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Exam - Revolutions


Key concept: Change

Related Concepts: Causality & Power

Global Context: Orientation in Space and Time

Statement of Inquiry: At different times and locations, societies can experience revolutionary change, due to a
variety of causes and often with long lasting consequences.

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding

Criterion D: Thinking Critically

To Know

- The definition of a revolution

- The causes and effects of the French Revolution and one other revolution of choice
- The difference between long-term, short-term causes and a trigger
- The difference between civil war, an uprising, a coup d’état, a revolt, a protest or demonstration.
- The four characteristics of a revolution: dissent elites; mass frustration; shared motivation;
state/political crises

To Understand
- The difference between a revolution and other uprisings
- The concept of power
- Causality (cause and effect)
- The existence of different perspectives when studying the past

To Do
- Make arguments
- Create connections
- Compare and Contrast
- Apply the concepts: Change; Power; Causality

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