Scorpion coup decades ago. It is now owned by an
anonymous merchant patron who communicates only through scrolls delivered every
few months. The house is frequented by ronin during the off-season, but makes
enough money during the Topaz Championship to operate throughout the year. The
sake made there is sold in small, black clay bottles and is well-known for its potency.

Medinaat-al-Salaam: This unusual shop is a small building tucked away in a

forgotten corner of Tsuma. It is a Unicorn holding, operated by merchant vassals of
the Ide family. The shop’s name, almost unpronounceable to the average Rokugani,
is that of a city in the distant north, beyond Rokugan’s borders. The Unicorn vassals
within sell a number of strange gaijin goods, although nothing that would violate the
Imperial decree restricting such goods.

The Kakita Dueling Academy: Easily the largest and most prominent building in
Tsuma, the Kakita dojo is actually more of a compound of numerous buildings linked
together under a shared roof and protected by a high wall that prevents onlookers
from watching the training exercises. Outsiders are permitted inside only in the case
of high-ranking guests, and during the Topaz Championship.

The Topaz Championship

The Topaz Championship is s three day competition that tests young men and
women in all the skills that a samurai is expected to know. It is a rigorous, exhausting
whirlwind of activity that can overwhelm even the most stalwart soul. Points are
awarded to those who receive the highest marks in each contest, and the competitor
who achieves the most points is declared the Topaz Champion. While the Topaz
Champion receives no set reward or accolade, the prestige associated with the
position ensures that the competition is fierce, and Topaz Champions are typically
offered a number of different assignments, each coveted by young samurai.

The individual competitions during the Championship takes the form of a match,
wherein two contestants compete directly with one another, or a test, in which elder
samurai ask questions of the contestant, who must answer correctly. Each
competition completed successfully grants the contestant a single point. In the case
of a match, only the victor receives the point. A competitor must attain a total of five
points in order to achieve their gempukku ceremony.

At the beginning of any contest using the match format, the master of ceremonies
Miya Shoin withdraws small ceramic tiles from an exquisitely crafted vase. Each tile
has the chop of a single contestant on it, and Shoin draws two at a time to determine
who will face each other during the matches. For a test, Shoin simply uses the tiles to
determine in what order the contestants will be tested.

<Begin sidebar> Who Wins These Things, Anyway?

Obviously, the player characters are not alone in their competition at the Topaz
Championship. There are a large number of potential competitors at the end of this
adventure, but how do you determine who wins? However it is done, the best means
of determining who faces who is to duplicate Shoin’s process and draw names. This
adds an element of chance to the adventure and could conceivably result in player
characters facing off against one another, which is always entertaining. Once the
matches have been decided, you may proceed a number of ways, with the most
obvious choices as follows:

• Arbitrarily choose the winner based on the match. If a Kakita Bushi faces a Kitsu
Shugenja in an iaijutsu duel, you can be pretty certain the Crane will win.

• Have the characters complete the matches, taking the role of different contestants
throughout the competition. For new players, this can help them gain insight into the
different themes that the clans have, and allow them to explore different mechanics.

• Roll the results randomly. This can produce some really weird results, however, so
you should be prepared to incorporate them if you choose this option.<End sidebar>

Day One
The first day of the Topaz Championship is a whirlwind of activity, including tests
covering the following aspects of a samurai’s training: sumai, heraldry, athletics,
horsemanship, and a discussion on the elements of law, etiquette, and the code of
bushido. Sumai is generally considered among the Championship’s most difficult
tests, as few sensei place as great an emphasis on that skill as they once did.

Format: Match
Lead Judge: Daidoji Kenru
Primary Roll: Agility/Jiujutsu (grappling)
The sumai match is a bare-handed wrestling competition. Each pair of competitors
stand on a large straw mat intended to soften the impact from falls. Contestants are
not permitted to use weapons of any sort, nor wear armor. In each match, the
contestants engage in a Grapple. The first contestant who can maintain a Grapple for
three rounds with their opponent held is the victor (see grappling rules, page 88 of
the Corebook).

Format: Test
Lead Judge: Miya Tokeko
Primary Roll: Intelligence/Lore: Heraldry
In this test, the contestants are brought before the judges individually and asked to
identify a given mon or chop. Five are presented, each more difficult than the last. A
contestant must successfully identify four of the five in order to pass the test. The
difficulties are as follows:

TN Mon/Chop Example
5 Everyday The mon of a Great Clan
10 Prominent The mon of a Great Clan family
15 Uncommon The mon of a Minor Clan
20 Rare The mon of a vassal family serving a Great Clan
25 Obscure The mon/chop of an individual samurai (ex. Kaiu Umasu)

Format: Match
Lead Judge: Kakita Tokimasa
Primary Roll: Various (see below)
The athletics competition is a sort of obstacle course, where the contestants are
supposed to demonstrate their sheer physical speed and coordination by completing
the course as quickly as possible. The course consists of three major obstacles
separated by lengthy runs. A simple series of rolls is necessary to complete the
course. Every Raise a competitor makes during the course grants him a point over
his opponent. Every failed roll costs the competitor a point. At the end of the course,
whoever has earned the most points has finished first. Once the winner is declared,
these temporary points are all lost and the contest’s winner gains one point toward
his gempukku as described above.

Course Start: Strength/Athletics (running) roll, TN 10

Obstacle 1: The first obstacle is a narrow wooden bridge crossing a large stream bed
that is currently nothing more than a vast repository of mud. Crossing the narrow
bridge requires an Agility/Athletics roll, TN 10. Only one contestant may cross at a
time, although they may be close behind one another. Failing the Athletics/Agility roll
means that the contestant has fallen into the mud, which requires two Agility rolls,
both TN 15, to escape. Falling into the mud costs a contestant two race points.
Contestants who wish to force one another into the mud while on the bridge must
make an Opposed Raw Agility roll. The winner has forced his opponent off the
bridge, although this is a dishonorable act.

Running: Stamina/Athletics (running) roll, TN 15

Obstacle 2: The second obstacle is a more severe incarnation of the first. A large pit
filled with mud, thickened with a variety of herbal compounds. A series of weighted
ropes are suspended over the pit. Contestants must jump and grab the rope, then
swing themselves to the other side. This requires two Agility/Athletics rolls, at TN 10
and 15, respectively. Anyone who falls in requires three successful Agility/Athletics
rolls (TN 15) to get out, and loses three race points.

This event has been sabotaged by the ronin Juriken (see Antagonists below). He has
placed several venomous snakes within the mud pit. The snakes are extremely
agitated and will attack anyone who falls within the pit. If the contestant has noticed
the snakes (Perception / investigation (notice) Roll, TN 15), then he may attempt to
avoid the bite (Reflexes/Athletics, TN 15). Snake venom rules can be found in the
Book of Void in the Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing Game, Fourth Edition,
page 333.

Running: Stamina/Athletics (running) roll, TN 15

Obstacle 3: A large wooden wall blocks the path, reaching a full 15 feet into the air.
The boards used in the wall’s construction are offset slightly, and can serve as
handholds so that the wall may be climbed. This requires an Agility/Athletics
(climbing) roll, TN 15.

Final Sprint: Stamina/Athletics (running) roll, TN 20

Format: Match
Lead Judge: Doji Hokehime
Primary Roll: Various (see below)
Much like the athletics competition, this contest is a match between two competitors
completing a set course. Also like the athletics competition, the contestants earn
points toward a victory here by making Raises. Every Raise gains a point, and every
failed roll loses a point. When the course is complete, the contestant with the most
points is victorious. These points are then lost and the victor gains one point toward
his gempukku as described earlier. The course consists of the following actions:

Action Roll TN
Ride the course to the first target Agility/Horsemanship 5
Strike the target from horseback Agility/Kenjutsu 10
Ride to the second target area Agility/Horsemanship 5
While riding, fire an arrow at target Reflexes/Kyujutsu 15
Return to the start Agility/Horsemanship 10

Law, Etiquette, & Bushido

Format: Test
Lead Judge: Kakita Gosha
Primary Rolls: Intelligence/Lore: Law
or Lore: Bushido, and

This is a simple test wherein the

contestants are questioned privately
by a number of judges regarding
matters of Imperial law, appropriate
social conduct, and knowledge of a
samurai’s code of conduct. Most of
these questions are simple, and can
be answered with an appropriate Skill
roll (see above) against a TN of 10. If
a player knows the answer, then no
roll may be necessary depending
upon how you prefer to run this
scene. Each contestant is asked a
series of questions covering basic
knowledge of Rokugani custom,
which may be taken from the
following and phrased as a question:

1. All land is owned by the Emperor, who permits his Clans to govern it in his name.
2. After death, a samurai’s body must be cremated. In this way, his soul ascends to
face judgment and his body can never be used by blasphemous black magic. (Law)
3. Samurai found guilty of serious crimes may be allowed by their lord to commit
seppuku, a ritual suicide that cleanses their honor upon their death. Other crimes
may result in the samurai being cast out as a ronin, or more severely, executed
without honor. (Law)
4. A gift must be refused twice before it is accepted, else you show that you believed
the first offer was insincere. (Etiquette)
5. Matters of commerce are distasteful to a samurai, and should only be discussed if
doing so is to the benefit of both one’s family and clan. (Etiquette)
6. Bow to someone of equal social standing. Kneel to those of superior standing. If
someone of equal standing to you has superior rank, then you must bow deeply to
them. (Etiquette)
7. A samurai shows compassion and mercy to those beneath him, because only the
weak must prove their power by dominating others. (Bushido)
8. A samurai bears the name of his ancestors, and must live a life of honor so that
the name can be returned to them without blemishes upon his death. (Bushido)
9. The katana is a samurai’s soul, and his wakizashi is his honor. To allow shame to
come to one’s blades by unclean or dishonorable acts is to stain one’s soul.
10. A samurai’s heart is filled with courage. He has no fear of death, for to die in the
service of one’s lord is the greatest fate a samurai can hope for. (Bushido)

Evening Encounters
The first day of competition at the Topaz Championship should have proceeded with
minimal complications. For the most part, the contestants and their supporters should
be pleased with all that is going on. The evening is an interesting time, with too many
samurai in too small a city for things to be uneventful. Depending upon how you wish
to proceed with the adventure, you may wish to use the following adventure hooks to
spruce up the down time between contest days.

Most of these hooks directly involve contestants and the Championship, and their
backgrounds. Their statistics and biographical information are found at the end of this
adventure. For the most part, these ideas will be easiest to incorporate if the
characters are of the same clan as the contestant in question, but most can easily be

The Price of Indulgence (Agasha Hanori)

Challenge: Hanori’s father-in-law is coming to visit on the second day of the contest.
He has not met Hanori and wants proof of Hanori being at least a good person, even
if he isn’t succeeding at the contest.

Focus: Hanori has spent most of his night drinking, managing to pass out just outside
of his room. He looks rough and feels worse. Word has it the Otomo courtier had one
of his daughters’ suitors killed when he did not meet his lofty expectations.

Strike: Do the players try to sabotage Hanori’s poor attempts at seeming like a
gentleman with the hope of him dropping out of the contest, thereby eliminating one
of their rivals? Or do they help him flatter the Otomo, potentially earning a valuable
ally in the process?
The "Secret" Duel (Mirumoto Otakan, Kakita Shino)
Challenge: Mirumoto Otakan’s reputation (or rather the reputation expected of him)
has preceded him. Kakita Shino sees Otakan as a rival, wishing to prove the Kakita
technique (and himself) to be greater than the Mirumoto. He wishes to duel.

Focus: Otakan wishes only to participate in the Championship and move on. Such a
duel would be pointless and could jeopardize his standing in the tournament. Shino is
unrelenting, however. He views the Mirumoto as everything he is not, a member of a
prestigious family whose future is set for greatness. The Kakita continues to pressure
Otakan into action with veiled insults and a mocking tone. At the same time, Otakan
can hear his grandfather pushing him to act and feels his own pride turning to anger.
Soon he accepts, on the condition that the duel is conducted in private.

Strike: In spite of this, the duel is soon common knowledge among the tournament
contestants. The PCs, however, are specifically asked by the duelists to witness it.
This is not a sanctioned duel. There may be severe ramifications for both
participants, their families and their Clans. Although, the challenge is to first strike,
both duelists are clearly being guided by their emotions. The PC’s are in the unique
position to intervene. If they wish, they may attempt to diffuse the situation, or at least
monitor it to ensure no real damage is done. If successful, they may gain a new ally
or two. However, if either of the duelists is injured, they may find themselves
implicated in the incident, gaining enemies just as easily.

8 Gifts (Hazu, Tamori Gojinka)

Challenge: Each contestant celebrates the completion of the first day of competition
in his or her own way. For Hazu, this consists of alcohol and women.

Focus: Unfortunately, alcohol leads to poor judgment. He chose Tamori Gojinka as

the object of his affection. Unable to deter the persistent Ronin’s advances, she
offered him a challenge. She will only speak with him further, if he can present her
with a gift crafted by each Great Clan. Gojinka had hoped that this would distract
Hazu long enough for him to come to his senses and give up.

Strike: Hazu will be the first to tell you that, sober or not, he cannot resist a challenge,
especially if it involves a woman. He begins seeking the requested gifts, beginning
with the PC’s. He has little to nothing to trade and is open to suggestions, and
assistance. Hazu is not too proud to realize his limitations. His status as a Ronin
places him beneath the notice of most Clan samurai. His deformed eye causes those
who notice to be suspicious. If the PCs cannot aid him, he simply moves on.

Flawed Visions (Kakita Shino, Usagi Kamahime)

Challenge: Pinned to Kamahime’s door one morning is a letter of challenge from an
old nemesis, but the name of the challenger is torn off.

Focus: Kamahime knows the challenger from childhood, she can even remember his
face, but not his name or clan. Being near-sighted, she starts stalking a player until
she realizes he is not her nemesis. She repeats this with various contestants and is
likely to get herself killed by a stranger for the offense if she does not stop.
Strike: The challenge was a jest by Kakita Shino, who wanted to spook Kamahime
but did not know she was near-sighted. During her time of stalking and challenging
people, Shino has been harassing the organizers for a room with a better view.

Challenge: During an evening tour of
the village, the braver farmers set up an
unofficial contest for the players (and a
handful of NPCs). The farmers invite the
players to pound mochi to help make
sweet rice cakes (mochi is sweet
steamed rice, pounded with mallets into
a sticky paste). Focus: Each contestant
must make a raw strength roll to help
pound the mochi. The TN is 10, but
whoever has the highest score the
farmers declare the winner.

Strike: The winner of the contest is

given the most sweet rice cakes, but all
can share in the activity, which will bring
some of the NPCs closer to the players
they pound mochi with. The Crab
Challenge: A rowdy crowd of Crab turn
up on the first day to watch the contest
and celebrate, they take over a local
tavern eating, drinking and playing
games with their favorite contestants.

Focus: In the evenings, they invite the strongest bushi (about four PC & NPCs) to
drink with them. Drinking and eating contests are their main sport, watching as non-
Crab have to force down food like one of their kin.

Strike: Leaving the table before the end of the night is an offense and likely to start a
fistfight. The Crab won’t let people go without a lot of tact or their feigning passing
out. Contestants know they will be worse for wear if they get too drunk or keep going
until daylight.

Angry Mountains (Agasha Hanori)

Challenge: Hanori’s best friend and yojimbo, Shiba Hanoshi, is visiting and the two
raise drunken havoc. During the evening they attempt to flirt with servants or
samurai-ko, stumble clumsily around and insult the partying Crab spectators.

Focus: The Crab do not take insults likely but are not allowed to duel Hanori. Instead,
they wish to lure them out of the village and give them a sound beating. Crab
contestants and friends of the Crab are invited to join in. Other players may overhear
the plans or see a group of Crab stalking Hanori & Hanoshi.

Strike: Do the players join in, attempting to hinder Hanori’s progress or leave the
Crab to their business? Do they stop the Crab with reason, force, misdirection or
some other method? Let them know whatever happens to the reveling Phoenix is on
their heads.

Poisoned Words (Shiba Takako)

Challenge: Shiba Takako makes friends easily with her Scorpion charm and
disarming innocence. In confidence, she asks a player she is friends with to help her
poison a Scorpion contestant’s rice before a match. She will offer them a similar favor
at a later date as payment if they choose.

Focus: Takako is rational and logical about this, knowing she is preparing to do a
dishonorable action but believing she has justification. Reasoning with the player,
she explains she seeks revenge for her father, who was poisoned in a similar
tournament by one of the Scorpion’s parents, causing him to pass out in a pivotal
round. The poison she has is weak and will have the similar effect in one of the
rounds of the championship.

Strike: This is a very dishonorable action, but there may be many reasons behind it.
Takako is friendly with most Scorpion, so this could be a grudge, a sign to the
Scorpion of her capabilities as one of them, or a test of the player from the Scorpion
to see if they would help. It could even be a test of friendship from the insecure
Takako, using water instead of poison. The truth is up to the GM, but the player may
see many reasons and repercussions to her actions, be they aiding Takako, enlisting
help from other players or reporting her to an official.

Forgotten Blade (Akodo Shotaka)

Challenge: Late in the evening, when contestants should be preparing for the
morning, Shotaka is missing. Two players are politely asked by higher-ranking Lion
to find him and see what it wrong. Such requests are not easily refused.

Focus: Shotaka is in an alley in a remote part of the village, having a panic attack.
Earlier in the evening, he was a guest at a tournament organizer’s home. In his
fascination with all that was going on, he foolishly left his katana there, at the door
where he had left it. Now the host has retired for the evening, and Shotaka has no

Strike: Assuming the characters wish to help Shotaka, there are few easy options.
Shotaka, in his brash panic, will strongly advocate trying to enter the guarded home
and retrieve the blade without anyone noticing. Others may advocate waiting until
morning and requesting the blade be returned, which is the most reasonable course
of action. Shotaka, however, is not feeling reasonable at the moment. If he arrives at
the contest the next morning with his blade, he will be given a knowing look by the
host, and that will be the end of it. As Shotaka well knows, however, showing up
without the blade will be both humiliating and dishonorable.

Day Two
The second day of competition involves tests in weapon skill, poetry, courtier, go,
archery, and hunting. It is certainly the most grueling day, as the weapon and hunting
tests are lengthy and exhausting endeavors. The hunting competition is somewhat
unique, as it requires contestants to work together in small teams to accomplish their
goal. In this way, it is actually also a test of the samurai’s ability to work together.
Format: Match
Lead Judge: Kakita Soichi
Primary Roll: Agility/Weapon Skill
Other than the tournament that ends
the Championship, the weapons test
is the most anticipated, most
prestigious individual contest. The
contestants are allowed to choose
any weapon they wish from a large
number of specially prepared, non-
lethal padded weapons. No
dishonorable weapons are included,
although to accommodate their
Mantis guests the Crane have added
a variety of peasant weapons to
choose from. Ranged weapons are
not permitted in this contest. The
blunted weapons in this competition
have DR 0k1. Honorable competitors
will keep low dice for damage,
although some may grow overzealous
in their efforts.

Like the Athletics contest on the first

day, this contest has been sabotaged by Juriken and his men. They have secretly
replaced a number of blunted weapons with weapons that appear safe, but are
actually more dangerous than they appear. Roll one die before each contest. On a 1
or 10, one of the contestants
has selected a weapon that has been tampered with. These doctored weapons are
DR 1k2, or their normal damage rating if that is lower. Repercussions from this are
discussed in Evening Encounters, below.

Format: Match
Lead Judge: Kakita Hirotada
Primary Roll: Awareness/ Artisan : Poetry
This contest is rather simple. Both contestants are given a topic about which they
must compose a poem. Haiku is the normal format, the traditional 5-7-5 syllable
poem of Rokugan. Raises may be made to gain insight into the judges’ personal
preferences and incorporate them into the poem. The contestant who beats their TN
by the greatest degree is the victor, although successful Raises can skew the contest
in one direction or the other.

Format: Match
Lead Judge: Doji Maseru
Primary Roll: intelligence/Games : Go
Another traditional contest, the Go match proceeds exactly like any other. The two
competitors make an Opposed Roll (or series of Opposed Rolls, depending upon
how detailed you would like the matches to be). The contestant who wins the roll or
rolls wins the match.

Format: Match
Lead Judge: Kakita Mai
Primary Roll: Awareness/Courtier and

The courtier contest is feared by many

bushi that have neglected the social and
academic aspects of their training. The
judges bring two students before them
and give them a subject to debate.
There are few rules in this contest, and
no time limit; the judges will stop the
debate when they believe one
contestant has clearly demonstrated his
superiority at the courtly arts. Many
blood feuds have begun during this
contest. Suitable debate topics may
include the following:
1. Where does a samurai’s loyalty
ultimately lie: with the Emperor or the
2. What tenet of bushido is the most
3. What is the most important aspect of spirituality: the Tao, the Fortunes, or one’s

Format: Match (Team)
Lead Judge: Daidoji Akimasa
Primary Roll: Perception/Hunting (others required as necessary)

Hunting is the most complex contest. Once, every contestant was required to
enter the woods surrounding Tsuma and find a Tsu Fish nest somewhere in the
myriad of small streams in the area. Recent years have seen a decline in the number
of Tsu Fish, however, due primarily to the use of their eggs to produce a solution that
can remove ink from parchment. Scholars and historians make extensive use of this
solution to correct manuscripts, and the Crane have only recently realized that this
use of the eggs is beginning to cause a decline in the fish population. For more
information on Tsu Fish, see the sidebar.

Currently, the contestants are organized into small groups of three to five, depending
on the total number of contestants. Each team must successfully recover one egg.
For the victory to be honorable, every team member must be involved in the search,
although in theory one member could find it and return, earning the entire team a
point. Every member of every team that successfully returns with an egg receives a
point toward their gempukku. The members of the team that is first to return receive
an additional point as well.

Contestant teams have two hours to successfully retrieve the eggs. The Tsu Fish
breeding area is a full half an hour from Tsuma, so the team has only one hour to
locate the egg if they hope to make the trip in time. A Stamina/Athletics roll (TN 15) is
required to reach the area, and then numerous Perception/Hunting (survival) rolls
(TN 15, total of five successes needed) to locate the eggs.

It is during this contest that Juriken and his accomplices will escalate their level of
interference. Juriken is outraged that the Championship has not yet been canceled,
and will attack one team of contestants. This may be the characters, or it may be
another team. If it is another team, the characters may be in the area and intervene,
saving the team in question. If the characters face Juriken, the ronin should escape,
although his accomplices will likely die. If the characters are not involved in the
attack, then the entire team of contestants is killed, and a specter cast over the

<Begin Sidebar>
Those Wacky Tsu Fish!
Tsu Fish are unusual creatures native to the rivers found in the northern Crane
provinces. Their behavior is rather unusual, and has given rise to many popular
rumors about their abilities that are blatantly untrue, although most are based at least
partially in fact, owing to the strange abilities the Tsu Fish possess.

During the dry season, the many small streams and lakes that dominate the northern
Crane provinces largely dry up, leaving a network of large puddles and trickling
creeks that are of little use for agricultural purposes. To prepare for this season, the
Tsu Fish store up a great amount of body fat so that they do not require much food.
Dry season also corresponds with the fish’s mating season. During this season, the
Tsu Fish are capable of leaving the water and crossing short distances to reach other
puddles and find suitable mates. The fish are able to do this due to their unusually
thick, strong ventral fins, with which they push themselves through the mud much like
a snake. Tsu Fish eggs are considered a delicacy, and can be found in these
puddles, but are increasingly rare in the modern era.

Popular rumors involving the Tsu Fish are that they can actually walk and run on their
fins like dogs. Supposedly they climb trees to lay their eggs and can remain out of
water for hours or even days at a time. Crane youth enjoy teasing one another with
tales of Tsu Fish attacking humans in defense of their eggs. Such rumors are widely
known among the Crane to be untrue, although they do occasionally tell them to
outsiders to see how gullible they are. <End Sidebar>

Evening Encounters
With the strange events that have taken place so far during the Championship, the
mood in Tsuma is decidedly solemn during the final evening. Although no one can
say exactly what has happened, samurai realize that something is amiss, and the
peasants can sense that the samurai are on edge, and thus remain indoors to avoid
drawing their ire.
At this point in the adventure, Juriken has either been defeated (likely by the
characters), or has killed a number of contestants and disappeared into the shadows.
In either event, the Championship will not have stopped, although the death of any
contestants will have created an uncomfortable situation for the Crane. Juriken is not
content with discomfort, however. He wants the Crane disgraced, and is willing to
sacrifice himself to achieve it. If the characters have defeated him once, he will come
to kill them during the night. If they have not yet encountered him, then he will select
them as his next victims, hoping to complete the Crane’s disgrace with another rash
of deaths. If the characters find themselves alone at any point, Juriken will attack.
Assuming that they remain in the public eye, however, he will wait and attack them
during the night wherever they are staying, using his skills to infiltrate their lodging.

While the mood in Tsuma is somber, the contestants are still quite exuberant about
their impending gempukku. Most adventure hooks found in the first Evening
Encounters section can be used this evening if you wish to add additional

Day Three: The Championship

The third and final day of competition has but a single contest: the iaijutsu
tournament. Typically, the point totals at this point are such that it is already known
who will and who will not achieve their gempukku. The tournament
has a significantly higher number of points than the other contests, however, and can
radically alter the standings of the competitors. It is rare that the tournament winner is
not declared the Topaz Champion.

The iaijutsu tournament is the only aspect of the Championship that is open for
anyone to view, and typically it is extremely crowded. Virtually the entire city empties
to attend and catch a glimpse of greatness. For samurai, it reminds them of their
youth. For peasants, it is a welcome break in their rather monotonous lives. Given
what limited information is available to the spectators, the obvious favorites are
Kakita Bushi and Mirumoto Duelist, and even a few others duellists, although
Bayushi Bushi has quite a bit of support as well. If the characters’ nocturnal exploits
are common knowledge, however, then they may
have strong support (or no support at all,
depending on their actions) as well.

The Topaz Championship

Format: Match
Lead Judge: Kakita Benkei
Primary Roll: Reflexes/Iaijutsu (see Iaijutsu
duelling page 97 of the Corebook).

The iaijutsu tournament is the most anticipated

and prestigious event in the Championship.
Traditionally, shugenja contestants who have
already accumulated enough points to achieve
their gempukku are permitted to abstain from the
tournament if they so choose. There is no loss of
honor for this; after all, shugenja are priests, not
warriors. Most usually choose to compete, which is also perfectly acceptable to all
parties involved. It is understandably rare for a shugenja to win the tournament.

Iaijutsu duels are to first strike, and again use blunted weapons with DR 0k1. Use the
standard dueling rules found in the Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing Game,
Third Edition for this contest. Contestants are paired off in single elimination
matches, with the victors proceeding to the next level until only two remain. In the
event that the number of contestants in the end comes to three, only the two with the
highest number of points toward their gempukku advance to the final.

Every victory in the iaijutsu tournament is worth two points toward a contestant’s
gempukku. While most will already have accumulated enough points by the time they
reach the tournament, remember that the total number of points achieved also
determines who is declared the Topaz Champion.

After the iaijutsu tournament is concluded, the closing ceremonies are held within the
hour. The contestant with the highest number of points accumulated, usually the
tournament winner, is declared the new Topaz Champion, an title held for one year
until the next Championship (see the new path Topaz champion page 257 of the
corebook). The winner is also often granted some specially forged sword or master-
crafted gift, and has the right to wear for
one year the Topaz armor (he will have to
return it for next year championship).
All those who successfully accumulated
five points are granted their gempukku
and become samurai. There are officials
on hand from every clan represented in
the tournament to oversee this ritual.

If the characters were responsible for

exposing the actions of the ronin Juriken,
they will be lauded by the Crane as well
as their own clans, even though they
likely have no inkling as to Juriken’s true
motivations. This could be an excellent
way to promote the characters to Emerald
Magistrates, or even grant them a
prominent position as extra-clan
magistrates within the Crane provinces
(the Crane will likely want to keep an eye
on them until they know for certain that
Juriken’s dishonorable past remains a

The contestants in the Topaz Championship are among the finest young bushi in the
Empire, or at least that is the intention. In truth, some are there on their own merit,
while others received the invitation as a result of political standing. Shugenja are
relatively uncommon, but a few show up each year, intent on proving themselves.
Three are in attendance this year, plus however many are present within the player

Air: 2
Earth: 2 willpower 3
Fire: 3
Water: 2 Perception 3
Void: 2
School/Rank: Hiruma bushi 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.5
Advantages: Crab Hands, Large
Disadvantages: Antisocial (2 Points), Compulsion (Drinking: 2 Points)
Kata: Striking as fire.
Skills: Athletics 1, Hunting 3, Kenjutsu (katana) 1, Kyujutsu 2, Lore: Shadowlands 2,
Stealth (Sneaking) 3, lore : heraldy 1

Hiruma Do considers himself more experienced than most youths, having gone into
the Shadowlands once to prove himself. In looking for a ‘trophy’ for his gempukku,
Do was attacked and left for dead by his cowardly allies. Using the best of his Hiruma
training he returned harrowed, having seen dark things. He has grown too willing to
return, to prove his worth as a scout, but his family has sent him to the Topaz
Championship to take his mind of what he has seen.

Air: 3
Earth: 2
Fire: 3
Water: 2 Perception 3
Void: 2
School/Rank: Doji Magistrate 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 5.5
Advantages: sacred weapon (Mother’s Akodo Blade), Quick
Disadvantages: Fascination (Art), Disbeliever, Sworn Enemy (Bayushi Denbe: 2
Kata: Striking as fire.
Skills: Etiquette 1, Iaijutsu 3, Investigation (Notice) 1, Kenjutsu 2, jiujutsu 2, Lore:
Heraldry 1, Lore: Law 1, defense 1, horsemanship 1, knives (jitte) 1, polearms 1.

The eldest son of the noble Doji Gozen, known in some circles the Crane Clan Fool.
Despite his high status within the clan, Wakao struggles to overcome his father’s
reputation as a boor in court. His mother is said to be a Lion general who married a
Crane in secret, his only tie to her being the blade he wields. He is engaged to Kakita
Akemi, the daughter of the Crane running the tournament and knows a Scorpion in
the contest wants to win her affection. Wakao is quiet but has a strong presence in
the room. Wakao stays apart from the other contestants, unless he can enlist their
help in finding and revealing the Scorpion who wants to steal his fiancée.

<Begin Sidebar>
Doji Wakao is a member of the Doji Magistrate school. If you do not have Emerald
Empire 4th edition, consider him a member of the Daidoji Iron Crane school. <End

Air: 2 Reflexes 3
Earth: 2
Fire: 3
Water: 2
Void: 3
School/Rank: Kakita Bushi 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 6.5
Advantages: Benten’s Blessing, Sacred weapon (Kakita Blade)
Disadvantages: Overconfident, Failure of Bushido (courtesy).
Kata: Striking As Wind
Skills: Battle 2, Courtier 2, Etiquette 2, Iaijutsu (focus) 3, Kenjutsu (Katana) 1,
Kyujutsu 1, Sincerity 2, tea ceremony 1

An arrogant youth and rightly so as he is an expert duelist. While he poses and does
his best to seem the stereotype of the arrogant Crane, he comes from a poor family
and was sponsored by a wise noble. For him, this is more than just a game, to
become the Topaz Champion would give him the connections he and his family

Air: 2
Earth: 2 (stamina 3)
Fire: 3
Water: 2
Void: 3
School/Rank: Mirumoto Bushi 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.5
Advantages: Clear Thinker, Sacred Weapon (Twin Sister Blades)
Disadvantages: Driven (Dueling), Haunted (by his grandfather).
Kata: Striking as void.
Skills: Defense 3, Kenjutsu (Katana) 3, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: Shugenja 1, Meditation 2,
Lore : Theology 1, Athletics 2, Iaijutsu 3

Mirumoto Otakan represents the legacy of a great duelist and will do whatever is
necessary to uphold that heritage. This is what he’s been taught and he cannot forget
it. His ancestor will not allow it. Since his aptitude with the blade became apparent,
all within his family have come to expect great things of him. Many expect him to
finally complete and perfect the style developed by his grandfather. Only he hears his
most vocal supporter. The spirit of his grandfather is an ever-present voice driving
him to his destiny. In his heart Otakan feels overburdened and uncertain that he can
accomplish his ancestor’s demands. However, there is nothing more important than
family and he will do as expected.

Air: 2
Earth: 3 Willpower 4
Fire: 2
Water: 2
Void: 2
School/Rank: Tamori Shugenja 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.5
Advantages: Elemental blessing (Earth)
Disadvantages: Elemental Imbalance (Fire: 6 Points), Antisocial (2 Points)
Kata: None
Skills: Defense 3, Divination 2, Medicine 3, Meditation 2, Lore : Theology 2, Kenjutsu
(Katana) 3, Athletics 2, Calligraphy (cipher) 2, Spellcraft 1
Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, armor of earth, courage of the seven thunders,
jade strike, Jurojin’s balm, katana of fire, fury of Osano-wo, extinguish, path to inner

A samurai does all to bring honor and glory to her clan and family. Tamori Gojinka
believes this with all her heart. However, she knows she cannot. Though a skilled
shugenja, she has found that her communion with the kami can have unexpected
consequences. It is as if the kami fight for her attention. Gojinka fears what may
happen if she were to lose control of her spellcasting. She has resigned herself to
remain quiet and unnoticed, so that she is not called upon to use her spiritual
abilities, concentrating her focus on more physical training.

Air: 2
Earth: 2 Stamina 3
Fire: 2 Agility 3
Water: 3
Void: 2
School/Rank: Akodo Bushi 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 6.5
Advantages: Paragon (courage), Strength of the Earth.
Disadvantages: Brash, Can’t Lie, Fascination (History), Idealistic
Kata: none.
Skills: Athletics 2, Battle (Mass Combat) 1, Defense 1, Heavy Weapons 1, Jiujutsu 2,
Kenjutsu 2, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: History 1, Meditation 1, sincerity 1.

Shotaka is a promising young student from the Akodo dojo at Shiro sano Ken Hayai,
the Castle of the Swift Sword. He is an odd mixture of traits, bearing the Ikoma’s
fascination for history and the Matsu’s quickness to act. His sensei believes that if he
can learn to temper the two, he will become a great leader and hero. Time will tell if
they are correct.

Air: 3
Earth: 2
Fire: 2 (intelligence 3)
Water: 3
Void: 2
School/Rank: Kitsu Shugenja 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 6.5
Advantages: Friendly Kami (water)
Disadvantages: Phobia (Insects: 1 Point)
Kata: None
Skills: Calligraphy (cipher) 2, Heavy Weapons 2, Investigation 3, Lore: Ancestors
(Lion Clan) 2, Lore: History 1, Meditation 1, Tea Ceremony 2, lore : Theology
(Shintao) 1, battle 1.
Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, path to inner peace, stand against the waves,
spirit of water, testubo of earth, tempest of air, blessed wind.

As a child, Konoko wanted to be a bushi. Her parents, horrified at the notion, sent her
to train as a shugenja. Konoko was patient and learned to do as she was told, but still
studies bushido and communicates with long-dead warriors. Her peaceful nature has
been sorely tested in the past year when several of her family were slain in the
fighting at the City of the Rich Frog. Any Unicorn who face Konoko in the
Championship will find her a most determined opponent.

Air: 2
Earth: 3
Fire: 2 Agility 3
Water: 3
Void: 2
School/Rank: Yoritomo Bushi 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 3.5
Advantages: Absolute Direction, Dangerous Beauty
Disadvantages: Idealistic, Phobia (Enclosed Spaces: 1 Point)
Kata: Striking As Earth.
Skills: Athletics (Swimming) 3, Battle 1, Commerce 1, Sailing 1, Defense 2, Kenjutsu
2, Knives (Kama) 3, jiujutsu (improvised weapons) 1

Quiet and solemn, Yuriko is not big on socializing. She is a favorite of many higher-
up scholars as she spends most of her time with them instead of the contestants.
She is willing to make friends, but people have to meet her lofty ideals before she
sees them as equals.

Air: 3
Earth: 2
Fire: 2 Intelligence 3
Water: 2 perception 3
Void: 2
School/Rank: Isawa Shugenja 1 (Air Affinity)
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.5
Advantages: Benten’s Blessing, Quick
Disadvantages: Bitter Betrothal (Otomo Courtier), Greedy, Lechery.
Kata: None
Skills: Calligraphy (cipher) 2, Courtier 2, Hunting 2, Lore: Imperial Courts 2,
Meditation 1, Medicine 2, Spellcraft (spell research) 2, Knives 1, Lore : Theology 2
Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, blessed wind, cloak of night, legacy of Kaze-no-
kami, tempest of air (innate mastery), Benten’s touch, call upon the wind, Jurojin’s
balm, extinguish, fury of Osano-wo, biting steel, bo of water, path to inner peace.

Agasha Hanori is a promising young shugenja and a darling of the courts. He has
won over many people in the Imperial City with his eagerness to please and happy
disposition, all apart from his fiancée. Otomo Umako, knowing his weaknesses for
sake, women and the high life decided to volunteer Hanori into the Championship.
Once here, he can prove himself as a worthy husband. Hanori, on the other hand,
intends to gamble, drink and socialize with the youths of many clans, possibly
competing somewhere in between those activities.

Air: 3
Earth: 2
Fire: 3
Water: 2 (perception 3)
Void: 2
School/Rank: Shiba Bushi 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 5.5
Advantages: Crafty, Precise Memory
Disadvantages: Driven (prove self to both clans), Gullible
Kata: None
Skills: Defense 3, Etiquette 1, Kenjutsu 1, Kyujutsu 2, Meditation (Void Recovery) 2,
Craft : Poison 1, Lore : Theology 1, Spears 2

The daughter of a Phoenix & Bayushi Yojimbo. Takako was raised to be a Phoenix
by her father after her mother’s death at the hands of the oni Fushin. Despite the
difference in the clans, she was raised to acknowledge both their merits and wears
her mother’s mask as a reminder of her heritage. She seems naïve, young and
impressionable, but knows far more than she lets on. Her stake in the Topaz
Championship is to prove herself to both clans and see who wants her more.

Air: 2 Reflexes 3
Earth: 2
Fire: 3
Water: 2
Void: 2
School/Rank: Bayushi Bushi 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 2.5
Advantages: Crafty, Dangerous Beauty, Voice
Disadvantages: Driven (Get Kakita Akemi back), Lost Love (Kakita Akemi), contrary.
Kata: Striking As Fire
Skills: Courtier (manipulation) 2, Defense 3, Etiquette 2, Iaijutsu 2, Investigation 2,
Kenjutsu (Katana) 2, Kyujutsu 1, Iaijutsu 1, Sincerity 2.

Denbe is kind when he needs to be but able to change attitudes at a moments’

notice. Initially he acts a little shy to befriend the other contestants but is not against
making them fight each other. His childhood sweetheart is the daughter of the
tournament’s organizer. She has been arranged to marry another Crane, but Denbe
will do whatever he can to impress Akemi and win her back.

Air: 2 Reflexes 3
Earth: 2
Fire: 2 Agility 3
Water: 2 Strength 4
Void: 2
School/Rank: Moto Bushi 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0Honor: 3.5
Advantages: Bishamon’s Blessing, Strength of the Earth
Disadvantages: Fascination (old texts), Insensitive, Wrath of the Kami (Fire)
Kata: none.
Skills: Athletics (Running) 2, Battle 1, Defense 2, Horsemanship 2, Jiujutsu 1,
Kenjutsu (Scimitar) 2, Spears 1, Hunting 1.
Xuren is the elder of his family and their best hope of gaining power in the Moto
family. He is not sure of his skills as his younger brother, Xao-Khun is superior, but
their father only wants Xuren to succeed. Xuren is more capable than he thinks, but
the constant attention of his family doesn’t help.

Air: 3 Reflexes 4
Earth: 2
Fire: 2 Agility 3
Water: 2
Void: 2
School/Rank: Usagi Bushi 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.0
Advantages: Daredevil, Quick
Disadvantages: Brash, Haunted (1 Point), Contrary.
Kata: Striking As Air.
Skills: Athletics (Running) 2, Defense 2, Jiujutsu 1, Kenjutsu 3, Lore: Kolat 1, Lore :
Maho 2, hunting 1

A spring of energy and swordplay, Kamahime cannot stop moving. Even between
contests or when relaxing, she shakes her leg nervously and has been seen arguing
with thin air. Kamahime is haunted by her very critical father who sees her as a
disappointment, rather than noticing her skill with weaponry and acrobatics. She
cannot avoid joining in arguments and giving her opinion on every topic.

Air: 2 Reflexes 3
Earth: 2
Fire: 2 Agility 3
Water: 2
Void: 2
School/Rank: Disciples of Sun Tao 1
Glory: 1.0 Status: N/A Honor: 4.5
Advantages: Quick
Disadvantages: Bad Fortune (Evil Eye), Disbeliever.
Kata: None
Skills: Athletics 1, Iaijutsu 2, Defense 1, Hunting 1, Investigation 1, Kenjutsu (Katana)
2, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: Shadowlands 1

Hazu's entire existence is one of tragic isolation. Born ronin and viewed little better
than a bandit, he must also bear the scars of his lineage. His father died defending
the heart of the Empire and his family during the fall of Otosan Uchi and the
destruction of the Yotsu Dojo. Hazu survived, rushed from the corrupted city in his
mother's arms. But, there were stories, whispers and rumors. Many believed the child
had been touched by the Shadowlands. Still, his mother was always there, to watch
over him and guide him. Then the Rain came. He watched the Blood wash over his
mother. He saw the madness overcome her as she struck down those who tried to
rescue her. Then, she left and he was alone. Hazu has nothing. He has no home, no
family, and few possessions. He does however, have his sword. It's all he needs.

Air: 2
Earth: 3
Fire: 2 Agility 3
Water: 2 Strength 3
Void: 2
School/Rank: Daigotsu Bushi 1
Glory: 0.0 Status: 0.0 (ronin) Honor: 1.5
Advantages: hands of stone, heart of vengeance (Crane)
Disadvantages: disbeliever, disturbing countenance.
Kata: None
Skills: hunting 1, intimidation 3, jiujutsu 2, kenjutsu (katana) 2, kyujutsu 1, lore :
Shadowlands 1, iaijutsu (focus) 3.

(Depending on your era, Karitsu will be a ronin or an official member of the Spider
clan). Karitsu Isn’t really here by choice. He was the only available untainted young
samourai of the Spider clan to be sent. Born of a Crane samourai who raped a
geisha, he hates his father’s clan and that what the Spider wants. He has been sent
to stir troubles among the young samourais, but not to the level of ending with lethal
duels or threats of executions.

As the Empire’s most prestigious gempukku ceremony, the Topaz Championship is
attended by numerous important personages. Typically, there are a large number of
Crane in attendance, as might be expected, but also representatives from other
Great Clans as well. In particular, the contest is of interest to those who have served
or continue to serve as sensei. This year, the following important individuals are in

Kakita Noritoshi [Kakita Bushi 5 / Kenshinzen 2] As the Kakita family daimyo and
master sensei of the Kakita Dueling Academy, the Topaz Championship falls directly
under Kakita Noritoshi’s authority. Although Noritoshi is somewhat anti-social, his
legendary skill as a duelist and sensei ensures that the Championship’s host is
treated with nothing short of respect and awe.

Miya Shoin, Imperial Herald [Miya Herald 5] The Imperial Herald is the Emperor’s
personal messenger, and responsible for the Emperor’s decrees reaching even the
most distant of his subjects. While young, Shoin is extremely devoted to his duties
and widely respected throughout the Empire. As is customary, Shoin serves as the
Master of Ceremonies for the Championship, ensuring that absolute impartiality is
shown to all contestants.

Akodo Shigetoshi [Akodo Bushi 5 / Akodo tactical master 1] The Akodo provinces are
a short distance from Crane lands and the Akodo family daimyo typically attends to
oversee the Lion’s entrants in the competition. Shigetoshi is a reclusive daimyo,
unknown to virtually everyone outside the Lion Clan. His presence at the contest
attracts attention, but he is largely unconcerned with anything beyond the Lion
contestants’ performance.

Isawa Sachi [Isawa Shugenja (Isawa Tensai : Earth) / Elemental Guard 2] The
Elemental Master of Earth is among the Phoenix Clan’s most celebrated sensei.
Sachi teaches many skills beyond those associated with his School, and finds the
competition of tremendous interest. He will gladly speak with any guests or
competitors, but politely refuses to speak to any representative from the Mantis Clan.

Mirumoto Rosanjin [Mirumoto Bushi 4 / Mirumoto Taoist Swordman 2 / Mirumoto

master sensei 1] Before he was a general and the Mirumoto family daimyo,
Mirumoto Rosanjin was a sense at Iron Mountain Dojo, the most illustrious dojo the
Mirumoto family maintains. Rosanjin is well known for his outgoing nature and his
pleasant disposition, and is the most approachable guest attending the competition.

While the characters will certainly compete against the other contestants, perhaps
even in a hostile manner, they will almost certainly come up against Juriken and his
cohorts. Although his ronin companions should be equally matched with the
characters, Juriken himself is an extremely dangerous adversary and should only be
engaged with caution. Facing him at any sort of disadvantage may well result in one
or more deaths among the characters.

Juriken, Disavowed Harrier

Air: 2 Reflexes 3
Earth: 2
Fire: 3
Water: 2
Void: 3
School/Rank : Daidoji Scout 1 / Tengoku’s justice 1
Infamy : 2,0 Status: 0.0 (ronin) Honor: 1.2
Advantages: Heart of Vengeance (Crane), Quick
Disadvantages: Black Sheep, Driven (Humiliate Crane)
Kata: Striking as Fire, Striking as Void.
Skills: Athletics 3, Battle 1, Sincerity (Deceit) 3, Defense 3, Hunting (traps) 3, Iaijutsu
2, Kenjutsu (Katana) 3, Knives 2, Kyujutsu (yumi) 2, Craft : Poison 2, Stealth
(Ambush, Sneaking) 3, Traps 3, Lore : Underworld 2, Horsemanship 1.

Daidoji Juriken was a student at Shiro Giji, the hidden dojo where the Daidoji Harriers
are trained. His skill was so impressive that his sensei broke a long-standing tradition
and allowed him to compete at the Topaz Championship. Juriken not only concealed
the rather questionable nature of his training, but competed and won the contest,
becoming the Topaz Champion four years ago.
Juriken went on to serve the Daidoji well, but two years after his appointment, he was
captured during a mission. He was immediately disavowed by the Crane and cast
out, accused of working on his own against the Scorpion. Juriken would have been
executed, but escaped. He has harbored a terrible resentment of the Crane ever
since, aghast that they would have discarded him so easily. Now he plans to
sabotage the Topaz Championship to give the Crane the disgrace they so neatly
avoided by casting him to the wolves.

<Begin Sidebar>
Juriken is a member of the Daidoji Scout school. If you do not have Great Clans,
consider that his technique grants him + 1k0 to all stealth and hunting rolls. <End

Kota, Jin, & Taka, Ronin Accomplices

Air: 2
Earth: 2
Fire: 2 Agility 3
Water: 2 Strength 3
Void: 3
School/Rank: Ronin Bushi 1
Glory: 0.0 Status: 0.0 (ronin) Honor: 1.5
Advantages: Bland, Quick Healer
Disadvantages: Failure of Bushido (courtesy), Greedy
Kata: None
Skills: Athletics 1, Defense 2, Jiujutsu 2, Kenjutsu (Katana) 2, Kyujutsu 1, Stealth 2,
Lore : Underworld 1

Although never affiliated with the Crane Clan, these three ruffians have had difficult
lives and are eager to make someone, anyone, suffer for it. Juriken’s skill and
passion has been enough to ignite their own need for vengeance, and they will do
anything to help him achieve it. If close to death, however, their conviction will likely
waver, and they may attempt to barter for their lives.
Code of Bushido, 
4th edition adaptation

Part 1 : a matter of honor

Iuchi Taiga
School / rank : Iuchi shugenja 3
Honor : 5,5 Glory : 2,0 Statut : 4,0

Fire : 2 (intelligence 3)
Air : 3 (awareness 4)
Earth : 2
Water : 4
Void : 3

Advantages : absolute direction, gaijin gear (telescope), irreproachable, social position (clan
Disadvantages : lame, weakness (strength).

Skills : battle 2, calligraphy (cipher) 1, horsemanship 1, lore : theology 3, meditation 2,

spellcraft 5, medicine (herbalism) 5, hunting 2, jiujutsu 1, etiquette 3, investigation 4, lore :
law 3, defense 5

Spells : blessed wind, by the Light of the Moon, legacy of Kaze-no-kami, call upon the wind,
courage of the seven thunders, jurojin’s balm *, be the mountain, extinguish, bo of water,
clarity of purpose, path to inner peace *, reversal of fortunes, the rushing wave, speed of the
waterfall, Inari’s blessing, rejuvenating vapors *, wave-borne speed, regrow the wound *,
silent waters, walking upon the waves, heart of the Water Dragon *, (*innate mastery).

Kihos : ride the Water Dragon.

Caravan merchants :
School / rank : none.
Honor : 2,5 Glory : 0,0 Statut : 0,1

Fire : 2
Air : 1 (awareness 3)
Earth : 2
Water : 2
Void : 1

Advantages : bland.
Disadvantages : dependant (family)

Skills : etiquette (bureaucracy) 2, lore : heraldry 1, lore : peasants superstitions 4, animal

handling (ox) 3, commerce (appraisal) 5, craft : farming 2, craft : weaving 2, stealth 3,
temptation (bribery) 2, another craft (depending the merchant) at 3 or 4.

Imperial Caravan Guards :

School / rank : Akodo bushi 1
Honor : 6,5 Glory : 1,3 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 3
Air : 2
Earth : 2
Water : 3
Void : 2

Advantages : irreproachable.
Disadvantages : phobia (3 points : ghosts).

Skills : battle (mass combat) 1, defense 3, kenjutsu 3, kyujutsu 2, lore : history 2, etiquette 3,
investigation (notice) 3, jiujutsu 1.

Katas : strike as fire.

School / rank : Shinjo bushi 3 (Shinjo scout) / East Wind 1
Honor : 6,0 Infamy : 1,0 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 2 (agility 3)
Air : 4
Earth : 4
Water : 3
Void : 3

Advantages : blackmail (Otomo Yorishiku), hero of the people, leadership, paragon

(compassion), higher purpose (build a ronin village), kharmic tie (1 rank, Kocho).
Disadvantages : dependant (Kocho, 2 points), social disadvantage (ronin), soft-hearted, sworn
enemy (Shinjo Gidayu).

Skills : athletics 4, defense 7, commerce 2, horsemanship 5, kenjutsu 5, kyujutsu 4, craft :

armorsmithing 3, jiujutsu (grappling) 4, iaijutsu (assessment) 4, spears 3, lore : bushido 3, lore
: theology 2, investigation (notice) 4, hunting (survival) 6, stealth 3, etiquette 2.

Katas : strike as void, strike as air, strike as earth, strength of the Unicorn.

School / rank : Yoritomo bushi 1 / Mantis brawler 2
Honor : 1,0 Infamy : 1,0 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 2 (intelligence 3)
Air : 3
Earth : 4
Water : 3
Void : 2

Advantages : blackmail (Otomo Yorishiku), dark paragon (determination), heartless.

Disadvantages : bad eyesight, driven (ambition), insensitive, social disadvantage (ronin).
Skills : commerce 2, defense 4, jiujutsu (improvised weapons) 6, kenjutsu 3, knives (kama) 2,
sailing 1, craft : armorsmithing 2, etiquette 1, games : fortunes and winds 4, hunting 2, iaijutsu
2, intimidation (bullying) 5, sincerity (deceit) 2, lore : underworld (ronin groups) 4, perform :
song 4, athletics 1.

Katas : strike as earth.

Ronin bandits :
School / rank : none.
Honor : 3,1 Infamy : 1,0 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 2 (agility 3)
Air : 2
Earth : 3
Water : 2 (strength 3)
Void : 2

Advantages : quick healer, irreproachable

Disadvantages : social disadvantage (ronin), failure of bushido (depends the ronin, usually
sincerity or courtesy), obtuse.

Skills : athletics 2, defense 1, hunting 3, any weapon skill at 3, animal handling (ox, horse or
dog) 2, commerce 3, one or two craft skill at 2.

Katas : none.

School / rank : self-taught shugenja 5 (affinity water, deficiency fire and air)
Honor : 3,1 Glory : 0,0 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 3 (intelligence 5)
Air : 3
Earth : 4
Water : 4
Void : 6

Advantages : higher purpose (build a ronin village), ishiken-do, prodigy.

Disadvantages : antisocial (2 points), consumed by knowledge, overconfident, social
disadvantage (ronin)

Skills : athletics 2, hunting (survival) 2, meditation (void recovery) 5, spellcraft (spell

research) 10, lore : theology (shintao) 3, lore : history 2, staves 4, calligraphy (cipher) 5,
etiquette 2, investigation (search) 3, medicine (wound treatment) 5, defense 3, horsemanship
1, stealth (spell casting) 3.

Spells : a master shugenja who made a lot of research, he has access to nearly every spell in
the corebook that he can cast.
Kihos : ride the water dragon, buoyed by the kami, song of the world, eight directions
awareness, touch the void dragon.

<Begin sidebar> Who is Koan ?

There is another Koan described in Time of the Void, and another one in the CCG. A third
one shows up in some stories of the Clans War but no-one can tell if he is the same each time.
One of them is Miyo Yoto’s friend, one of them is the one described in this scenario, one of
them is a Dragon clan shugenja who became immortal thanks to a tattoo from Togashi.
Another one, decades later, will win the tournament of Thunder and found the Order of
Heroes. I can’t tell you if they are all and the same, but as his card says it “It seems every
generation there is a ronin shugenja named Koan. I doubt he will be the last.” Up to you to
decide which Koan you want.
<End Sidebar>

School / rank : none.
Honor : 5,0 Glory : 0,0 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 3
Air : 2
Earth : 2
Water : 1 (perception 3)
Void : 2

Advantages : kharmic tie (Niban, 1 point), luck (9 points).

Disadvantages : contrary, obligation (ronin village, 3 points), social disadvantage (ronin).

Skills : acting (farmer) 3, etiquette 2, investigation (notice) 3, lore : peasants superstitions 2,

lore : heraldry 1, sincerity 3, athletics (running) 2, knives 1, craft: farming 2, stealth
(shadowing) 2, jiujutsu 1, animal handling (ox) 2, kyujutsu 1

Katas : none.

Part 2 : testimony, murder and lies.

Otomo Yorishiku
School / rank : Otomo courtier 2
Honor : 5,2 Glory : 3,0 Statut : 9,4

Fire : 2 (intelligence 4)
Air : 3 (awareness 5)
Earth : 2
Water : 2
Void : 3

Advantages : ally (Hantei XXXVIII 4/1), darling of the court (Gisu castle), social position
(Emperor’s niece), voice.
Disadvantages : dark secret (not the daughter of Tamekago), contrary, failure of bushido
Skills : courtier (manipulation) 4, defense 1, etiquette 4, intimidation (control) 3, investigation
2, sincerity (deceit) 4, lore : heraldry 2, games : sadane 3, lore : history (Hantei line) 2, lore :
law 2, perform : biwa 3, perform : dance 2, perform : oratory 3, horsemanship 3, temptation
(seduction) 4.

Katas : none.

<Begin sidebar> Otomo Yorishiku and the Scorpion clan coup.

Officially daughter of Otomo Tamekago, younger brother of Hantei XXXVIII (who trained
under Kitsuki Yasu, combining the Otomo techniques with the Kitsuki ichi-miru), and Matsu
Jiko, she was left the only heir to the Imperial Throne for many years until the birth of Hantei
Sotorrii. Her father not only removed himself from the possible heirs by taking the Otomo
name, but by joining the Togashi under the name Togashi Abekuni a couple of years ago (not
many peoples know this fact, and the Imperial Records list him as dead).
Otomo Tamekago was one of the earliest victims of the Scorpion clan coup, killed weeks
before the attack on Otosan Uchi.
<End Sidebar>

Hida Yauta
School / rank : Yasuki merchant 1
Honor : 5,5 Glory : 1,0 Statut : 2,0

Fire : 2
Air : 2
Earth : 2
Water : 3
Void : 2

Advantages : large, irreproachable, social position (Imperial Handmaiden).

Disadvantages : Benten’s curse, weakness (strength).

Skills : commerce (appraisal) 1, courtier (gossip) 3, defense 4, etiquette (conversation) 3,

intimidation 2, sincerity (deceit) 3, animal handling (falcon) 1, investigation (notice) 2, lore :
heraldry 2, perform : dance 2, jiujutsu 2, temptation (seduction) 2.

Katas : none.

Kitsu Saia
School / rank : Kitsu shugenja 1
Honor : 6,5 Glory : 1,0 Statut : 2,0

Fire : 2 (intelligence 3)
Air : 2
Earth : 2
Water : 3
Void : 2

Advantages : allies (Otomo Yorishiku 4/1), irreproachable, social position (Imperial

Disadvantages : driven (ensure Otomo Yorishiku’s well being), small, weakness (strength)
Skills : battle 1, calligraphy (cipher) 2, etiquette (conversation) 3, lore : history 4, lore :
theology 3, spellcraft 2, courtier (gossip) 3, investigation 1, lore : heraldry 1, meditation 2, tea
ceremony 2, sleight of hand 1.

Spells : by the light of the moon, legacy of kaze-no-kami, Nature’s touch, to seek the truth,
elemental ward, Jurojin’s balm*, clarity of purpose, path to inner peace *, sympathetic
energies, rejuvenating vapors *, the ties that bind (*innate mastery).

Kihos : none.

Kakita Nantoko / Yogo Bashiko

School / rank : Shosuro actor 4
Honor : 0,3 (5,3) infamy 8,0 : Statut : - 10,0

Fire : 3
Air : 4
Earth : 3
Water : 3 (strength 6)
Void : 1

Advantages : crafty, perceived honor (5 ranks), Benten’s blessing, silent.

Disadvantages : dark secret (ninja). (She had others disadvantages, but the Nothing erased

Skills : acting (geisha, artisan) 7, etiquette (conversation) 5, knives 6, meditation 4, sincerity

(deceit) 5, stealth (sneaking) 7, forgery (documents) 5, courtier (manipulation) 5, investigation
(search) 3, lore : heraldry 3, lore : underworld 3, perform : biwa 4, perform : dance 4, tea
ceremony 2, defense 7, horsemanship 3, sleight of hand (escape) 5, temptation (seduction) 6.

Katas : none.

Special abilities : Shadow rank 2 (see Enemies of the Empire page 143).
- 1st persona : Kakita Nantoko, biwa player, glory 3,0 and status 2,0 (skills : artisan :
poetry, courtier, etiquette, lore : heraldry, perform : biwa, perform : dance, sincerity).
- 2nd persona : Nanko, geisha, glory 3,0 and status – 1,0 (skills : courtier, etiquette, tea
ceremony, perform : biwa, perform : dance, perform : song, temptation).

Shinjo Iruko
School / rank : Shinjo bushi 3
Honor : 6,4 / 4,4 Glory : 2,0 Statut : 4,0 / 2,0

Fire : 3
Air : 2
Earth : 3
Water : 3
Void : 3

Advantages : dangerous beauty / Benten’s blessing, social position (clan magistrate /

Disadvantages : as needed.

Skills : athletics 3, defense 5, commerce 2, horsemanship 5, kenjutsu 5, kyujutsu 4, jiujutsu

(grappling) 4, iaijutsu (assessment) 4, lore : bushido 3, lore : theology 2, investigation (notice)
4, hunting (survival) 4, stealth 3, etiquette 3, intimidation 2, temptation (seduction) 3.

Katas : strike as fire, strike as earth, strike as void, strength of the Unicorn.

<Begin sidebar> When there are two stats listed for Iruko, choose the one will be the best to
tailor her for your PC. <End Sidebar>

Shiba Himitsu
School / rank : Shiba bushi 3
Honor : 5,5 Glory : 3,0 Statut : 6,0

Fire : 3
Air : 2
Earth : 2 (stamina 3)
Water : 3
Void : 3

Advantages : precise memory, sage, social position (provincial governor).

Disadvantages : brash, compulsion (3 points: sake), overconfident.

Skills : defense 5, kenjutsu 5, kyujutsu 3, meditation (void recovery) 3, spears 2, lore :

theology 4, etiquette 3, calligraphy (high rokuganni) 3, courtier 3, investigation 2, lore :
heraldry 1, lore : history 1, horsemanship 3, iaijutsu (assessment, focus) 5.

Katas : all he meets the requirements for.

Asako Kagetsu
School / rank : Shiba bushi 3 / Asako loremaster 2
Honor : 6,5 Glory : 3,0 Statut : 6,0

Fire : 3 (intelligence 5)
Air : 4
Earth : 3
Water : 3
Void : 4

Advantages : darling of the court (Imperial court of Otosan Uchi), paragon (courtesy), sage,
social position (provincial governor).
Disadvantages : soft-hearted.

Skills : defense 7, kenjutsu (katana) 5, kyujutsu 3, meditation (void recovery) 6, spears 1,

lore : theology (fortunes, shintao) 7, etiquette (courtesy) 6, calligraphy (high rokuganni) 3,
courtier 5, investigation (notice) 4, lore : heraldry 3, lore : history 3, horsemanship 3, iaijutsu
(assessment) 5, artisan : origami (Phoenix style) 3, perform : oratory 3, sincerity (honesty) 5.

Katas : all he meets the requirements for.

Asako Kuro
School / rank : Shiba bushi 2
Honor : 5,5 Glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 3
Air : 3
Earth : 3 (constitution 4)
Water : 2 (perception 4)
Void : 3

Advantages : quick, irreproachable.

Disadvantages : obligation (Himitsu, 3 points), idealistic.

Skills : defense 5, kenjutsu (katana) 4, kyujutsu 3, meditation (void recovery) 3, spears 3,

lore : theology 2, etiquette 3, jiujutsu 1, investigation (notice) 4, tea ceremony 1, intimidation
1, lore : heraldry 1.

Katas : strike as fire, strike as air, strike as earth, strike as void.

Hiruma Usigo
School / rank : Hiruma bushi 5 or Hiruma scout 5 (Emerald magistrate as rank 3)
Honor : 5,5 Glory : 3,0 Statut : 4,5

Fire : 3 (agility 5)
Air : 3 (reflexes 4)
Earth : 3 (willpower 4)
Water : 4 (perception 7)
Void : 2

Advantages : clear thinker, great potential (hunting), langage : ratling, social position
(Emerald magistrate).
Disadvantages : ascetic, bad eyesight, permanent wound.

Skills : athletics 7, hunting (tracking) 8, kenjutsu (katana) 7, kyujutsu 7, lore : Shadowlands

(goblin) 5, stealth (sneaking) 7, heavy weapons 5, courtier 3, etiquette (conversation) 3,
investigation (notice) 7, lore : maho 4, lore : Ratling culture 4, lore : law 3, medicine (wound
treatment) 5, battle 5, defense 5, horsemanship 3, jiujutsu (kobo-ichi-kai) 4.

Katas : strength of the Crab, strike as fire, strike as air, strike as earth, strike as water.

Isawa Uona
School / rank : Kakita artisan 2 / Isawa shugenja (air) 3 (Isawa Tensai)
Honor : 4,7 Glory : 3,0 Statut : 6,0

Fire : 3
Air : 5
Earth : 2
Water : 3
Void : 3
Advantages : allies (Isawa Eju, 4/1), Benten’s blessing, inheritance (Crane’s feather), social
position (acolyte of air), wealthy
Disadvantages : contrary, consumed by will, indifferent, true love (Kitsu Koji).

Skills : courtier (gossip) 5, games : sadane 3, etiquette (conversation) 5, sincerity 5, perform :

danse 4, perform : song 4, artisan : poetry 8, lore : elements (air) 6, calligraphy (cipher) 3,
lore: theology (fortunes) 3, medicine 3, meditation (void recovery) 4, spellcraft (importune) 5,
divination 4, investigation 3, lore : heraldry 3, lore : omens 2, tea ceremony 2, defense 4,
horsemanship 3.

Spells : as the personal student of the master of Air, she has access to any spells she wants.
She carries with her mostly court-related spells.

Kihos : riding the clouds, soul of the four winds, ride the water dragon.

Isawa Tomo
School / rank : Isawa shugenja (water) 5 (Isawa tensai) / elemental guard 1
Honor : 5,8 Glory : 6,0 Statut : 7,0

Fire : 3
Air : 3 (reflexes 5)
Earth : 3
Water : 6
Void : 5

Advantages : luck (6 points), crafty, social position (master of water).

Disadvantages : obligation (3 points, Yogo Shidachi), weakness (strength), Bishamon’s curse.

Skills : lore : elements (water) 6, calligraphy (cipher) 5, lore: theology (fortunes) 6, medicine
(herbalism) 7, meditation (void recovery) 5, spellcraft (spell research) 5, jiujutsu 2, lore :
Scorpion clan 2, sailing 2, courtier (gossip) 3, etiquette 5, investigation 3, lore : heraldry 3,
lore : history 3, battle 2, defense 7, horsemanship 3.

Spells : as the Master of Water, despite his young age, he has access to any spells he wants,
including many secrets ones.

Kihos : ride the water dragon, buoyed by the kami, chi protection, song of the world, touch
the void dragon, to the last breath.

Seppun Ryuden
School / rank : Seppun Guardsman 5
Honor : 5,5 Glory : 3,0 Statut : 6,0

Fire : 3
Air : 3
Earth : 3
Water : 3
Void : 3
Advantages : Bishamon’s blessing, strength of the earth, social position (provincial governor)
Disadvantages : brash, compulsion (sake, 4 points), failure of bushido (compassion).

Skills : battle 5, defense 5, etiquette 7, iaijutsu (assessment, focus) 7, kenjutsu (katana) 7,

kyujutsu 3, courtier 5, investigation (notice) 5, lore : history 3, lore : heraldry 3, lore : bushido
3, sincerity 5, athletics 3, horsemanship 3, hunting 3, intimidation 6.

Katas : all those he qualifies for.

<Begin Sidebar> Why Ryuden is a Seppun ?

I provide here the stats of “Ryuden” as a Seppun lord so he has full stats to simplify the life
of some GMs. His skills are general enough so that he can be modified for any bushi school
of any clan at the need of the campaign. <End Sidebar>

Part 3 : deadly ground

Mirumoto Hanzu
School / rank : Mirumoto bushi 3
Honor : 5,5 Glory : 3,0 Statut : 5,0

Fire : 3
Air : 3
Earth : 3
Water : 2
Void : 3

Advantages : luck (3 points), great potential (iaijutsu), social position (chui)

Disadvantages : driven (political power), failure of bushido (courtesy).

Skills : defense 7, iaijutsu (focus, assessment) 7, kenjutsu (katana) 7, lore : shugenja 1,

meditation 1, lore : theology 1, kyujutsu 2, courtier 3, etiquette 3, investigation (notice) 3, lore
: heraldry 2, athletics 1, battle 5, horsemanship 3.

Katas : any he qualifies for.

Shosuro Tage
School / rank : Shosuro infiltrator 3 / Shosuro actor 2
Honor : 2,4 (4,4) Glory : 4,0 Statut : 2,0

Fire : 3
Air : 3 (awareness 5)
Earth : 2
Water : 3 (perception 5)
Void : 3

Advantages : allies (Shosuro Hametsu 4/1), allies (Bayushi Kyoto 2/1), dangerous beauty,
great destiny (avatar of Selquet), heartless, perceived honor (2 ranks), social position
Disadvantages : dark secret (spy), disbeliever, failure of bushido (compassion).
Skills : acting (courtier) 9, athletics 4, ninjutsu 4, sincerity (deceit) 6, stealth (sneaking) 5,
etiquette (conversation) 5, knives 4, meditation 4, lore : literature 2, calligraphy (cipher) 5,
courtier (manipulation) 7, investigation (search) 5, lore : heraldry 3, perform : oratory 4,
defense 3, horsemanship 3, sleight of hand (conceal) 5, temptation (seduction) 5.

Special :
- 1st persona : Bayushi Nomen, courtier, glory : 1,0, status : 1,0 (skills : calligraphy, courtier,
etiquette, investigation, sincerity, temptation, lore : heraldry).

<Begin sidebar> Shosuro Tage, avatar of Selquet.

Selquet was the avatar of the Senpet (and most of the Burning Sands) sun deity, Shilah. Selqet
was also known as Punisher of the Dead, Friend to the Faithful, and Keeper of Lies. Legends
says that when the four avatars of Selquet would be reunited, they would brought the
Awakening. It happened, and they gave their mortal lives to free the Kami shinjo from the
Black Earth, a spirit-realm corrupted by the Lying Darkness.
<End sidebar.>

Acting troupe :
School / rank : Shosuro actor 2
Honor : 1,5 (3,5) Glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 2
Air : 3 (awareness 4)
Earth : 2
Water : 2 (perception 3)
Void : 3

Advantages : perceived honor (2 ranks), crafty, read lips, sensation.

Disadvantages : dark secret (spy), failure of bushido (compassion), obligation (Shosuro Tage,
6 points). Yogo Yasai has true love (Shosuro Tage) in addition and Taushui, dark fate (death
at Oblivion’s gate).

Skills : acting (emphasis according to persona) 6, etiquette 3, knives 4, meditation 1, sincerity

(deceit) 3, stealth 3, perform : oratory 3, calligraphy 1, courtier 3, investigation 1, lore :
heraldry 1, lore : underworld 1, sleight of hand 2, temptation 3.

Special :
Below I’ll be listing the persona of all the others members of Shosuro Tage’s troop. The
personas have no names on purpose so you can select one according to your needs. When I
precise female, it’s so you know the character is actually a female.

- Bayushi Gadigo, persona : Bayushi bushi, glory 1,0, statut 1,0, skills : courtier,
defense, etiquette, iaijutsu, kenjutsu, sincerity, temptation.

- Bayushi Kutsuko (female), persona : Bayushi courtier, glory 1,0, statut 1,0, skills :
calligraphy, courtier, etiquette, investigation, sincerity, temptation, lore : heraldry.

- Shosuro Aidata, persona : Soshi magistrate, glory 1,0, statut 4,0, skills : athletics,
defense, intimidation, jiujutsu, kenjutsu, lore : underworld, hunting.
- Shosuro Taushui (female), persona : geisha, glory 3,0 and status – 1,0, skills : courtier,
etiquette, tea ceremony, perform : biwa, perform : dance, perform : song, temptation.

- Yogo Yasai, persona : geisha, glory 3,0 and status – 1,0, skills : courtier, etiquette, tea
ceremony, perform : biwa, perform : dance, perform : oratory, temptation.

- Shosuro Suta, persona : farmer, glory 0,0 and status 0,0, skills : craft : brewing, craft :
farming, craft : cooking, etiquette, animal handling, commerce, sailing.

Part 4 : Imperial Histories : the battle of Nightingale village.

The official events of the scenario Code of Bushido are described in the book Way of the Wolf.
Niban kidnapped the niece of the Emperor, and a group of bold samourais saved her, but her
true lineage wasn’t revealed. Nightingale village was burned to the ground by the Phoenix
forces and all the ronins and villagers were killed. Rumours say a few villagers may have
survived, but no-one claimed this dubious honor.
The Hare clan trilogy :
1st scenario : the Hare clan

Bayushi Minikui, Yogo Atsui, Shosuro Nagai, Usagi Seiki, Usagi Muso, Bayushi Sadako,
Kochako Tomi, Soshi Hizoka, random ninjas, Usagi Koretada and Usagi Yasuko are built as
starting characters : you can use them as sample characters for your players who would be
joining the game and didn’t had their own character, you just need to remove the social
position advantage of Bayushi Sadako, Kochako Tomi and Soshi Hizoka.

Kennô, the Hare ancestral sword.

The Hare ancestral sword is a 4k3 katana that grants the following effects :
- Speed of the Hare : if the bearer is a member of the Hare Clan, the bearer is considered
to always have the Breath of Wind style kata active, but it doesn’t count as a kata (so
the bearer can still have a kata active, but this kata can never be Breath of Wind style).
- Protection against the hunter’s arrow : if the bearer is a member of the Hare clan, his
armor TN against ranged attacks is increased by 5, and the TN of all hostiles spells is
increased by 5.
- Bloodspeaker’s curse : once per round, during the reaction stage, the curse activate if
there is a Bloodspeaker in sight and involved in the skirmish. The bearer suffers 5
wounds and one bloodspeaker in sight (the one with the more wounds) heals 5
wounds. There is no visual effect to this curse.

Usagi Ozaki
School / rank : Usagi bushi 3
Glory : 4,0 Honor : 4,2 Statut :

Fire : 3 (agility 4)
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 2 (perception : 3)
Void : 3

Advantages : ancestor
(Reichin), balance, clear
thinker, daredevil, quick,
social position (Hare clan
heir), wary.
Disadvantages : idealistic,
sworn enemy (Kolat splinter

Skills : athletics (running) 3,

defense 5, hunting (tracking)
4, jiujutsu 3, kenjutsu 5, lore :
Maho 1, lore : Kolat 2,
etiquette 3, investigation 5, medicine (wound treatment) 4, battle (skirmish) 3, horsemanship
3, iaijutsu (assessment) 4.

Katas : strike as fire, strike as air, strike as void.

Ancestor : Reichin (3 points).

Reichin’s descendants have his ability to solve puzzles and detect traps. They have a + 1k1
bonus to such rolls and any void point spent for those rolls give + 2k2 instead of + 1k1.
Demands : Reichin’s curiosity affect his descendants. They are considered to have the
consumed (Knowledge) disadvantage. If they have already this disadvantage, the willpower
TN roll increase to 35.

The ogre : use the ogre stats (Corebook page 328). He has lost 20 wounds at the time the
players arrive.

Usagi Tomoe
School / rank : Kitsu shugenja 2
Honor : 6,5 glory : 1,0 Statut : 2,0

Fire : 2 (intelligence 3)
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 3
Void : 2

Advantages : balance, social position

(diplomat), Inari’s blessing.
Disadvantages : fascination (magic),
idealistic, obligation (Kitsu family, 3
points), small.

Skills : battle 1, calligraphy (cipher) 2,

etiquette 3, lore : history 3, lore : theology 3,
spellcraft 3, defense 3, courtier 3,
investigation 2, lore : Kolat 1, medicine 5,
knives 1, stealth 1.

Spells : blessed wind, by the light of the

moon, cloak of night, Benten’s touch,
courage of the seven thunders, Jurojin’s balm, bo of water, clarity of purpose, path to inner
peace *, spirit of water, cloak of the Miya *, Inari’s blessing, Rejuvenating vapors *, regrow
the wound * (* are innate mastered spells).

Kihos : ride the water dragon.


Usagi Oda :
School / rank : Usagi bushi 5 / Akodo bushi 1
Honor : 6,5 glory : 4,0 Statut : 7,5
Fire : 4
Air : 3
Earth : 3
Water : 4
Void : 4

Advantages : clear thinker, daredevil, hero of the people, paragon (compassion).

Disadvantages : bad health, dependant (Usagi Kinotu), idealistic, permanent wound.

Skills : athletics (running) 7, defense 7, hunting 5, jiujutsu (Hare style) 4, kenjutsu 6, lore :
Maho 3, etiquette 7, battle (mass combat) 3, kyujutsu 2, lore : history 2, lore : bushido 6,
courtier 3, investigation (notice) 5, horsemanship 7, iaijutsu (assessment, focus) 7, stealth 3.

Katas : strike as fire, strike as air, strike as earth, strike as water, strike as void, disappearing
world style, reckless abandon style, strength of purity style, strength of the Lion.

<Begin sidebar>
Changes from the original scenario : Oda has a second son, named Usagi Kinotu. Kinotu is 5
to 6 years old during the assault of Shiro Usagi, and disguised as an heimin child will be
sneaked out of the castle at the first duel won by the defenders by Genko, a loyal farmer of the
Hare clan( after swearing to Oda to never reveal it). In the official storyline, Ozaki won the
first duel against the Scorpion, and Oda died during the second one. <End sidebar>

Goblin spy : use the goblin sneak stats Enemies of the Empire page 223 with a skill : ride :
goblin mount of 1.
Goblin mount : use the same stats but under the effects of Goblin mount spell.

New maho spell :

Goblin mount :
Ring / mastery : water 1
Range : touch.
Area of effect : one goblin.
Duration : permanent (a second casting of the spell on the
same goblin return him to normal)
Raises : none.
This spell can only be cast by goblin shamans, but no-one
else would want to learn such a spell. The spell takes 30
minutes to be cast and slowly turn the unwilling victim
into a goblin mount. His shape change to allow a better
running on all four and his back strengthen to support the
weight of a rider. The goblin stats undergo the following
changes : water ring increase to 3 (both traits are set to 3
unless they are higher), + 1 stamina, swift + 1, intelligence
– 1. As a mount he can’t really use his hands for anything
requiring dexterity (like using a weapon) and he can’t
stand up on his feet for more than a few minutes. This spell is often used as a punishment; the
mount’s only hope to return to normal is to please the caster.

Mug and Mug

Use the ogre stats (corebook page 328) with the following modifications : reflexes 2, fire 2,
armor TN 15, initiative 3k2 and attack : club 4k3.

Ratling warriors : use the Nezumi stats (corebook page 329) for the 5 warriors and the
typical Nezumi warrior (rank 2) for their leader (Enemies of the Empire page 127).

School / rank : Kitsu shugenja 1 (IR 2)
Honor : 2,5 Infamy : 2,0 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 2
Air : 3
Earth : 2 (willpower 4)
Water : 3
Void : 3

Shadowlands taint : 2,6

Shadowlands powers and mutations : child of darkness.

Advantages : allies (Last Chance bandit group 1/1), crafty, forbidden knowledge (Maho).
Disadvantages : consumed (knowledge), failure of bushido (honor), bounty (2 points),
insensitive, social disadvantage (ronin).

Skills : battle 1, calligraphy (cipher) 2, etiquette 3, lore : history 1, lore : theology 2, spellcraft
3, defense 3, investigation 2, medicine 5, knives 1, stealth 3, lore : maho 4, lore : anatomy 2,
horsemanship 1, intimidation (torture) 2

Spells : blessed wind, by the light of the moon, cloak of night, way of deception, call upon the
wind *, hidden visage *, armor of earth, Jurojin’s balm, bo of water, clarity of purpose, path
to inner peace *, spirit of water, cloak of the Miya *, Rejuvenating vapors *, bleeding, blood
rite, blood and darkness, disrupt the limb, inspire fear, summon undead champion, curse of
weakness, pain, summon oni. (* are innate mastered spells).

Special : Masago summoned and gave her name to the oni now known as the Lady of Black
Hands. She now bears an oni mark (see summon oni, corebook page 273) and rolls willpower
+ 6k2 to resist having her name stolen.

Goblin chucker : use the stats of the Goblin chucker (Enemies of the Empire page 221)
Goblin skirmisher : use the stats of the Goblin (Corebook page 327)

Goblin woman :
Air 1 Earth 2 Fire 1 Water 1
Taint Rank: 2
Initiative: 2k1
Attack: club 2k1 (complex)
Damage: 2k1
Armor TN: 10
Reduction: 1
Wounds: 3 : + 5; 6: +10; 9 : dead.
Skills: etiquette : goblin (complaint) 5, craft : cooking 2
Special Abilities: swift 1

Goblin brats :
Air 1 Earth 1 Fire 1 Water 1
Taint Rank: 2
Initiative: 1k1
Attack: stick and stone 1k1 (complex)
Damage: 2k1
Armor TN: 10
Reduction: 1
Wounds: 3: +10; 6: dead.
Special Abilities: swift 1

Big Stick : uses the goblin warmonger stats (Enemies of the Empire p 223)

The Exalted Ugu :

Air 1 (reflexes 2) Earth 3 Fire 3 Water 2
Taint Rank: 4
Initiative: 3k2
Attack: 3k2 (Hare clan sword, complex)
Damage: 6k3
Armor TN: 20
Reduction: 4
Wounds: 12 : + 5; 24 : dead.
Skills: craft : magic mud 3, hunting (survival) 1, intimidation (bullying) 2, lore : maho 2,
lore : shadowlands 4, medicine (goblin, herbalism) 2, spellcraft 2, stealth 2
Special Abilities:
- Swift 2
- Spellcaster : can cast maho spells as though it possesses insight rank 1.
- Spell list : goblin mount, bleeding, blood rite, written in blood, pain.
- Can summon two vengeful ghosts.

When he reaches the + 5 wound level, he will beg for his life.

Two vengeful ghosts :

Air 2 Earth 4 Fire 3 Water 3
Initiative: 3k2
Attack: 5k3 (spirit sword, complex)
Damage: 6k1
Armor TN: 15
Reduction: 4
Wounds: 20 : +5 ; 40 : +10; 60 : +15; 80 : vanished.
Skills: athletics (running) 1, defense 3, hunting 3, jiujutsu 1, kenjutsu 3, lore : maho 1, lore :
history (Hare clan) 2
Special Abilities:
- Fear 2
- Immortality : those yorei cannot be actually killed, and if their physical form is des-
troyed, they’ll reform later on. The only way to actually destroy them is to settle the
reason they are still in the mortal world.
- Spirit
- Superior invulnerability : they are immune to all illusion spells and to all spells, skills
and techniques which affect the mind or thoughts.
- Vulnerability : weapons covered in human blood will inflict normal damage, ignoring
the spirit trait and the reduction. An intelligence + lore : ghosts TN 15 will allow a
player to remember it. It can also be done with lore : shugenja or lore : spirit realms
but the TN increase to 20.

Bayushi Minikui
School / rank : Bayushi bushi 1
Honor : 2,5 glory : 1,0 Statut : 2,0

Fire : 3
Air : 2
Earth : 2
Water : 2
Void : 3

Advantages : crafty, dangerous beauty, luck, social position (gunso)

Disadvantages : disbeliever , failure of bushido (courage), overconfident.

Skills : courtier (manipulation) 2, defense 2, etiquette 1, iaijutsu (assessment, focus) 3,

kenjutsu 3, sincerity 1, battle 1, investigation 1, horsemanship 1, lore : heraldry 1, craft :
poison 1.

Katas : none.
Equipment : light armor, daisho.

Yogo Atsui
School / rank : Bayushi bushi 1
Honor : 2,5 glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 3
Air : 2
Earth : 3
Water : 2
Void : 2

Advantages : heartless, dark paragon (determination), strength of the earth.

Disadvantages : bad eyesight, disturbing countenance, failure of bushido (courtesy).

Skills : courtier (manipulation) 1, defense 1, etiquette, iaijutsu 2, kenjutsu 3, sincerity 1, battle

1, investigation 1, lore : heraldry 1, intimidation 3

Katas : none.
Equipment : heavy armor, daisho.
Shosuro Nagai
School / rank : Bayushi bushi 1
Honor : 2,5 glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 3
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 2
Void : 2

Advantages : crab hands, quick, Bishamon’s blessing.

Disadvantages : failure of bushido (compassion), insensitive, cursed by the realm (gaki-do).

Skills : courtier (manipulation) 1, defense 3, etiquette 1, iaijutsu 1, kenjutsu 1, sincerity 1,

battle 1, polearms 3, lore : heraldry 1, investigation 1

Katas : none.
Equipment : daisho, naginata, light armor.

Usagi Seiki
School / rank : Usagi bushi 1
Honor : 4,0 glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 2 (agility 3)
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 2
Void : 2

Advantages : large, Bishamon’s blessing, strength of the earth.

Disadvantages : brash, compulsion (opium, 4 points), wrath of the kami (air).

Skills : athletics (running) 1, defense 3, hunting 1, jiujutsu 1, kenjutsu 3, lore : maho 1,

investigation 1, stealth (shadowing) 2.

Katas : none.
Equipment : light armor, daisho.

Usagi Takeshi
School / rank : Usagi bushi 3
Honor : 5,5 glory : 3,0 Statut : 6,0

Fire : 3 (agility 4)
Air : 3
Earth : 3
Water : 3
Void : 3

Advantages : irreproachable, leadership, luck (6 points).

Disadvantages : antisocial (2 points), idealistic, Benten’s curse.

Skills : athletics (running) 1, defense 7, hunting 4, jiujutsu 3, kenjutsu 5, lore : maho 2,

investigation (notice) 5, courtier 3, etiquette 5, lore : heraldry 3, battle 5, horsemanship 3,
iaijutsu (assessment, focus) 5.

Katas : strike as air, strike as earth, strike as fire, strike as void.

Equipment : heavy armor, daisho.

<Begin sidebar>
Since Oda has been ranked up to rank 3, here is an additional rank 1 Usagi bushi. Muso
shows up in the Haunting of Shiro Usagi as the leader of the Usagi ronins protecting the
ruins of the castle. He is a friendly and open fellow, and physically strong.<End sidebar>

Usagi Muso
School / rank : Usagi bushi 1
Honor : 5,0 Glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 2 (agility 3)
Air : 2 (awareness 3)
Earth : 2
Water : 2 (strength 3)
Void : 2

Advantages : quick, way of the land (Hare provinces).

Disadvantages : can’t lie, doubt (investigation), idealistic, phobia (snakes, 2 points).

Skills : athletics (running) 1, defense 1, hunting 1, jiujutsu 1, kenjutsu 3, lore : maho 1,

investigation 1, animal handling 1, kyujutsu 1, iaijutsu (assessment) 3.

Katas : none.
Equipment : light armor, daisho.

Bayushi Sadako
School / rank : Bayushi bushi 1
Honor : 3,5 glory : 3,0 Statut : 3,0

Fire : 3
Air : 2 (reflexes 3)
Earth : 2 (willpower 3)
Water : 2
Void : 2

Advantages : great potential (iaijutsu), social position (gunso), sacred weapon (Shosuro
Disadvantages : bad health, consumed by insight (iaijutsu), failure of bushido (compassion).

Skills : courtier (manipulation) 1, defense 1, etiquette 1, iaijutsu (assessment) 3, kenjutsu 1,

sincerity 1, battle 3, craft : poison 1, lore : heraldry 1.
Katas : none.
Equipment : light armor, daisho (including a Shosuro blade), fial of fire biter (Corebook page

Bayushi Tomi of house Kochako

School / rank : Soshi magistrate 1
Honor : 2,5 glory : 3,0 Statut : 3,0

Fire : 2 (agility 4)
Air : 2 (reflexes 3)
Earth : 2
Water : 2 (strength 3)
Void : 2

Advantages : hands of stone, large, social position (gunso).

Disadvantages : antisocial (4 points), brash, failure of bushido (honesty).

Skills : athletics 1, defense 1, intimidation (control) 2, jiujutsu 3, kenjutsu 3, lore : underworld

1, battle 2, craft : poison 1.

Katas : none.
Equipment : heavy armor, daisho, fial of night milk (Corebook page 333).

Soshi Hizoka
School / rank : Soshi shugenja 1
Honor : glory : Statut :

Fire : 3
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 2
Void : 2

Advantages : crafty, social position (gunso), voice.

Disadvantages : insensitive, overconfident, wrath of the kami (fire).

Skills : calligraphy (cipher) 1, courtier 3, etiquette 1, lore : theology 1, spellcraft 1, stealth 1,

kenjutsu 2, defense 1, iaijutsu (assessment) 3, battle 2, craft : poison 1.

Spells : path to inner peace, tempest of air, yari of air, mists of illusion, biting steel, fires of
Equipement : light armor, daisho, fial of night milk (Corebook page 333).

Random ninjas (stats working for ninja #1 and #2)

School / rank : Shosuro infiltrator 1
Honor : 1,5 glory : 1,0 (as his secret identity of a bushi) / Infamy : 8,0 Statut : 1,0 (as his
secret identity of a bushi) / - 10,0

Fire : 2 (agility 3)
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 2
Void : 3

Advantages : crafty, irreproachable, silent.

Disadvantages : dark secret (ninja), failure of bushido (compassion), insensitive.

Skills : acting 2, athletics, ninjutsu 3, sincerity, stealth (sneaking) 3, kenjutsu 2, investigation,


Katas : none.

Usagi Koretada
School / rank : Kitsu shugenja 1
Honor : 6,5 glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 2
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 3
Void : 2

Advantages : different school (Kitsu shugenja), luck (3 points), soul of artistry (craft).
Disadvantages : frail mind, soft-hearted, weakness (strength).

Skills : battle 1, calligraphy (cipher) 1, etiquette 2, lore : history 1, lore : theology 2, spellcraft
2, defense 1, lore : maho 1, medicine 3, investigation 1.

Spells : Jurojin’s balm, blessed wind, by the light of the moon, path to inner peace, cloak of
the Miya, clarity of purpose.

Usagi Yasuko
School / rank : Kitsu shugenja 1
Honor : 6,5 glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 2
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 3
Void : 2

Advantages : different school (Kitsu shugenja), luck (3 points), soul of artistry (artisan).
Disadvantages : compulsion (eating, 2 points), soft-hearted, weakness (strength).

Skills : battle 1, calligraphy (cipher) 1, etiquette 2, lore : history 1, lore : theology 2, spellcraft
2, defense 1, lore : maho 1, medicine 3, investigation 1.

Spells : Jurojin’s balm, blessed wind, by the light of the moon, path to inner peace, cloak of
the Miya, ebbing strength.
<Begin Sidebar>
Bayushi Tomaru’s stats are provided in case someone want to face him, assassinate him or
just for the Mass battle rolls. I added his Clan War Miniature Game bio.
Tomaru, son of a Bayushi geisha, was adopted into the Scorpion noble family at a young age,
trained in the arts of battle and taught Scorpion cunning. After the Coup struck down those of
his family who had claimed Otosan Uchi, Tomaru gathered what remained of the Scorpion
house Guard and fled to the secret labyrinths beneath Kyuden Bayushi - waiting for the time
when he could at last destroy those who thought to end the Bayushi name. <End sidebar>

Bayushi Tomaru :
School / rank : Bayushi Bushi 5

Fire : 4
Air : 3
Water : 4
Earth : 3
Void : 3

Infamy 4,0 Status : 6,2 Honneur : 2,5

Advantages : absolute direction, ally (Bayushi House Guard, 2/4), crafty, dark paragon
(determination), leadership, quick, strength of the earth, tactician.
Disadvantages : disbeliever, insensitive, overconfident.

Skills : courtier (manipulation) 6, defense 5, etiquette 3, iaijutsu 5, kenjutsu (katana) 5,

sincerity (deceit) 5, investigation 3, lore : underworld 5, battle (mass battle) 7, horsemanship
3, hunting 3, polearms 5, forgery (documents, personal seals) 5, intimidation (bullying,
control) 8, stealth 5.

Katas : strike as fire, strike as air, strike as water, strike as earth, strike as void, breath of the
wind style, hidden blade style, veiled menace style, strength of the Scorpion.
Second scenario :
The Haunting of Usagi Castle :
<Begin sidebar> Ozaki isn’t in the second scenario but I’m giving his stats if players want to
contact him. <End sidebar>

Usagi Ozaki
School / rank : Usagi bushi 4
Infamy 4,0 Honor : 4,2 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 3 (agility 4)
Air : 4
Earth : 2
Water : 2 (perception : 3)
Void : 3

Advantages : ancestor (Reichin), balance, clear thinker, daredevil, forbidden knowledge

(Kolat, Maho), quick, sacred weapon (ancestral sword of the Hare), wary.
Disadvantages : bad eyesight, bounty (6 points), driven (to avenge his clan, find his sister),
haunted (by Usagi Oda), social disadvantage (ronin), sworn enemy (Kolat splinter group).

Skills : athletics (running) 5, defense 5, hunting (tracking) 4, jiujutsu (improvised weapons)3,

kenjutsu 5, lore : Maho 1, lore : Kolat 2, etiquette 5, investigation 6, medicine (wound
treatment) 5, sincerity (deceit) 3, battle (skirmish) 3, horsemanship 3, iaijutsu (assessment) 4.

Katas : strike as fire, strike as air, strike as void, strike as earth.

Asako Moharu
School / rank : Isawa shugenja (water) 3 (IR 4 : she is waiting to be allowed into the Asako
Inquisitor advanced school).
Honor : 5,5 glory : 2,0 Statut : 4,0

Fire : 3
Air : 3
Earth : 2 (willpower 3)
Water : 4
Void : 3

Advantages : allies (Asako Inquisitors 4/2), forbidden knowledge (maho), irreproachable,

sacred weapon (Inquisitor’s strike).
Disadvantages : consumed by knowledge, driven (to bring justice), soft-hearted, weakness

Skills : calligraphy (cipher) 5, lore : theology 2, lore : maho 3, medicine 3, meditation 2,

spellcraft 5, courtier 3, etiquette (bureaucracy) 3, investigation (interrogation) 4, lore : law 5,
lore : shugenja 4, horsemanship 3.

Spells : blessed wind, by the light of the moon, to seek the truth, Benten’s touch, secrets of
the wind, whispering wind, armor of earth, courage of the seven thunders, earth’s stagnation,
earth’s touch, elemental ward, jade strike, Jurojin’s balm, minor binding, hands of clay,
earth’s protection, purge the taint, strength of the crow *, extinguish, hurried steps *, bo of
water, clarity of purpose, path to inner peace *, reflections of Pan’ku, reversal of fortunes,
spirit of battle, cloak of the Miya *, reflective pool; rejuvenating vapors *, the ties that bind,
wisdow and clarity, near to ice, regrow the wound *, silent waters, visions of the future, water
kami’s blessing, dominion of Suitengu, heart of the water dragon, symbol of water. (* are
innate mastered spells).

Kihos : buoyed by the kami, ride the water dragon, song of the world.

(Usagi) Muso
School / rank : Usagi bushi 2
Honor : 5,0 Infamy : 2,0 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 2 (agility 3)
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 3
Void : 3

Advantages : quick, way of the land (Hare provinces).

Disadvantages : can’t lie, doubt (investigation), idealistic, phobia (snakes, 2 points).

Skills : athletics (running) 1, defense 3, hunting 4, jiujutsu (Hare style) 5, kenjutsu 3, lore :
maho 1, investigation 3, animal handling (ox) 4, kyujutsu 2, iaijutsu (assessment) 3, stealth 2.

Katas : strike as air, strike as void.

Equipment : light armor, daisho.

Soshi Sanru
School / rank : Soshi shugenja 2
Honor : 1,5 Infamy : 1,0 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 2 (intelligence 3)
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 2
Void : 3

Shadowlands taint : 1,1

Advantages : bland, crafty, forbidden knowledge (Maho), read lips.

Disadvantages : cursed by the realm (Jigoku), driven (avenge the Scorpion clan), dark secret
(maho-tsukai), small, social disadvantage (ronin).

Skills : calligraphy (cipher) 1, courtier 1, etiquette 1, lore : theology 1, spellcraft 3, stealth 3,

lore : law 1, lore : ghosts 2, lore : maho 2, knives 3, craft : poison 3, investigation 1, sincerity
(deceit) 3, defense 1, horsemanship 1, intimidation (torture) 2.

Spells : blessed wind*, by the light of the moon, cloak of night*, legacy of Kaze-no-kami,
tempest of air*, token of memory, way of deception, yari of air, Benten’s touch, hidden
visage*, the kami’s whisper, mists of illusion, secrets on the wind*, essence of air, the eye
shall not see, mask of wind*, summon fog *, armor of earth, elemental ward, jade strike,
Jurojin’s balm, grasp of earth, earth’s protection, extinguish, clarity of purpose, path to inner
peace*, cloak of the Miya, Inari’s blessing, rejuvenating vapors*, bleeding, blood and
darkness, inspire fear, sinful dreams.(* are innate mastered spells).

Kihos : song of the world.

Equipment : ashigaru armor, tanto with night milk poison, fial of night milk (Corebook page

Scorpion clan ronins

School / rank : Bayushi bushi 1
Honor : 1,5 Infamy : 1,0 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 3
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 2
Void : 2

Advantages : crafty, dark paragon (will), silent

Disadvantages : driven (to avenge the Scorpion clan), failure of bushido (honesty), social
disadvantage (ronin).

Skills : courtier (manipulation) 1, defense 3, etiquette 3, iaijutsu 3, kenjutsu 3, sincerity 3,

stealth 3, investigation (search) 2, lore : underworld 2, hunting 2, horsemanship 1.

Katas : strike as air, strike as fire, strength of the scorpion, breath of the wind style.
3rd scenario :
Bells of the Dead :
Usagi Ozaki
School / rank : Usagi bushi 5
Infamy 4,0 Honor : 4,2 Statut : 0,0 (ronin)

Fire : 3 (agility 4)
Air : 5
Earth : 3
Water : 3
Void : 3

Advantages : ancestor (Reichin), balance, clear thinker, daredevil, forbidden knowledge

(Kolat, Maho), quick, sacred weapon (ancestral sword of the Hare), wary.
Disadvantages : bad eyesight, driven (to avenge his clan, find his sister), haunted (by Usagi
Oda), bounty (6 points), social disadvantage (ronin), sworn enemy (Kolat splinter group).

Skills : athletics (running) 5, defense 5, hunting (tracking) 4, jiujutsu (improvised weapons) 3,

kenjutsu 5, lore : Maho 2, lore : Kolat 2, etiquette 5, investigation 7, medicine (wound
treatment) 5, sincerity (deceit) 5, spellcraft (maho) 1, battle (skirmish) 3, horsemanship 3,
iaijutsu (assessment) 4, knives 1, sleight of hand (escape) 4, stealth (shadowing) 3.

Katas : strike as fire, strike as air, strike as void, strike as earth.

Miya Sasami
School / rank : Miya Herald 2 (imperial explorer)
Honor : 5,5 glory : 2,0 Statut : 2,0

Fire : 2 (intelligence 3)
Air : 3
Earth : 2
Water : 2 (perception 3)
Void : 3

Advantages : absolute direction, great potential (lore : cartography), social position (Imperial
cartographer), way of the land (Three men alliance, Crab provinces).
Disadvantages : small, soft-hearted.

Skills : courtier (rhetoric) 3, defence 3, etiquette (courtesy) 3, horsemanship 1, lore : heraldry

4, sincerity 1, lore : cartography 4, tea ceremony 1

Katas : none

Bayushi Tomaru :
School / rank : Bayushi Bushi 5

Fire : 4
Air : 3
Water : 4
Earth : 3
Void : 3

Infamy 5,0 Status : 0,0 (ronin) Honneur : 2,5

Advantages : absolute direction, ally (Bayushi House Guard, 2/4), crafty, dark paragon
(determination), leadership, quick, strength of the earth, tactician.
Disadvantages : disbeliever, insensitive, overconfident, obligation : Kolat (4 points).

Skills : courtier (manipulation) 6, defense 5, etiquette 3, iaijutsu 5, kenjutsu (katana) 7,

sincerity (deceit) 5, investigation 3, lore : underworld 5, battle (mass battle) 8, horsemanship
3, hunting 5, polearms 5, forgery (documents, personal seals) 5, intimidation (bullying,
control) 10, stealth 5.

Katas : strike as fire, strike as air, strike as water, strike as earth, strike as void, breath of the
wind style, hidden blade style, veiled menace style, strength of the Scorpion.

School / rank : Kasuga smuggler 1 / Mantis brawler 1 / forest killer 1
Honor : 0,5 infamy: 1,0 Statut : 0,0

Fire : 2 (agility 4)
Air : 2
Earth : 4
Water : 3 (strength 5)
Void : 2

Advantages : crafty, hands of stone, immortal (see description), large, quick.

Disadvantages : antisocial (2 points), dark secret (immortality), disturbing countenance, frail
mind, greedy, obligation (Dajan and Nakiro, 6 points), overconfident, weakness (perception).

Skills : commerce 3, etiquette 1, investigation (notice) 4, lore : underworld 6, sincerity

(deceit) 3, stealth (ambush) 4, athletics 1, intimidation (bullying) 4, jiujutsu 5, knives 2,
sailing 1, kenjutsu (parangu) 7, defense 5, hunting 2, kyujutsu 1.

Katas : strike as earth.

Yasuki Garou
School / rank : kuni shugenja 2
Honor : 5,5 glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 3
Air : 2 (awareness 3)
Earth : 3
Water : 3
Void : 3

Advantages : ally (ratling tribe 2/4), clear thinker, language (Nezumi).

Disadvantages : lechery, unlucky (4 points) .
Skills : calligraphy (cipher) 2, defense 3, lore : shadowlands 5, lore : theology 2, spellcraft 2,
kenjutsu 1, artisan : poetry 3, medicine 3, meditation 1, heavy weapons 1, etiquette 1,
investigation 1, lore : ghosts 2.

Spells : sense, summon, commune, by the light of the moon, blessed wind, armor of earth *,
courage of the seven thunders, earth’s touch, jade strike, Jurojin’s balm *, testubo of earth *,
be the mountain, force of will, grasp of the earth, earth kami’s blessing, biting steel,
extinguish, fires of purity, fury of Osano-wo *, the path to inner peace *
* innate mastery spells.

Yasuki Taka : his stats can be found page 28 of The Great Clans.

Yasuki Taka’s guards

School / rank : Hida pragmatist 3

Honor : 3,5 glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0

Fire : 2 (agility 3)
Air : 2 (reflexes 3)
Earth : 4
Water : 3
Void : 3

Advantages : allies (Yasuki Taka 4/1), large, strength of the earth.

Disadvantages : antisocial (2 points), compulsion (sake, 2 points), obtuse.

Skills : athletics3, defense 7, heavy weapons (tetsubo) 3, intimidation (bullying) 4, kenjutsu 2,

lore : shadowlands 2, jiujutsu (improvised weapons) 5, etiquette 3, investigation (notice) 4,
lore : underworld 1, games : drinking contest 4, horsemanship 3, sailing 3

Katas : strike as earth, strike as void, iron in the mountains style, strength of the crab.

Kitsune Hamato
School / rank : Kitsune shugenja 3
Honor : 1,2 (4,2) glory : 1,0 Statut : 1,0
Shadowlands taint : 2,1
Shadowlands powers and mutations : blessing of the dark one.

Fire : 3
Air : 3
Earth : 4
Water : 3
Void : 3

Advantages : shadowed heart, forbidden knowledge (Maho), heart of vengeance (Hare clan),
perceived honor (3 ranks)
Disadvantages : dark secret (Kolat), disbeliever, failure of bushido (courage), small.

Skills : calligraphy (cipher) 4, defense 2, hunting 1, medicine (herbalism) 3, meditation 1,

spellcraft 4, kenjutsu 1, lore : maho 6, sailing 2, sincerity (deceit) 5, kyujutsu 1, etiquette 3,
stealth (spell casting) 5.

Spells : bleeding, blood rite, disrupt the limb, sinful dreams, summon undead champion,
sense, summon, commune, by the light of the moon, cloak of night, armor of earth *, courage
of the seven thunders, earth’s stagnation, earth’s touch, elemental ward, jade strike *, jurojin’s
balm *, minor binding *, be the mountain, force of will, the mountain’s feet, bonds of ningen-
do *, earth’s protection, sharing the strength of many, armor of the emperor, wall of earth,
biting steel, extinguish, fury of Osano-wo, katana of fire, clarity of purpose, path to inner
peace *, inari’s blessing, rejuvenating vapors *.

Kihos : cleansing spirit, earth need no eyes.

Rioter : use the average villager stats (game master’s screen and adventure page 17)

Spirit of the Naginata : use the shutsudohin stats (Enemies of the Empire p 255)

Tea drinking ghosts : use the Gaki, Gakimushi stats (Enemies of the Empire p 274) but
trade the poisonous stinger for blood drinking (heals as much wounds as they inflict damage,
up to 6 wounds per attack).

Shimushigaki (in the body of Asako Nariko)

Fire : 4 Initiative : 6k3

Air : 3 Attack : 6k4 (simple)
Earth : 5 Damage : 5g2
Water : 5 Armor TN : 25
Void : 0 Reduction : 10 (5 against jade and crystal)
Wounds : 90 / dead.

Advantages : touch of the spirit realms (Gaki-do), forbidden lore (Maho).

Disadvantages : overconfident.

Shadowlands taint : 7,0

Skills : calligraphy (cipher) 3, hunting 3, lore : maho 8, lore : shadowlands 6, spellecraft

(maho) 5, stealth (spellcasting) 6, lore : bloodspeaker cult 9, intimidation (control) 7.

Abilities : fear 6, blood drinking (like the blood drinking ability of the tea drinking ghosts, but
up to 10 wounds), life drain (if the touch of the spirit realms advantage activate, the
shimushigaki’s earth rank increase by 1 permanently), disease (if a character’s wound level
reach down or out in the presence of the Shimushigaki or a character who is linked to him like
Koda, the shimushigaki can induce a disease in the target. Use the diseased touch of the
Shikko-gaki, Enemies of the Empire p 375. The only way to heal it is to hear the Bells of the
Dead), oni binding (the Shimushigaki can cast summon oni like a chuda shugenja rank 3, and
see through the eyes of each oni he summoned), invulnerability, weakness (no change from
the original scenario), possession (no change from the original scenario), huge, undead and

Daidoji Dajan
School / rank : Daidoji Iron Warrior 3 / Kolat assassin 1
Honor : 2,3 glory : 2,0 Statut : 1,5

Fire : 3 (agility 4)
Air : 4
Earth : 4
Water : 2 (perception 3)
Void : 2

Advantages : blackmail (a couple of peoples), crafty, dark paragon (insight), forbidden

knowledge (Kolat, Maho), shadowed heart, spy network, strength of the earth.
Disadvantages : dark secret (Kolat), disbeliever, driven (to gain personal power), sworn
enemy (Kolat organisation).

Skills : battle 2, defense 6, iaijutsu (focus) 5, kenjutsu (katana) 7, kyujutsu 2, commerce 3,

lore : ghosts 4, lore : Kolat 4, lore : maho 2, stealth 5, lore : law 1, intimidation (control) 4,
sincerity (deceit) 5, knives 5, etiquette 3, investigation (search) 3, acting 5

Katas : strike as fire, strike as air, strike as earth, iron forest style, iron in the mountains style,
strength of the cane.

Equipment : he carries a Kaiu blade which he covers with Night milk (see corebook page 333)
and an heavy armor during most fights.

Asako Nariko
School / rank : Isawa shugenja (air) 4
Honor : 0,2 infamy : 8,0 Statut : - 5,0
Shadowlands taint : 4,9
Shadowlands powers and mutations : blessing of the dark one, undead visage, discoloured
skin, master of shadows, unholy stamina, father of lies.

Fire : 3 (intelligence 4)
Air : 3
Earth : 5
Water : 2 (perception 3)
Void : 0

Advantages : clear thinker, elemental blessing (earth), forbidden knowledge (maho), touch of
the spirit realm (Gaki-do).
Disadvantages : antisocial (4 points), consumed by knowledge, dark secret (Kolat), unlucky (2

Skills : calligraphy (cipher) 7, lore : theology 6, lore : maho 8, medicine (wound treatment) 5,
spellcraft 8, courtier 3, etiquette 3, investigation (interrogation) 5, defense 8, horsemanship 3,
knives 4, intimidation (torture) 6, stealth (spell casting) 3, lore : law 4, lore : shugenja 3,
jiujutsu (atemi) 5

Spells : a talented inquisitor and possessed by a powerful spirit who can teach maho, Nakiro
has access to nearly every spell he can cast from the rulebook.
Kihos : cleansing spirit, earth need no eyes, rest my brother.

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